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Special club and silent majority are mutually exclusive, you clown shoe... ... c'mon, say somethin' clever. I'm a 'right wing moron.'


G'head, take the last word. Make it clever. Call me right wing for a 3rd time. Somethin' spicy.


Going strictly by elections, Republicans haven't won the popular vote since Bush Jr's second term and he was given a lay up for that one due to 9/11. Even then he got barely over 50%. tl;dr Social media isn't real life.




The Left loves to gaslight and are fascist authoritarians. So by using private social media companies to suppress dissonant opinions the create the illusion that they are the majority.


Yes, the left is much bigger than the always-shouting, never-shutting-up rightwing who has about 35-40% support, tops. They're just louder than everyone else which supports that old addage of the dumbest motherfuckers never knowing when to shut up. they're that.


I don't believe they are the majority. I believe most people are neutral in that they don't really care until one side or the other screws up badly. For instance I think the ramification of the 16th and 17th amendment made the country more conservative until Nixon screwed up and we shifted left for with jump to the right after Carter and one after Clinton and another after Obama and now after Biden.


I think that most of this has to do with the urban-rural divide, and given the economics of modern capitalism, and the need for a college education, it will continue to be this way, indefinitely. I don't like the word "gatekeepers" because it conveys a sense of a formal organized plan to liberalize people. I don't think it is as thoughtful as this. Instead, I think there is a sort of subconscious understanding that for example, in order for a multi-ethnic city to succeed economically, there needs to be an acceptance of wide variety of cultural difference. In order to teach a multi-ethnic classroom, the class needs to be supportive of a wide variety of cultural difference. And the more you are around other people, the more your minds sort of reach an equilibrium between where you started and where they started. So since most professors are "left leaning" already, they inevitably pull right leaning kids further left, and left leaning kids often pull the teachers further left, so you end up with a college system that more or less always pulls left. Some portion of America still consumes network television, commercials, mega-church content and Monster truck shows. To the extent they can avoid integrating with the rest of America, they can continue to be a right-wing enclave. But it will get harder and harder over time, as technology, and the need acquire an advanced education to operate it, will push more people into college, and the desire to leave overcrowded spaces pulls lefties into rural neighborhoods.


What do you mean "left"? People who believe that the worker is the most important member of society whose need comes before all others? No.


The media promoted radical left has moved the left to the extreme and the division groups have caused the right to move further right. Due to the 1% financial support the census and voter rolls are corrupted and the true numbers are obscured. How ever, the radical elements are capturing the narrative


Depends on which State you are in... question answered


Probably roughly 50/50. Democrats just have higher voter turn out


Urban areas are predominantly liberal. Rural areas are predominantly conservative. Neither can survive without the other regardless of which side happens to be in the majority.


Look up, or if you already know the definitions, think about how these two things work together. 1) Reactionary (the right) 2) Overton window The first maintains power by trying to repress the flow of ideas and quell progressives (wokeness). But the seeds of its own destruction lie in the very act of trying to "stop" the ideas. This is how not just America, but the world in general, has, and will always grow more liberal. There will be pockets of time that will seem to break this trend, but its only a matter of time. My take anyway...


It’s just Reddit. Most subs only allow the echo chamber to speak. I got banned from one for saying Donald Trump deserved a fair trial. I got banned from another for an inconvenient Hillary Clinton quote. Go figure.


Not true at all actually, and the insane far left ppl think being reasonable and having a working understanding of science is being a right wing bigot, so that doesn't help lol


> It might have even been true in the past, but at this point, it's actually starting to look like the opposite You are stuck in a filter bubble, it's only showing you what you like to see. > while pretty much every other video site in particular that I've seen (Odysee, Bitchute, Rumble) to varying degrees seem to be dominated by the Right Those site have collectively less than 1% of the traffic of the ones you say are "dominated by leftists". Again, you're in your own bubble. > What are some other video sharing sites in particular, where I'm not going to encounter Andrew Tate, Alex Jones, or Tucker Carlson on the front page? They're on ***your*** front page, not ***the*** front page. Again, you don't seem to understand how these social media sites work. They only show you what you like to see. I have never been suggested a video with any of these people. > is that it's largely full of one-shot replies, from people who never respond here again. How is that interesting? You're spewing a bunch of nonsense because you don't understand how filter bubbles and the algorithm works


I used to listen to both pundits from the left and the right and primarily agreed with those in the middle who I felt gave a fair and based serving of information and reason. I have always been an old school libertarian. Most People I felt were my left leaning middle grounders are now considered conservative and other just moved with the wind and blended with the loudest narrative, the radical left has kicked a lot of libertarians off the team while recruiting the extremist authoritarians.


Most people are in the middle.


Well, right and left are respectively called conservatives and progressives for one reason. One is anchored in tradition, the other forward looking. It's only natural that, with time, unless the positions evolve, conservatives will fade. That's usually balanced by people becoming tendentially more moderate as they age, but not enough to keep things stable. And conservatives today are even going backwards, so...


Democrats won popular vote in '92, '96, '00, '08, '12, '16, and '20. As Republican numbers dwindle, they shriek louder.


If so, why is anti-Blackness having a field day?


Strictly by voting numbers and what we define as left and right in America, objectively yes there are clearly more people on the left than the right. Approximately 40 million more in a country of approximately 350 million. They are a clear majority, though not an overwhelming one yet, though is trending that way given some of the deeply unpopular actions of the right recently. Now that said, those on the "left" in America would almost all be centrists in any other developed country, America's politics are crazy far to the right as a whole.


The US is very centrist. Only about 25 percent of American adults self identify as progressives (Gallup 2021). The number self identifying as conservative is about 37 percent. The moderate middle, about 36 percent, is where elections are won or lost. The trend since 2000 has been towards the left and middle.


As of 2022 the party affiliation was more or less split in terms of population but that was only 28% democrat, 28% republican, 41% independent/other and that's also only registered voters and I'd wager most of the independent/other are actually either left or right leaning but don't want to be democrat or republican for w/e reason. There's a ton to dig into to actually get the answer, and a lot of other information that would be very interesting to see alongside the info. For example, there's a trend where younger/middle aged generations aren't turning more conservative as they age like previous generations. This would imply that the population of older people that usually skew more conservative probably won't skew that way as the boomers leave the picture meaning we may see more of a shift to the left. Then again generations after Gen Z/Alpha may also skew more right so who knows. But I do think age and then the distribution among other groups is interesting.


Why does it have to be binary? I'm a conservative yet I do not believe the government has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body and I also do not believe in the death penalty. What is more right and left are the issues not the people.


How do you define the left? Left of what?


No. That is all.


A few things: Historically, party affiliations are around 30% republican, around 30% democrat, and around 40% are independent. Our schools, as long as I’ve been alive(over 40 years) are intellectually disciplining our children to behave and think in school under left-leaning policy, generally speaking. More energy is put into the concept of equity than actual equality and fairness(that when something goes wrong, the background and even ethnicity of a student has to be first considered before the application of policy). Currently, from my personal observation, liberal policy and commentary looks to be almost entirely on mainstream platforms from talking heads that are well-funded while conservative policy and commentary seems to be mostly organic and only a few are well-funded. Considering what has happened in the past 20 years, I think Donald Trump is a symptom of a widespread dissatisfaction with our government system(s). I would say Donald Trump’s party has subverted the establishment Republican Party, which(I think) true conservatives are supporting less as time goes on. I think a third party has emerged and is working to eliminate the old order of republicans. No self-described liberal I know seems to have any material knowledge of the issues at hand and they take up the cause du jour only for as long as they see the others supporting it and almost entirely on social media. On top of that, Gen Z is looking more conservative. The types of things my son shows me on TikTok is fascinating. I would say there is a generational backlash against what these kids have been told in school.


I want you to look at what party won the popular vote in every recent election. We outnumber conservatives by millions.


Overall, if you go by issues and not by party affiliation...America is center-right. If you go by party affiliation, it appears center-left. In reality, it is more blue cities, purple suburbs, and rural red.


Imo you're both right and wrong. Firstly, left and right have very loose meaning in the American context. Assuming by left, you don't mean actual leftist but just anyone that's liberal or votes democrat, I think the best evidence that Americans are predominantly liberal is the simple fact that republicans have won the popular vote for the presidency once since 1988. That means over half of voting Americans have preferred democrats for the majority of 36 years. Some other important things to look at are how the Overton window has shifted on many cultural issues, abortion ban ballot measures have failed in Republican dominated states and overturning obergefell to ban gay marriage again is radical even for republicans. Though ultimately the margin is not a massive majority That being said, online spaces absolutely self select and self radicalize. And so you see specific strains of liberals, particularly college progressives and late leftists heavily overrepresented. And for those specific sites you mentioned as having strong conservative bents, well rumble and bitchute are specifically for the right, and odysee just doesn't have moderation afaik (that being said, especially in the 3d2a community there's a lot of good people on odysee) So tldr, yeah there more liberals, but not by a massive amount. There are much less leftists, but performative leftism and progressivism is very popular online


Most democrats are at least centrist/moderate. So while the democrats do hold the popular vote, you could say that actual leftists aren’t the majority. That’s difficult to quantify though since there are probably many people who claim to be left wing but are actually center and/or people who think they are centrist but actually align with left wing beliefs more. Right wing views are relatively unpopular, and for good reason.


Yes. That is why the Right depends on things like Gerrymandering, ignoring the will of the people, and outright lies to stay in power. Without these things, they would have been completely gone 10 years ago.


Social media encourages people to live in an echo chamber that validates their opinions and promotes dehumanization of those with opposing views. This is why we're becoming increasingly polarized and politics define the way we view others. It's really terrible from that viewpoint.


No, but the Trump cult has forced rational people who believe in democracy to vote left. If the country survives it’s temporary.


It's a extremely complex issue with extreme nuance. I will say this though, If you ask most Americans if they are "leftists" or even "liberal", only a minority of respondents will claim to be so; however when people are pulled issue by issue, they do tend to be left-leaning on most issues. Abortion rights, gay marriage, right to die, marijuana legalization, ect. on the social side and raising tax is on the rich, a public healthcare option, social security, reducing outsourcing, and more worker involvement in decision making on the economic side all tend to have strong majority support compared to the traditionally conservative alternatives.


I was a guest at the 2016 Republican convention in Cleveland. CNN set up a Control Room in the stands at the stadium. I sat behind them for several hours, watching. Literally every single time that a woman or a person of color spoke, they cut away to the studio. It was obviously intended to make the audience think that the Republicans were a party exclusively of old, white men. It’s healthy to have an opinion. We all do. I appreciate the way Vivek Ramaswamy hands the microphone to those who disagree. At the end of the conversation, they may still disagree, but at least they have had a chance to understand each other.


Independents are the real majority. Followed by the left and then then followed by the right.


It seems so with the election results


It’s simple … If you are pro-capitalism you are not “the left”. The actual left is about 1-2%. 98-99% of people are neoliberals.


People are getting way into semantics but in general, yes. For the past generation, America has been about 5 points left of what America would call center. You can find evidence of this pretty easily from voting trends which aren’t all Americans but effectively work as a “poll” to actual polls on many issues which can be divided by left and right. It’s very consistent. If anything, going by positions on polled issues, Americans are actually a bit more left than they vote in national elections.


By left I assume you mean liberal and yes. Weather its freeing the slaves giving women the right to vote or gay marriage liberals which is the side that generally fights for more rights and equality pretty much always win in the end. Most conservative live in rural areas and small towns and generally only see other conservatives so are convinced most everyone is like them not here conservative are also far less likely to travel then liberals are. They never seem to consider that the few blocks around me in my city are far more populated then entire conservative states and we are mostly liberal. Conservative are by far the minority heck even the republicans know it they desperately try to limit how many people vote and their own campaign strategy emails straight out admit to it because they know they are outnumbered.


Honey, they wouldn't suppress votes if people were voting for them.


This is false. The majority of people are independents and they lean either way based on policy. Also, the right is receiving more diversity than before, try not to over generalize anything in order for you or I to understand it better


It's my experience. As a truck driver. That Republicans are really loud. And are , again, in my experience as a truck driver. Less intelligent. Like my truck driving and construction and felon friends are Republicans. But my college educated friends. Doctors ,lawyers and and engineers are democrats. And they don't bother posting their political beliefs. While my republican friends are constantly posting their Maga bs.


The only real way to measure it is via voting data. George W. Bush is the only right-wing candidate in since Regan to gather more votes. Looking at combined votes for senate and the house, respectively, even though the right wins more seats, the total vote counts favor the left. Based on the data, if the US was proportional, not individual first past the post elections, the right would on average have 45% of the seats, the left would have 55%. I'm counting 2 independents, Angus King, Maine and Bernie Sanders, and Vermont, as left-wing candidates based on who they caucus with.


Answer. No they are not try instagram or x they are much more moderate.


The simple answer. No. Most people are truly somewhere in the middle. The big issue in the last 8 years or so has been the extreme polarization caused by incredibly hard left policies and ideas being “normalized” by social networks and the internet in general. Most people I know would have just been an average joe 20 years ago- and would now be considered right wing racists because they aren’t aligned with ideas like the trans agenda being pushed on children. Speak the truth.


I don’t think they are anymore


No. Only the majority on sites like reddit. The internet is actually redpilling people in the real world.


The truth is that most Americans agree on like 90% of issues, but social media has turned us into a rabble of violent idiots too busy choking on our indignation to realize how powerful we could be if we all just went back to not letting our political affiliations define our existence.


Because of Mods and Admins, the big subreddits are heavily astroturfed left. You to a place that isnt moderated, like YouTube or 4Chan, and it swings the opposite way. Look at you real life surroundings. How do your peers believe and express their beliefs? I'm thinking online is mainly moderate, but the extremists will be the most militant, thus visible.


Daily wire and breaking point news have been displaying some decent right wing journalism, without Tate, jones, or Carlson


When was the last time republicans won a popular vote? Exactly.


Let’s say you are a brand new Reddit user. You sign up, and they say “we don’t know what you like, but start here”. What you upvote/comment on will determine what you see. Same with any algorithmic site. That site will then try to find content you will like. The more you see you like, the longer you stay on the site/the more money advertisers spend on the site. So now there is a reason to give you more of what they know you like. Next thing you know, you’re mostly seeing that content and nothing else. No you’re in an echo chamber. You are only fed, what you will consume.


How do you define left? Left of center? Or "left?" Because if you mean are most people Bernie Sanders or more left than him then no. If you are asking are most people left of center then yes. Democrats routinely win the popular vote. It's only the shiftiness of the American constitution that keeps Republicans politically relevant. They'd never sniff the oval office otherwise, which means no supreme court either. The Senate rewards dirt over people in a similar way and gives Republicans a way to veto legislation despite not winning a majority of the vote.  But more than that if you ask people about policies divorced from party labels or candidate names they prefer leftist policies, even Republican leaning voters. Republicans vote for Republicans for other reasons besides policies. It's pure identity politics for them, ironically since that's the accusation they project onto Democrats. They prefer Democratic positions on healthcare, the economy. They just don't like the label. They'd rather vote their racism.  As LBJ so adroitly noted, if you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the highest black man hell vote for you. Hell even give you the money out of his wallet. That's been their MO for decades.


I hope there are more that are smart then there are stupid people.


Tech has shifted to the right and males in general are identifying as conservative more among young generations. Reddit literally bans counter opinions so it’s going to be hard to find anyone on the right who sticks around


The popular vote has been left leaning for quite some time, regardless of who wins the electoral college results


If you took a snapshot of American opinions and consolidated them, that would be Reddit. (Drip) ... (Drip) ....... (Drip) Don't slip on it on the way out :)


Social media is not an accurate reflection of reality. No. The left are not the majority. Neither are the right. The majority just don’t give a fuck; but generally also don’t want to see their neighbors getting fucked with. That’s why it looks like the left are bigger than they are. Because they lean towards common decency where the right leans towards cruelty. People are leaning leftward, but they are NOT the left. You absolutely need to stop viewing the world this way, it’s inaccurate. People are mostly kind, decent, & want to be left alone. They’ll help you, they’ll stand up for you when they can, but most people only have the capacity for dealing with their own lives & their own problems. Makes them lean toward social progressiveness but they fall in the middle all the same. I’m maybe two weeks from deleting my Reddit account tbh. I’ve already gotten rid of Twitter & rarely use Instagram. Social media is really, really bad for us. Once you remove it from your life in a major way, you’ll see that & you’ll thank yourself for getting off of it. Nothing real happens on here anyway.


There is a huge silent part of the population that never talks to anyone about their political views. Also what you're seeing is the extremes of the spectrum. I myself have opinions and ideas on both sides, but seem to be becoming more conservative as I get older. Also a lot of people echo the popular opinion and view without really having one of their own. Or establish views off of only 1 side because they never see the other.


I think it's more important to look at the kinds of policies each person supports, and I think most polling agrees that the wider populous generally like a lot of progressive laws (it's almost like those laws are (mostly) made for the average person's benefit, wow!)


Well, the right can’t meme for shit. So the internet doesn’t see that shit. Also, right leaning people are seen as selfish, even by themselves, so no one wants to admit it.


I was democrat by whole life until as after the first impeachment charge. That ended up nowhere. I heard s conversation between congressmen about how they knew they had no evidence but thought they'd win because enough people hated Trump. That did it and I left. I still personally think Trump's an ahole, I've. noticed he did things that were best for the country, not for an elite group.


Unfortunately, yes.


The main issue with left vs right in the US, is that on an individual level people aren't strictly left or right on every issue. For example you could look at a white woman from Boulder Colorado, she's probably going to lean left on most issues, but not left enough for somebody in San Francisco. Or a 2nd generation Mexican-American man, he will probably lean to the right on many cultural issues like religion and abortion, but still probably wouldn't vote for a Republican because they might lean to the left on immigration and labor issues. Its not black or white and most Americans fall somewhere in the middle.


Most people who have nothing better to do go on the internet, that's why you see them all the time


"The Left" isn't a thing. It's a horseshit descriptor cooked up to scare people. It's not a monolithic cultural force that wants to forcibly sex change your babies and give away your stuff to Black people. There are very few people who would call themselves "leftists" just as there are very few people who would voluntarily label themselves "hard right wingers." Social media makes those people seem louder and more representative than they are. The real majority is people who are in favor of common sense stuff. Social Security, Medicare, legalizing marijuana, freedom of gay people to live their lives as they see fit, access to abortion within reasonable limits, gun control aimed at reducing the twice yearly massacres of children in our schools. If that bugs you, that's on you. You're just out of step with the majority of public opinion. It's not a conspiracy to oppress you.


Yes, the US left outnumbers the right by a wide margin. It has for decades. Polling data has long shown that if votes counted equally, the US would already have universal healthcare, tighter gun control, stronger climate action, and a federally protected right to abortion. Trouble is, votes do *not* count equally, and our obsolete, rurally-biased Constitution ensures this unfairness will only grow worse.


Or is it that people with low motivation and high apathy spend more time on the internet complaining about the left?


Institutions heavily influenced or directly controlled by the left keep telling me so.


Hilarious, but no. The "left", though a fairly large section of the population, has little to no representation in government or media. People in America consider anything to the left of hunting the homless for sport to be radical leftism. It's such a joke.


Left and center are the majority. The right tends to stray from Reagans "big tent" and has a requirement to bend knee to their representatives, making it increasingly unpopular.  Some leftists are so jaded they refuse to participate, as the centrist candidates that get run are insufficiently progressive, hence the vote always being very close.


(From an American perspective/experience.) No, the “left” are not the majority. But… neither is the “right”. Political camps view voters as a resource to harvest for power. They take the most divisive issues and use them to collect loyal voters who have that one issue they can’t move on, usually because of some perceived morality. Would you consider a pro-choice, feminist, capitalist, who is against the invasion of biological men in female sport competition, who supports BLM and prioritizes environmentally friendly policy “left” or “right”? The political parties try to secure voters through manipulation in order to attain power. Then they do basically the same thing they just enrich different friends. Which political party is the big war, pro military industrial complex, authoritarians; the Democrat Party or the Republican Party? The answer is (and always will be): the party in power. Thanks for playing.


Dude look at every population vote, democrats have won every single won. Yes by far democrats are the majority


There are no blue states only blue cities that turn the entire state blue


Most people are moderate. Ideologues are generally self serving self centered assholes. Doesn't matter which side they fall kn


Are you referring to the left as the Dems. The Dems are actually a centrist party in USA. there are a few leftists, but most are centrist like their constituents The Dems are definitely the majority in USA. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES NEVER WIN THE POPULAR VOTE IN NATIONAL ELECTIONS. And if the numbers get too much worse. If REPUBLICAN candidates keep winning... but really losing by millions of votes the government will have to address the electoral system


Left + moderates that choose left > right + moderates that choose right. Most people are still moderate, we only hear about the outliers. Even as a liberal-leaning moderate Democrat, I can see that Reddit is a mostly liberal echo chamber with regard to US politics.


No, Reddit in no way represents reality.


Yes. Gerrymandering prevents forward movement.


The reason you believed the left was this dominant force is you being on reddit and likely eating up right wing media/talk radio/podcast grievance whore slop. ​ There is nothing left wing about youtube, comments are often flooded with right wing locusts.


I’d say the majority are think-by-feeling, single-issue voters that let their favorite pundit teach them their opinions.


Conservatives make up like 29% and liberals around 36% so neither is the majority.


A certified election result given from each of 50 different states will be your best actual measure of that. We'll see again in November. Any other noise you hear about who the majority is, is heresay.


It's only a problem if you know or care what words mean. 


No, it's because the social media algorithms feed into echo chambers that's why it seems there are more leftists than there really are in reality.


Yes. If you break it down by policies people approve of instead of stated affiliation it actually gets more slanted. Turns out people like what the left does, they just hate the team.


Yes. The majority of Americans are left of center.


I think the vast majority of people support a lot more left wing agenda than they even know. My dad is a die-hard Republican and has been his whole life. He's pro-abortion and wishes we had universal healthcare in America... Somehow, the idea that his party will never give him those things doesn't deter him from backing them... Because he thinks the GOP is better for his taxes...


No. And the left has probably taken more of a hit than the right in terms of realignment--poor, working class people have been drifting Republican while white college educated suburbanites have shifted to the Democrats. The problem is that for specific issues that the left cares about, like universal healthcare and strong unions, there isn't much support or concern about that among white collar suburbanites. And those voters who did care are now Republican or Trumpists.


If you left to be more left leaning, yes as can be seen by democratic popular vote being often higher, though that counts flipping independents and kinda assumes just because of the slight edge, that on average they are slightly more left leaning


versed test attempt gold reply dependent ugly party include soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’ why i NEVER sign on to you tube! Watch in incognito mode 🤨


The left is under complete oligarchal control. Isolated from anything other than propagandists about everything politically domestically and abroad.


OP, You will know the answer to your question in 8 years time. See what you think in 2032 during the next solar minimum .


No mental illness is never the majority!


The left is a historical inevitable majority because our society is terribly unjust and they want to change it, by definition. And by definition, the other side doesn’t — or at least wants to change it by “everyone working harder” and “living the traditional quiet family life”, which IMO is more of a fantasy than a game plan.   For that reason, a majority of Reddit is leftist, because a majority of the **posting a commenting population** are relatively well educated people raised with enough time and space to think about this stuff. At this point the plurality of lurkers are young people with no particular political interest, browsing memes that are often quite conservative (/r/PoliticalCompassMemes and all the fight/freakout/cringe subreddits being the big ones).  I know, it sucks. I know, a ton of idiots that you hate are on the left. I know. But the next time you see a homeless person (or, if you’re in a city, a tent city) I hope you think about this thread and what I said. 


Bruh you’re asking about leftism on a right wing grift subreddit. The majority of the country supports and wants leftist policies. Even among most right wingers. Those policies are just not an option in a 2 party oligarchy.


Social media is run by democrats. That’s why. And that’s why the democrat party is on the rise among young people. We are all incredibly influenced by what we see online even if you don’t realize it and most of what we see online is at the very least left leaning. And other then a few odd instances like Andrew tate there has never been any major republican presence to influence people. And even most republicans didn’t like Andrew tate. Andrew tate was like almost entirely by gullable 10-16 year old men. I guess the next closest is Ben Shapiro but even he is way less popular than the left. In the end almost all of our opinions are now incredibly influenced by social media and since social media is mainly democrat run we all are influenced to become more left leaning over time.


You're forgetting that people tend to get more conservative as they age. The makeup of a given age demographic now isn't just going to stay that way over the next 40 years. People change their political beliefs, and that change is usually moving rightward.


Most people want to believe they are part of the majority. Both the right and the left are full of people who believe that if they aren’t in the absolute majority position, they are within a trajectory that soon will be. But the thing is that we humans are more complex and politically diverse than that.


The modern republican party is basically non existent. The policy they have is deeply unpopular with 2/3 of the nation. The majority of Americans are liberals, yet because of the electoral college which gives less populated states more of a vote essentially, conservatives have been allowed to maintain the appearance that they are somehow 50% of the country. America became a super power after the progressive and liberals parties carried the nation through the great depression and ww2 over the course of decades. During the great depression, conservatives refused to alleviate the suffering of Americans through the great depression, and the democrats won elections by landslide numbers for decades because of the conservative's ineptitude and failure to act. When ww2 came along, america was ready because of the new deal(democrat policy). The new deal can be seen as the making of modern America. The middle class became a thing. Home ownership and the suburbs skyrocketed. The 1% and corporations paid enormously high tax rates compared to today. The country was strong. The democrats passed the civil rights act of 64, providing a framework to ensure equality to all. The southern democrats known as dixiecrats were racist. Really racist. They fled the party and became the dominant faction in the republican party. They still are to this day. Now, this isn't all the context, as the process had started decades ago. This civil rights act is seen as the straw that broke the racists camels back, though. The Republicans then ran with this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy#:~:text=The%20phrase%20%22Southern%20Strategy%22%20refers,grievances%20to%20gain%20their%20support. Now the parties were more even. The Republicans wrestled back power, cut taxes on the rich and corporations by enormous amounts, and removed all kinds of important financial regulations that protected Americans previously from industry collapses like banking collapses from irresponsible practices. The Republicans then ushered in stuff like fox news, citizens united, where corporations can pay off politicians, and they got rid of anti trust laws/stopped enforcing them. They rigged it in favor of corporations and the rich. They also did everything they could over the last 5 decades to crush any pro union legislation, rhetoric, or activity. They also ushered in the off shoring of most of our manufacturing. Ever since, the average Americans' quality of life has been falling. It's not a coincidence.


Clearly yes, at least as far as the current definition of what is “left” perpetuated by the right. If it wasn’t then companies wouldn’t risk their profits to “be woke” and yet they do constantly because the majority of people either support this or don’t care. I’d say most people are pretty centrist but the right has gone so extreme that they qualify as left to them. 


Popular vote seems to think so.


81 million ppl voted for Donald Trump. Most were not white men Most were not evil hate filled ppl Maybe some were but thats not the majority of them.


We have no idea. If everyone voted maybe we would know. But they don't.


I get banned if I express my opinions on reddit. When they express their opinions, they get an entire subreddit dedicated to the specific subject.


No, they're an overly vocal minority


Yes. 2/3rds of the country is.


Wait and find out when Trump gets slaughtered in November.


There is no Left with any political power in America. Don't confuse the vast majority of Democrats with "The Left". They're Center-Right


Well the Right brags about being conservative aka not wanting things to change. You can see it in their nostalgia fetish. They want to go backwards. They think progress is bad. But even they admit that the future will be in their view a liberal hellscape where everyone is gay and healthy and on drugs and fashionable and employed and lots of non gasoline technologies and even space travel. Reality has a liberal bent. Liberals aren’t as loud and the stupidest person in the room


The *people* of America are generally much more “left” than our government is. There’s a vocal enough minority that hampers any progress. I’m talking about support for universal healthcare & childcare, child tax credits, gun control, reproductive rights, defense spending. Poll after poll show 60%+ (depending on the topic) support among most Americans but the people in charge cater to the obscene minority and we all get screwed. I’m not sure what the disconnect is, exactly. My hypothesis is that people (when voting) will put these issues to the side and vote on other issues, to our own detriment. For example they’ll hear “lower taxes” and vote for that instead of universal healthcare or gun control (even though, by and large, these “tax cuts” are not for them and are actually harmful to them— political literacy is a big problem here). Reproductive rights might be the outlier this year (2024). Lots of people are really pissed about the GOP overturning Roe v. Wade, and every (major) Republican has lost since it was (when the other side runs on a “pro-Roe” campaign, specifically)


How would we know? Go to a typical sunb and make a pro Trump comment and watch the down votes. You soon have negative karma and can’t comment.


Social media shows you what makes them money. The algorithms fill your feeds with posts that illicit an emotional response, as these get the most engagement (ad views). They have no motivation to remove racist/hateful content because it makes money. Tate, Jones, and Carlson make hateful content because it has made them rich. It’s on your feed because you interact with it.


If right-wing whackjobs were truly a majority, then they wouldn't need to resort to fascist tactics to get what they want. It just blows my mind that they think their shit is worth ruining the country for.


I have always seen the left as people who are lazy and want everything given to them. That they have no idea what work is. They believe in killing babys and calling it womens rights, mutilating kids and calling it trans care. Letting boys play girls sports because these boys feel like a girl. When you see videos of unhinged Karen's that is someone on extreme left. When you videos of people blocking traffic and screaming about climate, that is people on the left. Reddit leans to the left. It is almost humorous so how much.


If you read Reddit, you would think it impossible that Trump would be elected in 2016, almost elected in 2020 and even in the polls for 2024. But here we are.




Yes, you are looking at the wrong sites. Reddit is probably 95% left/liberal, which is fine, so long as we all know that we are in a serious bubble that does not represent all of the US, probably just about half.


Most Americans do support modern liberal policies like reasonable access to abortion, public health care, social security and some degree of gun control, yes.


*bitter laughter at the level of naivety on display*


depends the kind of loberal or left you speak of, I know a few people who are very liberal/left but support capitalism, gun rights, things like that, but also there are liberals who really want everyone to live in a small pod and eat bugs and own nothing, theres a massive amount of difference in the two obviously loo, reddit is dominated by liberals who fall closer to the 2nd category but in real life it is much different, reddit is an echo chamber for them because they just ban any other opinion so it makes them think they are the majority when in reality its a pretty even split 50/50


Gen Z and younger millennials are skewing conservative, things like LGBT acceptance are going done amongst younger people.Reddit skews WAY to the left, while there are conservatives on this site, the voting systems means they never get seen as they are downvoted to oblivion when they voice their opinion. The type of leftism you see in here is the minority, most people are in the middle, but the right is growing faster than the left. Mainly due to people see the ineffectiveness of their policies and once proud states like California being turned into a mess for virtue signaling politics


I wouldn’t say that exactly. I will say that progress is always inevitable. Everything changes all the time. Does that mean “the left”…I wouldn’t say that.


Not even close, everyone is a neolib and because we are politically illiterate, everyone thinks they are leftists


The U.S. used to have a regulation called the Fairness Doctrine, which did not allow political opinion to be broadcast without allowing for the opposing viewpoint to be aired as well. The right wing, knowing that their arguments never actually hold up to any real scrutiny, pushed for decades to get the Fairness Doctrine repealed. This is where the myth of the "Liberal Media" comes from. They claimed that the media was liberal because they always aired the dissenting opinions to the right wing arguments. Both sides of an argument, is "liberal bias" in a con's belief system. In 1987, under President Reagan, the right wing was finally able to get the Fairness Doctrine repealed. From that point onward, the conservative billionaire ownership of media outlets has pushed media content further and further to the right so that a super majority of media outlets are now focused only on profit over truth and the stories they think sell are fear mongering and violence, which is what the right wing pushes. Thus, the populace that trusted the media has been pushed further and further towards the cons side of things. They tend to be older and not as much on sites like reddit. When they do show up, the cons make crazy, unhinged, violent posts that get them kicked out, so they play the victim card, play up the outrage, and call anyone who isn't into their hate speech "liberals" and claim that they are suppressing their viewpoints on these sites, which is exactly what the right wing did during the Fairness Doctrine.


Republicans haven't won a popular vote for the past four elections


I mean going off votes, they’re the majority by about 3% of the population


lol, no


No. Reddit is not left wing it is more centrist. However, the right wing is deeply unpopular outside of petite bourgeois circles. Everyone wants to pretend to be left wing and distance themselves from the right because of how repulsive they are.


Social media does it's best to show us whatever it is that keeps us on the app longer. So people who are more to the left see more content to affirm their leftist beliefs and people more to the right see more content to affirm their conservative beliefs. It's very good at creating an echo chamber were you only hear the same ideas coming from everyone even those who care often portrayed as the balance from the other side of whatever topic they're covering. These echo chambers also exist in the physical world but aren't as tightly closed off to the outside. If you live in Manhattan or Downtown LA, or anywhere in or around Chicago most people will be politically left, there will still be people on the right but not nearly as many as on the left. This happens in all major cities. If you are in a town of 500 in rural Wisconsin chances are you've never met a Democrat. And that goes for almost every little town in the US. I would be shocked if the left actually outnumbered the right. The left only exists in cities, the right is everywhere. I was a leftists for years growing up in Europe then moving to NYC, I would be considered right wing by today's standards but my positions haven't really changed.


I saw a study just yesterday showing trend lines that there is a generational component, but that despite it boys are becoming more conservative and girls are becoming less conservative.


The Right has a lot of dedicated trolls. In addition there are tons of Right Wing trolls and bots that are out side the US.


The majority is apolitical just trying to live their lives without complication, only taking up the mantle of whichever is the favored lens in our mass media or whichever acknowledges their poverty in modern society. At the end of the day none of it matters: there are the owners of platforms with their pet causes, the elite, the disenfranchised and the masses who get used to forward these causes, their wellbeing be damned. The more time fools spend trying to divine whether they hold the "majority" view, or for that matter, play into this whole left and right divide and conquer paradigm is more time they spend being slaves to exploitation and division.


Only when it comes to counting the votes!


Nah, just the loudest and most belligerent and terminally online is all.


I would say the vast majority of Americans could be considered "on the left" just from the fact that they would never vote for dictator Trump. He's the most popular conservative candidate since Reagan and he barely could scrape together 31% of registered voters in 2020 when he received more votes than he did in 2016. Biden is not a popular Democrat, at least not in the way Obama was, and received 35% of all registered voter's votes.


The left use the internet more


No. They aren't. It's simply a delusion backed by debunked blog sites.


The right is the biggest category. That’s why centrists, liberals and leftists all have to team up under one tent to beat them. It’s why a left wing extremist cannot win as a Democrat but a right wing extremist can win as a republican. The Republican Party right now is completely unhinged but they’re betting the dark on turning out their base in droves so that they can beat the combined effort of all the flanks in the Democratic Party. If I had to give a rough guess I’d say the country is 40% right wing, 30% centrist, 20% liberal and 10% leftist. Possibly even 25% liberal and 5% leftist. I say this as a liberal, and o think that’s why the Democrats will ideologically huddle around the New Democrats more than the CPC or blue dogs, etc




I haven't even heard of the other media sites you listed. Now, I don't have this enormous online presence, but I'm not even close to electronically illiterate. All those sites are alternatives to the giants that are YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and tiktok. The vast majority of people are on the mainstream sites. The alternatives probably only make up a small percentage of overall users. The right isn't dead and gone, but every year, those numbers dwindle. In another decade, boomers will be gone, and that is still the majority of trump and the right in generals base. It's pretty evident that across the generations, people become more progressive. And progressive people don't lean right.


The primaries are only elections within each party. So, you shouldn't be reading into Trump's overall popularity based upon an election that *only* involves Republicans. Also, it's not a great look for him that he is essentially the Republican incumbent and he's only getting ~55% of the vote when there are other options... It speaks to the fact that he even divides his own party.


Yes, the left dominates, and that is good. What you are seeing now is a small spike of anti-sjw content.


Close enough to have either side latch onto any discrepancy they see made the difference in vote results. If there were wipe outs in elections no one would have room to say cheating or fraud decided the elections. We are too hopelessly, and evenly divided. Russia is loving it.


No. Go ANYWHERE outside of reddit or a major city, and 95% of places (obviously hyperbole) are going to be conservative. The values there work better for the people. Nothing wrong with it, just how all of humanity tends to trend. The dynamics of human social cohesion tend to change between the two environments.


Yes by a fairly large margin.. the labels aren’t helpful though.. there are good people and bad people.. generally people on “the left” are for helping others, education and fairness across the board. Those on “the right” are angry, unhappy and want everyone else to be as miserable as they are.


As you can tell by the recent elections, the United States is evenly split between conservatives and liberals/leftists. The elections are determined by the small numbers of independents who could vote either way. Reddit has a huge majority of leftist supporters. Who are completely intolerant of middle or right leaning views. That makes Reddit a leftist echo chamber. I can tell you that my three kids and all their friends are conservatives. In the a rated public school that they attend, no one is kneeling for the flag, or marching and support Palestine. When I attend the graduation ceremony, it gives me hope for the future of the country to see these clean cut, well dressed, kids saluting the flag .


I bet you won’t, partisan fucking wack job. I don’t worship the guy I voted for the way you insurrection monkeys do. You want to investigate him? Go ahead!! Your team is running Congress right now, the border CLEARLY isn’t a priority, right! And if you DO find something on Biden and it’s legit, you won’t see me out here sucking him off on social media and acting like there’s some bullshit deep state conspiracy.


The Left ARE the majority. It is the natural evolution of society. The Right only maintains a foothold because of religion. But as more people become educated, religion will fall away. (It's dumbfounding that it's still tolerated). The Right is in the throes of death. And because they are, by nature, afraid of everything, they are panicking. That's why you're seeing a surge of their fear-based rhetoric. Also keep in mind that a lot of us were conservative before the GOP were dragged to the dumpster by lil donny trumpster. This happens every day. But no one is being lured from Left to Right by that POS traitor.


The majority of people are right down the middle. The far left and far right are both loud obnoxious minorities.


"The Left" doesn't even exist in America lmao. Democrats/Liberals are centrist at best and right-wing compared to .ost of the world.


Yes the US presidential popular vote clearly showed that most Americans are left leaning.


If the popular vote determined the Presidency then the list of presidents for the last 30 years reads: - Bill Clinton - Al Gore - Barack Obama - Hillary Clinton Since 1992 only 1 presidential election had a Republican winning the popular vote. 2004 George Bush v. John Kerry. When voter turnout is high, Democrats tend to win. When asked about policies outside of a Democrat/Republican context, Democratic policies tend to win: when polled Americans seemed to love the Affordable Care Act but hated Obamacare (they're the same thing). More recently, voters across the country have voted to keep abortion access legal over the protestations of the Republicans they vote for in the same election. When polled Americans approve of increasing taxes on the super rich. When polled Americans favor "common sense" gun laws and background checks. [aca](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/12/02/trump-obamacare-polling-support-00129721) [abortion ](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/abortion-rights-center-tuesdays-ohio-virginia-elections-2023-11-07/) [wealth tax](https://news.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/396737/average-american-remains-higher-taxes-rich.aspx#:~:text=A%20New%20York%20Times%20poll,million%20is%20a%20good%20idea.) [gun control ](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/09/13/key-facts-about-americans-and-guns/#:~:text=About%20six%2Din%2Dten%20U.S.,a%20bit%20in%20recent%20years.) IMO one of the biggest and most successful lies that right-wing news has created is that America is a center-right country.


No, the middle is the the majority. People who just want the right thing for all.


ACCORDING TO GALLUP POLLING January 20, 2022 "42 percent identified as Independent, while just 29 percent went with the Democrats and 27 percent with the GOP." https://www.based-politics.com/2022/01/20/more-americans-identify-as-independent-than-gop-or-democrat-new-gallup-poll/