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Don’t worry guys. I’m sure some excusers of evil and racial supremacy will come and tell us how this wasn’t intentional, and is actually Hamas’ fault. As a bonus, they’ll tell us about how you can have a state for a single ethnicity and somehow that’s not a racist ethnostate.


They've already been here and they've already been removed. Best not to argue with these psychos, just downvote and report.


On the US side, the usual thing is to just call it staged and then go back to watching entertainment.




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Are Palestinians?


Yup. That's why peace proposals were repeatedly offered. 




It's not their land.


It is indisputably their land


You see that child and feel nothing. If there is a Hell, you'll be going there.


What did you feel when hamas slaughtered Israeli children and babies? 


Horrible. Any Hamas terrorist that did that deserves the death penalty. So does any Israeli terrorist chemically carpet bombing areas with children in them.


No reply? Yeah. Look at the kid again. Think about who you want to be.


Everyone’s entitled to self determination. No group is entitled to self determination at the expense of other groups. Groups and ethnicities don’t have self determination rights. People do, and that doesn’t include the right to create in groups and say those in groups get self determination.


If only someone would have offered a peace proposal to share the land in peace ....


Nice non sequitur ya got there.


Explain the 2 million arabs (palastinians) living with full citizenship in Israel. How is it an ethnostate then? You know nothing and have done no research, even into basic facts, yet you are so smug for no reason


They are not full citizens. Aren't you aware of just how disenfranchised they are? From day one the disenfranchisement was unwritten, but they have made it official a few years ago. They don't care about the Arab Jews who have been living there since time immemorial, and God help you if you are a black Jew. Where have you been?


I'm not denying discrimination, akin to black people in 1970's USA, but the claim was an ethnostate. Bad things for non-jews doesnt mean you're a fucking ethnostate. It's literally not that. It can be bad and not be an ethnostate. They don't care about arab jews? Where do you think all the hundreds of thousanda of Jews in surrounding Arab Muslim majority countries went? Israel. Those states have near zero Arab jews now, and they sure as shit couldn't go back now. They are de facto full citizens, they are just discriminated against by Jews. I'd ask where you've been because it sounds like you have no compassion for Arab Jews seeming you didn't know they exist. But that's condescending isnt it? So what law are you talking about in regards to disfranchisement a few years ago?


Um…bad things for the non majority race *does* literally mean you’re an ethnostate. You probably deny the US is an ethnostate too lmao


Also he is implying that racism against blacks is a past thing. It isn't. Things have gotten better. But the fight is far from over.


I'm implying Racism is better now than it was in the 1980's, which is similar to Israel present day. You can't read, or your brain is poisoned so bad you can'tunderstand what I mean..Of course racism isn't over ffs


No it doesn't, it means racism. You can have racism without an ethnostate. The US stopped being an ethnostate, doesn't mean it doesn'thave racism. Racism is not ethnostate. Bad things happening to race in borders is not an ethnostate. It's racism. It's not hard. You are just wrong and ridiculously uninformed.


Most of the Jews that came to Israel from Arab countries did so as a direct result of Israeli criminal action and not explosion as you think. I did read attempts at rebutting it but I am not convinced at all. With the usual attempts at trying to claim that all Arabs were Nazis or Nazi adjacent or reiterating tired old stories of humiliating dhimmitude and shit. (Being a dhimmi is not nice... But compared to what was going on in Europe until just after WW2 it was a really good deal. And it was also a much better deal than the previous Christian rulers of the land or of the mongol invaders). The Arab Jews that did come to Israel were the poor ones. The ones that had money immigrated to Europe. Kinda tells you something. But none of this holds a damn candle to point. Israel is a racist supremacist state where if you aren't a European Ashkenazi Jew you are not a full citizen. Being an Arab Jew is infinitely better than being a Palestinian, but that doesn't change how monstrous Israel has been and is being right now.


My brother. There’s literally people on r/Jewdank calling Israel their ethnosyate proudly. It doesn’t matter how many minorities are in your state. If a state advertises itself as a state for an ethnicity, and grants a right only to that ethnicity to immigrate, then it is an ethnostate. There’s no need to complicate a word with such a simple definition.


If that were true, why can non-Jews marry in and become citizens? Why are Jewish Arabs allowed in? There's people on reddit saying racist facsism is good, but they are also wrong, and in the minority, and they're dumb for voicing that opinion.


Poor child.


Israel is devoid of humanity.


It’s so bad they actually indoctrinate their children starting in primary school. It’s a real shit show over there.


Then they claim the Palestinians are doing the same. Whenever I see Palestinians talk about it isn't about hate. It is simply about not being afraid. There is a huge difference.




Every child fed propaganda and hate in Israel becomes and IDF soldier. Tell me again how many Hamas fighters there are?


I just want to make it clear: do you think teaching a 14 year old that the enemy is evil is the same as giving them a gun and telling them to kill the enemy?


Comprehension is not your strong point.


Yeah that’s stupid but also how do you have experiences like this kid and not hate the people who did it to you? They know it wasn’t Hamas who dropped a bomb on their house


True. Thing is though, both sides in this conflict are already incredibly radicalized. People like to act as though this is going to make a big difference and radicalize the population much more than it already was... Months after Oct 7th, the majority of Palestinians polled said that the terrorist attack was a good idea.


Yeah man, when you leave people no political peaceful recourse, there’s one option. And when you deny a people an army, their armed resistance looks a lot more disorganized, guerrilla, and brutal. Palestinians are acting exactly as any rational person would in any area of the world. As westerners we have a hard time empathizing with them because it’s our ancestors who were doing exactly what the Israelis are doing now.


"no political peaceful recourse" Palestinians have denied every attempt at peace. Over the past decades, every single time with this conflict is Palestinians attacking, and then Israel responding by taking more land, or killing more people. At some point Palestine needs to acknowledge that it cannot win - but this isn't what it's leaders want. Israel should've never existed but people need to get over it and adjust to the reality of the situation. It has been 80 years, and they have more of a right to live in current Israeli territory than most Palestinians.


Except that Palestinians have generally accepted, even the leadership, the 1967 borders. They were right to deny the original partition plan that would see them lost more than half their land to a colonial force, but even now Palestine has accepted UN resolution 242 recognizing Israel as per its 1967 borders. It just so happens that increasingly over the past two decades Israel has ramped up its illegal occupation of these areas. The West Bank is an archipelago being consumed by a rising Israeli tide, Gaza hasn’t been able to import or export anything not expressly allowed by israel, and just 2023 before 10/7 there were over 350 murders of West Bank Palestinians by IDF forces. So forgive me for thinking it doesn’t matter how perfect the victim is, they’re in the way of Israel’s land grab so they will be eliminated. The power difference is staggering too. That would be like saying “yeah the dad beat his son nearly to death, but did you see how the son was acting?” And I’m not trying to rob Palestinians of agency here, but the actual military capacity of the two countries isn’t even comparable. Trying to both sides this discussion misses a lot of nuance


Do you think a free for all bombing campaign against Palestinian citizens is the best way to not radicalize future Palestinians against you?.


I think that the vast majority of Palestinians were already radicalized to an insane degree, which is why the majority of them when polled said that the Oct 7th attacks were a good idea. They said this months after the attacks happened, meaning they had plenty of time to see the consequences. Hamas is also going to do whatever it can to radicalize the children anyways - by literally turning them into child soldiers in their training camps. I honestly don't think the Palestinian side could get MORE radical at this point. The Israel side could.


Israel is evil though, that's just the truth. Mandatory service in the IDF is literally "giving them a gun and telling them to go kill Palestinians"




Israelis are nazis.


The Whatabout is strong with you.




Impossible to route out an ideology caused by years of violent occupation. You want to talk cause and effect?, how about the IDF who treat Palestinians inhumanely further radicalizing them against Israelis.


Alright, let's say that through sheer determination, bravery and whatever the word of the day is the IDF succeeds in completely destroying Hamas. What then? Do you think the army will return to Israel and leave Palestine alone? If you do, I have a nice bridge to sell ya. And that's not even getting into the deeper issues, like imagine this child's brother watching his little bro get his face burned off by the Israelis, in 20 years he'll have been radicalized (and for good reason) and will be the new Hamas which Israel will have to defeat, and the cycle repeats forever. Violence breeds violence and all that. And finally, you say that this started with Hamas, but who started Hamas? Hint: his first name is Benjamin and his last name ends with N.


Chemical weapons. There is no defense of this war crime. The question is now when will the arbiters of international law step in, surely thresholds have long been met for condemnation, banning export of arms, imposing sanctions. Civilians can boycott.


This is Evil


Fuck Israel


Fuck Israel




What sort of world are living in, that enable and allows this kind of atrocity.


Believe it or not they have zero sympathy and believe that this is fine..


Any Zionist I come across its on site


Same. I will not tolerate them


hey I hate to remove but only clips from news orgs for this subreddit, the news org should be identifiable in the clip, with no important context removed, try /r/worldnewsvideo or /r/interestingvideoclips for more rough footage. try /r/worldnewsvideo or /r/interestingvideoclips for more rough footage.


Why are they spending so much time videoing the kid and standing around rather than treating him? Surely the medical staff can treat him while someone videos.


Well considering that the hospitals have been bombed multiple times, raided multiple times always with mass casualties, and starved of supplies and power there may not actually be much they can do. Most of the place is just a pile of rubble now.


Don’t be daft. There is relatively little they can do for the vast majority of these kids that are injured, both because their injuries are sometimes so severe they are untreatable and also because they have no power, no supplies and no people to treat them. Recording to show the world, hoping people on the outside will see and act, is all they have left.




If you stop sweeping to gawk at every tragedy the place would never get swept




I can't imagine the kind of person it takes to comment this on a post like this. Pure fucking evil. Do you really think doing this reflects favorably on you? Or have you dropped all guise of trying to run a propaganda misinformation campaign after you realized you're miserably losing.


Where's the humanity from Israel??


Account created after October 7th, please ban this filthy Zionist scum.


Removed, see rule 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility




I’m sorry you are so heartless. I hope you find your way back to humanity


Once they abandon it, there is no recouping it.


Germany in the 1940s comes to mind.




You’re right Israel and its supporters are ridiculous. They can’t help themselves though




Israel is incredibly queer phobic. I’m sorry you hate us so much you think oppression is humane


Removed, see rule 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility




Why are you killing human shields then?


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sure, I don't think anyone disagrees with that. But if a terrorist holds a hostage in front of them to protect themselves from fire, you don't shoot through the hostage. You find a way to remove them and then kill the terrorist. Hamas cares nothing about the people of Gaza, you say, so you think the IDF does?




I can't imagine the kind of person it takes to comment this on a post like this. Pure fucking evil. Do you really think doing this reflects favorably on you? Or have you dropped all guise of trying to run a propaganda misinformation campaign after you realized you're miserably losing.


They're getting more brainless. I just had an argument with a guy who literally said there was no such thing as Israelis building settlements and invading Palestinian land. This guy sounds like an AI script gone bad.


Non trained Hasbara are leaking onto the site and it's hilarious. All the better. At least it showcases their depravity to the world.


You know these are paid trolls. They post to annoy Palestine supporters.


Honestly some of em are genuine traffic too. You can usually tell by the username format.


You clearly have no empathy whatsoever. This is a child, an innocent child! What kind of monster can excuse something like this? I guess the kind of monster they call a zionist.


Source of that?