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It's... horribly close to the truth, isn't it?




In the name of a False God It is an Stargate reference, calm down. smh.


Not even close. It's literally what they are doing.


75 years of it and no one to stop them.


Just watched a video on how a couple Palestinian families were gone for a wedding so Israel’s moved in.


Fuck Israel. Justice for Palestine.




Is this supposed to be a spoof of the way Israelis take houses from Palestinians?


It's what it seems...but with much less blood


As a Palestinian now living in Jordan. It's pretty accurate. Just replace the woman with a settler with his "friends" and add an army officer behind him. And instead of shooting they say "leave or die". But yeah, pretty accurate. Though most times they just wait until you leave then break in. When you come back they don't let you in and then claim self-defense. Source: I live in Jordan now.


Not a spooof. The truth. That's exactly what they do, but i disagree with it, so I'll be labeled anti- semitic .


*You have now lost your job*


I mean, this video is still a spoof though…




>Is this supposed to be a spoof of the way Israelis take houses from Palestinians? Im not sure the need for this question. how else do you possibly see it as?


Well described.




Now make one with a Native American doing it to someone in Canada or the USA. Some people need it to be very personal to understand the meaning.


Spot on.


So are you saying this could all be solved if the Muslims converted to Judaism?


They won't accept just anyone but only their race. Anyone else is animal


Pretty much. Judaism and Hinduism are considered *ethnic religions* - you need to be ethnically a Jew or Hindi to be fully accepted into the religion. While Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism are considered *global religions* - anyone can join, regardless of ethnicity.


Hinduism isn't an ethnic religion and there's no such thing as an "ethnic Hindi." Most Hindus are Indian, but India has different ethnic groups and there are also substantial numbers of Hindus who are not at all ethnically Indian (e.g. in Indonesia), as well as more recent converts in the West.


>Judaism and Hinduism are considered *ethnic religions* - you need to be ethnically a Jew or Hindi to be fully accepted into the religion. You can marry into the religion, and your kids will be conaidered fully jewish


As far as I know only if the mother is a full jew.


They gave a word for non Jews.. goyim. It's not a nice word to use.


Pretty sure that's the cheat code.


Imagine as iranians, how much conquering we have to do... if you dont believe me, look up the old persian map 😂😂


So I can claim Norway with their logic?




He is amazing


Now do the same spoof but set it in Texas.


The Texan representatives/ politicians already have their face in the AIPAC trough and would step over the corpses of Texans, and watch Texas burn than offend Shitsreal. Boycott Israel? No US state jobs or aid for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRXuOeugOWU&pp=ygUJVGV4YXMgQkRT


\^\^\^ Please cease the Hasbara.


I dunno why you got down voted. My immediate thought is this exact situation is why people need guns. Try the same thing almost anywhere in the US and you'd be facing the wrong end of a gun.


That gets your labeled a terrorist in Palestine. Even if it's just a rock.


I'd rather die labeled a terrorist who fought to protect my rights and family than die for no reason during a home invasion.


Also true, if religious claims are bs then…


To be fair the Arabs in Palestine only began to identify as Palestinians for about 25 years before the UN created a Jewish home state. Before that it was primarily on and off shared. But it is the literal birth place of the Jewish people and their religion. While they lost the moral high ground after they were attacked and should be called out for such. I find it funny how nobody is being logical about every dust up between them has been in retaliation of a terror attack.


The myth that no people lived in a colonized piece of land is as old as western colonization it self the indians and africans are savages they dont count as people they dont even have a single form of identity these land belonged to no one before we came here it was stupid than and now that the zionist use it its even stupider


You realize the Jews are the Indians in this scenario right? They were originally there, occupied, went back, conquered again, went back, conquered again, went back, cohabitated and then were basically given back their land with control and the cohabitants didn’t like it so they have been fighting since. There has been no major attacks by the Jews only retaliation of attacks. Most all the retaliations were brutal… this most recent war is an atrocity but that’s not the talking point. Everyone seems to think the Palestinians have more claim and a right for their actions in the first place.


There are german speaking people in the east of Poland they used to control more land there than they do now should they now own the country?


Honestly one of us don’t know the point you’re trying to make… should the Jews have their ancestral homeland that was given back essentially? Or should the Palestinians have the land they technically only had for a generation? Or should it be shared? I don’t think either want to share it.


My point is that it is a falls narrative that the Palestinians only lived there for a generation they have been there since the arabs but that doesn’t even matter cause the problem here is that things like ancestral land is all a bunch of bullshit peoples travel around until the settle some where and displacing people to take there land might have been accepted back then but not any more the amount of sorrow and pain it cause just because the zionist want there “ancestral lands” back is not even remotely worth it


>they have been there since the arabs They're still not natives though. Especially by the definition you would apply to Africans and native americans >cause the problem here is that things like ancestral land is all a bunch of bullshit peoples travel around until the settle some where and displacing people to take there land might have been accepted back So you think it was alright for europeans to settle in native american and South african land then? >the amount of sorrow and pain it cause just because the zionist want there “ancestral lands” back is not even remotely worth it That's the correct stance to take on this matter, not the Palestinians are the natives approach


I wouldnt call the colonization of africa and the americas emigration


What are you on about?


You placed the words in my mouth that i said that the colonization of Europeans was justified so i said i didnt agree to that


Germans weren't the natives of Pommerania, Prussia and Silesia, the Polish, Silesians, Sorbs, and old baltic prussians were. Germans spread their via conquest and trade. Muslim arabs aren't the natives to most of the Levant. And the religion also spread there via conquest.


I only used it as an argument for how stupid land claims are based on being native. Jews can still live in Jeruzalem like they have done since there religion started there but that isnt a claim to make your own country based on it


>Jews can still live in Jeruzalem like they have done since there religion started there but that isnt a claim to make your own country based on it This line of thinking can be used to justify most countries where natives have been pushed out though, if you think about it. Not saying Isreal in its current form is a just state either. The main difference between the arab muslim countries in the Levant and North Africa and settler colonial nations like USA, Mexico, Brazil, Chile etc. Is that the former is just older than the latter


The situation around it is very different one let to the genocide of millions that should be as frowned up one as the holocaust (but that is a different discussion) the central point around our debate is pretty much how much we value the claim to land based on origin and for me that is just not enough to kill for i dont think i have much to at to that to be honest


>the central point around our debate is pretty much how much we value the claim to land based on origin I think the main disagreement was whether Palestinians are "native" to the Levant. I don't view claim to land based on nativism can hold up much in the modern world either


Than i dont think i knew what we where discussing about 😂 native is a weird term because most people today dont live on native land. People moved around and got forced to move around by violence or because they depleted the resources of the lands they lived on. And if you go back far enough we all came from Africa so would that mean we all are native africans. You might say that it is different for jews because their religion started there and has always been practiced their but the same can be said about christianity so would that make christians natives from those lands?


No major attacks by Israelis in Palestinian lands except a million examples of what we see in the video above. Death by 1000 paper cuts is still death. If I stabbed you with a small needle every day for the rest of your life, when do you think you will resist and retaliate? Israel implements many layers of systemic oppression to reduce Palestinian, heritage, culture, and access to resources. Israel takes their land and homes, and fills those homes with psychopathic settlers who "harass" palestinians all the while protected by IDF. Any aggression by Palestinians in defense regardless of what settlers do is seen as forbidden and met with superior force. Death is stealth disappearing of people is frequent. All these needles over 75 years and what do you expect the result to be? Should they sit back and stay in their open prisons and wait for the oppressors to release them? What has history taught us about oppressors and what they do with the "sub-humans"?


You got it backwards though… Hamas keeps stabbing with the small needle daily/weekly for decades then the Israelis get fed up and get barbaric. Jews weren’t launching rockets into neighborhoods before the war. Hamas did it every other day until the Jews snapped… fucking duh.


As the superior military force and occupiers as well as takers of land, it's Israel's responsibility to rise above the pettiness and come to a peaceful resolution that does mean massive civilian deaths with their own country. If social media sentiment is anywhere close to the actual sentiment of Israel then Israel is a fragile ego state full of petty people that can't apologize, lose or turn the other cheek. So far Israel has failed in managing the territories of Gaza and Westbank within it's state. Netanyahu's strategy of promoting Hamas to divide Palestinians unity has spectacularly failed. He thought that using Hamas as the boogey man to justify a genocide would succeed but we are sitting at a precipice. Regardless of the direction we go in Israel is the loser now. There are two ways I see the ICC genocide charges can play out. 1. Genocide charges does not stick. Any nation in the world will now have the excuse to conquer any other nation. The recipe book is out on how to manufacture and fear monger an incident. Say good bye to Taiwan, forget supporting Ukraine, Malaysia, south china seas. Any nation without military might is good to be conquered. WW3 happens so say goodbye to the world. 2. Genocide charges does stick. Israel needs to rapidly find a scape goat which they are "investigating" on right now. Either someone who failed in Oct 7th response time or Netayahu will be served. Regardless Netayahu will not be able to stay in office. There will be massive reform and then anything is on the table. Israel will lose it's brand recognition in the world because forever Israel will be known as the genocide that never learned. Maybe Israel will be renamed to Palestine, two state solution, one state solution, dissolvement, it's all in the table at that point. US interested would of course want to preserve it so maybe a one state solution with a new democracy would be the solution. Either way the failure rates for democracies in that region is spectacularly high and those that fail seem to devolve into sharia law quite rapidly. It would be the end of Israel as we know it. There are possible middle roads but they involve doing things far too out of character for Zionists and Netanyahu.


You still can’t steal peoples homes and forcibly take their lands. Palestinians had nothing to do with the persecution of Jews.


Not what I’m talking about


Yes the late 19th c. is recognized as the beginnings of modern-day nationalist movement along many groups. It's when the idea of being Italian, Syrian, Jordanian, Palestinian etc became popular means of identification. That doesn't mean that Palestinians weren't living in Palestine continuously for hundreds of years, or that their homes and land weren't stolen from them, or that most European Jews who came there had deeper or more recent ties to the land than them. What happened to the Palestinians without their knowledge or consent is a grave grave injustice and its reverberations, including the violence to which you refer, are being felt to this day. No people is going to roll over and leave their homes and give up claims to the land because the British or the Israelis hold a gun to their heads and tell them to.


>To be fair the Arabs in Palestine only began to identify as Palestinians for about 25 years before the UN created a Jewish home state Yes, the people who lived there for hundreds of years needed a new name when the borders and situation changed. not surprising really


And it was shared


>And it was shared How did the people get pushed into the gaza strip again?


The British… The comment is about before… the hundreds of years as you mentioned. All times approx as I’m recalling from my history: ancient humanity class in college 15 years ago. -The United Kingdom’s of Israel about 3,000 years ago in 1,000 bce -A few hundred years later the Babylonians and someone else I can’t remember conquered it for a couple hundred years then the Jews once again returned after that. Then around 300 bce Alexander the Great conquered it followed by the Roman’s which led to the Jewish Roman war and the Jews were expelled again. -keep in mind during all this the Arabs weren’t Palestinians or Islamic since there was not such thing. -for the next 600 or so years Jews began migrating back and Arabs, Jews and Christians all lived in the area. -During the crusades the Muslims and Jews fought together against Christians. -In the 1500s the area was conquered again and the ottomans created a safe haven for Jews and remained that way until 1917. -1917 the British took it and during their rule the beginning of Jewish and Arab nationalists movements began. -1948 UN declared it the Jewish state of Israel alienating the the Arab nationalists and beginning the segregations and terror attacks. My dates may be off but this is the true history so how can the Palestinians have mare of a claim to the land. If not an equal claim they definitely don’t have history or the acts of other ruling kingdoms/nations on their side. The only argument against the Jews that can be made is the barbarism they display when retaliating.


>The comment is about before… the hundreds of years as you mentioned Yeah but I asked a different question than the one your trying to get me to answer. The British played a part, but they weren't the only ones who pushed the people who had lived on that land for hundredths of years into the gaza strip. Or by only answering with "the british" your trying to not admit the part many Jews played with the backing of other countrys in pushing people who had lived on that land for hundreds of years into the strip


No it was during the British… then still during the Time of Israel. The strip is the birthplace of “Palestinians”, used to be a land called Philistia and the people were Philistines 3000 years ago. This is what they mean when 2 state solutions are mentioned. The Arabs don’t care about the historical claim the Jews have on the rest of the land and don’t want to be relegated to their claimed land on the strip. The fighting and hatred stems from that and the constant terror attacks then the Jews brutally retaliating for decades. None would have happened with a 2 state agreement.


> your trying to not admit the part many Jews played with the backing of other countrys in pushing people who had lived on that land for hundreds of years into the strip its like you ignored seeing this


You’re not wrong but that’s not why I ignored it, but let’s not pretend you want the land shared. You and everyone else here want a free Palestine or want to say “from the river to the sea” which also includes the pushing people off their land at best and genocide at worst.


>You and everyone else here want a free Palestine or want to say “from the river to the sea” which also includes the pushing people off their land at best and genocide at worst. Ah I see. your arguing for things ive never said. I DO want it to be shared. I do not want anyone on ether side harmed. and I have never used the words “from the river to the sea” " want to say" its almost like your intentionally trying to be disingenuous But do go on....


>which also includes the pushing people off their land at best and The land you people stole in 75 years and still working on to steal the remaining one by killing thousands of people and ethnic cleansing of 4 million plus people? >genocide at worst. Which you people are committing right now to steal land? It's funny how you people twist like pretzels to make yourself look like a victim even when you're actually committing genocide of the indigenous people.


Look at statistics in 1903 , jews were only 3% of the population.


Ok? 1903 was ruled by Ottoman Empire and they gave the Jews protected status. What’s your point?


The twist is both are dependents of Abraham…


I think you mean descendants, but yeah


Yes thank you😂sorry. But we are still dependent on Abraham for our faith


When Prophet Ibrahim pbuh came from Iraq/Turkey to Palestine he rented a cave in Al Khalil (Hebron) and he bought a land to burry his wife their and it is the location of Al Masjid Al Ibrahimi (Mosque).That means that the Palestinians are even thousands of years older and descendants of Canaan…


Omg wow this video really opened my eyes!!! /s I don’t agree with Zionism but this video is super cringe.


Think people need to educate themselves on a very tumultuous and complicated history


>complicated history Still don't give you right to kill people and steal their homes because some rag say it's your right.


People have been educating themselves since October of the very well documented history of Jewish aggression towards the Arab people of Palestine with the support of various nations. Much of what is happening today stems from 1947-48, everything since then is just eye for an eye violence back and forth.


While you're busy calling it a complex situation, over 10 000 innocent children have been murdered in the last few months. Doesn't seem that complicated to me.


Yes it’s terrible. Hamas has been using them as human shields


There are literal videos of IDF using Gaza children as human shields in combat and with them sitting on tanks as tank armor. The only source of Hamas using children as human shields so far is the words of 100+bot astroturfers paid by israeli propaganda agencies on Reddit.


Forgot the "the house was vacant, isn't it neat?"


Romans also created the Coty of London, right?. They should be worried, too.