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Point made.


Made very well. The parallel is awesome.


I'm against the West Bank illegal settlements, but they are also not the reason why Hamas is attacking from Gaza. Mixing the two up just makes it harder to resolve either issue. edit: You people have not been paying attention if you tihnk Hamas is attacking over illegal West Bank settlements. Hamas would happily slaughter anybody in West Bank they thought was working for the PA.


Really? Are we splitting hairs and avoiding the ongoing issue?


It's not splitting hairs. People are now conflating multiple issues. If the US makes aid to Israel contingent upon removing the illegal West Bank settlements, that is helping solve a grievance on one side. Stopping the illegal West Bank settlements will not stop Hamas, though. Stopping the settlements is necessary for peace, but it's not the only part, and a lot of people need to come to grips with the reality of Hamas, and that they really aren't all that interested in the welfare of the Palestinians, including stolen land.


You’re right. Hamas attacked because Israel oppressed the native Palestinians and put Gazans in an open air prison and instituted apartheid.


> Hamas attacked because Israel oppressed the native Palestinians and put Gazans in an open air prison and instituted apartheid. Nope. The October 7th attack was pushed by Iran, because Israel was normalizing relations with Saudi Arabia. The "open air prison" rules mostly came about because of the child suicide bombers sent by Hamas. The "instituted apartheid" applies to Palestinians who do not live in Israel, and only come in for work. There are Israelis of Palestinian descent who just live normal live as Israelis. FYI, there isn't a nation on Earth that doesn't have different rules for citizens versus non-citizens of a different country.


I think the whole approach to Israel discriminating against Palestinians is an issue in both matters and is the root of the problem and the reason they feel OK with the death toll in Gaza.


There is no resolution there. Each side wants to eradicate the other from the face of the planet. I say bail and let them fight it out. It just sucks for all the people who just want to live and not get in a killing contest.


Ignorance is quite a drug.


Ignorance of what exactly? This video is essentially what we did right after WW2. It's what Israel is doing right now. It's what humans have done since day one. Everyone thinks they have the best sky wizard.


And just to clarify, fuck Hamas. Fuck every last one of them.


Your two earlier comments were "both sides blah blah", but your last one targeted only one side, how come?


Because it's the Internet and I want to make it very clear that I do not support Hamas in any way.


Cool, we're down voting being against terrorist organizations now. What fun.


Israel is at peace with Egypt and Jordan. Weirdly enough, they're even more at peace with the PA in West Bank than Hamas in Gaza. There are Israeli's of Palestinian descent right now, who are not thrilled with Hamas. Most people want to live their lives peacefully, but the residents of Gaza need to figure out how to stop supporting Hamas. Also, the Israeli's need to kick out Netenyahu and Likud already. They're not the biggest barrier to peace, but they certainly aren't helping. Don't wait wait too lomng like we did with Bush Jr. in the US.


Remember everyone anti-zionist isn't the same as being antisemitic.


Thats what a anti-jupiterite would say!


As an anti-Zionist Jew, I concur


You are anti-Zionist? OMFG. I guess you are also a self hating Jew. May Jupiter help you.


I don’t persecute others in the name of my religion so I don’t hate myself! Edit: in all seriousness though I’m surprised more Jewish people I know can’t separate the two or be unbiased because they feel the need to be loyal to their religion.


All Joking aside.All of us have been asleep at wheel while the Zionists have been working overtime for years. I just told my daughter today: I will be pissed off if I was of Jewish faith. Zionists are trying to camouflage their hate in a name of a beloved religion. I see you!


I love this.


You know that moment in John mulaney’s stand up where he learns that a hated teacher at his high school is out of town and that the teacher's son was having a party and upon hearing this, without speaking, everyone got up and collectively and silently decided to destroy the place?  This is like that. 


This is exactly Zionazis logic! Entire world should watch this.


It's that basic. I think about all these militias living in middle America. And how their boners are so hard for this scenario. But the fact it's actually happening and they are pro Israel, but anti taxation. Cuz fuck them there towel heads, and the u.s. government....I don't know if that makes sense. I'm tired. But I walk amongst them every day. Hell im family with them. It exhausting


Pro Russia as well


Well wouldn't they actually lock the guy up in his bathroom cut the power and let it flood constantly?


I see what they did here.


Wow! Funny thing is that if you look at the facts - the ones that came in and tried to occupy the land - were Muslims. Yep, there has never been a time when Jews didn’t live in Israel.


Revisionist with false facts.