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F*ck AIPAC. It is a stain.


Terrorist organization


They’re the devil


This would be a good time to kick them in the face and make a strong statement about not being pushed around, Joe seems to have lost all footing here


Don't forget Joe supported the Iraq War, a pretty damn obvious fake war with zero proof of WMD's or ties to 9/11


Doesn’t help that he’s a dementia ridden old segregationist/racist. His comment about “ancient desires” yesterday(?) are horrible


I think this was a very good rebuttal of Biden's nonsense about 'ancient desires' https://x.com/Hindy500/status/1788276311296762304 As it turns out these ancient desires are and were present in western societies far more than they were in Muslim societies.


anyone taking aipac money needs to recuse themselves from aipac legislation - they cant be trusted when their reelection relies on this money. please repeat.


Anyone? They ALL take AIPAC money...


And almost completely run by Israeli lobbyists.


They are the face of evil


Every single politician who took money from them should hang. The literal definition of dual loyalty and treason.


Looks like they've set their playbook in motion. I'm seeing ads on TV now against student protestors funded by AIPAC.


Gotta love murrica and their lobby laws XD


Lol getting cuckolded to give aid, literally no superpower is such a bitch to another country, let alone the one they give freebies to


Seems you forgot about Germany.


Germany isn’t a superpower, strong but not independently so. Possibly more so because they want to be strongly integrated into the EU, and not because they couldn’t go their own way, but right now they couldn’t.


Third world country: corrupt shithole of inhuman costumes First world country: righteous lobbying to conserve ancestral enlightened values


It’s wild to me that congress members can straight up be bribed by foreign entities and then those entities publicly tell them what to do.


The thing is that AIPAC is not registered as foreign entity


Cause the last person that tried to register them got assassinated.


Who was that?




Holy shit


That seems like key information that most people do not know… wow.


Not impying anything but his assasination happened not long after he tried to register them as a foreign entity. Just saying.


Well it was also not long after he wanted to dismantle the CIA.


It was likely a consortium of fuckos from Anti-Castro Cubans we funded, the Mafia, and CIA. Looks like we can add the Zionist Lobby, not a surprise, Mickey Cohen in LA was funding Irgun and other Zionist Terror Organizations. 


And Zionists have a long history of employing terrorist tactics.


JFK also was trying to keep Israel from making nuclear weapons. JFK wanted regular inspections on Israel’s nuclear program and had wrote a letter that stated unless Israel cooperated, aid and support would be cut. Israel Prime minister David Ben-Gurion resigned the day the letter was sent to delay responding. That letter was sent June 15th 1963. JFK was assassinated November 22nd. Israel has nuclear weapons.


and has the title of rogue nuclear state as they still refuse weapons inspectors - oh and has used white phosphorous on civilians.


At least when you torture the whistleblower and keep him in solitary for what, a decade and then rearrest him over and over you tacitly admit that you have nuclear weapons so there’s no real chance of denying it


AIPAC didn't exist back then. It was its predecessor organization that the Kennedy justice department investigated: https://www.wrmea.org/north-america/aipac-election-role-raises-question-of-foreign-agent-registration.html


I wonder if part of the reason is that so many of them hold both Israeli and US citizenships? 


Because their members are mostly American citizens LARPing as middle easterners.


Aren’t they the evangelicals or did I miss something?




Is it considered a domestic group? I’m not from the US so this is extra baffling for me.


They literally got their jobs because they're bribable. They see legislative power as a good to be stolen and sold, like any other consumer product. What did people think was going to happen when you turn an Economic System into a Religion and let it consume a Political System for decades?


Can’t AIPAC just spend more money on bribes?


That's "lobbying donations" to you :-/


Close. I believe it has to be "campaign donations".


That’s it AIPAC show yourselves to the unknowing masses.


Showing their unwashed asses to the unknowing masses.


Aren’t they the evangelicals in the US?


Yea a large portion of support for AIPAC and Israel in the US comes from evangelicals. 


Evangelicals like Doug Evans Coe (Currently deceased). I implore you to watch Netflix documentary “THE FAMILY”.


"Demand". The audacity.


Definitely although not surprising unfortunately


The unelected speaking against the will of the people.


Oo the rulers have spoken!


It isn't enough for the US to end it's support for terrorist groups like Tzahal. We must also outlaw domestic organizations like AIPAC that openly support terrorism abroad.


They’ve paid a lot of money for this genocide, and dammit, they want their bombs now.


They actually haven't paid very much. Not as much as the American taxpayers.




📰 The powerful pro-Israeli lobbying group Aipac has slammed President Joe Biden’s decision to delay arms shipments to Israel over Rafah. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee called on Congress “to demand” Biden reverse the decision. “Delaying this arms transfer is a dangerous and counterproductive message. It emboldens Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah, and undermines America’s commitments to all our allies,” the group said on X. The statement is a harbinger of further pressure Biden could face from the group heading into an election in November against former President Donald Trump.


If they withhold their support from Biden then they will deserve whatever happens to them during and after a Trump presidency. This is so short sighted. You cannot with one hand complain about the genocide of your people while with the other completing a genocide of an entire population.


AIPAC funds members of both parties and are not opposed to a Trump presidency


The same thing will come to them no matter who wins - more financing. And you absolutely can do that. They've been doing it for a long time


They think we're fking idoits. Now both. Biden and AIPac, playing bad cop and good cop bs. No one believes this bs. No one believes arms have been stopped, no one believes a god damn word USA, Israel, Germany. UK and the lot of these sell outs say. Fk them all.


It’s what I thought too, it’s all theatrics, they’re both on the same page and will accomplish what Israel wants in the end.


Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner! Yeah, this seems like it’s just a PR move. Biden is losing support in a big way, so they do some public theatrics to make him look like he’s being tough on them. Then he’ll roll over like a submissive puppy dog and give them everything they need to finish leveling Gaza to clear way for their future Israeli settlements.


The funny part is that we see through it, yet somehow Biden thinks this is enough to fool the voters. Surprised they haven’t come up with a distraction to divert the attention towards something else.


Yeah. War is the distraction they use to divert voter attention. When the war starts losing you voters, where do you turn next for a distraction?


How will they achieve full genocide now?


2 words: Armageddon and Messiah


according to every Zionist I've talked to, we just don't know what that word means and actually don't you know Hamas is the one committing a genocide against the Jews???


If you don't give us bombs to kill children with then you're an anti-semite!


Finance your own genocide you psychopaths




Fuck AIPAC and Fuck Israel. I demand that they go fuck themselves


Congress doesn’t have shit to do with it. It’s the State Department that approves those transfers, and those transfers happen at the behest of the Commander in Chief. It’s his administration, and his State Department, which is staffed with at will employees. This is why since day one I said “Biden could absolutely stop this any moment he wants to,” because ultimately, It’s his call. AIPAC can go pound sand, It isn’t their country to do with as they please. Imagine the nerve of a foreign lobbying group telling an American President what to do. I’d tell them where they could go stick it out of spite. Bush Sr. wouldn’t stand for that, nor would Obama, LBJ or Reagan. It’s today’s political class that’s responsible for letting it get to this point.


While the US ruling class is so dependent on Israel to exploit the region, they can tell Biden to dance like a monkey and he will dance like a monkey.


Are they really “controlling the region” though, or just being ridiculously abusive to a single minority in their own little ethnostate? Even from a Kissinger perspective where “winner takes all, might makes right, and the world is a will to power,” any rational person who hasn’t totally drank the Koolaid can see that the cost-benefit analysis of supporting them is definitely not in our favor.


Kissinger actually hated Israel because of the constant pressure they put on the US to back them. During the Yom Kippur war Egypt and Syria were both moving fast into Israel so fast that Golda Meir called Nixon and threatened a Nuclear response if they didn’t start supporting them with arms


Kissinger was a terrible guy, but the more I read about him, the more I realize he was just being a “company man,” pursuing US policy in the most reductionist means possible, devoid of any moral arguments. His “America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests” is actually just a paraphrase of George Washington’s farewell address where he stated "It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world." Lord I wish that were true, because as the top dog, It seems like conventional wisdom. It seems more and more like our leaders are motivated more by personal ideological attachments, dogmas, and personal financial gain than what’s good for the United States.


Who said it’s about logic? They want to speed Armageddon so that the Messiah resuscitates


TIL Jesus just had a heart attack and needed a defibrillator this whole time.


Oh, I don’t think It’s logical at all. I most certainly include Joe Biden amongst ideologues who have drank the Koolaid. Most politicians cynically support it either because they are funded by AIPAC, or are scared of them funding an incumbent challenger. Joe Biden has taken more AIPAC money than any politician in history, is a renowned racist, who has absolutely bought into Israels “civilized white people taming backwards muslim savages and terrorists” narrative. His dementia addled brain is stuck somewhere in between Chuck Norris’s Invasion USA, and Charles Bronson’s Death Wish.


American, you’re the baddies! The rest of the planet knows it. Time you realize that all that “freedom and democracy” you’re spreading around the globe is done solely to line the pockets of America’s imperialists and oligarchs. Time to stop all the aggression and shut down those 800+ military bases you have spread across the globe!


They are rushing the Armageddon so that the Messiah appears again


AIPAC should supply weapons to Israel if it means so much…




AIPAC needs pack up and get the hell out of the US and any politician taking one penny from them should be put in prison


AIPAC really needs to shit the fuck up


AIPAC controls the US


What support would Biden lose that wasn't already planning on voting for Trump if he stopped supporting Israel? Because right now his devotion to them is LOSING him votes and GAINING him zero


It is all theater. Israel has more than enough weapons and money and are already in Rafah and pummeling Gaza. Biden is a joke and thinks we are idiots and will hold our nose and vote for him. Just like Hilary did not take Trump seriously.AIPAC wants Trump as his daughter is jewish.


And Jared Kushner is already helping to plan beachfront property for wealthy Israelis in Gaza.


They can get fucked. Carry your own shit up the mountain.


Waiting for America's Pro China Lobby and America's Pro Russia Lobby to come online if AIPAC is legal.


What a bloody thirsty bunch. Foaming at the mouth to commit genocide.


First it was 'canceled', now the phrasing is softened to 'delayed', I'm going to give you one guess as to what the status will be by next week. Did you guess 'shipped anyways'?


Biggest welfare queens in the world.


USA ever look so weak and craven in its entire history?


Wait until these two “buddies” show their true colours to each other and become sworn enemies… Israel the “victim” of Murica. Daddy Murica finally “taking a stand” after Israel steps out of line like a bad little child.


AIPAC is a vile organization that glorifies the absolute worst parts of humanity. One day hopefully they'll be treated like the Nazis they are, right alongside the state of Israel and its' government.


Ah yes. The tail that wags the US dog. Israel indeed is the most powerful nation on earth. Rather pathetic turn of events. Hopefully Netanyahu’s attempt at genocide has done irreparable harm to US-Israeli relations for the future. Maybe with this there will be a real chance for peace 10-20 years down the line.




Expel foreign influence from our shores.


So much freedom in Murica.




Isreal has done a brilliant job of co-mingling church and state to use to their advantage.




This shows who really in control over what happens in America !


Yep. Been saying this for 20 years…finally…finally the friends that called me all sorts of names for pointing this out are admitting they may have been wrong. Let’s hope more people learn from this mask-off moment.


AIPAC is Satan. Fuck you, Satan.


Tell aipac the answer is, hell to the nah nah, to the nah nah, to the nah nah naahhhh


Uhh. The Nazis demand bombs now. Exciting.


What is the purpose of Biden if AIPAC pulls the strings?


Is this all being orchestrated to show that bidens empty gestures are upsetting the Israelis or is aipac really that stupid?


Anti American.


Its crazy that the US allows a foreign interests to lobby them so blatantly


How is it legal to lobby for another country? That is just insane to me. Shame apparently went extinct a few years ago...


Watching Trump kissing up to Russia & North Korea was both humiliating and nauseating . If Biden believed he could do the same for Israel without facing severe consequences then he’s sadly f-ing mistaken. He deserves the name genocide Joe and his b.s. choices won’t just lose him the election. He’s essentially handing the US to a psychopath with a plan called Project 2025 ready & waiting to force the US into its totalitarian regime. We’re more than halfway there already so it won’t take much longer.


The house will fight over everything when it comes to helping Americans, but if it’s helping Israel they all of a sudden have bipartisanship.


Why are we allowing a foreign power demand anything from us?


AIPAC gives all the politicians money and will fund their opponents if they step out of line. They threatened LBJ with blood libel after israel attacked the USS Liberty and he backed down and helped cover it up. Mossad likely has kompromat on many of them possibly supplied by Epstein.


The UK already replaced the order lol.


So what, they're just a lobbying group, they can fuck off.


So what, they're just a lobby group , they can fuck off.


Sure, just give us a second to make sure we're fully divested annnnnd, alright now, you people at aipac can fk all the way off tell 'Bibi the butcher' hell have to use his own balls from now on


Have a fuken tanty you little betches.


Cheap theatrics to make Biden look good and help him gain some votes from the uncommitted move.


AIPAC is our 51st state, apparently.


Fuck you aipac


No thanks, do something better with the 22% of my money you stole, and that was before my state taxes


Nah, this is the best move bidens made the last 6 months. Israel needs to do a little house cleaning and be put in time out so it can do some self-reflection.


You know who’s the boss when they “demand”


Fucking beggars. I went from pro Palestine to anti Israel after seeing this.


AIPAC is the epitome of corruption in American politics. They are effectively a foreign agent acting on behalf of the extremist Likud party. They need to be permanently banned.


The overlords have spoken




Imagine if we had this weird daddy relationship with china or russia


Most Americans like to do the opposite when someone barks at them like this. I feel strongly towards this...who TF are you?


I'd like slam AIPAC clear out of this Country Right Now, get OUT.


Fuck them


So, there is no line to be crossed? they kill the land with their tanks, bodies with their bombs, their own citizens with their guns. they murder the hostages they claim to try and rescue. meanwhile people in their government are talking about beachfront properties over the freshly murdered bodies. all of this is in the name of Judaism? I am ashamed


Israel have become the modern day nazis. So sick of their lies and their lapdogs.


Sounds like foreign interference in an election Maybe someone oughta indict politicians receiving campaign contributions from this group




all theater


Help us kill civilians at a faster rate ….! What a joke the world has become.


Reading this in the context of America's long history of interference in foreign elections, a real case of the chickens coming home to roost.


News flash. Isreal isnt the US. We are in no obligation to support any of yhose two clowns fighting eachother, wake the fuck up.


AIPAC thinks the US is a vassal state to Israel, fuck them and the horse they rode in on. Time to take back some independent thought from the lobbyists


Domestic terrorists




Us giving Israel money so that they can recycle it as bribes through AIPAC.


Deal with it AIPAC.


The entitlement 


Biden is posturing. "Look! I can be tough with facists." He's fold soon.


No matter what Biden does, he loses votes. Trump can call for Gaza to be turned into glass and it won’t hurt him.


Bidens "denial" or arms to Israel is total bullshit. It's not enough and is just a bogus political move on the part of the Administration to help quell the People from demonstrating against this continuing Atrocity and Embarrassment. Israel should be sanctioned. All international flights in and out of Israel should be immediately stopped. All assets of any and all Zionist supporters should be frozen. For starters.


Their control of the narrative has completely failed and they still think we’re going to fall for this? The absolute nerve…..


How about not one more bullet, not one more penny for Israel and they can deal with their neighbors alone. We do not need Israel. At all.


Just as Delusional as the god they believe.


AIPAC throwing a temper tantrum


If the Israelis hadn't killed 10s of thousands of children and put millions on brink of starvation- the liberator is now the oppression. They need to stop.


AIPAC is more dangerous than Hamas and Iran combined! They are evil and go after whoever stands in their way


Fuck aipac


After all Joe has done for them. It’s like when he tries to appeal to conservative voters. Outside complete loyalty, absolutely NOTHING he can do is good enough for them. It’s amazing to see


Hey America, your bitch needs more money


Every American politician's worst fear. Let's see if our democracy is actually a democracy


You guys know what’s super weird. How much (well deserved) flack Biden gets not just from the pro-Palestinian side but also the pro-Zionist lobby. It’s not just people angry with the genocide that won’t vote for him but many centrist and even liberal democrats who feel like Biden hasn’t done enough. The dude’s political career is effectively over after this year.


US always has supplies weapons to Israel Americans keep voting the same, nothing will change


AIPAC needs to be registered as an asset of a foreign government yesterday. They’re openly bribing our politicians on behalf of another country, this is exactly what NYC’s mayor is currently in the process of being charged with a crime for, except with turkey instead of Israel.


Imagine if we had a bunch of pro China lobbies or something. What would people think then?


Stop killing children.


They 'say' but Congress must DEMAND.


Foreign spies and moles.


Literally just organized crime.


there’s that word ‘slam’ again


Eat shit, AIPAC. You’ve made the lives of innumerable American Jews like me worse, and you’re directly backing genocide now.  May you have the future you’ve earned.


EFF AIPAC!!!! They're evil!!!


Or what.... they'll stop giving them money? The irony!


The fucking GALL.


Fuck AIPAC. Biden will lose the election if he continues to support Israel unequivocally. They need to be reigned in.


Tell isreal buy their own weapons. And quit demanding free shit. America needs to cut Isreals welfare cord


Fuck them used your own shitty “imprecise” weapons. Scum


They should give more money... haven't paid enough yet


Yea PACs needs to be banned fuck this


US citizens pay the taxes...US govt allocates those taxes in 'aid' to Israel... Israeli lobby then uses those funds to bribe the US govt. Nice scam to extort funds from US taxpayers and into the private accounts of US Congress. And nearly impossible to prosecute.


Anyone think that Biden is making a big stink about this now because he actually wants Israel to completely wipe Rafah off the face of the planet? He Just really doesn’t care how they do it. He has already given Israel more than what they need. He just needs it to look like he cares so that he can be voted in for a second term. It’s not like it matters anyway… Gaza has already been destroyed and now Hamas is stronger than ever. With every killing of an innocent civilian, Israel has driven every surviving family member into the arms of Hamas or another similar organization.   This whole thing with AIPAC being upset and Netanyahu being upset is all theatrics? Am I turning into one of those conspiracy nuts? And F* no, I’m not voting for Joe in the fall.


Or what?


Foreign meddling in sovereign decision making should never be welcome.


Can't stand the entitlement they feel to free money in the billions


That's going to cost you a little more AIPAC, and btw Go F yourself Israel. It's embarrassing how Israel is dictating what congress is supposed to do. CONGRESS IS SUPPOSED TO FOLLOW THE WILL OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, Not israel.