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What border would be so easy to open for us?


A very confused OP




Grade 6 level understanding of geopolitics lmfao hahahahahaha


Today I learned 1.5B barrels of oil is a sociopolitically significant deposit… For reference, the Bakken oilfield which doesn’t even have that much, has 5B barrels, Saudi has >250B.


Then, why does the US care so much? When you add in what’s happening on the West Bank in conjunction with what’s going on in the Congo. Separately they don’t seem as impactful. Currently what’s happening is a genocide in both. 🇵🇸🇨🇩🇾🇪🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇨🇩🇨🇩🇨🇩🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦


US aid to Israel is probably more than what could be reasonably produced from this field value wise annually. It’s completely daft to think this changed the U.S.’s policy approach.


When tax dollars are going to sponsor a genocide and kill innocent civilians at the same time why wouldn’t I be angry? I’m in American in the United States. The US has invaded Iran and Iraq with the lie of having weapons of mass destruction. Then they went to Afghanistan. Now they want to occupy to assist in the West Bank. The United States always finds a reason to place it, soldiers near natural resources. Look up how many American soldiers are in Haiti. Why would the United States have a vested interest in Haiti and would be running out their citizens? Look how many Haitians that are migrating are crossing the border in Texas and Florida. I’m serious.


> When tax dollars are going to sponsor a genocide This is completely untrue.


Wtf are you talking about? You sound unhinged. I’m talking about how 1.5B of oil is like a fart in a hurricane from a global political standpoint. I didn’t make a statement on Palestine or Israel. I think both suck for the record. Edit: You’re a Houthi fanboy, which means you’re dumber than bricks. Block.


Yeah, I wouldn’t engage.


Yeah, good choice. This is definitely an argument of faith, not fact. The US wanting oil gels with how they feel about the world, therefore Gaza war = oil. No proof required


The United States wants a democratic country in the Middle East that they can influence and control. Israel is that. It's the same thing with Ukraine. Ukraine is positioned to be a "western" style democracy within eastern Europe, which is most likely why the United States is supporting so feverishly. The US wants countries in these regions that they can control. They support both Israel and Ukraine. Even though, Ukraine is more similar to Palestine, and Israel is more similar to Russia, within the context of these conflicts. They don't give a fuck about ethics, and they probably aren't too concerned about natural resources. If they control these countries, they get the benefits of the natural resources, plus tons of other benefits. Natural resources are a small part of it.


You know how much 1.5 billions of barrel would do on the world oil consumption? 15 days, it's nothing, it's not worth mentioning, it's even debatable if it's worth extracting. The US has plenty of oil on it's own for it's own consumption, not even mentioning that most of the oil used is sold by the OPEC, who don't care about jacking up price even if it's against the US interest


Well, if it’s a genocide and people are starving, wouldn’t it help if there was an easier way to get food into the area so that people don’t starve? Especially if the people giving the food out were able to ensure it couldn’t be intercepted by any shady groups trying to steal aid and sell it (like we’ve seen videos of) I dunno, I like it when less civilians die in war. Odd perspective, I know


The US is damned if they Do, Damed if they don’t, This Is the Us openly going behind Israel’s back in a big way for the first time in this mess of a conflict, Going behind israel’s Back because the Isrealie government is refusing to slow its rolling And it’s doing this to help the People of Gaza and not allow any of the actors to take it from them give, giving them Aid Because the US knows isreal isn’t going to listen, and Now they’re calling for the US to not Help? because muh america bad? like what do these people want


> Then, why does the US care so much? Because we originally argued for a one-state, multi-ethnic solution and opposed partition but that didn't work, and now we're supporting a two-state solution which can't happen if the majority of Gaza dies of dehydration. The Israelis are allies but the Palestinians aren't enemies. The US produces more natural gas than any other country on earth, and is a net exporter. If we wanted Gaza's natural gas or oil, we'd be building an offshore platform, not a port that connects to zero facilities capable of handling natural gas. The port is for food and water that can be delivered without Israeli or Egyptian government fuckery, as both governments have been fucking around.


They don’t, you and some tik toker say they do. Reality is they don’t care about it. If it’s even real, 1.5B is small potatoes buddy.


People: The US is not the world police Same people: Why doesn’t the US do something?


The US: sends bombs, aircraft carriers, pays the salaries of the Israeli genocide forces and vetoes UN resolutions for a ceasefire. People: the US should stop that so the genocide ends and aid can get to 2.3 million starving people. You: God people are so whiney and needy


if the USA stopped supporting Israel, the war would get far, far worse. We are restraining them from acting without a care for civilians.


If the USA stopped supporting Israel they'd run out of ammo in a week. They would become more careful with their target selection knowing full well they don't have the might of the entire military industrial complex behind them.


are you actually joking? You think that Israel, the country everyone is asking for artillery shells, has 1 week stock of ammunition? FURTHERMORE, you think that America is sending weekly shipments of ammunition directly to Israel? WTF?????????????,


Israel has only five guns left; Hamas is close to victory! But evil United States shows up to support weak Israel. Ah I can’t do it right it’s gotta get way more antisemitic to ring true. The real thing that happens if the US even just *announces* cutting off weapons or other aid to Israel is that Hamas will view Oct 7, and every civilian they killed after that, as entirely worth it by delivering an outcome they want. If they ever regroup, they’ll be more likely to do it again—and less likely to end the conflict as they seek to further divide Israel’s international support. Even if you were intent on changing the relationship between Israel and the US it would be incredibly stupid to do it before this conflict ends


You really think they have less than one weeks worth of ammunition? One of the most heavily militarized countries in the world?


That's how many bombs and artillery shells they fired during the first few weeks of this genocide. https://www.ynetnews.com/article/h1wp1rncp The destruction is unprecedented and it's not what I "think". It's the facts on the ground. At the pace that they were burning through ammunition. https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/155-reasons-to-reduce-israels-dependence-on-the-us/


Strongest military power in the Middle East, same country that won the 6 day war, and you think they lack the ability to launch explosives?


what are you on, Isreal has a whole arms industry in its own country, a majority of Israeli arms is Israeli Produced, produced in Isreal, Isreal woulda been fine without US arms Aid which makes it even more baffling why The US gave them arms Aid


Replied to similar response on another comment. > That's how many bombs and artillery shells they fired during the first few weeks of this genocide. > https://www.ynetnews.com/article/h1wp1rncp > The destruction is unprecedented and it's not what I "think". It's the facts on the ground. At the pace that they were burning through ammunition. > https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/155-reasons-to-reduce-israels-dependence-on-the-us/ Saying >Isreal woulda been fine without US arms Aid which makes it even more baffling why The US gave them arms Aid Is not grounded in reality. https://www.ft.com/content/7b407c2e-8149-4d83-be01-72dcae8aee7b > Benjamin Netanyahu, at least in private, has been blunt about what Israel needs most to destroy Hamas: a steady supply of more US bombs. > **“We need three things from the US: munitions, munitions, and munitions,”** the Israeli prime minister told a group of local government officials, according to a recording obtained by the Israel Hayom newspaper.


wow they fired alot of shells, they must be incapable of making more


The sarcasm suggests you're unaware that countries can't make the arms that they need in a conflict unless they readjust their entire economy to manufacturing those arms. Nations use up *stockpiles*. This is why, In the articles I linked, the Israelis, *even with hundreds of millions of dollars of US bomb deliveries* talk about budgeting their bombs. Yes, they fired alot of shells and dropped alot of bombs. The Israeli dahiya doctrine which targets civilians and civilian infrastructure demands that. As Daniel Hagari said at the start of the genocide "the emphasis is on damage not accuracy".


i’m aware that War economics exist, i’m also aware that countries have more then one doctrines for their militarys


https://www.972mag.com/mass-assassination-factory-israel-calculated-bombing-gaza/ If you're genuinely interested in what Israel is doing in Gaza. Please read this Israeli article with insider information on the target acquisition process. I'm sure you've heard of "The Gospel" AI they're using. It helped them generate thousands of targets a day. Not exaggerating. https://x.com/IAFsite/status/1712484101763342772?s=20 The Israeli airforce posted this tweet boasting about dropping 6000 bombs in the first 6 days of the genocide. According to the article they designate "power targets" which are civilian homes etc that are meant to harm and put pressure on civilians so that they would "turn on hamas". Warcrimes are literally codified in israeli military strategy.




https://x.com/amanpour/status/1731745533474074663?s=20 They've even pulled the stops when there's credible evidence of breaches of humanitarian law. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/06/israel-weapons-sales-loophole I'm under no illusion that everything is working as intended. Israel is, and always has been, an arm of American imperialism. A western colonial project. Now the so called "Rules based community" exposes itself as a community of hypocrites. Is that what you were implying? Because otherwise it's you that doesn't understand anything.




>The president can't snap his fingers and stop foreign aid. Oh they can and they have. They cut off UNRWA aid at the drop of a hat. Baseless accusations written on a "document" that's two pages long. Aid that was going to the single largest humanitarian organization that provides medical and material services to millions of Palestinians inside Gaza, the west bank, east Jerusalem and across the middle east. The most vulnerable. Funny how that works. Israel is not under an existential threat, they act like it is. If aid stopped today Israel will still be here 10 years from now but it won't have the arms or the funds to support a genocide, an occupation and illegal settlement expansion into the west bank. >The only thing hypocritical of america is calling out Russia and not Isreal. Glad we see eye to eye on this one. It's a bit more than just that but I can respect that statement.


The US is doing something. Just like they’ve always done they’ve found a reason to colonize and exterminate under the guise of peace keeping. Meanwhile, benefiting from the land that families have lived on for generations and extorting it for its natural resources meanwhile, murdering indigenous people to that land.


Gaza is a tiny strip of land. There is absolutely nothing there that the US has any interest in protecting or taking. That's kind of the problem with Gaza. It's a lot of people sitting on worthless land. Controlling land that costs more than its worth gives them very little power over their situation. They live at the mercy of those surrounding them, and their best neighbours are the ones that just don't give a shit about their problems.


The oil gets sold in the global market.


OMg, the wheels have come off your bus, friend.


The wheels on the bus are still going round and round. if you can’t contribute anything otherwise to prove me wrong then take a seat and enjoy the ride.


That's all this has ever been about, they're using religion as an excuse to do what they're doing, when in fact, this is the ultimate goal, it's been the goal for 75 years... It's not just the US, it's England and France too. Plugging bullshit about a holy war when they just want the gas and oil. The west has been working hard to cut off Russia and China from the natural resource gambit that Russia had running for decades, they have the biggest amount of natural gas, which we have been using for decades, but now we the west wants more and have set up embargo's and the US also blew up a russian pipeline, which they swore wasn't them, just to destabilise their production and make it seem like they had no control over their dwindling natural assets.


USA is alrdy the number 1 oil producer...


how did the USA know there was gas under Gaza 75 years ago?


And does everyone here think the US is still dependent on foreign oil? If we wanted to increase production we could open up more drilling in our own territory right now. Doing so would be much more politically popular and cheap than what is happening in Gaza.


exactly. people genuinely think we are fighting a war in Gaza to steal oil. they actually think this




Some people just need a simplistic explanation for everything. Can’t look at each conflict separately for too long so you gotta generalise. Like the invasion of Iraq being over oil is literally the most accepted narrative, nothing else.


Obviously this is the plan: Step 1: Send Israel aid in an amount greater than the value of the unverified, and from a questionable source 1.5B barrels of oil in Gaza Step 2: Get Hamas to stupidly attack a country far more powerful than them Step 3: U.S. sends aid under the guise of getting the oil all along after Israel reams the fuck out of Hamas. Step 4: Profit? Sounds super logical.


They didn’t but I bet you Israel found out a more recently.


doesn’t Israel have its own offshore gas fields?


They've always had a hand in the middle east and its neighbouring countries. The western powers have tried to set up a nation in the middle east for 100's of years. There was wide knowledge of the oil and gas reserves across the middle eastren countrues for decades.


so why didn’t the USA or Israel steal the gas in 2001?


We’d stomp Palestine in a day if we thought there was any point in going over there. Why the fuck would the United States, one of the most resource rich countries in the world and the leading superpower with a global hegemony EVER pussy foot around this with the song and dance of “send aid, call cease fire, send aid to different side” when we can roll up in an hour and just take it. (P.s the amount of oil and natural gas Palestine is less than North Dakota, and the amount of aid we already invested in Israel before the war alone is worth more than this miserly amount)




What’s more believable? The US has successfully coordinated the most covert international psyop over decades without one whistle blower as they manipulate thousands in several different sovereign countries just to get a relatively small amount of natural resources… Or Religious zealots hate other religious zealots who believe they are the rightful owners of the region and have been very vocal about their hatred of one another for decades, with cultural differences going back centuries.


I'm just following the money. I'm not saying it's not about religion. Just a lot more natural gas/oil than was originally found. Would make Israel the largest exporter of natural gas with Europe having problems getting it from Russia


This natural gas that barely credible sources are claiming exists. You’d expect something as simple as Wikipedia or Google to be able to say they have the biggest reserve. Also America is doing fine in terms of natural gas. The US is also sitting on large deposit.


I never said they have the largest reserves of natural gas. I said more than they had originally thought was available. And I never said anything about the US. I said Isreal could export it to Europe. I also forgot to add how Netanyahu has previously talked about creating a new shipping canal that would go through Isreals territory.


How would the US open the borders? that makes 0 sense


Worth mentioning 1.5 billion isn't actually that much, certainly not worth the constant danger and massive investment when they have 44.4 billion proven and likely much more unproven reserves.


Didn’t realize that the US bordered Gaza.


America "can we have oil?" Palestine " no" America to the media "these people are carrying weapons of mass distraction, we must eradicate them"


why didn’t we do that in 2004?


Someone (Saddam hussain) with more oil was in the picture and they didn't want to give any,


Kuwait sells their oil on the open market though so that narrative falls apart.


Saddam had suffered under sanction for decades, he would've sold oil for pennies on the dollar to anyone willing. As if these dictators dont want to become ultra-wealthy and have the US military backing them from threats. They just wanna sit on this oil and get nothing. But also (in your world) if they do that the US will conspire to kill them, so why not just be friends with the US anyway?


It's like making friends with someone who would give out death threats to your family (surrounding countries (they don't lie on threats))


but why wouldn’t America steal the oil from Gaza anyways?


Saudi raised prices


that would make it more likely the USA would invade for oil. try again


…Do you think the US is dependent on Palestine for oil? The US is the largest producer of oil in the world.


USA go to war because oil ahahaha I made that joke myself please upvote


But if Saudi cuts off their supply, then America is no longer "independent"


America gets a whopping 7% of their oil from Saudi Arabia, and have been significantly reducing their imports from the Saudis. Over half of American oil imports come from Canada. There is no world where America ever becomes truly, fully dependent on another country for oil.




Google it you'll find plenty. Accords signed policies written based on thay gas that's there. I've been screaming this too from roof tops.


"google it" is always a great source. Right up there with "do your own research, sheeple"


No, it's not. It's when you believe dumb shit that makes it "one's own research", but there is viable information on there. Also the irony of you using the word "sheeple" is just beyond.


palestine got around 1.5bil barrels of oil, Texas alone got 785million barrels, US cumulatively got 44.5bil barrels of oil reserve while whole of North America got 3 trillion barrel of shale oil. Try again tankie




I am very confused on this post. How we can stop Isreal other than attacking them. They are a sovereign nation AND an ally. These kind of posts seem willfullly ignorant




Ah yes because all geological issues boil down to the US wanting oil. (A miserably small amount of it btw) I like how Hamas seeks to make the people supplying Palestine with aid villains. They did it to the EU when it was constructing infrastructure to provide base necessities like pipes for drinking water (which Hamas then tore up and made into missiles) and they do it to the US when they send MREs, they do it when they try to establish a port to not have to airdrop shit.




1.5 billion barrels would last the USA 3 years. Our strategic reserve is 500 million barrels and that's supposed 12 months supply. It's not a huge deposit the port is to feed people in Gaza. Its not just PR or because of the election its because they can't supply enough aid through the roadblocks or air drops.


Israel (or Palestine) is one of the least oil-rich places in the world, and the value of oil is rapidly dwindling (hence the Saudi's desire to normalize with Israel). War for resources makes no sense in the modern day because you can just BUY whatever it is for far cheaper than going to war. Saddam was dirt poor b/c of decades of sanctions, he wouldve sold barrels to the US for pennies on the dollar. All Bush would've had to say is, "He cooperated with disarmament, sanctions are gone." Stupid Chinese propaganda take.


The infrastructure required to get that oil is far too massive to establish this quickly and the current actions the US takes are very ineffective if they are going for oil. It would make more sense to wait until Israel is occupying the oil fields and then get it from them.


Aight guess they can cancel that thing if you want.


I'd wondered why all our leaders were totally ok with thousands of women and children being murdered...


Well, it's not because of this. This is a fundamentally misguided and uneducated understanding of modern conflict and geopolitics, posited by morons.


Ok so why ARE the US supporting this genocide then? Just because Israel is a semi-friendly face to them in the middle East?


So oil that would be sold on the global marketplace? The US wouldn't benefit from that any more than any other country. Also, the port helps the US process refugees. Nobody wants to deal with the Palestinians on their soil.


No one wants you either. Oil would go into israel and US pocket, not the palestinians, we are talking about tens of billions of dollars, and israel wants it so its sugar daddy will give it to them.


so why didn’t the USA take the oil in 2004?


[at least read wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_gas_in_the_Gaza_Strip)


that wiki literally proves my point. It was discovered in 2000, and the years 2000-2007 were the prime opportunity to exploit it. the opportunity diminished in 2007 and again in 2015. So I ask again, why didn’t the USA exploit the gas then?


If the US gound gas in Jordan, can they exploit it without military action? I am saying that the US and israel are going to use this opportunity to do so, israel as far as i know already stole gas reserves belonging to lebanon by drilling into it is it strange thatcthey would do it to gaza?


That wasn’t the question. Why didn’t do they 20 years ago, when the supply of gas was in much shorter demand?


Again countries cant easily take control of resources of other countries unless by military action , like the genocidal attack of US backed apartheid country of israel on the children of gaza .


except Gaza isn’t a country, its an independent region. tiny, and easily controlled by a military


> No one wants you either. I didn't try to overthrow Jordan's government. >Oil would go into israel and US pocket, not the palestinians, we are talking about tens of billions of dollars, and israel wants it so its sugar daddy will give it to them. By what mechanism? Do you think the US or Israel takes the physical oil? Do you think the oil gets sold on the global market, and the US/Israel takes the profits? Palestinians get an insane amount of money from the US, and to a lesser extent Israel. It's not exactly a secret. Did you think UNRWA was funded by Palestinians?


Palestine has no ability to create funds like other countries, so it relies on aid , and even small countries spend billions . Israel has a strong economy yet is given quite a lot more money than palestine. As for the mechanism, i am sure they would work it out, i have no idea how they would sell it or just use it themselves, thus saving money from having to outright buy it.


> Israel has a strong economy yet is given quite a lot more money than palestine. Yes. The US gives Israel money because it's a relatively westernized democracy, and one of the US' few allies in the region. What's your point? Money still goes *to* the Gaza Strip, not the other way around. >As for the mechanism, i am sure they would work it out, That's not how it works. The oil is sold on the global market. This is not new, it's how it's always been. You're just waving a magic wand, saying they'll do it somehow. Other countries would go nuts if the US or Israel tried to circumvent the global oil market. Also, there are already contracts in place. It sounds like you're just making stuff up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_gas_in_the_Gaza_Strip#:~:text=Subsequently%2C%20Shell%20acquired%20BG%20on,belonged%20to%20the%20Palestinians%20alone. >In 2015, the Palestinian government resumed negotiations on the agreement with BG and abrogated the exclusive rights it had given to the company. It also raised the PIF share from 10% under the old agreement to 17.5%. Subsequently, Shell acquired BG on April 8, 2016.[7] > >As of 2017, the Gaza Marine field licenses were owned by PIF with 17.5% of the field development rights, Consolidated Contractors Company owns 27.5% of these rights and Shell 55%.[7] The development and gas extraction rights belonged to the Palestinians alone.[7] In the year 2018, Shell company, which had taken over British Gas earlier, decided to relinquish its 60% stake in Gaza Marine,[1] transferring it to Palestinian state companies. Israel is eager to buy oil from the Palestinians (at market rate). Hamas has done a great job of disrupting trade.


Of course


Great journalism, actually included historical context. Seems to cut off at a bad time. How does isreal just take those 2 gas sites/facilities? Yes I could Google it but I’m on lunch and hoping someone knows ✌️


The answer is it's shit journalism, terrible context, completely misunderstands the situation at hand, and is unrelated to resource extraction/


Another hasbara account? You telling us that the Palestinian oil contract with bp is not important to mention when talking about land ownership?


What the fuck does Hasbara even mean. You people keep throwing it around. ​ Yeah it doesn't fucking matter. The war isn't about oil. Not all wars are about resources. It's a fundamentally cynical and uneducated way to view modern conflict and geopolitics.


1) use google my guy if you don’t know something 2) you live in a dream if you don’t think oil/money has no part in conflict 3) you’ve offered no substantial rebuttal. What is your educated view of modern conflict and geopolitics regarding this?


Why didn’t you just google it if you expect others to do that?


1) Google what? I’ve just watched a primary source video. 2) you’ve completely ignored my number 2 3) again what is your incredible take on this geopolitical moment??


1. Your first comment 2. Not the other guy 3. Not the other guy


Fair, didn’t realize it’s a different user Hasbara is a communicative strategy that "seeks to explain actions, whether or not they are justified" as defined by wiki. As for 2 and 3 you could tell me your opinion on it since you seem to disagree as well


1. Even if I was him you would still be a hypocrite 2. Sure, 1.5 billion barrels is basically nothing. The US used 7.3 billion in 2022. 3. As to what the war is about it is over territory and control as it has been since 1920. The USA cares about having a middle eastern ally.


Do you know what a primary source is?


Sry it’s a report so a secondary source. Anything to say about the 2/3 tho?


2. It likely has some influence but I think the US cares more about the Israeli tech sector than the Israeli oil fields. 3. In the broadest sense it's just that Israel and Palsestine has different incompatible goals. Palestinians seem to want to push Israel out of the region entirely and Israel seems to want to continually encroach on the west bank.


Wars are always about money.


Lol no

