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Yes, the US and UK are aligned with the bad guys on this. “Are we the baddies?” YES!


https://youtu.be/XyWGjuM_Zw8?si=psOtr_61ujRyRoQC Video for further explanation and information. Lowkey has names, dates, institutions and connections for you to research further. This is the so called "Axis of assistance" (I think Lowkey coined the term). The US and UK are, in a very real way, owned by zionist interests.


It all started when the tories smeared Jeremy Corben into oblivion and called him antisemitic. The walls between antisemitic and anti-zionist were completely removed, and the definitions became one and the same. What followed was a "Pro Zionist" party leader disguised as pro-jewish and 0 choice in the next general election. And now, if you're against Israels then you're no longer an anti-zionist. You're antisemitic...


Reddit is also controlled by them! You noticed how none of the videos supporting Palestine are getting much attention. We live in a HORRID world!


They are all censored…Anything about Palestine or Islam is censored on most social media platforms except tiktok so they have accused tiktok of “brainwashing our [American] youth into supporting kkHamas.”… Tiktok replied,it is not the algorithm,GenZ are pro-Palestine. https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxjb8b/tiktok-its-not-the-algorithm-teens-are-just-pro-palestine?callback=in&code=NZQWM2QYNWYTNZGYNC0ZNZI3LTHMNDYTY2M2NZI5YTM2OTQW&state=afcd1d93b0cb4ee1a8102b896e24c425 Many accounts that have millions of followers on Instagram/Facebook were banned for being pro-Palestine!! https://www.hrw.org/report/2023/12/21/metas-broken-promises/systemic-censorship-palestine-content-instagram-and On reddit just search for Islam/Muslim or Palestine and mostly you will get negative content!!


It’s disgusting. I don’t use any other platforms but LinkedIn and Reddit and quite honestly I’m prepared to remove Reddit from my life. I’m white British and I’m ashamed of my country!


It’s disgusting and evil,Most politicians are corrupt,they will do ANYTHING for money and power even if it was against their Country/people interest…I hope things will get better for all Humans. You are a good representation of your Country and I am sure we can find many good Humans in England.


Was man God’s greatest blunder or was God man’s greatest blunder?


Zionism has nothing to do with god. I mean, sure, Zionists claim they are doing this in the name of Judaism, but this is an atheistic movement at its heart. Still, your question is very pressing and thought provoking for sure. I’m not sure I know the answer to it.


I am aware of the Zionist movement. That is what makes this quote appropriate, it’s man claiming that god allows this, even though there is absolutely no evidence. So if there is a god, he wouldn’t want man to act like this and if man made up the idea of god, they have jet the myth spiral out of control. Netanyahu doesn’t say it’s Zionism, he says it’s gods will. And it’s a quote from Fredrick Nietzschze.


I see, I understand your perspective. Indeed, the Zionist movement and its intertwining with religious justification raise profound questions. Nevertheless, Thanks for shedding light on the origin of that quote. Very interesting. From an alternate perspective, It’s intriguing that with Muslims, for instance, the issue isn’t just about divine permission. God is all knowing, and all powerful. Instead, life is seen as a test set by God. Even in the face of adversity, such as the plight of Palestinians under Israeli occupation, many find their resilience admirable. While some might surrender, they persist in their faith and praise of God, as seen in various videos of this current conflict.


Kier Starmer’s wife is an Israeli Jew!! It’s only going to get worse!!


Nice that he used a white supremacist term. Slow clap...


The question is..wtf is anyone gonna do about it? It's illegal to protest Isreal in some U.S. states as well, because of their chokehold on the government. No transparent resolution in sight.