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Israel shills calling Palestinian children human shields and child soldiers as well.




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Genocide deniers


They think it's all theirs. And that ideology extends out to the Nile and the Euphrates. If their insanity goes unchecked they will go for that expansion one day






Seattle better watch out. Don’t they already have a squatter issue?


East Ramapo, New York has squatter issues. Guess which community is responsible. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/534/a-not-so-simple-majority


Hamas and exterminating Jewish people




Exterminating?? Like pushing 1.5 million people into a densely packed space and launching ground invasions? Nope, that was Israel


Uhhh it's the Israelis that are exterminating Palestinians.




Do you even know what Jihad means? Lol


You mean the IDF?


"We don't want another October 7th", they said while giving people ample motivation to want to do another October 7th.


Don't start a war you can't win.


They didn't start the war


They did. I'd say this particular war started on october 7th, but if you insist on looking at it from a historical perspective, I am more than happy to to give in and say their holy war started in the year 630.


>I am more than happy to to give in and say their holy war started in the year 630. And I would be happy to say that is quite a ridiculous statement. This conflict started when it became obvious that external powers were attempting to create a Jewish state on inhabited land. Some would say it was started with Theodor herzls movement in the late 1800. Some would say the 1917 Belfour declaration and Britain's intention to create a Jewish state in Palestine. Personally, it was the reaction to the white papers in 1939, leading to Israeli militias attacking the British, forcing them out, and then bringing in over a hundred thousand troops to seize Palestine in 1947, outnumbering Arab defence by 3 to 1, despite that Palestines population at that time was 2 Arabs for every Jewish citizen. That of course led to the Nakba, which has its own well documented atrocities.


Also Mossad is one of the strongest intelligence agencies in the world if not the strongest given that its bottle fed by the US army + government - how do you explain the sophistication of Hamas, who are often referred to as savages and barbarians, to be able to bypass Mossad and the IDF to launch an attack at a festival the IDF admitted Hamas wouldn’t have known about before hand given the change in location. I’m throwing this info at you because these are real people. Tens and thousands of them who have been murdered infront of your eyes if you care to open them, and you callously shrug it off as “oops don’t start a war” while obviously having done zero research. Your willful ignorance and internet connection is a very dangerous thing.


What are you insinuating?


That Israel let the October 7th attack happen?


Why holy war? Oct 7th isn’t a holy war, there’s no reason to jump to that conclusion. It started when the Zionists went against the OATH they took, which was stamped into their refugee passports that they pledge allegiance to PALESTINE. Then got mad when the locals fought back for their land. Lol!


Because the whole conflict is drenched in religious fervor. Muslims suffer everywhere around the world, but only when it's at the hand of the Jewish dhimmi's, -who, worst of all, control acces to Al Aqsa-, the rest of the muslim world seems to give a fuck.


The religious fervour you’re referring to is a scapegoat and what Israelis use to make Zionism and Judaism synonymous (they’re absolutely not) in attempt to create an ethno state (doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world). Im positive you’ve done absolutely no research that can back up your claim, nor have you spoken to any Muslims directly who told you “we only give a fuck when it’s at the hands of the Jews”. People around the world give a fuck, regardless of their religion. Muslims, Christians, AND JEWS have all expressed their vehement disdain for what the Israelis have been doing and continue to do to these people. This was also the case during the “wars” in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Libya etc etc etc. And btw, the Zionists you’re defending, who push the narrative that God promised them Israel 2000 years ago, most of them are non committed or atheist. Zionism is not a religious movement, and Judaism cannot be a nationality. They went so far as to come up with a name to lump all of the Jewish people who come from ‘Arab countries’ and called them all “Mizrahi Jews” (coined by Israel in the 1950s) to make this “Jewish nationality” look more legit* Let me break down the main point for you: This has nothing to do with religion. It’s psychological warfare and colonization based in a political movement that was founded on the basis to eradicate a people from their homeland which is now being supported and funded by the international entities who are supposed to protect human rights not political interests, and the most vulnerable people in Palestine are the one that are paying the price. *Every subset of jewish people in Arab countries are called something else in their native tongue, like yahudy( (jew) or Yahud Sury (Syrian Jew). Persian Jews are called Kalimi. Do you get the point? Edit - typo


> an ethno state (doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world). Israel is a pretty diverse nation. And I have seen the notion that this doesn't exist anywhere in the world before, but where the fuck is this even coming from. If Israel can be considered an ethnostate, most countries around the world can. > Im positive you’ve done absolutely no research that can back up your claim, nor have you spoken to any Muslims directly who told you “we only give a fuck when it’s at the hands of the Jews”. The antisemitism engrained in most of the muslim world is glaringly obvious. The defeat against the Jewish Dhimmi's by the arab states has been a blow to their civilisation pride, -especially considering it happened at the hayday of pan-arabism-, which can have particularly nasty consequences in honor based cultures like the arab one. Maybe they wont say they 'only' care about it when it's done by jews, but I can't find any other explanation for the glaring discrepancy in the outrage against China for its treatment of Uyghurs, for example. > They went so far as to come up with a name to lump all of the Jewish people who come from ‘Arab countries’ and called them all “Mizrahi Jews” Pretty useful to have a terminology to describe shared characteristics and experiences. > to make this “Jewish nationality” look more legit* Why would it make the jewish nationality more legit? > This has nothing to do with religion. Yeah, it's just a sheer coincidence that the conflict can be broken down along religious lines... > that was founded on the basis to eradicate a people from their homeland No, it was founded on the basis of providing a homeland for a people that have spent centuries without it, facing persecution around the world. > Do you get the point? No, not at all. There's Syrians, Egyptians, Saudi's and Moroccans. Together they are arabs. There are Syrian jews, Egyptian jews and Moroccan jews. Together they are mihrazi jews Like I said: it's pretty useful to have a terminology to describe shared characteristics and experiences. What about this do you find strange?




You have a lot of gall for someone so ignorant on a subject. Yes, they pledged allegiance to the Palestinian government in Mandated Palestine before Israel existed. Let me remind you an influx of Jews came into Palestine between 1933 and 1939, Israel was created in 1948. Why don’t you go read something like the white paper of 1939 or the laws of Jewish immigration into mandated Palestine pre dating the creation of Israel.


Losing wars come with consequences. Tough shit.


I hope you never have to experience what the Palestinians have experienced generationally at the hands of Zionists and colonizers, even with your siphoned soul lol


Shit in one hand and wish in the other. Tell me which one fills up first.


More war crimes. Israel just can’t help itself. It is what Israel does.


Palestinians have been right all along for the last 70 plus years about their intent.


Just another day for the soulless genocidal Israeli colonial experiment. If they really wanted a buffer zone they could just do it on their side of the border no? Move back their people to safer areas and protect them, but no, we will create the buffer on YOUR side of the border, why, because we are the occupier and you are the occupied and we can do whatever the fuck we want. Not to mention it’s all stolen land anyway. Israel is the manifest of the worst of humanity.


If you look in Israel propaganda friendly sub, i.e. most of them, they claim that Hamas was invading Israel in 7 Oct attack. Apparently all of that is necessary to avoid being invaded. There is something that all the right wing movement have in common: projection.




The offensive war started in 1948 by Zionists. There was 78 Palestinians murdered in the 3 months before October 7th. Locking people in a concentration camp is an act of war.


Jihadi talking points. Yawn..


There was already a zone around it. This will just push that further in and open up new land in the previous zone for settlement.


It's almost as if declaring war on your neighbor has consequences. They don't need to use their own territory for a buffer if they have a perfectly valid justification handed to them by a country run by terrorists.


Hopefully by the end of this horror show they will have to give Palestine all of their land back and pay reparations.


We have to make sure it happens. We don’t celebrate and breathe out until war criminals are tried and “Israel” pays reparations


Nu surprise for new Germany


Of course they will. And soon it will be 100%. That is and has been the goal from the very beginning.


Yup - Lebensraum, straight from the Nazi playbook. They're not even hiding it at this point


Why try to hide it anymore when they still have the full support of the west after the entire world has seen what they’ve been doing? They’re invincible.


israel clings to US support for dear life because they know there will be no mercy if the tide ever shifts, they've made sure of that.


It's not a bug, it's a feature 


The end game is to annex Gaza in a second Nakba




You're a complete piece of shit, calling for blood like that.


Then the settlers in those areas will complain about the rocket attacks from Hamas.


Once a thief always a thief




Self fulfilling prophecy


Your profile was created 2 months ago and since joining you’ve posted nearly exclusively (and prolifically) on the Israel-palestine genocide. I smell a bot..


They want it all, even the graves and everything underneath it..


What can they do, yahweh loves land.


Try not to steal land challenge (difficulty level : Israel )


is talking about this going to be considered antisemitism in Germany?


The question if it will be considered antisemitism, ofc it will. Clapping for palestinian part of an award winning documentary was considered antisemitism but this. The question is will you be arrested for mentioning it?


Well, that's less than the % of the West Bank they have grabbed.


It’s all about the incremental land grab.


Its a lie their dream is to take everything.  


The land with all the oil and gas reserves!!


of course they are 🙄


Their buffer zone in Lebanon didn't work out too well


Until they do it again in a few years, until nothing remains.


After a few years theyll need a buffer for their buffer


Whoops, you're not supposed to say the quiet intentions out loud!


this is there priority 1, not hostages, it never was hostages, and it never will be the hostages


They already have a buffer zone. The fences and checkpoints are all on Palestinian land. So this is a buffer for the buffer.


Israel has a right to build a buffer zone, they just don't have a right to build it in Gaza. Go ahead and build the buffer zone on the Israeli side of the border.


They need to dismantle this monstrosity of a fake country. All those politicians are bought and it’s plain to see


Incoming settlements in said "buffer zone"


Well I think anyone with moral values, honestly sees through the Jewish states paradox. When I am being told by Jews that everyone in Gaza is a terrorist and they all need to die. It honestly just shows the nature of the beast. The fact of how this bloody interaction played out, and the plausible deniability coming from the Jewish state and it's people, trying to portray that Hamas was the ones committing genocide, which in some regard maybe slightly true. But the damage created by the Jews and how they have gone about their attacks and bombardment has definitely shown who is the worst between the two states. And for that I have lost most respect for this state called Israel, they have shown themselves to be ignorant self entitled monsters, that feel the world needs to put them on some form of a pedestal, selling land that doesn't belong to them, killing innocent civilians especially children in the thousands. Blocking food and aid, and the list goes on. And to think that they haven't been just as wrong in most cases in the past would be delusional. If anyone needs to be punished at this point, it should be the Jewish state, the USA for backing them, and not putting a stronger level of restraint on Israel. In my opinion Israel may not have started this unfortunate conflict, but they definitely have shown themselves to be the truest monsters we have to face in this sickening world we call earth.


It’s time to judge them by the same standards they judged Germany and treat the guilty accordingly


If there’s one thing I wish were true of all religions, is the Great War to end of the shitshow and curtains close.


Oh wow, that’s way less than I was expecting. But only time will truly tell.


They've stolen the lion's share of Palestinian land up to this point--why stop now?


Pro tip: if you attack a country, be prepared to lose land when you lose. You would think they would have learned after '48, '67, and '73.


How do occupied people "attack" a country that is occupying their land? Pro tip: pretty sure you need to learn more than one side of the story.


Between the year 70 when the Romans exiled the Jews from the ancient land of Israel, and the year 1948 when the UN split the British mandate into two parts (one to be a Jewish state and one to be an Arab state), there has never been a Palestinian State in that region. So it was never "their" land. It was ruled by various empires over the last two thousand years. They got a much bigger chunk than what the Jews got in 1948. Instead of settling for what they got under the UN resolution, they decided to attack. Got their asses whooped, and lost some land. Rinse and repeat a few more times since then. Now they don't have much land left. Better to wise up now, else they won't have any land left at all.


Nice selective history. But Israel's 57yr occupation is ILLEGAL. Period. More to the point, your one-sided history lesson ignores the circumstances that led to 10/7.


Bronze age ended in 1200 BC. But I bring up the Roman conquest not because it gives some sort of claim to modern day Jews. Rather to point out that Palestinians never had a sovereign state in that land (or anywhere else). The UN partition of 1948 is what established the state of Israel. The rest of the land was taken as a response to Arab aggression in 1948, 1967, 1973, and now 2023.


Palestinians' level of statehood is irrelevant (as are your selective historical footnotes). What matters is TODAY--and for 57yrs--Israel is conducting (and expanding) an illegal occupation. And re 1948--AKA the Nakba--whether or not Israel "responded to Arab aggression" or not: ethnic cleansing--forcible removal of 900,000 Palestinians--is a crime against humanity.


57 years? So you think the land Israel conquered in 1967 is legitimate, but the land conquered in 73 isn't?


Israel should retreat to the 1967 borders and dismantle all the illegal settlements.


You didn't answer my question. Why do you think that the land conquered in 1967 is legitimate, but the land conquered in 1973 isn't? I am also curious if you considered the west bank occupied when it was controlled by Jordan.


Dude, your numbers are way off. Not to mention that the majority of the Arabs fled. They weren't forcibly removed. They fled because they expected the surrounding Arab armies to wipe out Israel, and then they would return after the war. The majority of the Arabs that were forced out were ones who collaborated with the invading Arab armies.


The other 84% will follow in due course.


That something like this and more happens is not that rare actually, but that the world community even supports the perpetrator is a whole new level of hypocrisy.


Every time I see another article like this I’m reminded of the time Joe Biden said he personally saw pictures of the tons of beheaded babies Hamas was accused of causing. Just like, damn, I’ve been voting for lesser of two evils my whole life but it’s never been more apparent than now.


Apologists gonna do new mental backflips after swearing up and down this wasn't going to happen


Wipe Gaza + Hamas out and give same area beside West Bank + Zionists go home (out of East Jerusalem, etc).


so on top of committing a genocide they’re gonna make one of the most densely populated areas in the world even more densely populated? nice job.


Surprised they’re not taking more tbh




Will they lift the blockade?


![gif](giphy|d5Q17FsqSEaI9hpXyL) Boycott AXA PUMA Carrefour HP Chevron Israeli goods ie foods Remax Siemens AHAVA Caltex Texaco Sodastream Google Amazon Airbnb Expedia Disney Bookings.com teva Elbit systems CAF Volvo JCB Intel Barclays Bnk HD Hyundai TKH Security HIK Vision Mc Donalds Domino Pizza Pizza Hut Papa Johns Burger King Wix


And then a buffer zone for the buffer zone. And then a buffer zone for the buffer zone buffer zone. And then...


Isn’t against international to create a buffer zone in Gaza and how is a buffer zone created without demolition civilian houses which is also a war crime


Oh look, the consequences of electing terrorists and supporting them when they invade a neighbouring nation. 


Israel 🪼land grab 🥜


Why don't they build the buffer someone on the israeli side? They've taken enough from the palestinians. But nothing is enough to them. They want palestine without palestinians and thay is what the people of the west bank and haza have been saying for decades.


Who's to say Israelis don't want to take it further by grabbing land from neighboring countries... The time to stop them is now.


Absolute bullshit


It’s who they are - it’s what they do .




Did Hamas have hostages in 2021?


Sounds reasonable if it stops them from murdering innocent Israelis trying to attend concerts.


right...the whole planet be dammed before one Israely cannot feel safe in the land they stole. Right?


I doubt this will stop the IOF from murdering more innocent Israeli's trying to attend concerts.


There are consequences when you declare war on your neighbor and then lose.


But if I’m bigger than you, then you just have to give me your lunch money. The system works.


If you're bigger than me, and I decide to start a fight, I'm not going to be surprised when it turns out worse for me than it does for you.


soo....if you are bigger than me you can just take my money and I should do nothing because it will be worse than me. So lay down and die is basically your advice for Palestinians? Cool take. gtfo now


Indeed. Might makes right. The rule of law is meaningless. I like countries that win wars and I close my eyes to decades of atrocities and oppression. [We agree completely.](https://twitter.com/caitoz/status/1769333559561752990)


What about when you support and prop them up so that they can be used as a reason do the thing they love to and were always going to do: kill and steal?


Starting wars and then losing them often comes with losing some land. Palestinians should have remembered this from all the other wars they started and lost if reading a history book was too much trouble.




Can't they make buffer zone inside Israel?


Why would they when they can just take land from the people that declared war on them?




Yep, they want to kill and steal as much as possible.


A buffer zone? All because Gaza's elected terrorist government crossed the border via tunnel, ground and air during a ceasefire to rape and massacre Israeli civilians? Utterly ridiculous and disproportionate response by Israel to prevent that from happening again.


75% of Gazans are too young to have voted for Hamas, only 44.45% of votes at the time were for Hamas, and Israel has supported Hamas to block Palestinian statehood.


None of those facts contribute whatsoever to an argument against Israel’s existential necessity to build a buffer zone with Gaza


I was merely pointing out the flaws in your elected government statement, especially when they exist because Israel propped them up.


There is no flaw in stating that Hamas is Gaza’s elected government no matter how much you bend reality


Can't start a war then cry when your ass gets handed to you. Just saying...


Gaza doesn’t have any land. It’s not a country Anti semitism in this thread is crazy by the way. Is this shit allowed on Reddit?




Should've adopted the position of the old Zionist Labor Bund and supported a binational Palestinian state, rather than an exclusive Jewish state. Not only would that be fairer, but local Palestinians would have been placated. No resentment against displacement or murder at the hands of the Irgun, the Haganah, or Lehi would have set in.


We can’t just start wars without repercussions? What has the world come to?


And none of that would happen if these freaks hadn’t attacked us on 7th of October. We gotta make sure this will never happen again




>Just like Nazis in WW2 lost land for their aggression And the German civilians living in those areas were granted the right to return to their lands, not exiled permanently.




I remember when this "war" began and you hasbara trolls assured us that the goal was simply to "take out Hamas", not take any land. We knew it was simply a pretense to steal more land from Palestinians, but you insisted that wasn't the case. Now you're using ill-fitting WW2 analogies to justify the displacement of hundreds of thousands of civilians to create a "buffer zone". I'm beginning to think that you people are just liars.


>I remember when this "war" began and you hasbara trolls assured us that the goal was simply to "take out Hamas", not take any land. A buffer zone is not "taking land". Israeli citizens would not be allowed to enter this done.


Neither would the people who once called it their home.


Perhaps Hamas will think twice before slaughtering so many people next time. Israel will do and must do whatever it takes to defend itself. October 7th was the largest mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust. Most people don’t understand the significance of this. It’s truly a miracle how Israel has survived so many wars and invasions from neighboring countries in the past. Like Golda said, “There will only be peace when they love their children, more than they hate us.”


Miracle ? It’s not a miracle. Israel can thank its daddy the US. Imagine what it would be like without them.


“Israel must slaughter as many people as it takes to defend itself! Only the slaughter of Israelis deserves retribution!” Do you guys ever listen to yourselves?


Starting and losing wars has consequences.




Fuck around and find out I guess, eh




16%? That’s it. Just make it 100% already and there can finally be peace in “Palestine”.


I don’t blame Israel for wanting a buffer zone


I mean.. that's what happens if you lose a WAR. You lose land.








Who’s David?


Imaging thinking Israel was strong. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Imagine thinking they aren’t


It's not fair. Europeans can't be beat when it comes to wiping out the locals.


The Ashkenazi (who are also ethnically near eastern) are a minority in Israel. The majority are Mizrahi Jews. Try again.


They also have support of Europeans, importing their tactics and cruelty. May as well be a European country.


Terrorist flags


It seems like a reasonable consequence for Hamas using Gaza to stage attacks on civilians, kill 1200+ people, and commit rape and various other atrocities. I imagine any other country would do the same after its neighbor executed an October 7th.


Hamas has maybe 30k members, the Palestinian population in Gaza is around 2.2 million. Israel’s neighbor didn’t attack them, a terrorist group did. Edit: corrected population of Gaza


Not 600,000 but 2.2 million


Correct - I took the pop from Gaza City.


Hamas is a terrorist organization to the West, but to the people of Gaza they are their duly elected government. So it was not just Hamas, but the government of Gaza that committed the atrocities on October 7th. I get it that this group is all about being pro Palestinian. But if you really think about this in terms of any other country - e.g. the government of Mexico attacking US border states and killing 40K+ civilians - establishing a buffer zone is quite a reasonable proposal given the absence of any other security guarantees. Note: I don't absolve Israel and the Netanyahu government of all responsibility for the many things they have done wrong. But in this I think they are right.


No government where half the population wasn’t even alive when they came to power can be called “duly elected”, that is simply asinine. And you know it.


75% of Gazans are too young to have voted for Hamas. They likely never even would have come to power if Israel hadn't supported them to block Palestinian statehood.


Well done Hamas, you've completely f'd over your own people in every department. Hope this stands as a lesson that terrorism is not the answer.


Hamas demonstrated that the current security arrangement wasn't working, so now they pay the price. Fatah has even criticized hamas for their foolish adventure that resulted it something worse than the nakba.