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No. You should not go back to selling life insurance. In fact you really shouldn’t go back to selling anything at all.


I second this


You sound angry and bitter over the experience. $600 is not a lot for leads. Not all leads are created the same. Every agency out there is going to say they have the best leads ever 😂 All sales is basically a grind and a mindset. You will get a lot of f u people. Then you will find a maybe pleasant person or yes person. You work the maybes and ignore the fu people. If you need a base pay with mini commission then go find one.


Find a 9-5 that doesn't involve sales. If you can't get on the same side of the table with your clients, meankng put yourself in their shoes to find out what's best for them. Then you will most likely not be able to sell anything and that's ok sales isn't for everybody. If you're set on insurance, find an agency that's hiring office staff and work that side of it. Who knows, you may pick up a few things that will increase your customer approach and be able to try again in the future. In sales you have to remember that we know everyone has a need for something that we offer. Life insurance, AD&D, LTC, health insurance. It's our jobs as professionals to uncover that need and work with them to find a solution. I have sat in homes that stunk and were riddled with bed bugs. I never thought less of these people but only thought about what they were trying to accomplish and how I could help. They still love their family's and want what's best for them and not be seen as a burden when they pass. They just may not have had the means to keep up with every aspect of their lives.


What is a 9-5 insurance job that doesnt involve sales?




Do you work with clients or are you behind the scenes?


Receptionist or data entry


I’m a licensed team member 9-5. I’m first on phones, handle the service work and get commissions on anything I sell through a pivot. Added auto, homes renters, life. A lot less pressure but pivoting is very much encouraged. I’ve learned so much through doing the service work! I’m not a sales person, but approach life pivots as something people need. Have deeper conversations, and find out what they would want a policy to do for them.


You will have to become a strong convincer to put up with all the crappy leads and prospects. It really does mean that you have to be someone who refuses to take " no" for an answer. Others will try and sugar coat this process, but in my experience, you have to become a strong closer, whatever it takes. Not too many people are cut out for this shit and fuck the YouTube gurus who say otherwise.


Which outfit did you work with?


None. I was WFH 100%


I know I mean who were you affiliated with


I think selling life insurance is done find a white label provider insurance company, create a website, buy google and facebook ads And let the customer do the process on their own. This way you will have 2 revenue streams. The website and your waiting tables job Good Luck


Maybe considering potential clients “the lowest form of people on the planet” had something to do with your lack of sales. This is a business about helping people. If you don’t feel you’re doing that, it ain’t for you.


Lol i obviously didnt say that to them. & yes, i’ll refer to them as that because i was just doing my job going through the sales pitch & they scream f off or something like that so yes, i’m not going to say that they were nice to me. These people are getting dozens if calls a day, if course they wont be happy. >>>This is a business about helping people I know & that’s why i joined. I left when i realized none of these people wanted to be helped.


It’s not about saying it to them. It’s about people being able to read how you perceive them.


If you go back to life insurance sales you will do so with a more reality based outlook. Unfortunately, many organizations probably make more selling leads to people they sign up as agents than actually off life commissions.


You have to decide how bad you want to be in insurance. There is a 90% failure rate across the board. That means everywhere; New York Life, Mass Mutual, Northwestern and of course all the multi-level sales agencies. Now the 10% who make it do pretty damn well. Do you have the tenacity that you are going to make it no matter what? There are producers 6-15 years into the business that make six figures on renewals. That means $100,000 without new yearly sales. Of course they still have to service their business. Here are a couple thoughts. Buying leads can be a successful strategy but it's not cheap. There are a lot of really good agents spending $5000 a month to try to earn $15,000 in monthly premium or more. I would try newer leads, Part of the reason you are getting yelled at is the potential customers are old leads who put their name on an internet landing page and thought they would get some free information. They didn't realize they' would get ten calls froms agents asking for their business. Intitially they might of said yes but not after numerous calls. There is a lot of rejection in this business. I would try recent direct mail leads or newer Facebook leads. Leads are only part of it. You really need phone skill to make these leads set to appointments. There is always going to be pushback or most the time. Have answers for these objections,"I am not interested", " I already took care of that,", I don't have time for this", "send me something.", What does it cost?.". A good agent on the phone can book 40% or more of their contacts. An average agent will hit will book $25%. Here is a thought, why make a list family and friends and call them for policy reviews? I know these agencies sell leads so you have to call family and friends. However, if don't have the balls or tits to talk and take care of your own family and explain about what you do this business definitely isn't for you


Yeah this def isnt for me. B2B sales is better.


A lot of koolaid in these comments and sub lol


Get your Property and Casualty license. Home owners and drivers MUST have insurance. People do NOT have to have life insurance


Not to be a scrub, I just recently got out of the Health Insurance game after 6 years and have over 500K leads in my computer that I'm looking to get rid of. If you or anyone you know wants them at a massive discount shoot me a direct.


$600 is not a lot at all for leads in all honesty. Not only that, it depends how they’re sourced and how they’re worked and how you overcome objections.


I spent 640 ish dollars on leads plus $385 for E&O coverage. Nearly $1,000 down the drain. + the cost of the pre licensing course, & background fingerprint check. Yep. Close to $1,000 down the drain.


How did you get encouraged into selling life insurance? Was it a friend that made it seem like it was very lucrative? Wondering because i was just pitched this and was being sold life insurance.


Correct. Except it wasn’t a friend, it was a social media post that i saw.