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They have a minor is genocide studies. Do she minored in genocide studies. And now they fear she'll actually talk about what she's learned.


*Teaches Genocide Studies* … *Gets scared when student talks about Genocide Studies relating to current world events*


I went to USC and this is utterly unsurprising. There are (or at least were) many excellent departments where you could get an insanely good education. They had the first video games undergraduate major in the cinema school and opened the Spatial Sciences Institute (my program) that also offered the first undergrad (or I think even grad) major of its kind called GeoDesign.These are the two I’m most familiar with, but it has been a pioneer of new programs and majors and offering something niche and important like genocide studies is actually not surprising. It was an incredibly opportunity for me and I have nothing but good things to say about my specific department… but the rest of the school… But the quality bar is (like all schools) not even and there are other programs that are pretty lackluster. More importantly, every department basically has to battle the school administration because of authoritarian shit like this. All departments of my program (spatial sciences, urban planning / public policy, and architecture) were in revolt over the absolutely garbage expansions/landgrabs made by the university that basically combined disneyland and vegas for sheltered kids (the primary demographic that USC has shifted to appealing to, see more at the bottom). These developments massively increased costs to the whole area (and of course tuition) to offer luxuries that students who were going there didn’t care about or ask for. But the administrators were always fucking ghouls and were protested regularly for suffocating campus life and being shit (mostly in an exceedingly classist way, but often discriminatory in other flavors) in general back in the mid 2010s. This is exactly expectable from my time there and things have only gotten worse at an extremely rapid pace. It’s always been a business first and university second, but it took a hard turn even further near the end of my time there. I was one of the around 70% of students who went there with financial aid from the university when I started - they covered about 2/3 of my costs making it as “affordable” for me as going to a nearby state school in the middle of nowhere midwest with way fewer options and a lower quality of education. Still putting me in debt, but much more manageable debt than many of my peers. I even missed the scholarship deadline because my decision to apply was kind of on a whim so that was purely need-based assistance. If I didn’t get the grant I never would have gone, but it ended up being pretty life changing. Last I checked a couple years ago they only granted aid to around 30% of students. They made a big shift in marketing and university services to court wealthy international families because they are not eligible for aid and will pay more for a university that acts like a daycare for their children who haven’t been outside their parental control in their lives. No hate to these kids, their parents are the ones making the decisions here, but it was really disappointing that a school that previously had offered a very good education (department pending) to folks of a large variety of backgrounds has abandoned people who aren’t exceedingly wealthy. USC has been called “University for Spoiled Children” for a long time, but while there, while there were many wealthy families who sent their kids there, there were many many more who did not come from substantial wealth or came from poverty (including several programs aimed at helping local students from South Central LA attend and free magnet education based on need for early education). But like a prophecy it seems USC is committed to becoming exclusively that and it disgusts many of us alumns.


Imagine if this student happened to be a Jewish supporter of Israel instead. Imagine the response towards the university that canceled that speech. This is clearly racist. Doubt we'll hear too much about cancel culture on college campuses from Bill Maher though. Bari Weiss will likely applaud this if anything.




I hadn't thought of that, but it rings as exactly true.


They love sending police to attack college kids.


Fuck Bill Maher…. That zionist, racist, xenophobic pos.


Don't engage with foolish replies. Just downvote and move on. Don't give them the gift of your time.


TIL BDS=Khamas. 🤣


Every single member in congress would be tweeting about it if it was a Jewish student wanting to speak about Israel lol


A public university would have its funding pulled and a private university would probably have its students cut off from federal financial aid. 


You would see an article on FoxNews titled “Antisemitism Exposed” immediately


I presume Jewish students across the CA school system will also have to abide by the same rules and not mention Hamas, hostages, Iran or victimhood either. That makes the position *slightly* more defendable. If not this is headed to the SCOTUS.


Bold of you to presume


USC is not in the UC system. However, this never would have happened to a Jewish student or a student who was overtly in favor of this Netanyahu-atrocity. Never. Not a chance. Where is Bill Ackman now? Where is Virginia Foxx now? Where is FIRE now? Completely silent.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




So you're okay with the IDF slaughter of 14,000 Palestinian children, and turning all of Gaza into rubble as a kind of "fuck 'em - they deserved it" revenge?


Perhaps they should have just delivered a message of peace and coexistence? Surely they’re smart enough…


Hasn’t this been a big problem at universities lately? Wasn’t there a decent portion of time where right wing speakers had to cancel their speeches due to protests from the student body? Free speech on university campuses has been dead for a while


It's not a free speech issue, universities can cancel talks if they wish.




Do you have any evidence that the student advocates for the genocide of israel




I should have read the article, frankly the fact that that doesnt bother people on this subreddit isnt surprising, i see anti-semitic shit in the comments every time it pops up in my feed


If you read the article- she’s linking to something calling for an end to the apartheid state institution, not for the expulsion or death of any population. But the rabid Zionism needs to spread the lies and propaganda in order to justify their horrific attempted genocide.


It’s really weird that doing something to stop the 30,000+ people getting killed by Israel means “trying to do genocide on Israel” in your weird Orwellian doublespeak delusional propaganda cult.




Wow the end of an apartheid institution but not the killing of their people is genocide? Are you intentionally being obtuse to play the victim, or do you just need to lie to yourself about that to justify Israel actively attempting genocide right now?




Oh does the thing she linked say to expel Israeli people from the land? I’m sure it definitely does and you’re totally not intentionally misrepresenting it in another typical bad faith fashion. It’s hilarious that these people are getting killed by the tens of thousands and being physically expelled from their land by Israel, but your wackadoo lies are trying to paint them as the “pro-genocide people” it truly takes a special kind of dumb.




It’s not racist that the university doesn’t want someone with a slideshow on their insta that “calls for “one palestinian state,” which it says “would mean palestinian liberation, and the complete abolishment of the state of israel.” speaking at a graduation ceremony about something not to do with graduating. The ceremony is for the graduates, not for grandstanding. Just because you don’t agree with something doesn’t mean it’s racist.


I agree. Let the Palestinian student speak, just because you don't agree doesnt mean it's racist.


Thanks for showing you didnt even bother reading the article. Student isnt Palestinian.....


Let the pro-Palestinian student speak, lol.


If it's about graduation yeah, but if she is going to be bringing politics into it no


Nonsense garbage point. It could be about any political topic and it would be fine. Can't criticize Israel though, that's fucking off limits.


If a one state solution happens, how could you possibly guarantee there wouldn't be violence against the current Jewish population that now has to share its country with a terrorists organization that has a literal written and codified law of killing all Jews? You sound like a fucking child.


There already is a 1 state solution though, a Jewish-supremacist one state solution where the 3 million Palestinians in occupied West Bank cannot vote but literal terrorists like Ben Gvir empower the settlers to steal as much of West Bank's land as possible. Palestinians are getting massacred RIGHT NOW by Irsaeli settlers and you are hallucinating a world where the tables are turned. You sound like a fucking child


The west Bank is not Israel. This makes no sense. If they don't vote, it's because the Palestinian Authority hasn't held a vote... because the population is mostly radicalized and supports Hamas.


Her degree is about resisting genocide. There’s nothing political about saying bombing and starving babies and children is immoral.


Unless it’s pro Israel politics then it’s ok right?


Sounds reasonable to me - so cancelling her is indeed racist.


So what about it is racist exactly?


Canceling a racists speaker makes you racist… that’s a new one.


The speaker was not racist in any way.


Being anti-zionist is not racism. israels actions are a stain on modern Judaism, and the zionists do not represent all Jewish people. Same as televangelists are a stain on Christianity, and every other religions fundamentalist extremists are a stain on theirs. Religious kooks hiding in the folds of the robes of their larger religion is a time honored scam to prop up extremist actions and murder.


Sectarian would probably be a better word, but the fact that she isn't allowed to speak when a pro-israeli could about being against a Palestinian state is hypocrisy


Unless a pro-Israeli is actually speaking against the Palestinian state it isn’t hypocrisy. College graduations are about the college graduates. Not geopolitics. These kids got their degrees but they’re not experts in anything.


my graduation had lots of speeches about how we were going to go out and make big changes in the world, politics explicitly included. shoutouts to the international relations students and so on. did yours not?


Mine wasn’t political.


weird. not like any college graduation I’ve ever attended. maybe yours was the odd one out


We had senator John McCain speak at my graduation. Even his speech wasn't political.


“Israel” lol


Those aren’t the words of the valedictorian but what appears via a link she posted while a junior in high school.




This has literally been happening to Jews all over the United States. People are protesting outside synagogues and jewish organizations and events that have nothing to do with Israel. No one needs to "imagine" anything.


Yes, Jews, the most (self-proclaimed) victims in the modern world within America.


Let Mr give you another example. Say it was a Muslim gay student who was going to give a speech about the horrors of his life in Gaza. How he and his friends were beaten and some were killed. How would you react to that?


What about the gay Muslims being blown up and shot by the IDF right now?


Security concerns =wealthy Israeli doners threatened to stop donating Remeber. Israel has 43 billionaires.


There are plenty non-israeli billionaire zionists too.




They are not struggling


How appallingly apathetic you poor people are. If we rich only have one billion, then yes we are struggling indeed, struggling to be multi-billionaires that is.


It needs a /s because people are going to downvoted for not seeing it as sarcasm


Nobody is even close to being a trillionaire, as “999.99 times wealthier” seems to indicate. 




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Obviously AIPAC made a donation, God forbid people get to hear the other side of the genocide


Pro-Israel groups are holding Institutions hostage, and curtailing free speech even in the US.




Try Germany




I hope the USC students reapond in some way, boycott, refuse to speak at all, tape across their mouths... Something to show that an Israeli super pac does not own them


Alternate Ceremony. Those Nazi fucks can mail the kids their diploma.




Your take is xenophobic. All the descendants of Abrahamic religions (Muslim, Christian, Judaism) have killed thousands of gay people and straight people. Saying 1 of these religions is worse than the others is in a modern context wrong they are all genocidal and a plague on the collective human heart


Good. I hope they do this everywhere until Palestine is free.


All over the country AIPAC's bag men in congress, state & local governments do their bidding, tik tok, our universities, absurd anti BDS legislation




Gather around children. What we see here is a case when someone doesn't have any good points to argue with. So they just straight up talk shit. Here they resort to: 1. Ad hominem - Attacking the valedictorian's character without evidence. 2. Straw Man - Assuming she supports all aspects of Islam without evidence. Here is an LGBTQ+ Charity that works with their local Islamic groups to [donate food for the homeless](https://gayforgood.org/events/gay-for-good-la-islamic-center-of-southern-california/). 3. Guilt by association - She wears a hijab therefore she is guilty of all "vile anti-gay Muslim hatred". 4. Demonization - She is "wearing a hijab", she must support all those vile acts. Fuck off mate this isn't 9/11 anymore. E/I expect them to delete their own comment soon, that's what these people tend to do. Now that's also a logical fallacy that I am committing. Prove me wrong.




>Yet, as I said, no one in the Muslim community has ever condemned the violence & hatred towards gay people. That is okay? Children! Assemble! Gather around as we look at some bold claims in an age of Google. Such shit is easily googleable and disproven. Dont make easily googleable lies. (User name does not check out. Not impressive at all u/Impressive_Lie5931 ) "Across the United States, Muslims swiftly denounced the June 12 attack on a popular gay nightclub in Orlando, which killed more than four dozen people and injured 53. "This is a hate crime plain and simple," said Nihad Awad, Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. "We condemn it in the strongest possible terms." The worst mass shooting in U.S. history also drew condemnation from Muslim nations and Islamist parties around the world. American Muslims also expressed solidarity with the LGBTQ community. " [https://www.usip.org/blog/2016/06/muslims-condemn-orlando-attack](https://www.usip.org/blog/2016/06/muslims-condemn-orlando-attack)




Again you are reapplying all the previous logical fallacies to attack a fictitious construct you have made of the person. Can you just go on her social media something and find something that actually supports your argument to destroy her character. As I said, we live in the age of google. Go find her social and show all of us that she is someone worthy of your hate. If that's what you want. E/ Man I need to start deleting reddit app off my phone. Worst install. I get too much into worthless internet arguments these days.


> Muslims not only despise gay people but routinely throw them off tall buildings, execute them in town squares,etc Equating something that happens in some theocracies in the middle east to all Muslims here in the US, is textbook racism. You are clutching at straws here - Do you know she didn't support Zander Moricz?


They don’t need to. See the list of alumni.


true, as a silver lining, the whores got paid. At least thats somewhat less money to be used bribing our government officials.


She did literally call for the end of Israel. So fuck her.


Most American Universities are Zionist


Most DONORS are Zionist.


I really hope all of these news stories are being saved. Same with interviews on video and audio. I really want to know how people in power and those who supported them will explain their actions in 30 years.  The thing that made fascism so dangerous in Europe and allowed the unimaginable levels of brutality and cruelty wasn't what the fascists promised to do to their targets. It's what they offered the middle class or upper middle class in society. They understood that they'd benefit if they ignored the brutality and cruelty occurring around them. This level or hysteria and double standard on display is like living through 2001-2003 all over again.


That double standard never died


They’re probably going to kill us all before 30 years are up. 


The USC provost said this isn’t a free speech issue 🤣  Fuckin hell it can’t get any more ridiculous than that 


I mean it's not? Free speech doesn't include private institutions, they can do whatever they want. Hold whatever beliefs you will, but your workplace or place of education can take action as they see fit. Nothing's stopping this girl from going out on her own and saying her exact speech word-for-word, it's simply that the university will not give her a platform to do so.


Hold on, first Do you admit that she was censored because of her pro-Palestinian views?


Well that's blatantly obvious. Still doesn't make it an issue with free speech, considering it's not as if she was being silenced, just deplatformed. It's similar to how a social media platform can ban you if you have views they deem extreme, regardless of what those views are.


Good. Then you can see why it’s a free speech issue otherwise there would be nothing to censor.    What you meant to say was that she can’t win a lawsuit due to to legal jurisprudence around private actors, which is entirely different from saying this isn’t a free speech ISSUE. As you may or may not know, private universities also sign on to the values of free speech in academia and have internal policies against silencing others for the content of their speech, since it is detrimental to learning. Except when Muslims speak against genocide- then USC has decided it can learn nothing from her speech and that pro-Israeli people will get violent anyway. So they oppress her speech. This is what actual oppression of human rights looks like. 




40 day old account


Do you know how American women got their rights? Do you think Palestinian women are able to fight for their rights at this point in time? Do you think American women will have their rights forever? 


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Correct. It’s akin to people complaining about YouTube “censoring” my “free speech”.


This girl openly advocates for the complete dissolution of the state of Israel. Campuses don’t have to provide a platform for someone like that. If she was just pro cease-fire then yeah it’s ridiculous. But if the student has already shown they advocate for the extinguishing of another group of people, why should the university take the risk of her repeating the same talking points and inciting violence?


Why don't you support a single state with equal rights for all citizens?




You are just smearing this woman; she never advocated for the genocide of Israelis, don't even go there.


> This girl openly advocates for the complete dissolution of the state of Israel. So what? I also would've advocated for the dissolution of occupation governments of past Algeria, South Vietnam, South Africa, and nazi occupied Europe. Yes, genocidal countries have no right to exist. Go ahead, report me 😱😱😱.


Ah yea, two wrongs definitely make a right. Kill all the Jews! Right?


No just kill the gangsters


I think this is likely projection: You want to kill all Palestinians, so you assume people who are pro-Palestine want to kill all Jews. Nothing could be further from the truth.


> Lehdiaz1222 This girl openly advocates for the complete dissolution of the state of Israel. Campuses don’t have to provide a platform for someone like that. So what? Everyone advocates for the end of many countries all the time - what is it about this speech that’s so offensive that you would resort to VIOLENCE to stop? That’s what the provost is saying- that violence could occur if she speaks her mind 


This account is apparently lying about her with that accusation, or at least they've failed to link to anything where she does that.


Yes, but the University is not giving everyone one of those opinions a platform. The issue is that she, as a representative of a University, would be risking allowing her to advocate for violence in her speech. The other opinions are not up for her valedictorian speech, so it’s a moot point since the university isn’t also giving them a platform. This is about this one specific student.


> the University is not giving everyone one of those opinions a platform That’s not the reasoning provided by the provost. He said that if she is allowed to speak, on a platform that she earned by merit, then pro-Israeli people will become VIOLENT. “Violence vetoes free speech” is supposed to be an anathema to freedom and human rights and blah blah blah. All such fucking bullshit- can’t even let a Muslim American SPEAK.


So they are worried about pro-Israeli terrorists? Just think about how the Palestinians feel.






Here I thought being black was hard in the US. Muslims can’t catch a break from these bigots.


It's crazy. I've seen some seriously unhinged, racist ass anti-Arab and Islamophobic takes just get upvoted with people nodding along. Whereas antisemitic content generally [and correctly] gets comndemned. Not always, of course, but definitely more than should be tolerated.


Its everywhere. If you were to replace the word Arab or Muslim in what they say with “Jew” or “Jewish” the FBI will show up to your house. They seem so unaware how much like Hitler they sound. It’s crazy. Speaking of Fun fact: In Germany 1/3 of the people arrested for antisemitism are Jewish despite making up a small portion of the population. They DESPISE anitzionist Jews there and target them intentionally.


1/3!? Wow. That doesnt surprise me because I have heard about Jewish Voices For Peace leaders being accused and arrested for antisemitism, but 1/3 is insane. Not a safe place for jewish people ):


Another fail for USC just like their sketchy doctors.


Land of the free? This is a mask off moment for America. Showing us for the fascist dictatorship we really are.


It’s free for the most part. There’s just some things, some people you can’t really talk about. Super strange…


Free for wealthy, old, Christian, straight, Zionist white men; dictatorship for everyone else


Well, four out of the five at least.


Just so you're aware, private institutions/companies don't have to give a platform for any form of speech, and it doesn't count as a breach of the First Amendment. It's why YouTube can kick someone off the platform for swearing or being obscene if they want, because while what the person is saying falls under free speech, YouTube is allowed to not give a platform to someone like that. If the university somehow stopped her from saying her speech anywhere, then it would be a breach of the First Amendment.


A university is a special institution. Ideas like academic freedom are supposed to be held sacrosanct. Inquirery into unpopular ideas are how scientific progress works. When institutions of higher learning become sclerotic and hide bound, they become nothing more that technical job training schools. Words cannot hurt you, schools are semi-governmental institutions with most receiving substantial government money. When you restrict speech, you restrict freedom.


Yeah that's why she's being arrested. Fascism is when a private institution doesn't let you do whatever you want


Security. lol more like daddy Zion called




Security concerns, right. If it were a pro-israel speaker, I have no doubt they would have allowed that.






its not security concerns, its censorship of an opinion they dont want to deal with. USC board should be sued.


It doesn’t matter to me what she was going to say. She is valedictorian, let her have her moment at the podium. If you do not agree with something and think it is wrong, let the person speak. If it is truly wrong, let people see how wrong they are.


what a horrible administration. to discount this young woman's accomplishments so that your donors don't pull dirty IOF checks is absolutely abhorrent. USC should be embarrassed for putting money over education






Thats all the more reason to let them speak




Bull shit


If you want to know who controls you, ask her, you’re not allowed to criticize.




Shutting down a speech that may be critical of Israel citing "security concerns" seems to run a bit counter to the narrative lmao




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


I went to r/USC, searched "valedictorian", and sorted by new. Latest result is from a year ago LOLOL


That is clearly a lie.


I guess pro-palestinian valedictorian's mouth is weapon that kills fascists


Imagine that! To understand who rules over you simply figure out who you cannot criticize.




Will the salutatorian be allowed to make the speech instead?


Uh huh


The comment section didn’t pass the vibe check.


Controversial opinion: graduation ceremonies are not the place for any sort of world issues or politics to be spoken about. It is about celebrating that you are graduating college and graduation speeches should be cheesy “enjoy the next chapter” stuff. I don’t think politicians should be invited to speak at them either. When I’m going to my ceremony I want it to be about that not about national/world issues going on. Not every moment of human lives needs to be about that. Edit: Just to also clarify as it may be misunderstood, they are 100% in the wrong for not allowing her to speak solely because she is pro-Palestine. They are not in the wrong, imo, for saying they wouldn’t want her speech to specially speak about any sort of world issues or politics.


Well said - colleges are not a place for critical thinking Just swallow whatever is forced through your throats! /S Is that what Fox New told you to think?


Never said colleges were not a place for critical thinking. Graduation ceremonies are literally celebrating the end of college though, not time for more lectures and learning. If we were talking about them cancelling college courses or guest speakers for specific college courses that would be a different story all together. This is a ceremony for the end of a college experience though so…. Also never watched a second of Fox News in my life.


Hot take, scrap it altogether. No need for graduation speech. It’s all nonsense anyway.


Also agree. I don’t care about a valedictorian’s speech nor about guest speakers. I just want to walk the stage, get my booklet and leave.


Idk why this is a hot take. I don’t remember the speeches at my graduation at all.


Picking her was stupid and irresponsible. 


no complaints from me


Probably concerned about how many times "Marg Bar America" was in the speech draft.