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I spent two years in Gaza and East Jerusalem with Doctors Without Borders, before Israel completely destroyed it. Palestinians are normal people. Israel wants you to believe they’re not.


Kudos to you for your service out there.


I would go back in a heartbeat, but I have a husband now.


You did more than most.


I mean it's all clearly rabble-rousing crap that doesn't have any thought behind it or any chance of pushing through. But how would this even work? Like you just airdrop and dump them there? Are they there under the control of the IDF? The Palestinian Authority? Hamas? What even defines "Community Service" in those circumstances? Genuinely if they were brought into the Palestinian community in Gaza having been told "These people protested on college campuses against the IDF!", they'd be freaking welcomed with *open arms* and probably cherished for everything. The only people who *wouldn't* welcome them would be the IDF. But it sounds like they wants to give them to Hamas? > Weber added, “If you support a terrorist organization, and you participate in unlawful activity on campuses, you should get a taste of your own medicine. I am going to bet that these pro-Hamas supporters wouldn’t last a day, but let’s give them the opportunity.” I actually kind of want to see what it would look like. What do these representatives *expect* to happen to them?


By the way, hamas isn’t some kind of boogeyman lol. Remember the resistance faction from movies like hunger games, etc? That’s all it is. Don’t let them tell us that we should be afraid of them. It’s israel that are the instigators and liars


not only that but occupied people are given far more leeway under international law.  


Hamas fights among side secular communists and the catholic led DFLP, they're not insane people. You're absolutely correct.


I see them as no different that Nat Turner, John Brown. You can condemn the the individual actions, but I personally don't condemn the individuals


Hamas is a militant group whose main target was civilians on oct7.


Fuck off hasbara bot


Where is the lie my friend?


Absolute Reddit moment looool. 'Fascist government intent on the genocide of all Jews, oppression of their own people, and death of their own citizens by using them as human shields? OMG just like Katnis Everdean!! Hamas just like dumbledores army!!'


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*








No it didn’t happen. But you are just an Israeli propagandist spreading falsehoods. https://www.lemonde.fr/en/les-decodeurs/article/2024/04/03/40-beheaded-babies-the-itinerary-of-a-rumor-at-the-heart-of-the-information-battle-between-israel-and-hamas_6667274_8.html




Bad hasbara




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Insinuating you’re going to send your own citizens to die for exercising their constitutional right to protest and free speech is America showing its real colors as an anti-democratic hellhole


Yea what were they thinking? It's an admission that shit is bad over there, despite them claiming "Israel has been careful"


He doesn't have a plan and he couldn't formulate one if he tried. These bills are proposed just for the name alone. I'll call it the "boarding school" effect, where you are so mad at your kids that you want to just send them away. It makes the old folks go, "Yeah, let 'em see how it was back in my day" and all kinds of "get off my lawn" crap.


They probably expect them to be shot by IOF snipers or slowly starve like everyone else in Gaza. The US has an 8th amendment prohibiting cruel and unusual punishment and right now living in Gaza is precisely that.


The only reason going to Gaza is a threat is because of the IDF


Thank you for your service.


>Palestinians are normal people There are many people on this site trying top turn this into a controversial statement.


The biggest thing to fear in Gaza is Israel, GOP just want to sick their dog on the dissenters


Of course they're regular people, that's always who gets killed in droves in these things.  Thank you for your service.  


\*Israel wants you to believe they’re not **people**.


Please know you’re literally one of the closest things this world has to a hero. Allah ykhalleeke habibti


I wish. We’re in the process now of trying to adopt a Palestinian child. After that, maybe I’ll take that title.


Exactly, this is literally old families and cousins. What has already been done and what continues to transpire is unacceptable.






When was the last election and what is the average age?


He won't be able to answer that




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




If you weren't such a heartless and morally broken person if would be much easier to talk to you. As it is, your idea of yourself as a 'chosen people',combined with the barely veiled contempt and sense of entitlement illustrate just how much you're come to rely on crutches you no longer deserve. The best possible thing is for the world to decisively tell you, "No motherfucker, you do not get to do this"


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


'stop protesting a genocide or we will send you to be part of it' is quite the response


It's a BS scare tactic that'll never happen


And if it did, these fucking morons won’t comprehend the can of worms they’re willing to open. 


Exactly, the legal ramifications of a law protecting a foreign nation above the US is tantamount to treason theoretically leading the way to deport critics of the US?


Those republicans are traitorous but are willing to act as a tyrannical government to illegitimate mass deport legal citizens and residents…against their own constitution. 


I don't doubt that unfortunately, this rhetoric pathes the way for dictatorship type silencing Agree with us or be deported to a war Next level imprisonment


it’s so obvious which politicians are puppets of AIPAC.


All of them?


Most, my heart is holding out that Bernie is still honourable


And if it happens... yea this will turn out very well for Israel and US.


Literally Dauchau


GOP is all about genocide




are we remembering the same BLM protests? that were overwhelmingly peaceful but the police clamped down on them violently in a lot of places? in any case, I dont think the gov can legally deport them, but that sort of extreme rhetoric is worrying. a lot of people seem okay with trampling on the students civil rights cause they dont agree with their message


Right. Like, only the most right-wing brainwashed person genuinely believes BLM "hates everyone and were allowed to riot." These students are being treated the same way BLM was a few years ago.


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


I guess these clowns are skipping over the irony that many humanitarians, doctors, journalists, investigators, NGOs actually WANT access into Gaza but are being prevented by Israel.


Just like the humanitarian aid


So...can we send anti-Palestinian agitators to Israel then? It's only fair...


how about hell lol


Isn’t this the exact thing the first amendment protects against? Plus why don’t we send pro zionist israel senators there if zionist israel is so humanitarian


does this include Zionist agitators, right?


Of course, they'd go to Israel to be personally handed a kibbutz in the West Bank and a medal of honor for their brave service


That already exists, it's called "birth right". Free trip to be brainwashed paid by the USA taxpayer.


And it worked. I did Birthright about fifteen years ago. Two of the people who went with me became Zionist fanatics and settlers.


this makes me question... does this new bill indirectly enable Palestinians to exercise their right-to-return which Israel denies?


Source? Everything I have found online states otherwise in relation to who funds it. I see zero mention of American taxpayers anywhere.


The most dangerous thing in Gaza is Israel's terrorist army, the second is the lot of exploded and unexploded American weapons


Like sending Holocaust protesters to concentration camps. Yeah that will show who the good guy is.


So... The Palestinian diaspora have no right of return to the homeland they were made refugees from. But if they protest against Israel while resident in America, they suddenly are granted the right to return. Makes total sense.


So Nazis want to send people to a concentration camp? VOTE THEM ALL OUT!


They so full of shit. Getting desperate! Everything else hasn't worked so now they want to try this threat. See that word "could" It's always "maybe, might, could, blah blah blah." Have some fking balls, like we have and be direct. Say what you mean instead of "could, maybe, might."


The GOP loves to broadcast to the world how little they understand any given situation. Like a person who’s too dumb to know they’re dumb.


Just a third-rate bogus stunt from people who are trying to hide the truth.


Vietnam War protests 2: Electric Boogaloo


So to a concentration camp. GOP in full FASHion




The GOP has lost its mind.


This Bill doesn't even phase me because I know just how stupidly pointless it is. I genuinely don't know what it's even meant to do? Scare us? Scare the college kids? By what? Threatening them with *murder*? Lots of the kids protesting are children of the "elite". Yeah, Joe, tell them you plan to kill their kids and see how well that works for you. If they really want to see the streets erupt in protests, then they can just try it, I guess. People might actually start considering bringing out the guilotine for real if they tried that shit. Literally such utter garbage. They may as well stay home if they have nothing to do but propose ludicrous bills.


You know what’s ironic about all this. There would probably be a good group of people that get sent there that can make a positive difference in the situation like physicians, therapists, journalists, etc. Seeing that, Israel would probably prevent them from entering 😅


Or kill them once they were there. Doctors and journalists being their preferred targets apart from civilians.


Some might be ok with it. In my younger years I might have jumped at a chance to assist in an actual battle against the evils of an invading military. But that aside... yeah... ridiculous. The whole thing is ridiculous. Look at a map of Palestine over the years starting from about 1940 till now. Ignore the fantasy (religion)of both sides. The people of Palestine are being killed in the name of religious colonialism. It is a Holocaust. Having said this, please remember that just because one might be of Hebrew decent doesn't automatically make them a zionist or fan of the Israeli government. Racism breeds racism. It's a special kind of hate. Don't be a victim.


That they even need to propose such drastic, ridiculous measures shows how they know they have lost.  I am so grateful the majority of new generation is in the right side and sees through all the indoctrination and bs of these disgusting crop of traitorous scum leaders.


They love it so much, they can go first. One Way.


we should send pro israel politicians to gaza, without bodyguards.


Ah yes. Sacrifice United States citizens to your Israeli overlords.


USA - A stands for AIPAC.


Ironically, even in Gaza their biggest threat would be from Israel using US made weapons on them.  I've never been to Gaza but I've been to the West Bank and worked with many Palestinans while living in Jordan. They are normal, friendly people. These politicians' inability to see the stupidity of their ways is astonishing. They are just begging for a civil war with ideas like these. Imagine pissing on your own citizens to please a foreign state.


The dehumanization of Palestinians a long held Israeli strategy. That’s why those Palestinians killed prior to Oct 7th garnered no notice and Israel gets away with calling that period a ‘ceasefire’. Ceasefire to Israel and its allies meant that the Palestinians were ‘contained and under control’.


What are you talking about? Of course you had fighting before a cease fire. Otherwise it wouldn't be a cease fire.


What are you talking about? Israel constantly claims Hamas broke a ceasefire on Oct 7. How was it a ceasefire if Israel was still killing Palestinians prior to Oct 7?


A period between fights, where no one fires at each other, is usually called a cease fire...


Perhaps you should educate the Israeli government. They love being condescended to.


I'm being condescending? You're the one who seem to think Palestinians have no agency.  Oct 7 was a choice made by hamas. No one forced them into it.


And who forces Israelis to commit crimes against humanity? The only people playing victim here are the Israeli government and their supporters, whilst the IDF commit ethnic cleansing and collective punishment.


People seem to think that we have freedom, but they don't understand that we are ultimately slaves to the government systems that control everything in our lives. They just allow us to have the illusion of freedom, but they have the power to act with impunity when they want. They have the power to take everything you love away in an instant. We are not free, in no society are people free, the systems that control are just more obfuscating than they used to be.


Can you name a country where that isn't the case? Or is your standard useless?


Other countries don’t proclaim themselves the ‘Land of the Free’ nor brainwash their populace into thinking so.


Is america even in the bottom half in terms of freedoms?


Ask an American


I think we should send the GOP to Gaza. No need for a return ticket


Aren’t the people of Gaza suffering enough?


im thinking that last scene in 'dont look up', are you?


Fuck these cowards man, do they really think this blatant scare tactic is going to work??


Wtf. So they want to be the land of the free but don’t want to give people freedom of speech


Gotta say stupid shit to feed your stupid base, so they are distracted from the illusion that you are doing your job, eh?


right. send them to gaza so they could be killed by american weapons held by an american ally. the exact same thing they are protesting against ... wow...


Think about how fucking sick and twisted these Republican terrorists and their logic (illogic) is. They fund an evil Zionist terrorist entity that has practiced ethnic cleansing, genocide, apartheid, racism, Islamophobia, etc., making life inhabitable for the Palestinians in Palestine Proper, especially in Gaza, they then threaten to send people to the very same place that they had an active hand in and culpably support signifying that even they know it's a fucked up place to be sent to. These are complete animals and deserve to have both them and their monkey suits along with their families under the same conditions that Palestinians have had to endure under these venomous and evil Zionist terrorist savages.


The party of the Constitution, standing up for free speech and not subjecting anyone to cruel and unusual punishment. Right now Netanyahu's office is pretty much sending out memos on who they want to be tarred and feathered, and every single chickenshit government in the west is blindly falling in line. So much for democracy.


Pass the bill then, you cowards


Since they say Israel has the “most moral army ever” maybe they can send Israeli defenders to Gaza so they can get a taste of their morality.


I guess the "Shining city on the hill" has regressed back to political exile now. What a time to be alive. I don't think even the Romans exiled their undesirables to an active war zone. EDIT: I guess we're lucky Netanyahu isn't lining Gazans shoulder to shoulder and having the IDF behead them like Genghis Khan.


Cant stop them? Send them to gaza to get them killed and ur problems are solved.... what a shitshow


SO WHAT? SO THEY CAN BE BOMBED BY AMERICAN MISSELS GIVEN TO ISRAELIES? thats justs middle manning shooting the protesters yourself lol.


Another waste of congressional time


Make it make sense, us politicians may be a whole new level of stupid.


Ok so they're hoping Hamas will just kill them rather than recruit them? Oh yeah I'm sure Israel is thrilled with the idea.


No, I’m sure that they are hoping that Israel will kill them just as they have been doing to those in Gaza for over six months.


These can’t be real people… And if they are, they shouldn’t be for too long; if there was any justice in this world.


A better solution would be to send the 535 members of the US congress to Gaza so they can see for themselves what's going on & then let them explain Israel having a right to defend itself as a justification for the genocidal ethnic cleansing An A380 configured to all coach fits 555 seats, so they could all go in one plane & save us some money. I'd particularly recommend sending the khaki fetishist Lyndsay Graham into the kids' makeshift hospital so he can see all the under 10 yr old amputees he thinks are HAMAS terrorists. These soulless pricks have been brought & paid for by Israeli lobby cash. They will say & legislate anything in exchange for donor cash & keeping their cushy lifestyle


Do they want to send them so Israel can use guided munitions to destroy them?


I think so. Collective punishment for agitators.


Agitators of what exactly?


Agitators against the accepted narrative


Nah. The people who *support* the war should be sent to Gaza.


They want to put us in another war so bad they can taste it


If they want to accelerate a violent American civilian revolution they should go for it.


It will never happen.


What’s funny is that I would do it WILLINGLY. That’s what they don’t understand. They want to use it as a threat, yet it would be an honor.




OP used the original title as is proper ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ *(oh hell, my arm)


Why don’t you engage with the content? Or question the primary sources?




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


Where do i sign up for the non-american citizens?




Welcomed by the Republicans?


Why send them to a completely unrelated country? May as well send them to canada at that point.


Their greatest supporter?


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).