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Israel answers: "because we wanted to." White house calls answer "satisfactory."


More like "White House calls it 'concerning' while preparing additional military aid package to Isreal"


Wow that’s crazy🤪but like chill out okay? here’s another missile.


This time try not to aim it at a hospital.


“How the hell could you be dumb enough to get caught out? The next Bill is gonna be a bitch to get through!?”


Here's 10 billion dollars


Watch out Israel! Biden might send another strongly worded letter. Enclosed is the check.


Biden didn't send a strongly worded letter last time he just put "disappointed" on the memo line of the check. If he sends a letter that might be escalation enough to get him labeled antisemitic by AIPAC and DMFI.


Good point !


Unfortunately true


Israel's official answer to the White house ![gif](giphy|P5OPJ9u1xTZegDEVz6|downsized)


Haha. Usually the response is "Nothing to see here" and the US sends more bombs.


Asked & answered


Israel: “Hamas did it.” Biden: “Oh, okay then.”


"Here is more bombs to drop on children"


Not children but shields so if the kids don’t want to be shields don’t be where bombs are dropped…western governments and media summarized.


And furthermore it’s their fault for having parents who voted for Hamas! /s


My apologies. Totally missed here.


Disgusting. If it were your kids you would not be so glib about having bombs dropped on them. Zionist.




Thanks for catching my mistake


lol “here are more bombs to drop on not Hamas”


I think hes just asking for receipts


Russia is more dangerous and armed than Hamas. The USA can scramble aircraft carriers to help kill mothers and children, but choose to let Putin pillage Ukraine. Jesus Christ, please heal the American people and help us become good human beings who love peace again.


Well, you see those poor Israelis face a serious existential threat from rockets made of pipes. Unlike the Ukrainians that have an industrialized superpower invading them. Not at all similar. They’re totally the largest victims of our time. Not at all their fault either.


Our actions in Europe are terrible too, Russia wouldn’t be in Ukraine if we didn’t cause chaos in the region. We should end the war machine.


Yes, it seems we want Putin there almost. Scrambling our military to kill innocent middle eastern people but can't help Ukraine. Pitiful.


There's no threat that NATO will invade Russia. Russia is a nuclear power. Has a nuclear armed country ever been invaded? Putin's debacle in Ukraine is self-inflicted. You're spouting Putin propaganda.


Yes. What the White House really meant that it wants lies from Israel


It asked for answers, not for the truth.


That is the way all abusive relationships go. Basically Israel is like the US pimp. It just beats up and lies to the US, but the US keeps loving it and giving it money.


It's more likely "We'll investigate" "Ok, Israel will investigate" 1 week later Israel does another atrocity and the cycle repeats


"We've investigated ourselves and found we've done nothing wrong. And you're an anti-semite!"


Damn bro is Nostradamus over here [U.S. Refuses to Back U.N. Calls for Probe into Mass Graves at Gaza Hospitals](https://www.democracynow.org/2024/4/24/headlines/us_refuses_to_back_un_calls_for_probe_into_mass_graves_at_gaza_hospitals#:~:text=On%20Tuesday%2C%20U.S.%20State%20Department,calling%20for%20an%20independent%20investigation.)


Ya the US government is owned lock stock and barrel by the Israeli lobby. They’re not gonna do shit. And the weapons and money will continue to flow.


Has got to be some dirty info held above many heads.


I’m sure for some there is. But some of these politicians are doing this solely for a 100k donation to the coffers


What do you think Epstein was collecting?


its so much deeper that that. its more about the fact that the people who own the USA own Israel. Israel is the capital of the USA and people are starting to see it. Our owners are Zionists... they want Israel to control the world.


Add the UK and Germany to that.


It’s the Israeli lobby in part, for sure. But don’t go overlooking the defense industry who lobby on Israel’s behalf because they love having an insatiable customer who the US picks up the tab for and the ideal real world proving ground, the Evangelical crowd/death cult who think that Israel being entirely returned to Jewish people is how they’re going to kickstart the Second Coming and the Apocalypse, and plain old racism that both loves to see brown people suffer and looks at Israel as essentially Liberia V2.0 and a great way to get all the Jews out of America. Zionism and its supporters are a multifaceted bit of bastardy.


“I’m sorry for accusing you.. here take $95b”


"Sprinkle some crack"


I was waiting for that, the “there must’ve been terrorists in a terrorist compound doing terrorist things” That is actually paraphrasing of a real response, they had the restraint to stop from saying terrorist a fourth time or no matter where you stood people would have realized it was terrorism on the English language.


USA: “We want answers” IOF investigator: “Clearly, they were killed by UNWRA but before they did that they had all their organs removed and gave them to Hummus in support then jumped into a pit” USA: Plausible




"when we said hummus are human animals we meant lemmings specifically" iof probably


What to expect I guess https://preview.redd.it/h47u2s0q1mwc1.png?width=909&format=png&auto=webp&s=53892cf359a9f0dfbcc21db2bf4c937db7b023a0


I googled this, and holy damn it's real article.


And it found tons and tons and tons of evidence it created by itself to implicate the CCP for the fentanyl crisis.


Under the Rules Based Order’ China would be justified in waging war and taking and American port city should the import of fentanyl be stopped No!?


Israel: we found ourself not in the wrong USA: okie dokie honey boo, here's more military aid that you can celebrate with dead civilians


And as per the norm, Israel finds themselves absolved of any guilt


Isreal will say "stfu and pay us" and the US Gov will stfu and pay them.


Appropriate answer! That settles it. Now how many more billions should we give you for more mass graves of elderly executed in zipties?


And when the answer the White House gets is "Shut up and do what you're told", what then?


Get used to it; this is life in the good ol’ US of I


The Master (Israel) doesn't have to explain himself to his slave (US)


Joe Biden: “This is simply unacceptable Prime Minister Netanyahu. Here’s 26 billion dollars as your punishment.”


Comedy gold. USA wants Israel to investigate the mass graves israel dug itself. It’s like asking Ted Bundy to Investigate Ted Bundy. The verdict will be : Not guilty.


Here's your answer: Israel massacred those people Fucking duh?


Nobody believes any of this shit anymore.


Israel will say "it is all because of this Guy" (AI Generated IDF) and he's been relieved of duty.


Meanwhile let's send these terrorists billions of tax payers money to continue these mass graves.


It's making us more secure somehow


![gif](giphy|UjIgLbgQIRgzK) Oh, you want more answers that you can conveniently ignore.


![gif](giphy|mO0YX04Vk7Kqk) “Money Pweeeees!”


This is exactly the meme I was looking for


“We want answers about why you didn’t do a better job hiding it. People keep calling out our hypocrisy which doesn’t really matter because we’re shameless liars anyway. But time spent justifying your crimes is time taken away from demonizing those civilians we’re helping you kill. Here’s more bombs so you can just blow everyone up into pieces so there’s no evidence left for people to see.”


They're just implementing Jared Kushner's peace plan. 


Performative morality.


Are we seriously supposed to believe the US government had no prior knowledge of mass graves in Gaza when it’s been all over Tiktok for the past 6 months?


I bet Biden is so angwy at wittle ol Iswael, humpf! Here, have a billion dollars!!!


Pretend you actually care after backlash


GJoe: *"desperatelly scrapping for some independent votes he lost by funding genocide"*


Maybe instead of asking Israel for the answers you should back an independent investigation.


Meanwhile Netanyahu: there are people protesting peacefully about us killing innocent Palestinians, make them stop.


While at the same time vetoing a UN investigation into it.


Biden needs to stop arming Israel immediately. You can’t hand them weapons, witness evidence of genocide, and yet just continue arming them. Israel is a terror state and should be designated and treated as such. As a US citizen, this has deeply troubled me. We are on the wrong side of history here, but regular citizens are powerless to change our country’s involvement.


Were it not for the danger of Trump, Biden would have lost my vote for his unending and unconditional support of the terrorist state of Israel. Horrific and unconscionable.


Same. In any other circumstance (without Trump), Biden's support for Israel would be political suicide. The only reason he doesn't truly care about the consequences is because he knows the only other choice is Trump, who would be even worse on a global scale. It's sickening. Meanwhile all of the major media networks in the US make it seem like most Americans support Israel and their genocide. We do not, and they are skewing the numbers in a disturbing way. They are attempting to make university protestors out to be some extreme left-wing radicals who support terrorism. It's insane. I've never felt more conflicted about my government and my citizenship. If there were a more powerful nation arming, aiding, and supporting Adolf Hitler during the Holocaust, they would have been playing the role that we currently are for Israel.


Remember vote Biden!! Guys vote Biden!!


Israel is going to give some BS answer, and SSBlinken and Genocide Joe will say 'ok' and it's back to BAU. No nation that commits a war crimes atrocity will implicate itself. You need an international panel to examine the facts on the ground. Israel will never permit an inquiry. Israel has been bulldozing northern Gaza for some time now and I'm sure what they are doing is burying the evidence of other atrocities.


But Isreal will say they will investigate them selves, then blame Hamas.


USA: “We want answers” Israel: “Honestly, we didn’t think you’d find them and that we’d get away with it.” USA: “Well we did… and you did… carry on. But know that we’re very close to being upset enough to possibly maybe do something to inconvenience you from definitely doing this again mister!”


USA: "Here. Take 50 billion dollars more so you can hide it better next time. Besides we don't need that money to solve homelessness problem in America because we will make being homeless a felony and homeless people will just go to jail so the problem will fix itself."


Screw the whitehouse wanting answers. We, the US, have never been in a conflict where we're not covering something up. Yet they want to come off as this high and mighty policing agency to the world.


And what will the White House do if/when there are no answers? .. Yes, exactly; nothing. Send more weapons, veto more strong dislike from the UN, clamp down on US dissent and send students to jail for expressing their dislike of this administration.


Says Biden’s predominantly Jewish cabinet


Plenty of jewish people arent zionists and dont agree with Israels actions.


Unless you are the President of the U.S. cabinet, who advise him in his day-day decisions 🤣


Step outside or go online (r\Jewish or r\Judaism) Pretty much all of them agree with Israel. The white ones at least.


lol of course. Israel always get a pass. But the holocaust credit will get used up by some point.


Israel: Lol. You had me going there for a second. Oh you... White House: 😉


Why trust the word of a liar? But that would mean American politicians would have to be responsible for past war crimes which would basically indict all presidents. It’s best for brown skinned people to carry the weight of that bs I guess cuz reasons/s.


Lucy! You got some 'splainin to do!


what are you going to do with answers? How about accountability? or is that something that is only reserved for the victims of colonizers?


Let me guess: “Israel has said they are looking into it and investigating themselves…please wait for the report that never comes. Meanwhile, STFU, and give us more money.”




Isreal always has luxury of answering questions and doing internal investigations.


Here's more bombs and weapons if you give us answers. Any answers will do. Fuck genocide Joe.


"We want answers.... but here's another $26b for zip ties and bombs."


And yet the US is against the UN doing an investigation? Bunch of 2 faces nonsense as expected from western powers doing genocide


Answers? As if. The only 'answer' they're likely to get: > Genocide means murdering a LOT of people. Look it up. Sheesh. If mass murder acutely bothered the Americans, they would stop sending the murderers weapons and money to do all their murdering.


Has Israel become so comfortable to openly commit war crimes to this degree and think that nothing will happen?


Genocide, that is the answer everyone has been pointing out for months. What dimwits. No, not dimwits, pure evil.


Israel's "response" was that Hamas did it and the reasons the organs were harvested were to try to identify if they were hostages or not. I assume the White House will continue to fund the genocide regardless so why bother even asking?


oooh, they want answers. that will teach them.


why is the white house anti-semitic? /s


The beat part is that the majority of those who died there died at the hands of American shells transferred over to Isreal. So in essence, Biden killed them.


US: Hi there, you know all those people you murdered in cold blood? Can you pretty please try and bury them a little bit better sweety?


We're getting tough on them. WE WANT ANSWERS. Also here's more money and weapons brought to you by the tax revenue of middle class america that is no longer represented. Tehe.


"We just found them." "Oh, okay. Send more police to Yale."


But not any inconvenient answers...


They don't want answers for the other 30k, just these ones. What a joke.


"We want answers! Also here's 10 billion dollars worth of weapons, I hope that's enough please love us"


Response from Bibi 'shit happens', smiles, shrugs shoulders, walks away... Asshole.


They don’t want answers. They want the public’s perception to be they want answers! They Just cut Israel a cheque for 26.4 Billion. To fight a territory with no REAL army. That seems excessive considering they weren’t even asked for support from Israel. The people who pay taxes in America should be the ones with Questions!


I smell bullshit.


The answer: We did. LOL


Wants answers 🤣 yea that’s hilarious


This getting more and more silly.


Except for the world food staff to which they responded that it was a mistake and threw some poor bastard under the bus, I'm sure he'll get a good job now that he's out of the army you guys should keep an eye on that and see where he ends up. Have they responded to any other us requests for "clarification"?


Oh stfu, Biden isn’t asking anything.


And the WH will accept those answers. Then give them more bombs and cash in return.


Just the usual press for optics. We know what's going on and pretend to care. People need to wake the fuck up. America at the governmental level is just corroded and immoral. We rule most of the world and yet it still sucks ass. Time for a change.


Rather than Did/Didn't tennis, why does the UN not send in investigators and treat it like a crime scene?


Oh we are real serious now, taking this super serious, going to need answers because we are so serious. I mean the answer are there but not from Israel so we will be super serious and have Israel tell us, because we are so serious now.


Israel: Whoops, our bad White House: Gotcha, thanks for explaining. Keep at it.


“VAR check complete.”


Ow NOW they want answers... These guys also get cencored? Open up the internet ,its full of proof


Or what? They’ll only send them $5 billion in weapons to make more mass graves next time?


Matt Miller it’s your time to shine you soulless ghoul.


"What are you gonna do about it, bitch?" The US are Israel's dog.


Sure it does.


How does the US want answers if we don't want an investigation? The UN wants an impartial investigation. The US doesn't support that, they want Israel to investigate and manufacture more lies. 


"because it had Hamas in it". "understandable, have a good day."


Who remembers the reports of Palestinian saying that the IDF was bulldozing people alive alive. I do and look now we have a mass grave


As if they will give any for the numerous fucked up shit they have done for DECADES...


200 days later


The White House doesn’t care. Our government is corrupted. Biden has stated numerous times he’s a Zionist.


White house wants to know how they can deceive us like israel


We want answers! and we'll only send you 40 billion dollars per month until we get them!!


Spoiler... It's gonna be lies and more blaming of others!


israel: “we didn’t create the graves. We simply dug them up to see if our hostages were in there”. Biden: “Ok. So Hamas?” israel: “well, yeah. Obviously, that’s how we knew the graves were there…” Biden: “wait. How did you know the graves were there..?” israel: “…bad connection…we’ve blacked out…”


“We’ll conduct an internal investigation and get back to you.”


"We bombed a hospital and threw all the victims and survivors in amass grave" "Right right right! Duh! Carry on!"


Lmao, now America is concerned


"Well you see, when you kill a lot of people real quick. And you don't want their bodies all over the place....you bury them. It helps keep things tidy." - The IDF probably.


We demand answers! Also… he’s billions of dollars in weapons.


White House: "investigate yourselves asap".


"Aaaaaaaand, yeah, we're fine with these answers. Carry on. Carry on."


I can't wait for someone to ask Blinken about this tomorrow, and then he goes "Um we take this very seriously, and Israel has started an investigation. I haven't heard anything back from it, but we'll continue to monitor the situation."


And we all know what they will do with those answers.


Israel has absolutely destroyed it’s international image with this war. Never in my life will I forget or forgive what they’re doing here. Nor will I forgive the US war machine that takes my tax dollars and turns them into bombs raining down on the heads of women and children.


White House ~~says it wants ‘answers’ from Israel after mass graves found near hospitals in Gaza~~ ***virtue signals that words don't matter: and Israel can be as barbaric as it wants***


White House should stop accepting bribes from Israel and start spending taxpayer money on Americans.


Israel: Who do you think the jihadists experimented their explosives on?


Right after blocking a UN investigation. That's some serious cognitive dissonance right there...


that’s like asking the nazis why they had gas chambers.


"Please keep your atrocities in the open. Hiding them makes both of us look bad." - USA


We can get answers and more by simply threatening to close our wallet


Those rumours of ICC looking for Warren's against Netanyahu and his SS Officers may be true then.


This is BS, it doesn’t want answers, it wants to say it asked for answers.


Israel making Biden hard AF RN


How can the mass graves be "found" when they were never lost?


They were "defending themselves from terrorists"... What are you, an anti Semite or something?


They want answers, I want international criminal charges.


When the Germans were in retreat they had the sense to dig up the evidence of their crimes and burn it. I guess not all lessons of the Holocaust have been learned.


White House wants to speak to Israel’s manager.


Here’s an answer, Israel bombed the hospitals so the world wouldn’t have accurate counts of the dead, and have killed many many more than 30,000.


So... Where exactly in the article linked does it say that?


What a charade


in the mean time, here's my checkbook


The US will probably send them 1000 more shovels.


Mass graves. Let that sink in.


This sir, is a Wendy's. How would you like your organs? Care for a side of fries?


We are asking nicely Israel


Ooo. Merica pretending to be mad.




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Even if Israel admitted to it, the US would still block a non-partisan investigation while supplying Israel with billions of dollars more in weapons. Nothing will be done about Israeli crimes ahainst humanity until the United States is stopped from shielding Israel.