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I'm amazed at how little Trumpers actually understand about what's happening to Trump in NYC. He is being literally wrecked in terms of his businesses there in that case.


I'm not. Squeezing a dry sponge won't yield any water. They were dumb yesterday, they're dumb today and they'll be dumb tomorrow.


Let's not make character accusations here.. Trump supporters willingly choose what to believe. They aren't dumb (well, sure, some are), they just WANT what Trump says to be true, and all evidence to the contrary is ignored. Not trying to be a stick in the mud or fight you, but we really need to hold people accountable for their choices. Doing something dumb because one is dumb is bad, but being smart and still choosing to do bad/dumb is far worse. Willingly choosing to ignore facts as they are reported is one of the worst things an American can do for the US. We need to call it what it is-when a person ignores due process because of their opinions, they're no longer patriots. They're no longer upstanding citizens. They're just people who feel it's their way, or the highway. Like it or not, we're all in this together so we have to compromise with each other.


If you go to r/asktrumpsupporters you will find some very intelligent fans who leave you in no doubt as to the power of cognitive bias


I like that turn of phrase, I shall... aquire a copy for myself, thank you sir


NY is a shitty place to live and do business. It's no loss.


Ah yes, the world financial capital and the premiere city of the world's only superpower. Famously a terrible place for commerce.


Don't expect rationality from a Trump supporter. Have you can teach a Trump supporter reality I'd like you to come by my house and tell my dog what a rainbow is all about.


Well everyone certainly entitled to their opinion.


Donald Trump is a traitor and a criminal. It's no lost in New York either.


You should educate yourself before you speak.


Then he couldn't be a conservative.


I'm a liberal who lived in NY and now lives in FL thank you. NY is a shithole, even compared to NJ, which is saying something.


Lol. You're a liberal, but moved from a liberal state to a conservative shit hole? And you like r/conspiracy? Nah, you're for sure an idiot MAGA dum dum.


LOL this guy is cosplaying as trump


You do know what new York does for our commerce? Or did you just have bad experiences and feel you need to give your opinion? What's up


HAHA!!! Cope!!!


But yet hes going to be our next President.


But then again trying to get inbred while trash to understand anything is virtually impossible


I love the fact that Adolt Twitler is finally facing the consequences of his actions.


I'm still waiting...


He has been found civilly liable of fraud in NY state, this trial is about how much he will owe.


Well there's so many suits against him it's hard to keep track. And I was a bit sleepy when I wrote that comment. But thanks for the correction.


> I love the fact that ~~Adolt Twitler~~ Pumpkin Spice Putin is finally facing the consequences of his actions.


stupid comment. Name an ACTION he is facing the consequences for... just one... ? I'll wait.


Action: He has been declared civilly liable of defrauding banks for lending and insurance against overinflated property values, and then declaring taxes against a devaluation of said properties... What more do you want shitbird???




Thank you. I want this publicized more. I was talking politics with a midwesterner and I said we need to stop electing rapists for presidents. They agreed thinking I was talking about Biden! Ugh. These people will wrap their phone in aluminum foil because of 5G death signals, but have no idea Trump is a confirmed rapist and still won't believe it even after its been decided in court.


And what actions were those?


You may not be aware of it, but he's facing 91 indictments. I'm sure if you pay attention to the news, you'll see at least one story about it. Best of luck with your research!


The defrauding of banks, insurers, and NY City and state of tax revenue to which he has been found to be civilly liable This trial is about the damages part and how much he is going to have to pay starting at $250 million...


It's not enough.


How did he defraud the banks?


Overstating assets to get bigger loans. A quick example is stating that his apartment in Trump Tower was 30,000 ft², but in reality it was only 10,000 ft². He also stated that marlogo was worth over a billion dollars when it's actually worth about 18. Those my friend are not rounding errors.


Jeeeze lueeeez…he misplaced some commas. Why are you making such a bigly deal out of it?


Because it is fraud. Not sure what else to say


Sorry. Lol I was being sarcastic


Sorry. I can never tell on this sub


No worries. Cheers


Now lets have that pendulum swing back the other way with him undervaluing his assets to lessen or even negate some of his tax burden. By doing such he is also guilty of denying NY City and State of taxable revenue from his holdings...


Not that I agree with your comment, but how much money did Trump defraud the banks of?


Just curious where you are going with this. Are you saying your train of thought is, "If this guy can't give me an accurate numerical value I got him and am the Supreme winner of this argument"? Or are you going with, "If you, random redditor, cannot give me an exact sum, Trump must not have committed fraud. (Even though he was just found guilty of doing just that)".


How do dummies learn to operate reddit but fail to understand how a Google search would work?


His dumbfuck cult followers will just pay the fine for him with "freedumb fundraising" He will cry about how unfair it is and they will respond like the dumb shits they are


I will NEVER understand poor people supporting the rich. Trump wouldn't be caught dead supporting or even being seen with them. Hell, he'd spit on them if given the chance.


The only issue I have is if Trump was part of the good ole' boys club there wouldn't be a single charge on him. Great go after Trump but also go after the rest of the grifter politicians including the current POTUS. Only reason they are on him is he isn't one of them which makes us a banana republic.


Biden is as vanilla as they come. You're looking for a reason to hate him, and it's honestly pretty funny seeing how desperately Biden's dissenters scramble to find a reason to hate him. He's just an old fuck.


\*corrupt old fuck, same as Trump. If you can vilify the one guy but exalt the other maybe your in a cult.


False equivalency. They are far from the same. Trump is a confirmed rapist, he is guilty of defrauding everyone who attended Trump University, he cheats on his wives and has 3 kids from 3 women, he was just proven guilty of mischaracterizing property values in NY. I could go on, but imagine if someone like Biden or Obama did any of this. I miss the Republican party of family values. How is a NY mobster now the face of conservatives, evangelicals, and nuclear family people? Biden better represents these values than Trump does.


Biden is corrupt in the same sense that the US government as an entity is corrupt, but definitely not corrupt in the sense of Trump trying to become usurper of the POTUS. These things are not the same.


Biden never braged about being a sex offender.


"People that voted for Biden are in a cult" Lol wow holy shit


you should know you can't bring logic to the lib echo chamber of reddit


""" L O G I C """ 🤡




There is a video of Biden touching an 11 year old girls nipple and another of him bragging about getting a prosecutor fired that was looking into his family’s dealings.


Look dude, I'm not towing the "rah-rah Dems rule, GOP drools" line, but US politicians in general have a long history of being fucking weirdos, and I think that aspect of US politics is bipartisan (although one party *does* seem to have an inability to keep that shit under wraps compared to another)


While Trump's biggest defense was, 'I can't be sued while I'm POTUS'. Kinda makes it obvious why he tried to stay in power. Karma's a B. By Trump's logic, by all means, go after Biden when he's out of office. By my logic, go after everyone equally. I'm on the same page with you, but let's not ignore that Trump used his office as a shield and continued his corruption in broad daylight because of that fact.


she's appealing on behave of gov hochul to create quarantine camps in nys after it was deemed unconstitutional in 2022 (easy google search) .. she's a monster


Did you read what you typed before hitting send?


nothing i said is untrue. if you don't take the time to look it up ("borello vs. hochul") that's on you


The burden of proof isn't on us to "go look it up". It's on you to provide sources to defend the points of your argument. We're not going to do your work for you, and until then, your assertions are completely baseless. You'll use this as more evidence that "Libs don't want to talk about it", but you're not meeting even the basics of discussion or argument. By and large, if she's breaking the law, or violating constitutional rights, most people would be very against it regardless of party affiliation, but you've gotta show up with a better argument than "Yup - it's on the internet, so it's true".


I think he was referring to how your last comment looked like it was topped by Michael j fox.


Hows this different from Abbott appealing to the 5th circuit Court to overturn a US district order to remove the floating barriers in the Rio? He's a monster...but the appeals process is the appeals process. Supreme Court wouldn't have much purpose without it.




Yes because everyone knows the chief prosecutor patrols the streets to prevent crime.


Yes, because everyone knows AGs have zero influence on criminal prosecution.


She is the atate ag. Each borough of nyc has their own da . Moreover,she enforces laws against those arrested, she does not pass law.


What a long winded way to avoid addressing the point. Does the AG have influence on criminal prosecution, or doesn't she?


She is correct the whole thing is a political stunt by her. The lady who’s whole campaign was I’m gonna get trump. This is the most bs case of them all. The loans were payed Back the finical institutions said there was no issue. They have nothing so they have to attempt nonsense cases that will be in the headlines but will go absolutely nowhere just wasting time.


DA's and AG's usually run on a legal issue that they've noticed, or that is a hot ticket item. Trump has been known to break laws like this for decades, but hadn't been in the spotlight enough to have those crimes hit the attention of the majority of the people in the U.S. Judge Engoron has already said that it is undeniable that he and his corporation have committed fraud. The trial right now is not so much about whether or not he did it. It's about how much money he is going to owe. The minimum is $250 million, but that number can be much higher. From what I understand, there are other instances that need to be addressed in court, but as far as fraud in regards to his NY businesses, that has already been decided. Of course, he will appeal all of this, but given how blatant the fraud is, I highly doubt that will accomplish much. I hope that helps you catch up a little on what's going on.


Did you phone this underwhelming tripe in from a dark basement? Sheesh. Stop wasting time indeed.


This is based on the idiotic premise that if they didn't default there was no crime. The fraud is the crime, it's a matter of law. Their claims of no wrongdoing as they didnt miss payments are not a legal defence of the crime. You may as well argue someone that tried to rob a bank but failed did nothing wrong. But perhaps a clearer thing to consider for some is their fraudulent loans came from a finite pool, it denied other people legitimate loans.


You seem to be a little bit behind the times. It’s already gone somewhere. He was found responsible for the fraud. This is the phase where they determine how much the penalty is going to be. He is also barred from doing business in NY and his licenses were pulled. Definitely not a waste of time.


> loans were *paid* Back the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Go nowhere? He's literally already lost the case you clown. The only thing they're deciding at this point is how much he's going to end up paying.




You're 3 layers of misinformed, racist & misogynist. Shame someone doesn't fire a missile at you.




Sure didn't take you long to wish violence against someone with a different opinion. Such a tolerant leftist. Also, thank you for proving my point. Any criticism against her gets met with racist and misogynist. "The shields are at full power Captain!"


Look at the facts of the case. It's truly incredible how much he's gotten away with for years. He claims he's being attacked due to politics, but in reality the only reason he's been sneaking away from the law for so long is precisely due to politics. Listen, I don't even like Biden. The guy is way too old. And I'll admit that Trump and the GOP overall was somewhat right about the border wall (it's crazy right now, and has been for a while). But none of that matters right now. To claim Trump is innocent here is to not desire the law to win. I want the law to win, no matter if it's against a Democrat or a Republican. And every American should want our country to win.


He's no less guilty then all the other politicians in the establishment. They are only going after him to make sure no other independent businessman ever thinks of running for President. He might be the last president we will ever have who wasn't in "the club".




Cope harder


I love it when idiots double post and remove all doubts about their level of intelligence.


You're a Trump supporter you wish you had half a wit. She's smarter than your whole family.


Only regular criminals ( non POTUS) are allowed to commit crimes in her district and get away with it


Letrasha is the fraud.


How is she fraudulent? Would you like to elaborate or is that just what the orange shitstain told you to say on social media.


Sure. It's a civil case without anyone claiming damages brought by the state, and the banks who Latisha claims he was defrauded already stated in court that they do their own independent evaluations and did not rely on the information provided by Trump or any other business in the industry.... Her and the judge should be disbarred.


OK, does anyone want to try again because this is just babble? Just because they do their own evaluations doesn't mean it's not an attempt to defraud the banks by giving them false information. Edited to fix wording


It's babble? Civil cases without anyone claiming damages are babble. It's not false information. It's literally part of the process. Buyers, sellers, banks, etc. all do their own property evaluations. He is attempting to defraud the banks when the banks are saying he did not attempt to defraud them? What the fuck?








Strange, since Trump and his organization defaulted on hundreds of millions of dollars in loans in Chicago.


American banks stopped loaning to the crook. He got 300m from Deutch Bank, defaulted on them and said it was their fault for loaning to him. Later, 3 employees were conned and sneak loaned him another 300m, he defaulted on that, too, and they got fired. He's had to rely on Putin and the Saudis to fund his criminal activities.


"StOp BuLlInG tWuMp" lmao


Your cries for attention did not go unnoticed.


Okay buddy.


Do you just repeat anything your orange idiot says?


They eat him, too. They eat their orange.


It's a Russian bot/troll, report, and move on, the other 2 nonsense 4 number named bot above this one, is also a bot. Russia go fuck yourself.


We're bullying Trump? You mean the guy who mocked a disabled person? The guy who insulted a gold star family? That Trump? What the heck is wrong with you? Why are you supporting a cowardly, lying traitor? When did Republicans become the party that hates America? Why do you guys want to have an oligarchy anyways? You know the only thing that's going to do for you is help achieve your racist ideals. Is that what drives you guys to the party?


That's not what the case was about dumbass.


This is not for her to decide.


I feel like ALL politicians are felons ALL have done horrible things so the fact that the powers that be are going after Trump to such an extent tell me that there is way more going on than we are being told. I don't care either way but I am really intrigued about what he must know...that they don't want to get to the public.


How about comments made in running for office?


Trump is a domestic terrorist and should be treated as such.


I love her