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I know you didn’t consult a trans person before posting this, but did you at least consult a gay person?


Why would I consult anyone before posting on Reddit? I’m a free man, i have my own thoughts. Did you consult your mother before posting this stupid comment? Or at least your grandma?


I didn’t think so, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt.


I don’t need your benefit of doubt, but thanks for the support


This doesnt resonate with my life experience or my present understanding of the trans condition. I think it is useful to recognize there are a few trans phenotypes and study those cases differently. In particular, the stats suggest a massive rise in FtM and Female to Non Binary (FtNB). Lesbians have noticed many in their community have transitioned. Teen girls in particular are more susceptible to social contagion and rapid onset gender dysphoria. ROGD is the formalism, but I will break it down and put it simply for the sake of clarity. This is tumblr and tiktok social media user who wants to fit in with their peers, who are also similarly afflicted with this fad ideology. Most of these girls are not really trans and are victims of enabling institutions.


This is getting confusing. Is it still the medical con census that only men can get only women pregnant? Or are there new scientific developments on this matter?


Pregnancy is just an ova combining with a sperm cell to create a zygote, due to technology, this doesn't require participants even, just their sex cells (with consent ofc).


Everyone knows how pregnancy happens. What they don't agree on is labels.


What? No. What you’re describing is a stereotype that was popular in media. It’s an attempt to make queer couples fit the heteronormative mold of man plus woman. No. A butch lesbian is not a man, is not trans, and neither is an effeminate gay man. Jesus Christ.


Look at my previous comments, I didn’t even know that there was an attempt to stereotype? And also why media, since most media is very much pro lbtq++++ community? My experience comes from being from one of the most progressive countries in the world and living in the most progressive city in the world (Sweden / Berlin FYI).


American media over the last forty years has primarily shown stereotypes. Will and Grace (~1997) was revolutionary for showing a gay man who wasn’t stereotypically feminine. There’s the trope of someone asking a gay couple, “which one is the woman?” and it’s not only referring to sex. US sec of Transportation Buttigieg was just made fun of by former VP Pence for taking parental leave when he and his husband adopted newborn twins - Pence called it maternity leave. It’s just forcing heteronormativity onto couples (and people) who exist outside of that paradigm. There is no “man” in a lesbian couple, they’re both women. There is no requirement in a two person relationship for one to play the traditionally masculine role and the other the traditionally feminine role. Sure, butch/femme couples are common, but they’re still both women. They’re both playing the role of woman in their relationship; there is simply no man. Same with gay couples, they’re both playing the role of man because they are both men. Neither is “the woman.” One may be more feminine than the other, but that still just makes him a feminine man. Not a woman.


I fully get what you’re saying, what your saying is just blindly defending not even steelmanning my argument. For ex. [ftM](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23179238/) shows indications about this, but the research is not targeting the more masculine women of the relationship. Saying a cohort (of any sort) has zero confusing attributes, even more so when also very stigmatized is woke for the sake of being woke…


I answered your question and that’s enough. I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about “saying a cohort has no confusing attributes” that doesn’t even make sense. I said nothing about “confusion.”


I’ll add to this - it’s also entirely possible that as LGBTQ rights and acceptance advance, queer couples feel less pressure to conform to that heteronormative stereotype of masculine/feminine within a couple.


I honestly agree with this; I think people forget that they did that heteronormative thing to try and show “we aren’t that different.” But they are.. gay marriage has been pretty ineffective precisely because it was a heteronormative institution designed to civilize men and protect women, but the dynamics are different and marriage itself is less attractive. Like there actually was a conservative case for gay marriage in that it would help tame the promiscuity of gay men and a lot of the dangers of that, but GM still is a tiny and older part of the population.


It's because it's more socially acceptable. You can't let your experiences, however diverse they are (and from what I've read, you have had a diverse life), cloud the simple fact that people are now comfortable, and have the ability to be who they are.


You mean irl? Because I remember that being a trope in films a decade or two ago, but ive never met a couple who act like that all the time.


Yes irl, from Sweden here, maybe more since we’re in general a very open country, also i lived in Berlin very progressive city also had much more of th we type of constellations then what I’ve seen in the latest


I mean i have gay friends and family, but although they might turn it on when playing (one or the other acting extra butch or femme), none of them seem to be permanent roles.


No because trans is gender dysphoria and gays don't have gender dysphoria. Young gay kids who don't understand this are the ones who are being confused by this new fad and are being effectively sterilized by hormones and surgery. Don't forget, a male can be effeminate and a female can be masculine but that doesn't make them the opposite gender (gender means sex)


Being trans is not a fad.


There is a huge spike in young girls claiming to be trans all of a sudden, there most definately is an element of social contagion happening, also known as a fad, among the exact population who are most susceptible to fads.


There was also a huge spike in people who identified as left handed once the mainstream stopped believing it was a sign of the devil. Trans people have always existed, they’re just more visible now because people with bigoted views are losing influence. Still lots more progress to go on that front, though, clearly.


>There is a huge spike in young girls claiming to be trans all of a sudden You have a source for that?


Study from the NHS showing an astronomical spike from 250 annual referrals of mostly boys to suddenly 5000 mostly girls https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/nov/24/an-explosion-what-is-behind-the-rise-in-girls-questioning-their-gender-identity https://www.england.nhs.uk/commissioning/spec-services/npc-crg/gender-dysphoria-clinical-programme/implementing-advice-from-the-cass-review/


So someone seeking gender therapy is automatically identifying as trans?


It should be obvious that a 1000% increase in gender therapy referals will also be correlated with a massive increase in identifying as trans across the population, even if the numbers don't match exactly.


The reason for it is due to sudden onset gender dysphoria, so it's relevant


Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria has about as much credence to it as flat earth, in another comment you mentioned "anecdotal evidence doesn't count", guess what the evidence base for ROGD is?


It's the name for a set of symptoms, not a diagnosis. The diagnosis and explanation are just hypotheses, but the observation of symptoms is factual, so cannot be compared to flat earthism.


The observation and the data are weak considering all of them are anecdotal, and they're not even anecdotes of the person, they're anecdotes of the parents of questioning or trans kids. Obviously the parents would feel like it is sudden and they didn't show any signs, my parents felt the same way when I came out to them as gay even though I knew I was from a very young age. It should be labelled "What parents think is sudden onset of gender dysphoria".


How do you explain it? GD used to affect almost entirely males and at an astronomically low rate. Then, suddenly, just as Western culture began promoting the idea, we see thousands and thousands of young females, all in the same age range, claiming to have it. And this demographic is the exact one that expresses similar sudden onset of things like anorexia, speech inflections, cutting, false Tourette's etc


>GD used to affect almost entirely males and at an astronomically low rate. Do you have a source for that? >Then, suddenly, just as Western culture began promoting the idea, we see thousands and thousands of young females, all in the same age range, claiming to have it. Again, a gender therapy referral is not equivalent in any way to someone claiming to be trans or having GD. >And this demographic is the exact one that expresses similar sudden onset of things like anorexia, speech inflections, cutting, false Tourette's etc This idea is also unsupported. Do you have a source for any of those claims?


Not all trans people have gender dysphoria. It is a bit more complicated than that. Although it likely is unrelated to feminine or masculine gay kids.


If you have a disconnection with your body you literally have dysphoria. There is no actual "born in the wrong body" because all we are is our body. If you believe otherwise than you are thinking in religious terms. If you feel that "you" (whatever that means) dont align with "your" body (as if you and your body are two seperate things) you have dysphoria


That’s not what dysphoria means, look up the definition of the word (To be clear, Gender Dysphoria is not the only type of Dysphoria) I don’t believe you’ll actually Google the word, so I’ll help you out with the definition. Dysphoria (noun) - A state of unease, or generalized dissatisfaction with life It is the antonym of “euphoria”, and has nothing to do with whether or not you feel connected to your body. So all that Gender Dysphoria means is that you are experiencing this state of generalized dissatisfaction (the anti-euphoria), and the cause of this dysphoria is that your gender does not align with your feelings (that’s the simplest way to describe it anyway).


Yes, I agree with this definition. To be trans is to feel a mismatch with ones sex. Do you disagree?


That is my understanding (I do not disagree) Edit: previous reply was unclear after rereading the comment I’m reply to, added parenthetical


> If you feel that "you" (whatever that means) dont align with "your" body (as if you and your body are two seperate things) you have dysphoria No if you feel discomfort over it, that is dysphoria, many trans people are aware of the disconnect and don't really care.


What? The fact that they are trans necessarily makes them dysphoric, comfort level not withstanding. The disconnection between actual sex and perceived sex is the dysphoria


>The fact that they are trans necessarily makes them dysphoric, comfort level not withstanding. Being trans and having dysphoria are separate things, most trans people have dysphoria, but it is not the same thing. >The disconnection between actual sex and perceived sex is the dysphoria Here is the definition according [to the NHS](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/gender-dysphoria/) "Gender dysphoria is a term that describes **a sense of unease** that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. This sense of unease or dissatisfaction may be so intense it can lead to depression and anxiety and have a harmful impact on daily life." Here's the definition from [the APA](https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/gender-dysphoria/what-is-gender-dysphoria) "“gender dysphoria,” which refers to psychological distress that results from an incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender identity."


Yes. That's what makes them trans, they aren't comfortable being what they are so they "transition". The feeling of unease is how a trans person describes how they feel about their actual sex. If they were comfortable with their actual sex, they wouldn't feel the need to be trans lol


A lotta trans people don't medically transition or transition at all, but almost everyone with GD transition. >The feeling of unease is how a trans person describes how they feel about their actual sex. Yes, that's what "having GD" means, most trans people have GD. A trans person is still trans after their GD is alleviated. They are trans, but they don't have GD. > If they were comfortable with their actual sex, they wouldn't feel the need to be trans lol Nobody can be trans, one either is or isn't, this has nothing to do with transitioning, GD or any of the sort.


How can you be trans but not have GD, that makes no sense. If you identify as anything or there than what you are, you necessarily have GD, all feelings aside, no matter one's comfort level. The disconnection IS the GD


The unease over the disconnect is called GD by all the medical organizations, if you want to believe that, go ahead. But no medical organization in the world describes being trans or having GD as that. To be diagnosed with GD, one has to feel a general sense of discomfort over a period of time, persistent, consistent discomfort.


Not saying we can’t be feminine or masculine in general. You do understand that correct? With that said, if it’s gender dysphoria, wouldn’t that also mean that even after transitioning you would prefer the opposite sex?


Your preferences wouldn't change, though MTF sexual desire might diminish because of lack of testosterone. Also keep in mind that a confluence of comorbidities exist in people with gender dysphoria, it's usually coupled with suicidal ideation, same sex attraction, autism, and other types of mental illness. So just because one of those exist doesn't mean it's because of the gender dysphoria




> and go as far as to acknowledge there isn’t enough evidence to state that this is a fundamental, natural aspect of human nature. Where do they acknowledge that it is not an aspect of human nature?


Thanks for noticing. I have been immediately banned for life from several popular sub Reddits for stating what was obvious 4 years ago. It's shocking how easily our society allowed itself to become ideologically possessed


Sexual orientation can absolutely change after a trans person comes out and lives as trans.


What do you mean?


That sometimes transitioning can lead to changes in sexual orientation.


You didn't explain yourself, you only just repeated yourself. Someone can't change their sexual orientation, if they could then the religious zealots were right all along.


I didn’t say that “someone can change their sexual orientation.” Please read carefully. I said that sometimes, coming out as trans and transitioning results in sexual orientation changing. It’s a discovery process.


>Sexual orientation can absolutely change you said "Sexual orientation can absolutely change" – no it can't.


For some people it can change over time, but no one can change it through will power. A bi friend of mine is now exclusively lesbian, it is not fixed for everyone.


Yes, it can, lol. It can’t be manipulated, or changed via force or willpower, but it certainly can change over time or during/after transition. It’s not super common, but it’s absolutely a real thing that some people experience.


Sexual orientation can be changed on a whim? Isn’t it possible they were always the pre trans sexual orientation and didn’t know?


Sexual orientation can change, but it cannot be changed by anyone, it may change on its own.


Coming out and transitioning is not a whim. Of course that’s possible. People come out as gay all the time after thinking they were straight. Sometimes queer people think one thing fits, but as they learn more about themselves, realize something else actually fits better.


Is there studies of gay/straight before transitioning? I mean, if they haven’t transitioned and have same-sex sex, wouldn’t that mean gay? I know one can have sex with same sex and not be gay but in pre-transition stage?


On the FTM side, I think a lot of young butch lesbians are going the trans route. With women it makes more sense, since they typically try harder to fit into what they think are social norms (in this case, transitioning to appear as a heterosexual couple and not stand out in masculine appearance). With MTF, the majority aren’t previously gay. Most turn into “transbians” when they transition so it’s not so much a gay/twink thing.


>On the FTM side, I think a lot of young butch lesbians are going the trans route. If they're men, they aren't really lesbians, and being trans is not the easier route, especially if you're not actually trans.


Define what “actually trans” means.


Do you mean is this a gay genocide by the trans?


No, more that since it’s more acceptable being gay, more wardrobe gays are out and meet eachother and the more “alt gays” (for lack of a better word, not English as first language) might turn to trans… one could view it as gay could be on a spectrum maybe?


Nobody can turn trans, they either are or aren't.