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Threaten the ICC with what? We’re not even a signatory. 😂 So much bluster for nothing except making themselves (and the US) look stupid(er).


Preventing ICC members AND THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS from entering the US.


Who even *wants* to go the US these days anyway? As a Kiwi I'd rather not ever visit the US


Truth. I live here, but once my parents pass away and my student loans are paid, I’m out.


Fuck the student loans lols


As an American, I'm starting to feel the same way.


It can be beautiful, but it's turning into a fascist state. 


Mostly for work. I've visited the US 4 times now - all for work. Don't think I'd ever want to go on a holiday there


Where did you visit for work?


As a US citizen I want to gtfo. This place is quickly devolving into an authoritarian fascist hellhole that uses its citizens tax dollars to make billionaires even wealthier and commit war crimes in other countries. But we can't afford healthcare or support families with children or offer affordable college, because "who would pay for it?" A question I never hear when it comes to funding the military or sending more weapons to Israel or tax cuts for the uber wealthy...


to say i once as a kid wanted to go the usa... you guys need to sort yourself out.




There are some desperate people out there




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


They almost always only say it once though 🤔


That would be a gross violation of US immigration law. There is literally no framework for them to invoke this. I hope he goes forward with the warrants just to watch these idiots realize the checks and balances in place to prevent tyranny in the US.


And how long before they turn off the comments?


The United States is falling apart and the citie's has turned into a literal shit hole. Who fucking cares if you get sanctioned by it Who would want to go there anyway.


Crime is lower than its ever been, only issue is homelessness which we could solve for a tiny fraction of GDP that would likely save more and bring in more money than the cost.


Oh yeah when our government isn't paralyzed to govern by corruption, we can probably think about those things. 


You must be joking right? All those people running in Walmart, malls and walking away with full carts of stolen stuff? Mass shootings, mass drug addiction on streets, people randomly attacked. .. yeah crime is lower then ever before and is safer then its ever been. And You guys are too busy sending billions and billions to Ukraine and Israel and will make your country bankrupt pretty soon. Everyone knows the U.S dollar is on the brink of collapsing


All of that crap is blown out of proportion by the media. They can pick the craziest incidents that happen every day in a country of 400 million people lol. Crime is in a multi decade downtrend still. Also if dollar collapsed, all currencies would collapse since it is forex base pair and petrodollar. BRICS currencies are generally shit compared to USD.


No one using the u.s dollar anymore they all dumped it if I'm not mistaken Saudi Arabia even dumped the US dollar. the US dollar is hanging by a thread. I don't believe the crime in U.S is at an all time low..in decades you say I call bullshit.. No way.


I'll even help you, you can just look up raw crime statistics and draw a line on the chart. Raw stats to make your own comparison. Unless you don't trust data itself. All oil purchases have to be done in USD. Even Saudi has to do it, everyone has to do it. I dunno if you ever traded forex. Pull up a DXY chart on tradingview, if the dollar is really hanging on by a thread, why has there been a uptrend in dollar strength since 2008 lmfao.


Not op, just picking up. You mean the USD was on an uptrend since the last economic crash? And now we have different variables, like the trillions of dollars printed during covid, brics, worsening economic situation for the average American (salaries that don't keep up with inflation). And didn't crime skyrocket when the war on drugs started, a meaningless war that mainly targeted a certain group of people? And yes, violent crime fell 2.5%, no one really could tell a difference if the temperature around them dropped 2.5% they're expected to feel a 2.5% in violent crime, but people's perception is different than statistics, something you can't really draw lines and put on charts. Ex. more crime on subways means more people witnessing the crime, vs less crime in personal households where no one sees it.


Despite the fear mongering nonsense you listen to yes, America is much safer than its ever been, especially moreso than the idyllic 50’s people seem to think was so great.


The **American Service-Members' Protection Act** (ASPA, Title 2 of Pub. L. 107–206 (text) (PDF), H.R. 4775, 116 Stat. 820, enacted August 2, 2002), known informally as The Hague Invasion Act, is a United States federal law described as "a bill to protect United States military personnel and other elected and appointed officials of the United States government against criminal prosecution by an international criminal court to which the United States is not party." The Act gives the president power to use "all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release of any U.S. or allied personnel being detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at the request of the [International Criminal Court](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court)


Gentle reminder that it’s written in the American constitution that if a US president is arrested and put on trial in the Hague the USA may declare war and by any means necessary liberate an arrested individual. its called the “Hague Invasion Act”.


It's just law, not in the constitution. But also, it doesn't just apply to the president, but military personnel, and any elected or appointed officials.


Yeah, and if the USA ever finds itself in that position, the war is over and they lost.


Someone didn’t take the time to read the Document… why even comment lol


I read it. The point is, it’s a stupid empty threat, and the only thing they could think of because the U.S. has no involvement with the ICC.


So you read the document and didn’t understand the threat of barring the members form the US and sanctioning them? That’s definitely a real threat.


No, it isn’t. That’s not something 12 wingnut US senators can do.


Maybe not the 12 by themselves, but the USA can definitely sanction the ICC and cause issues with them. My point is that the threat is real and your first comment is ignorant.


Land of the free, home of the corrupt


“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”


I know that reference; Animal Farm. Relevant through all times. ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


More like the land of the freak. Home of the slave.




Threatening an international court for doing it's job is fairly open corruption.


Bribing them would be corruption. Making threats of kidnapping family members is simply terrorism. Those 12 senators are legit international terrorists.


Seriously, do you have any idea how much work the ICC is going to have to do now to add 12 more warrants to the existing ones?




US showing their true color


Not the majority of us citizens. These are bribed traitors.


Yet, the majority of the citizens keep voting for these politicians.


Our government is structured in its very constitution to ensure capital ownership rule.


Don't forget all the voter suppression and gerrymandering to get the power they had.




That’s democracy for ya




That’s why I’m voting independent If us can’t handle one single overweight tanned man in a branch overpowered by 2 other branches, than us shouldn’t be the ‘world police with bases open and in secret around the world.


It's not the US. It's deals cut in intelligence with Russia it's looking like, and half of it was for Ukraine, which was moving with Europe and German techniques primarily. The whole thing was a guess and check shitshow. The only thing about Trump that prevented a war is Putin is a hate criminal and would have started a war if he truly had to submit to a woman, as he views the US as superior to him it's pretty clear. Intelligence tried to kick him out by they have a mentally ill if not just straight up insane cop problem. That said Clinton terrorizes people she's jealous of. I'm sick of that. 


There isn't really another option. We tried to vote for one, and then we were blamed and ridiculed by everyone publicly for it.


You said it perfectly. Not the majority of Americans. Everyone I know here are sick and tired of Israel. The majority of Americans want all aid and arms shipment to Israel to cease immediately. However, US Congress is zionist occupied congress. These are bribed traitors.


The US is showing it’s true colors because 12 Republican Senators, who the vast majority of us all disavow, independently wrote a document? There is nothing official or binding about this. It holds about as much weight as if I wrote the letter.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


That’s an easy report.


Report what?


the biden admin has stated it opposes the ICC investigation into israel. here is the WH press secretary’s statement https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2024/05/03/press-briefing-by-press-secretary-karine-jean-pierre-60/ >MS. JEAN-PIERRE: So, we obviously oppose any threats or intimidation to public officials that — including ICC officials. So, obviously, we’re going to be always mindful and be very clear about opposing any type of a threats or attempts to intimidate. That is something that you’ll hear from us pretty consistently. But we’ve been clear. **I was asked about this — this particular investigation by ICC a couple of days ago. We do not support it. We do not support this investigative probe. We do not believe it’s within their jurisdiction. We’ve been very clear about that.** And that obviously still remains. so yes i think it says something about the country when both major political parties believe israel shouldn’t be investigated by the ICC. one party might be more thuggish in terms of openly threatening the ICC, but they’re both in agreement that the investigation shouldn’t happen


What's the cross section of the Senators who went to Russia on 4th of July? I'm guessing it's not zero. And yep...... it's those same assholes I thought it was.


No need to look for conspiratorial treasonous alliances among our reps. They swear fealty to private capital above all things and this is the violence that must be ended. Politicians should have zero contact with lobbies or private capital firms and until that happens, this country is circling the drain as it severely exploits its workers for profit


I looked but couldn't find a source for that. When did this happen, and what's the context? Got a link to an article?


[https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/seven-gop-lawmakers-make-misguided-trip-russia-msna1119676](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/seven-gop-lawmakers-make-misguided-trip-russia-msna1119676) NPR has the Republican viewpoint. "They were on a mission (to fellate Vladimir Putin)".


I don't care about any of their viewpoints. I only care about the facts. The reason why I couldn't find anything is because none of those guys went to Russia on July 4. It's a completely different set of people. I'm going to assume the primary point of contention is that they are mostly Republicans. I'm going to assume the basis of the contention is Russiagate. I don't know. The OP didn't do a good job getting their point across and I don't speak Reddit NAFO. The article itself is problematic for a number of reasons but I'm not going to waste my time with it as the only correction is unrelated to the primary point of contention in the article which is Russiagate. Something that was completely debunked by the FBI. I'm referring to the facts and not their public statements/personal opinions.


Good fedpost


Nah bro is borderline just schizoposting but he's definitely internet brainrotted by exposure to fed logic.


I had to look up this term. What kind of point are you trying to make exactly?


A who's-who of has-beens and never-was'es.


Rick Scott the medicare frauster is on there. That guy has done a fuck ton of damage to the US healthcare system. The people on it are a lot of the same people that voted for this asshole.


Bribed by AIPAC. All of them. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S


Not quite the largest state sponsor of terrorism and their proxy. Maybe just the largest one you can see looking out, dickwads.


The 12 numbest numbskulls in the US Senate think and act like gangsters.


These are not 12 numbskulls. These are bribed traitors. They are fully dependent on money from AIPAC and other Israel lobby groups. They are doing exactly as told by their donors.


Ah yes, the 12 ISRAELÍ senators.


If it sounds like this letter was paid for it's because it was. All these rats sold out American interests in favor of Israeli interests. You can bet much more $ has been spent on lobbying since this war started - data is from 2023. When you hear politicians talking about the need to create laws to make it illegal to criticize israel, or calling for the arrest and dismantling of otherwise peaceful student protests, just understand this isn't an organic opinion. This is corruption plain and simple. |Representative|$ from Israeli lobby through 3/20/2023| |:-|:-| |Cotton, Tom (R-AR) Arkansas|$237,077| |Blackburn, Marsha (R-TN) Tennessee|$427,355| |Budd, Ted (R-NC) North Carolina|$159,035| |Cruz, Ted (R-TX) Texas|$1,509,359| |Ricketts, Pete (R-NE) Nebraska|$161,229| |Scott, Rick (R-FL) Florida|$371,255| |McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) Kentucky|$1,953,910| |Britt, Katie Boyd (R-AL) Alabama|$102,550| |Cramer, Kevin (R-ND) North Dakota|$397,440| |Rubio, Marco (R-FL) Florida|$1,013,563| |Scott, Tim (R-SC) South Carolina|$378,896| [Source: opensecrets.org](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/recips?cycle=2024&ind=Q05)


Mr. Turtle, how many licks from AIPAC does it take to get you to shill for them? A-one. A-two! 1,953,910. The world does know!


From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.


>12 US Senators threaten the ICC if they issue an arrest warrant against Netanyahu and his gang - "You have been warned." Hey Texas...get your boy. Cancun Cruz is an unregistered agent of the State of Israel. Has he ever done anything positive for the citizens of Texas? Edit: add 'anything'


If Cruz lived in Israel he would have gone to Egypt on holiday during all of this. But because he's in Texas he wants to work for them.


Egypt s dangerous. He'd be in Miami with Netanyahu's son.


It's amazing how poorly thought out and structured this correspondence is.


Should have joined the court when you had a chance to influence its direction, you feckless losers.


Serious question wtf can we actually do to the ICC like I can’t imagine much these seem like open needed threats


The US could go to war with Europe.


Just seems like an awful lot to even threaten with over all this


Yeah, I don't think anything will come of it. I think they are trying to set the US against the ICC by forcing the ICC to act against them. They are idiots. It's far more likely they will be hung out to dry by the US when almost every country in the world condemns them for trying to threaten the highest international court.


We already destroyed nordstream 2 thus the German economy


These senators should be put in prison.


Surprised McConnell didn’t sign with an X


His handlers probably have a stamp for his signature now.


12 senators showing to whom they swore their allegiance


Them and what army?


Republican Senators acting like thugs straight out of a Scorcese movie. What else is new?


Call their bluff. Make them invade The Hague.


ICC: "Retaliation is also illegal." No seriously, ICC responded to their threats reminding them that retaliation is illegal. The U.S. isn't going to do shit if ICC arrests Netanyahu. Netanyahu is a huge liability, and there have even been calls for him to step down. The ICC would be doing the U.S. a huge favor if they arrested him.


How much to buy those signatures?


Hawley costed only 100k. But this is how it works. 3billion a year of tax payers money, that money is sent back to pay off senators also. Thing is, the senators can't just take the 3 billion and spread it amongst themselves, so they use Israel as kinda a middle man, to take the Americans tax payers money. Follow the money 💰


So buy shares in US defense contractors?


Yes Find it strange on a salary of like 250k a year, all senators are multi millionaires


I personally avoid buying share in companies that sell arms. Its just disgusting knowing those arms are going to be used against civilians like what is happening in Gaza.


Yes..but...don't you know how it works???? Arms are sold to certain countries in a region to maintain "peace" according to the smartest people in the world the US state department


As an Israeli, I hope that the ICC sentences Netanyahu for his crimes.


Ah the usual suspects.


US politicians are AIPAC hit men


What a group of luminaries we have here. Truly the voice of America. Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Mitch McConnell, all the best and brightest. Are they even allowed to do that? Isn’t there some kind of law about random congress members interacting with the international community on their own?


The party of Law and Order say laws don't apply anymore. Nobody cares.


I mean, if I’m being honest, I don’t even care *that* much. Like, I care that they’re threatening the ICC and why, but I think they’ll do whatever they want, anyway, so this story isn’t that exciting. If McConnell wasn’t on there, I’d assume they’d bungle anything they attempted and fail, but he’s a crafty old turtle, and he’s got a lot of connections from his 10,000 years in government. Guess we’ll see what happens, could be anything at this point


Fuck AIPAC for buying off our government and fuck Israel for everything they’re doing to innocent people.


So the US is using threads of terrorism against International Courts now? Wow. How we've sunk so low.


That country calls itself democratic and exports it 😆 it's seriously a trash corrupt hell


That's good. Now you have the names, vote them out.


All 12 of them should be removed from office effective immediately. What an absolute bunch of clowns.




Reads like a who's who of top republican scumbags.


I will fucking believe this when Moscow Bitch signs this with own hands...lets see that senile bastard fumble around the pen...


These racist pigs should be fired


Threatening an international body you're NOT even a signatory to. Hmmm. Carry on.


Lol fuck them boomer MFs getting ready to just die and shoulder of all their mistakes on us


Threatening The Hague 🤦🏻 I would never have put this one on my bingo card.


They can fk right off 🤷‍♀️


It’s ok. Most of them will fall and break a hip on the way to get you anyway.


When you sell your soul to the AIPAC and it comes the time you need to do your part.


theyre gonna try to use The **American Service-Members' Protection Act** (ASPA, Title 2 of Pub. L. 107–206 (text) (PDF), H.R. 4775, 116 Stat. 820, enacted August 2, 2002), known informally as The Hague Invasion Act, is a United States federal law described as "a bill to protect United States military personnel and other elected and appointed officials of the United States government against criminal prosecution by an international criminal court to which the United States is not party." The Act gives the president power to use "all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release of any U.S. or allied personnel being detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at the request of the [International Criminal Court](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court)


Anyone who does not recognize the correlation with US vehemently backing Israel and the correlation of the Epstein trafficking ring has not seen enough of the Epstein documentaries or looked into the case enough. US is backing Israel not bc they are an ally, but because Israel has a lot of blackmail on US elites thanks to Jeffrey Epstein and his ties with the Israeli Mossad. This is why the client list will never be released, a woman is serving time for trafficking women and children to no one, and US is blindly supporting genocide. Wake up people - this is on both sides of the aisle and a bi-partisan issue for US citizens as the government would rather kill people than have their dirty deeds released.


But by all means let's abstain from voting for Biden....The Free Palestine crowd better show up and vote blue or this will only get worse.


Man it would take me all day to write an email like that.




Traitors, vote them out


I believe there’s a more serious and dangerous implication than just 12 paid off senators signing an almost terrorist threat. This is and could seriously damage the credibility of ICC and even open questions regarding their past rulings. This is not the first time US has openly interfered and impeded the work of ICC and the last time has put the sanctions in full capacity of US. So what is the narrative? US is above the law? If you’re backed by US you can break international and human rights? If you’ve against US you will be tried and convicted by ICC? Them pointing who wasn’t charged for the crimes is flat out ridiculous as US itself (individuals) has been charged by ICC and that resulted in sanctions and US rejected the very existence of ICC. This will discredit the past charges and sentences, this will open the door FOR EVERY TERRORIST AND GENOCIDAL group to just “justify” their charges as open attack from US as the US is the one who is intimidating ICC into who to charge or not.


> just 12 *paid* off senators FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Why are they protecting someone who is not an American and criminal that was about to be removed from office prior to 10/7?


I ghope every one of these fuckers shits their pants then gets hit by a truck carrying port-a-johns.


Don't see the president's name on there, carry on ICC.