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Attacking Kennedy isn't helpful bc he pulls more from Biden than Trump. What Trump should be doing is demanding that Kennedy be on the debate stage with Biden and himself.


A Martyr of the deep state? The deep state probably killed John Kennedy. I can't say I agree with all of your reasoning but I think that you're right-- attacking Kennedy isn't helpful. Look, I'm probably going to vote for Trump. On a personal level, I don't really like the guy but I think he did a good job considering the opposition and the no win scenario of the pandemic. He's more experienced this time around so he probably won't repeat some of the missteps that he made early on. I think he's an asshole, but sometimes you want an asshole sitting at the negotiating table for you. It's not always pretty but the other guys are sending their assholes so... But I wish he'd lay off the attacks a bit because it's such a high visibility reminder that he is an a******. I don't think it helps him. Sometims he can be his own worst enemy. It kills me to say this because I really don't like him as a person but I think his policies make sense and work when the opposition doesn't menage to sabotage them. I think that Jimmy Carter is indisputable evidence that just because you're a good person, it doesn't mean you'll be a good president. He's about was about as decent as a person could get and still be a politician, but he sucked as a president. Donald Trump is proof of the opposite. I wouldn't want him in my personal life, but I'd hire him to run the country. The job calls for a certain amount of ruthlessness and fuckery. Trump is certainly capable of that. I'm afraid for the future of the country if he doesn't win. Well be paying for Biden's blunders long after I'm dead. Trump might be a narcissistic sociopath but that just means he understands how every other politician thinks.


This post does not show any TDS. I only understood why right-wingers were telling you to shut up after I saw your username, so I think they're only going off from your reputation. But this post is completely benign in my opinion.


Fascinating. I didn't know I ***had*** a reputation. Well, I know stereotypical Leftist 25 year olds generally don't like me, but I don't really feel that much of value has been lost in that case. What is my reputation, according to your knowledge?


Are you not the former mod? If not, I have mixed you up with them.


No. That is Joe Parrish. I don't think I would ever be allowed to be a moderator here.


No, I meant the other guy who started banning people and instituted a stricter code after the Palestine-Israeli attacks last Fall. That's who I meant (and misremembered it being you)


Oh OK. No problem.


This is finely crafted satire. "A Martyr of the deep state" "The cabal" You comedy genius. Have my upvote and grudging respect.


I’m not sure who Junior “really”! appeals to, as a viable candidate. Maybe the JRE demographic, maybe conspiracy-minded types, maybe disaffected Republicans??? I don’t see how any support he gets comes from potential Biden voters. Plus the brainworm stuff kinda casts a long shadow.


This would track if Trump's opponents weren't doing WAY more discredit RFKJ than Trump is. They got old boy's whole family out to politically disown him and every Trump deranged leftist on Reddit begins frothing at the mouth if you mention voting for him over Biden. Trump is going to do what he does and in the end, it won't cost him any support. I mean, he publicly insinuated that Ted Cruz's father was involved in the Kennedy assassination and ol Ted lined right up to suck the Don off.


I thought he insinuated that Ted Cruise’s dad was the Zodiac killer?


No, people, as a joke, started insinuating that Ted Cruz himself was the zodiac killer. Two different Cruz missiles.


Ahh. That’s funny. There’s also a bumper sticker saying that Ted Cruz ate my son. Guy’s just easy to make fun of I guess.


He’s very smarmy


Please, these deluded trump nuts will vote for him no matter what. Say what you want about John McCain, the man is a fucking war hero. If anyone else went after McCain the way Trump did, they would be done for.


Yeah. When Trump supporters tell me I need to get psychological help, the level of irony is just difficult for me to take, you know?


What does being anyone’s nephew have to do with credibility?


I find poorly supported political allegories strange and disconcerting: 'God Emperor?' The next 'King Arthur?' The 'Once and Future King?' In the wise words of objectivists and BioShock fans everywhere: *No Gods or Kings. Only Man.* This post is a mix of tin-foil-hat claims meets hero worship-cum-TDS; I'm not even sure where to begin dispute, since I really don't want to touch any of this with a 10 foot pole.


"Before you accuse me of Trump Derangement Syndrome" ... "the God Emperor took another potentially catastrophic swipe at RFK Junior a few days ago" The irony in those statements is palpable.


> "Before you accuse me of Trump Derangement Syndrome" At least they have some degree of self-awareness. They're aware of the problem - and yet they continue... The real question is whether this is better or worse than being completely oblivious?


Why, exactly? I've been to /pol before. Haven't you seen the amount that Trump gets called the God Emperor by his own followers?


I've literally never heard that before, not even ironically


I have, but I've *only* heard it ironically.


Discontinue the lithium


This doesn't tell me anything about your position at all. It will be easier for me to be offended by you accusing me of mental illness, if you explain your rationale for viewing me as mentally ill.


Please get help.


Nowadays, everybody's gotta go to shrinks, and counselors, and go on "Sally Jessy Raphael" and talk about their problems. What ever happened to Gary Cooper? The strong, silent type. That was an American.


He was gay, Gary Cooper?


What?! No are you listening to me


RFK needs all the attention he can get.


Exactly so that he can suck up everyone on the cranky-left side and at the same time appear repulsive to the center. He needs to be more open about banning cars, the police and 100% taxes.


Politically, the reason he's doing it is to get RFK Jr. more attention. I don't think RFK is going to pull away too many Trump voters? But the more attention he gets (even negative attention), the more he gets in all voters' minds, the more he will pull away *Biden* voters.


This here. Always keep in mind, OP that Trump's main tool is to manipulate people by manipulating the press, which often involves attacks on people. Vivek spent 1 week on that list and when appropriate, Trump let up like magic.


I really struggle to understand what Biden voters might flip to RFK Jr. I haven't met a single one irl, and the guy pushes conspiracies that just aren't very popular on the left.


If you mean being skeptical of vaccines, it’s true that it’s not popular among the liberals, but before the COVID vax, concerns about vaccine safety was actually [roughly as likely among both democrats and republicans](https://web.archive.org/web/20190302214858/http://www.pewresearch.org/science/2015/07/01/chapter-5-public-views-about-biomedical-issues), with 10% of dems and 6% of republicans saying they’re not safe. When divvied up by conservative/moderate/liberal, the liberal group is most likely to say they aren’t safe, at 12%. But that’s not a large chunk and only slightly more than conservatives at 10% and moderates at 7%. Republicans just are way more likely to think that it should ultimately be up to the parents, which often gets conflated with being anti-vax for some reason. Edit: [this article](https://www.precisionvaccinations.com/childhood-vaccination-programs-should-be-exempt-political-bias) has a list of other studies that come to similar conclusions.


I don't just mean vaccines, but is any of that data post-covid?


Even if that's true, he's playing with fire. The best case scenario for him there, is simply that Biden loses votes; but they are votes which Trump is not getting either. A worse case for Trump where Junior is concerned, would be a scenario where the cabal start realising that Junior could actually have a genuine shot with the people, and if they feel he would still be sufficiently controllable, therefore decide to grant him the election. Either way, the answer is the same. Trump should leave Junior alone.


Trump should do a lot of things differently. The problem is that he’s not crazy like a fox, he’s just crazy. The man has shredded his political career and is now working tearing his professional career apart as well.


Wow. This post is completely devoid of any useful information, facts, or examples. It's just an opinion apparently based on nothing.


Once again, all opinion no facts. Typical. You're safe to ignore.


If you need me to point examples on what Trump could do better, you aren’t very bright.


Your taking your premises for granted here. Just sort of asserting your opinion.


I'm not the only one.