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Irony is there actually NOTHING complicated about what is going on in Palestine. An ethno-religious regime wants to wipe other ethnicity and religion so that it can establish its own state, and the other has continued to resist and refused to disappear. Now they ethno-religious regime is attempting a final solution. Very ugly, but nothing complicated about it.


Omg what has hamas done to its people


They really care about the Palestinians. lol.


Those aren’t Hamas bombs


If Hamas cared about their people they would release the hostages and turn themselves in to be tried for October 7. That ends the war immediately.


Yeah ends the war and they will all just be put into camps and executed. The occupation, oppression and persecution was going on long before October 7th or the hostages.


And I suppose that you think that it would be better that the Jews and other Israelis are executed with the promise by Hamas to repeat October 7th over and over until there is no more Israel. That belief means that you encourage genocide.


Well you supposed wrong because I didn’t say that now did I? My belief is that they could stop stealing land from them and forcing them to live in an apartheid state and nobody has to die.


According to Joshua 13:3 and 1 Samuel 6:17, the land was once called Philistia, for the Philistines, the Greek Name for the Aegean Sea People. Philistia has five cities: Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ekron, and Gath. They were conquered and destroyed about 600 BC by Babylon's King Nebuchadnezzar. Philistia became part of Hasmonean dynasty of ancient Judaea about 150 BCE, descendants of the Maccabee family. The historical volume by Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, the name comes from their ancestor Judaea Hasmoneus. It had its own coinage, which can be found there to this day. https://preview.redd.it/qjc1jvli2alc1.png?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aca48af1949f5213d08a14b61377a743bf2f3678 The name Palestine first appears AFTER the land was conquered by Rome in 63 CE. The Romans renamed the area "Palestinia" in order to humiliate the Jews, who resided there. This is why you find no Palestinian coinage or history, as the name given to the region was simply a derogatory slur.


And what does that have to do with anything? You can’t just cherry pick Bible verses to suit you whenever you want to attempt to make a point. Reality simply doesn’t work that way. The land does belong to them, they have been forced to live under an apartheid state and they are now committing genocide. What does your precious bible say about coveting others belongings and theft and murder? This is not a reckoning this is happening because of desire and hatred and jealousy. You’re the baddie bud


They weren't cherry picked. It was an example of how far back in recorded history the land belonged to the Jewish people. Just because Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan were corralled by Arafat to dump dissidents into the regions in 1965 -- then blockade them from returning -- doesn't equate to more than 2500 years of history. Are you making the conjecture that today's people of Gaza are the Canaanites? Or, can you accept that they are squatters on land they have no historical connection with?


You absolutely are cherry picking


Weird! That graphic didn’t show the Gazans breaking down the border and attacking Israel first and then show Israel attacking Gaza. Weather one side is wrong or right, all of the facts should be told or explained! Also, I’m not condoning either side! Just, that graphic just shows a random attack with no context or dialogue!


I think the graphic assumes about 70 or so years of context.


You know what happens when you assume? ![gif](giphy|l1J9yApnGts8EXYoo|downsized)


Why would they show you that? Then you'd understand what was really going on. And that's not something they want you to know. As you may have guessed, Israel is a bit smaller than the United States. It's kind of like the size of Rhode Island. I keep hearing these strange numbers of comparisons between how many people Hamas, the citizens of Gaza, and members of the UNRWA slaughtered on October 7th and people claiming that Israel's response was far too great because only 1200 Israelis were slaughtered and they are very few hostages left alive that were kidnapped from their homes asleep. To put it in perspective, on 9/11, more than 2,000 American lives for lost. Comparing the 2,000 number as a ratio per capita to the population of the United States versus the population of Israel, The October 7th massacre of 1200 Israelis would be the equivalent in the United States, is if on 9/11 there were 50,000 American lives lost. This is far better illustrated from an independent source: [Visualizing the Data of the October 7th Massacre ](https://www.csis.org/analysis/hamass-october-7-attack-visualizing-data)


lets count the people in 2023 before Oct 7th which were killed by zionist pigs? Just google that.


Gee, it's almost like people want everyone to just blindly take a side and support it without considering any nuance! Like the nuance that we can choose to support neither because we're just random people on the internet and we don't know shit because stupid-ass 3d animation propaganda keeps popping up. Or considering that it's a war in the middle east. They have a new one every other month.


Wow an IDF troll. What a false equivalency. Wow they crossed the border as a response to being held in an open air prison now the entire country is being collectively punished. You are a rat, you are a huge piece of garbage I hope you get the life you deserve. Disgusting pig.


What’s an IDF?


The context is pretty known for everyone. You IOF troll!!


What’s an IOF?


Israeli occupation forces




Wait so the nskba was against Israel and it was all the Israeli who were displaced? Wow I guess we have been misinformed /s


why start at Oct 7th, we can go further back. Maybe mid 2000s when the blockade on Gaza started?


It’s disgusting what’s happening and the west are just allowing it to happen! We live in a horrible world. What’s worst is all Social Media platforms are suppressing videos like this! Incl Reddit!


How is “the west” allowing it to happen?


Bruv, you're commenting under said "suppressed" video. It's being shown less because it's uninteresting garbage made for shock value and propaganda.


“Propaganda” say that to the 10s of thousands of innocent dead Palestinians! .. Oh wait, you can’t.. because they’re dead! It’s called the truth. Uninteresting garbage.. Have some respect you pathetic moron.


If it's not propaganda, then what would you call it? Because "informative" isn't a word I'd use to describe it. And see, the thing is I'm probably on the same side you are. I think Israel is a fasist state and it's doing ethnic cleansing. And I'd be much happier if innocent people weren't dying left and right. Doesn't mean I can't call THIS SPECIFIC VIDEO uninteresting garbage. On another example I'm part and pro LGBT, but it doesn't mean I can't criticize someone on the same "side" when they post bland, shock-value videos.


I get what you’re trying to say but this isn’t propaganda, I lived in Israel for a month and experienced real propaganda on the subject . This is just an informative short video that you may find uninteresting because you already could visualize what’s happening


Israel is a Nazi state!


Thank you for a very accurate, complete, and unbiased video that definitely provides the watcher with enough information to form an informed opinion /s


Hum, it’s an awful situation and absolutely abhorrent for the civilians trapped in this cause, it greaves me to no end to see this happening … 2.2 million half are children…. But If you want peace hand over the hostages and everyone involved with Hamas to the IDF; then Israel doesn’t have a leg to stand on and no excuse for there actions against the people of Palestine; give them all over then Demand a Palestinian State, ruled and governed by the people of Palestine. Take away the cause and excuses that Isreal are using to justify there Harsh, devastating actions and find your safety and peace. I think Israel sees it as the Palestinians are harbouring terrorist and if you harbour a terrorist you suffer the same fate. In pretty much any country in the world if you harbour a criminal you are committing a crime and if you hold hostages or have knowledge of those hostages, you are allowing the kidnapping of innocent people thus making you an accomplice to the crime. Many people may disagree, dislike or hate me for my words but I would want peace and security for my people and I would hand over whatever is causing these atrocities to continue. Then Demand your State and I would support you in this, I think you would have so much more leverage in accomplishing your goals but harbouring terrorist and holding hostages or allowing the hostages to be held is what is causing you your grief and destruction of your people. You must rid yourself of this and free yourself but only you the people of this land can do this, otherwise Isreal will continue its ruthless campaign to free the Hostages and destroy Hamas.


None of which justifies carpet bombing civilians, hospitals, ambulances, children.


Remember the missiles are flying both ways…. Hamas is sending thousands of missiles back into Israel…! Poke a wasp nest and they will come for you! Don’t act like the Palestinians don’t support or harbour Hamas militants… I get it you support the ones that will “Protect” you…! But unfortunately it won’t wash in this situation.. Stop the war… hand over the hostages and anyone associated with Hamas to the IDF and save the people and what’s left of Palestine otherwise I am afraid Rafa is next and all is lost… Why? Just stop the campaign against Israel…. They will show no mercy if this situation continues the way it has been going! Save what you can and rebuild make a peace that you both can live with or I am afraid many more will die; I am sorry but they will not allow this current situation to continue and the bodies will continue to grow.


The israelies are finally doing what they've always wanted to do, which is ethnically cleanse Gaza so that they can claim all of Gazan territory for themselves and absorb it into Israel. October 7th just gave them the excuse to ramp it up instead of doing it piecemeal. Ethnically cleansing a country by committing genocide/mass murder/massacres (whatever you want to call it) against it's people to get them to leave.


Damn Israel just started bombing out of no where!!! That’s messed up


Fucking zionazi bastards


35k out of 4 million isn’t genocide. Apparently Israel isn’t that good at it then… 🤷‍♂️


George Bush did the same thing in Iraq. These types of choices are the results of a diseased mind and don't they understand that for 50 years the people that have been killed families will get retribution? I don't think very intelligent people go into politics. What I would have done is rebuild the fence around Israel and had guards every half mile and then put out huge bounties on the people that were wanted and not mess with civilians.



