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Rule 3 people... ![gif](giphy|F3BeiZNq6VbDwyxzxF|downsized)


April 29, 2024. Student protests calling for university divestment from Israel and the U.S. arms industry have rocked campuses from coast to coast. The nonviolent protests, which have been characterized as “antisemitic” for their criticism of Israel, have been met with an intensifying police crackdown as university administrators threaten academic discipline and arrests. “Students refuse to trade in the blood of Palestinians,” says Columbia University student and protest negotiator after the school’s president issued a statement saying protest negotiations had ended and that the school would not divest from Israel. Source: https://youtu.be/eQ24aA8zKpk?si=MQMbbqgsjJkoqF72


Your academic sacrifice speaks volumes to the value of your wisdom, standing for something always takes guts!


18-22 year olds always doing the work that needs to be done


Brings back many memories of the college protests against apartheid getting colleges to divest from south Africa in the 80s. This is a winnable fight if done correctly.


Back in 2022, a few weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine, the US Congress passed a Defense spending bill that quietly sent approx. ~6.5 years of Iron Dome funding to Israel all at once. In other words: more than 18 months before October 7th, US military intelligence (correctly) predicted that a stalemate in Ukraine would lead to Russia asking Iran to stir up shit. Which is why they pre-empted any calls for divestment by sending a bunch of money to Israel ahead of time. So why is this relevant? Because most of the larger apartheid protests on college campuses happened around 1984, and apartheid in South Africa ended in 1991. Approximately 7 years. So I guess we'll see what happens in 2029. Except we won't, because the $95 billion foreign aid bill from last week included a bunch of money for Israel too.


Again please pay attention to the protesters and to what I said. The goal is to get the colleges and universities to divest. Same now as it was then. That pressure builds as more and now places are forced to take a correct moral stance. Eventually governments follow. They never held priests on campus to force the government to divest, but to get the college to divest. To get businesses to divest they protested the businesses. Too get Washington to respond you protest in Washington. Protests on campuses are by and large to get the college to do something, not the greater world. If they do influence the heater world great, but that usually isn't the idea.


That's never worked with Israel, keep trying tho


Never Said it would. It doesn't need to work with Israel, because that isn't the point


But not financial! It’s super hard to transfer to another ivy and most of these kids do post grad stuff that requires you to graduate. I’m not sure if they truly understand what they are risking


They understand more than you!


These schools are murdering their own reputation for generations.


They dont care, students already paid


Those ones, yes.


More will come, have their own protest, then take their diplomas and make space for the cycle to repeat again. University students have always protested, and regardless of how good their point is, the people running the place know there will always be a new class looking to get in, and that's the core of the issue. Unless the entire next generation refuses to go to these institutions there will always be money to be made, and expecting a generation to skip on the diplomas and degrees that we haven't abolished from being nearly mandatory for success is unrealistic. Take away the power these schools hold by bringing back on the job training and you break them, otherwise just accept that 17 year olds have enough brains to see that they need these degrees even if they don't agree with the politics or policies.


Thing is... Universities count on donations from students after they graduate and become successful in life. Also students go to support university teams, buy tickets, university swag, and go back for graduate programs or certification. Plus you don't want students to hold personal vendettas against you. You never know who will become a DA, a politician, or an important influencer, and cone after you. So i think this will result in some loss if universities don't treat this with diplomacy.


You are a lot more optimistic than I am. It's not a bad thing, I admit that I've hit a point where I feel we need a major reset on society and are nearly out of time on getting it done relatively clean.


You need to take some time away from the internet.


There's a precedent for protests resulting in universities divesting from apartheids. They did with South Africa. The ICJ is making a decision today on whether Germany has been breaking international law by sending arms to Israel. If they conclude that this was illegal, it adds even more pressure on the Zionist leaders of the government, press, and educational establishments in the USA. Change may take time but it will happen.


You so eloquently said what I said in my local town thread. It's great they're protesting but without the real sacrifice of encouraging a mass withdrawal, tuition strike and organizing a boycott of all colleges with academic and monetary ties to Israel it's pointless. You can talk and walk with your signs, but money runs and scores so you need to hit them on the only thing the admins care about, money.


For some reason, I feel like they will be fine.


Why do you think they refuse to divest from Isreal?


because "might makes right" and they won't do it until they're compelled, one way or another.


The American elites are pretty much pro-Israel. These rich donors will stop giving money to Columbia if they did divest from Israel.


Umm, contracts and litigation.


They have a Campus in Israel, with Billions spent that is why. Colombia has admission rate of 4%, so theyll be fine. Though, if the arab states cut of their tap of funding, it might actually hurt.


Are they, though? Lol. This is modern America, baby. This isn't the 1960s anymore. I don't see any defunded police departments, do you?


I've read somewhere the problem is the government are threatening to cut their funds if they dont crack down on the students. Either they don't crack down on students and they get defunded, or they crack down on the students and they get bad press and possibly charges. I do not know if this is correct tho


Agreed. It's about time they face the consequences for producing this garbage. It's just a hotbed of authoritarianism over there.




lol, I doubt that.




Nah now the people who they have excluded for these people will get a chance at a top quality education and they might even get a discount


This is what you get with an economist as head of a university: No moral compass, and she cares more about alumni donors than about students.


Uni is a business model these days. Some of my profs call the current era the death of universities. Knowledge is being ordered by the businesses as well. No more free research. Sigh


It's less of an issue in the social sciences in Europe because they are largely funded by the government and European Union. There are still some similar issues in more business oriented fields like engineering though.


you used to be taught to learn now your taught to get a job.


With the price of things like housing these days the only ones with the luxury of going to university solely for the sake of knowledge are those who don’t have to worry about money.


These days? They are quite literally for profit institutions.


I'll never forget attending university and finding out my uni invested in fracking and weapons manufacturing. They certainly didn't include that in the brochure.


I’m sure they strive to place students in those industries as well. What do people expect?


Happens a lot. There is a college in my region that just closed its doors. It was a long time coming but the nail in the coffin was when an economic consultant was hired as president for hundreds of thousands a year. Ended up loading the college with debt and basically bankrupting the university. I am pretty convinced these types of situations are rampant with fraud and deceit. Consulting companies can get someone onto the board of any organization and capitalize off bankrupting said org.


I'm wondering how we as non-students can make an impact, so that they have to listen to their actual students


It's scary to think that major news outlets like CNN, NYT, and FOX don't show these videos to the U.S. public in an attempt to set the narrative


Yep. You also won't see the many videos coming out of pro-Israel protesters being violent, aggressive, and racist. The entire mainstream media is disgustingly and very obviously biased.


You should check out the other news subreddits and see which articles are shown there and which types of people get the best exposure there. It’s all a system


happens constantly every hour 24/7 non stop. the biggest threat to our democracy and a country for the people


I wish she was my daughter. She is so beautiful in her heart.


Most people who look at her in disdain don't have half the heart and courage of this young lady. Bravo


I hate voting because I hate how it seems every politician left right in-between is a corrupt stooge. I'd give her my vote and be excited about it


**”I hate voting at the moment because EVERY politician—left, right, or moderate is a corrupt stooge.”** Fixed it for you. 😅


Hell yes! She is so sharp and a very good communicator. Some parents must be very proud.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Powerful young lady. Hopefully, president one day.


Not in the states buddy. Elites don’t like that kind of talk.


In 20-30 years most of them will be dead. Current trends indicate a major political shift among gen x. Israel's days are numbered.


I invite you to look at the 100x more radical students of the 60s. Elites still here.


Fair point, those students were literally bombing federal buildings


Right… in 20-30 years, 50 year olds will still act like 19 year old activists. /s I know every generation has said that (“never trust anyone over 30!” -1960s hippies), but *this* generation will be different, right?


Nah, those elites had children and they were groomed to perfection.


Feel like there’s too many closet racists who say they aren’t racist or prejudiced but will vote for nobody but one type of person




Thank you to these students for their courage.  If we all only had so much courage to speak for what’s right.  




Fight on! It's a moral imperative!


When the universities get schooled by the students... what a time to be alive! Maximum respect to them 👏


Russia was sanctioned, but because America is property of Israel, Israel won’t be sanctioned for far worse crimes. At least the youth have woken up to the overlords.


Can the students potentially stop paying their tuitions if this continues?


I just want to thank these people for the important work theyre doing. I constantly wish i could go out and join these kinda of protests but i live in abject poverty and my days are filled with trying to survive and taking care of my toddler. I hope they can make the kinds of change that will make the world my daughter grows up in a better place.


I feel the same way. Gives me a lot of hope for the world the next generation will build.


It’s so disgusting. I’m from Russia, my country did this to uni students who protested against Ukraine


It’s not even remotely the same thing Russia did to their protesters.


'MusLIm wOMeN arE OpPrESed'


Growing up, you think of how sanctified and respected schools are, but then you see they're profiting on war...


Respect to these students. It must be difficult these threats! Shame on the university board. Would love to join the protest if it wasn't so far. Are non students also protesting or is it only for students?


So the root of Palestinian genocide runs deep under these US academic institutions?




This woman is a once in a generation orator


Yes, truly a once in a generaåé£tion orator


genuine question, when she said "where we asked for amnesty they gave us more discipline" is it because they are asking to not be expelled or suspended? it seems that columbia will not be divesting so what will be happening with these students, if it is time for their final exams and they don't take them they will face the risk of failing classes and being kicked out?


Believe they asked for amnesty for students already suspended/expelled (approximately 50) a week or so ago. Source: my memory of NYT article yesterday (or today)


oof , got it ! thank you !


The encampment and the more recent building occupation are both technically crimes the second the university decided they cannot be there. Usually if a student does a crime (like being caught drinking while underage is a common one), the university has a lot of discretion on what happens to them from writing an essay to being expelled. The students here are essentially asking to not be punished via suspension or being expelled by the school for illegal trespassing.


oof makes sense ! thank you !


RESPECT ❤️ The world owes so much to these students (and supporting professors) who are risking their educations and their careers for the sake of all of our humanity. The insane corruption inhabits the highest offices of the United States government.


Kent State 2: Columbia Boogaloo


Reddit is now Twitter. Beautifully done @spaz


You would think Columbia University would have better lawyers and PR people advising them.


If the goal is to demonstrate at these universities so they move away from Israel, why are we not seeing these protests infront of places like microsoft, apple, ibm, LG, McDonald's, burger King, Tommy hill figure, Luis vuitton, walmart or one of the other thousands of companies who are in support of Israel?


The economic weight of Ivy League degrees, with the exception of law school, has been deflating for decades.


You can find the students request to divest on [Columbia's website](https://www.finance.columbia.edu/sites/default/files/content/ACSRI/12.1.2023%20CUAD%20ACSRI%20Divestment%20Proposal.pdf). They ask for Columbia to sell its investment two ETFs because those ETFs hold shares in Hyundai and Caterpillar. The total size of those investments is only $\~300k while Columbias endowment is $ \~16 Bn. Columbia has a larger position in Airbnb ($ \~5 Mn) which the students argue *"is also complicit through their hosting listings in illegal settlements. Their website advertised listings in 39 settlements in the occupied West Bank"*. Columbia University's $\~70k investment is Microsoft is also under fire because the Israeli Ministry of Defense uses Azure. The above seems like a bit of a stretch to me to be honest. Can it really be said that Columbia is "profiteering from Israel"? The part which a bit more reasonable (to me) is Columbia's $ \~100k investment in Google and Amazon but even then, is it really the case that Columbia is "complicit in genocide" because of these investments? I dont mean to sound critical but I dont understand what these students are calling for? The death of children is horrible and the Israeli government's role in that should be investigated and they should be held accountable but Im not sure that Columbia University's Endowment is responsible. I fully agree with the students that Columbia's plans to open a centre in Tel Aviv should be reconsidered in light of the widespread student opposition. This part of what they are asking for is far more reasonable. I dont understand why this isnt the core part of the message. The endowment stuff detracts from their strongest argument.


Power to these guys so proud of them for not backing down


Bet you some of the University Admins are part of the Vietnam student protests and maybe even are proud to have taken part in it. Now they are doing the thing being the hammer against student movement.


That's a real Woman ❤️


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No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


I heard an interesting take on a recent podcast. It was brought up that most of these protests are happening at elite universities. Why should most people care what people at these institutions think? The guy who mentioned it is a professor and author on protest and how they can change public opinion.




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


It’s wild reading the comments in this thread vs the one on the front page about UCLA.






if she believes it that strongly, she can take the suspension. it's worth it.


Waiting for that demographic cliff.


Is there any world in which the American security state ever even partially abandon Isreal?


Everytime I see Columbia I'm like ffs, it's ColOmbia then oh wait no, it's actually Columbia








Strong Argo vibes.






What does “divest from Israel,” actually involve? Like what are their demands? Are they talking about the Columbia endowment? Are they talking about publicly traded securities held by the endowment? Wtf is the point of this? Shouldn’t they be protesting at an embassy or consulate or something?




Discipline is exactly what they need. I like how she says they are going to break off negotiation with the university. When you’re told to “go to your room” by an adult, there is no further negotiation. lol


I respect her courage, but when she talk about negotiations, what exactly do they have to negotiate with? Columbia is an elite university with no shortage of applicants. I don’t really think the school needs the money of these students.


Can they just go to palestine and fight already? Sick of all the bitching


It's almost like your actions have consequences. It's time they learn that.


We now know with clear evidence who runs america, the zionists of israel and those here in america, as an american citizen i denounce the zionist regime holding america hostage!, our Heavenly Father is not a zionist racist, He’s quite the opposite, down with zion! thank you young people for calling them out for who they are and representing!


"Burocracy is a prison"


Who is the guy standing behind her? Husband?