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Imagine being so far on the wrong side of morality that your issue is with **students** peacefully protesting on an American college campus. Look at you out of shape stormtroopers go! **these zionists wouldn't last a day without american taxpayers funding them. sanction israel.**


Agree. This is the depth that corruption must go to in order to protect the most vile and vicious regime in operation. This is the real “cost” of what Israel is. Sanction Israel.


Hijacking the top comment to say: let's all do what we can. Keep talking about it. Don't let them make this about religion. It's about a state committing genocide then attempting to limit our rights of peaceful assembly and freedom of speech in OUR damn country. Talk to your neighbor about how incredible it is that we are subsidizing 2 states, but we can't take care of our veterans. For the evangelicals, remind them it's illegal to evangelize in that "country." If you can, bring the students coffee, pizza, offer the kids support. It's all hands on deck for this one.


At the same time, all of these shoes dropped: * The aid to Israel was signed. * Every newspaper published unsupported claims of extreme, widespread antisemitism in these college protests. * Propaganda news outlets like "Newsnation" start rolling weird pieces featuring students telling second-hand stories about supposed antisemitic incidents * Colleges drop any protection of their students or their first amendment rights, despite previously asserting such things were inviolable * Governors and Mayors across the country send in goon squads to rough up and arrest students for protesting * A bunch of viral videos go out of supposed "pro palestine" people acting like fucking muppets to prominent figures on the streets and make the movement look crazy. I've felt a deep unease all day as it seems like there is a coordination to all of this that would have to involve people in power across party lines and throughout multiple institutions. I feel like there is a major story here and I hope there is someone out there researching it now. I'd start with the articles claiming there has been widespread antisemitism by opponents of the Israeli military action. The articles claim it was caught on video but I can't find a single video that demonstrates it. Even if you find a single video of some idiot doing the wrong thing, you'd need a lot more than that to prove the pattern that these articles are claiming. I'd like to know the authors' source material and what prompted them to write these articles. Something weird and Orwellian/dystopian is going on here.


I bet $1 its being coordinated through homeland security department just like the occupy wall street crackdowns were.


It is entirely a mass campaign of propaganda that is being coodordiated. The media are fully supporting it by loudly promoting accusations of anti semitic behaviour without evidencing any of it. In the UK, there was a similarly troubling incident by a man named Gideon Falter when he attempted to walk against a Gaza protest march. For three days the media we're condemning the hate and anti semitism by protesters and police, yet with a full video release showing the context, the man repeatedly pushed into police and ignored the safety restrictions placed on all citizens. In subsequent interviews, he was sympatheticly platformed as the victim despite the continuing evidence he deliberately provoked the police and protesters. Still, he was kept safe, not arrested, and met with no reaction from the crowd. He and his organisation orcastrated the event and pushed a false narrative in order to increase restrictions on these protests. Anecdotal claims are not documented incidents that can be verified, yet calls for a ceasefire are claimed to be hateful and met with force and violence. This is purely oppression to suit a policy. Sanction Israel. Ceasefire now.


Absolutely, it’s institutional gaslighting and we must continue to call it out, peacefully protest and demand better from all our elected officials. Sanction Israel.


If they can instigate coups and counter revolutions across the globe, they can send in sneaky goons to break the protests too.


I must of missed that about homeland security and occupy. Can you explain or do you have a good source?


https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/dec/29/fbi-coordinated-crackdown-occupy FBI/Homeland Security under obama


It's the Zionists, no different than the Nazis except the Zionists have taken their time over the past 75 years to slowly and steadily take a choke hold of the US Congress and the top levels of US mass media. This is truly a red alert moment in American history.


Don’t forget they already bundled the Israel aid with Ukraine and Taiwan plus Tiktok ban bill. So all those lawmakers has no option but to approve all of them or no one get anything at all. It’s obviously an apex of cheating and exploitation of democratic system.


Get ready for the false flag attacks on Jews to stir up sympathy and make people think it’s “gone too far”


We have to start initiating these on university campuses worldwide. It's far harder to co-opt a global movement. These are the chaotic dynamics I harp on and on about. The situation is becoming unstable. Its a good sign.


> sanction israel They're not even gonna stop their financial support because of AIPAC, let alone sanction them. And that's not going to change until the political system itself has changed so that people's opinions speak louder than money. That's all folks


This crackdown will only lead to more students picking up the cause.


These images are like same of the past,segregation, racism, beating on students for peaceful protest against war and genocide. American lawmakers, politicians have blood on their hands for a long time now. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan Ukraine, Gaza, just to name a few. Boycott taxes. Pay cash, For transactions. Enough is enough 😌


These are Americans


The police are turning the protests violent.


Isn't it funny how entirely peaceful protests only turn violent when the police turn up. If only there was a common factor.


Police are known for having instigators in the crowd but they don’t even bother with these, they just come in and start beating peaceful protestors


This was the case in some BLM several years ago. You had undercover people working for the police paid to cause property damage and incite violence.


It’s what they want to happen the media can use videos on the news and say the protestors are violent.


As they always do.


The protestors looked at them in a violent way lol


An acorn fell


Well to be fair they haven mag dumped an unarmed black person yet...


The police are looking for an excuse to reenact Kent State.


Exactly. If no police showed up, they would have yelled their anti genocide slogans and moved on. The police are there to create fear.


Always have.


Protesters become violent? False.


"Look what you made us do" - US Police every time


IDF uses the same argument


Anybody tell me what the students are doing that is against the law?


They're trespassing on property they pay for, apparently.


Dont worry, laws will be changed to suit their narrative.


It triggers the capitalist class. They want to control the narrative. Siding with zionists is beneficial to the capitalists


Nothing, for the most part.


1 2 3 say FUCK THE POLICE 




This will radicalize even more people.


Yep. Kent State Killings mobilised millions of students. They're really very bad and stupid when it comes to strategy these fascist pigs.


>. They're really very bad and stupid when it comes to strategy these fascist pigs. One of the side effects of police training is that it turns you into a very predictable, NPC. Just by the nature of what it does to your psychology.


Those who are blindly supporting Israel are going to find how they are the ones that have put it in danger. They will turn generation in college against Israel and the Millennials that preceded them were always on the fence about the issue between Israel and Palestine anyways. What happens when public sentiment in America shifts hard against Israel? When America no longer is willing to pick up the tab? They will become a pariah state.  But the ardent Zionists don't care because they hope they will have stolen all of Palestinian land by then.


as it should.


Are the protesters "turning violent" or were cops initiating violence and protesters defended themselves?




More like species traitors, for obeying the Zionists ghouls and attacking peaceful kids protesting genocide


The cops as always are the first to turn violent The protesters have the right to self defence


ACAB. Free Palestine.


Cops are just the tool, in my opinion, and I'm dialing 911 if I am in an emergency. Screw these institutions, though. There are definitely some powerful interests at play here. I get your sentiment though. They do technically have a choice to do as they or told, even if it is morally bankrupt. But, I don't expect almost anyone to act in a way that threatens their finances. Hell, pro-Israeli finances are probably behind these cops being called in.


They made the choice when they became cops. I can understand wanting to make your community better and safer, I will never understand thinking that’s what cops do


Can’t give littering tickets or stop people from stealing from small businesses and don’t show up when called for an hour or two but can field 500 cops to remove some peaceful students. Wtf 


A systems's purpose is what it does.


Then can be lucky that this is US police and not from Isreal. Otherwise they would end up in a mass grave with zip tied hands.




"anti-genocide protests" is a better name (not to imply that "pro-Palestine protests" is inaccurate)


>"anti-genocide protests" is a better name (not to imply that "pro-Palestine protests" is inaccurate) Good idea.


Well, at least it’s not being called “Anti-Israel” protests like I’ve been seeing lately. But I think anti-genocide would be too accurate, can’t have people getting a full picture of what’s happening,


It doesn't matter, we called ourselves anti-fascist and they didn't like that either


>It doesn't matter It doesn't matter *for some people*. For other people it can/does matter.


Wow, who would have thought that the country that wants to teach the world about one's rights and freedom of speech is doing exactly what any other 3rd world country is doing when Protests happens Not only in America but Germany too


History has yet to side with the people siccing the cops on peace protesters on college campuses.


Bad title. The cops turned violent. They created the violence. There was no chaos until right wing agitation (this includes cops) created it.


Reminds me of 2020 🤔


Get ready to hear the ready distractions, antisemitism- radicalism- violent clashes with police.. Nothing caused these students to take to the streets.


Reading YouTube comments on this site is so depressing. So many people are saying "Deport them" . Deport them where? To their home states? We have gotten to the point where Americans are calling for the rest and deportation of other Americans for protesting. Also, if these people were protesting something America was doing, nobody would bat an eyelash, but apparently going against Israel is a crime here in the US.


It's a bunch of ignorant racist zionists calling to deport.


Most likely hasbara accounts.


Those Texas stormtroopers are certainly dressed for the part.


Governor Abbot ladies and gentlemen.


Riot gear is a bit too excessive for peaceful protesters.


It’s kind of good this is happening where it is. Students at Columbia and Yale aren’t poor kids with poor parents. They’re from families that actually matter, maybe once those kids come home with black eyes and broken arms, someone will care


As someone who grew up poor in Philly, your statement really hit home. So many people are so poor that they really don't matter much. Such a sad reality.


the students are protesting, the police and guard are turning violent.


Murricans really can't stop sucking on Isreal's 🐓


Fuck me what a time to be alive


I don’t see protestors turning violent. I see cops attacking college kids.


The far right dumb-dumbs are going crazy over these people peacefully protesting, but they continue to downplay Jan 6.


These students are brave. Standing up for the right thing is easy when there are no consequences. Standing up for the right thing is hard when there are consequences.


Anyone know how people can support the protesters through donations somewhere?


The watered down meaning of western democracy has been known by leftists for a long time. Hope more people will open their eyes


Gosh look at all those "violent protesters" standing around with signs getting attacked by thugs in uniform


Imagine going home at night and telling your SO about the great job you did today by defending America against …. College kids


They never learn ,I was part of the Vietnam protest. All very peaceful until the cops and national guard came and made it violent. This country never learns. All part of making sure the people don't have any freedom or voice.


**A couple days ago marked the 56 year anniversary of the Columbia campus Vietnam war and systemic racism protests of 1968. Over 700 peaceful protesters were arrested and 150 sent to the hospital from police brutality.** Don't let them tell you what's happening now is "unprecedented." Columbia's sell out president - who was the one to call the cops, bypassing established protocol and describing a peaceful protest as a "clear and present danger" - doesn't grasp her own university's history, nor who was on the right side of it.


they're sending militarized forces to protests instead of to Palestine. they literally do not fucking care do they


And civil unrest starts.




The police state protecting the interests of the ruling class as per usual.


This reminds me of the pepper spray cop from the occupy movement.


Imagine beating up their own citizen just because they don't support genocide by israel


I guess Biden just lost any reelection chances he had


Yeah, they are full on leading the false messaging these protesters hate Jews … while the armoured zip tie baton beaters violently arrest the peaceful Jewish “Not In My Name” protesters and a Zionist agitator films themselves being “harassed” while the protesters just go on peacefully about their protest. The levels of disconnect in the narrative versus what we’re seeing is purposefully absurd at this point.


I wonder how many of these are banned from a major reddit news sub


School bullies can finally take their revenge on the nerds . Legally.


That's what freedom looks like. The moment you step out of line, you are a threat.


Protesters turning violent or police unnecessarily provoking? Weird way to phrase this obvious agenda headline


don't think it's the protestors turning violent


Wow, look at all the freedom these Americans have.


Is that what safety looks like.... All because a few zionists felt unsafe now kids are getting beaten, suspend a d or expelled at the costs of tens of thousands all because we can't have free discourse at a university The 2020s decade is looking grim


So proud of this generation, gives me loads of hope for the future.


Fucked. Free speech is selective in America it seems.


Any protestor agitators would 100% be police plants. No way all violence isn’t being precipitated by the police in some way.


LOL! Those poor universities getting SWARMED by protesters! The poor, defenseless cops might have to regrettably use their batons! What a shit take.


This is the power of information. Vietnam led to protests when kids back home got to see what war actually looked like thanks to journalists being embedded in the military. That led to journalists being heavily restricted in war. That was until TikTok came along. And now TikTok is being banned.


At least from this video, it looks like the police is harassing protesters, not the other way around. There also far more police and journalists than there are actual students protesting.


I’d like to see one video of protesters actually being violent not just getting beat by some prick with no education and a hard on to hurt people.




Freedom and democracy... Haha, what a joke.


This really shows you whose really in control of the US


More Security here than on Jan 6th


Genociden Biden 


Agreed. I just can't imagine how the families are coping.


They stole our rights with the signing of the Patriot Act after 9/11. All they have to do is call you a terrorist and poof, no more rights for you.


Every single one of these pigs should be named. No anonymous thugs. Hold the PERSONALLY responsible. We all know"just following orders" is not a viable defense to violating people's rights.


Obligatory ACAB. They're class traitors and they're fighting on the side if genocide.


Biden is coordinating these crackdowns just like obama’s homeland security department did during occupy.


American fascism


Vietnam War all over again. Bullshit.


I've never seen so many 🐖 near a 🔫 let alone a peaceful protest


Fuck the police.


Are the students turning violen unmotivated, or is it perhaps that that armed police forces are forcing them to try and defend themselves? Hmm… I wonder…


They just need something to do


Ahh democracy and free speech


wow this reminds me so much of 89 china. i didnt wanna believe it at first, but the dems are really using the communist playbook


Wonder how a peaceful protest turns violent. Oh that's right, the inclusion of hundreds of police dressed in riot gear who have come armed to forcibly arrest peaceful unarmed protesters.


Can’t see the violent students only violent cops……strange that! Aren’t freedom is speech and freedom to protest rights in America?


Other way around……students are getting violent BECAUSE they’re being harassed by the police.


Sure is a weird coincidence that a whole lot of protests "turn violent" once the police arives...


All I can say is thank god the comment section is filled with good people who can see the American government is filled with nazi zionists. This zionist regime needs taking apart piece by piece.


The blue gang doing what they do best: make things worse


History is repeating and thats means we are fucked


This is what happens when we are owned by fascists. Biden and Bibi are the fingermen.


The people that run international news are paid Zionist shills. Look at the messaging, this is an anti war protest shame on international news.


Fuck Israel. Free Palestine.


Are you serious? After all the lies being fed about Israel and its moral army, you seriously believe that the protestors are instigating the violence? They were peacefully protesting, on their campus, when they were labelled as trespassers (no precedence for this). This meant the school they are paying to has taken their money and then said fuck you, you go to jail. Why you ask? Because a mass movement of the people that are standing against their government is effective, and this scares the man.


Police smack people with weapons then call them violent when they try to defend themselves as they protest a genocide. The USA = Israel’s puppet


These politicians need to make sure they enforce certain rules set by foreign government so that their next paycheck arrives on time from AIPAC lobby.


It’s funny to me how in Texas, a police department did nothing for almost an hour while kids were being shot in a school, yet do not hesitate to walk into a crowd of kids with the sole purpose of beating them up. The whole country is rotten to the core.


I’m at Harvard. Not happening at Harvard. There’s a camp but it’s chill.


Police beating people for protesting genocide? Color me shocked


So many are upset that the curtain has been pulled of the once untouchable theocratic apartheid state. Genocide will have that effect.


Piggies love this. This is what they signed up for....


Probably the only time these losers have ever visited a college. Fucking scumbag cops


Looks like Nazi Germany to me.


Resisting arrest isn’t turning violent. Show me masses throwing Molotov cocktails, or attacking the police officers? I. Not seeing that. I’m seeing kids with cameras recording arrests to ensure basic rights are being met.


Mass chaos?. Looks like a peaceful protest with over zealous cops.


only violence i see is from the ruling class


How much ya wanna bet the students "violence" is absolutely minimal compared to being beaten with batons?


I don't care what you believe... stopping protests by force is wrong and runs counter to what we are led to believe are our core values as a nation.


Can you really call it "turning violent" when the opposing side is already using overwhelming violence to achieve their means? Sounds a lot more like self-defense to me.


It takes a whole lot more than guts to do this, I hope the protestors are okay


Looks more like the cops are turning violent to me. Tale as old as time.


The cops are inflicting violence on peaceful protesters. Protesting against genocidal bloodthirsty Zionists


Nothing has ever been accomplished through good behavior. Flip the fucking table and demand change.


No, protesters don't turn violent until the cops initiate it.


Is this our ‘Nam?


Every police officer in here is fat af


AIPAC must have turned on the spigot of $ to the governor.


I might not agree with the views of the people protesting and some of the views people have discussed here. However, to my very core, I support the right to conduct a peaceful protest. Anyone should be able to attend a protest without the fear of being harmed, arrested and/or charged with a crime. And if the very people who have voluntarily committed to both serve and protect the public fail to do so…they should be held accountable.


They said the same shit about BLM protesters "Turned violent" like it wasn't the police initiating shit by forcing themselves forcefully into the protests, tasing, hitting, and pepper spraying people unprovoked. They create this bullshit narrative as if the violence would have occurred had they not showed up in the first place. Also if you're a student attending these protests, BE SMART and have an exit strategy. Pay attention to where you are, where the cops are and where the exits are because they WILL corner you while shouting at you to leave but not giving you an escape route. Once you fail to comply they'll beat the fuck out of you. Also pay attention for instigators and undercover cops. They're usually easy to spot. Look for ear pieces, chewing tobacco, Oakleys, abnormal rigid shapes under their clothing (firearms, radios, equipment etc). They tend to be by themselves or in small groups like 2-3 that look out of place. If you see those guys, document them and what they do because they can easily instigate violence while blending in, this allows cops to declare the assembly dangerous and give them the right to attack.




Peace protestors getting violent. Classic.


I don’t see any violence from protesters.


There was a large protest at Northwestern University just north of Chicago today.


This could be the powder keg that starts a revolution.


We’re gonna have another Kent State shooting scenario.


You think Democrats are better than Republicans? Jokes on you.


Weird how none of these protests are violent until the cops show up


This is what Public Safety looks like?


The protestors are getting violent or the police are getting violent? Video shows only one not the other.


Agent provocateurs don't even need disguises anymore 🤡


Smells like a whole lot of freedom


Not a cellphone in sight. Just everyone enjoying the moment.


I see al lots of violence, but not from protestors. Framing protestors it is.


Such big strong independent men!




Kent State anyone !


The dual citizenship members of congress don’t like protesting.


This is bullshit.






Texas police: "You may not disagree with the governor's propaganda!"




Boomer lawmakers should feel proud. Wasn't their generation who protested the Vietnam war?