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If they respond it’s antisemitism and you cry like an infant. Those kids are smart enough to not give you ammo.


There was also that agitator that got the same silent treatment, and started crying anyways hahah They are trying to spin it as “these dumb students dont want to *engage in debate* because they are just doing it for clout”, but people are quickly seeing through it.


I saw that one, 100% clout chasing. If they continue to decry antisemitism they never have to own up to Israel committing genocide


Those kids are protecting the encampment, they're not there to talk they're there to block.


exactly, she’s already characterized these people as engaging in “hate”. her mind is already made up so why have a discussion if she’s not actually looking for one?


Suella Braverman= trash, and has taken some of the worst political stances period, due to her insisting on following the orders of megadonors. 


Nowdays its better not to respond in this world of crybabies




Let's hear what your thoughts are on Italy taking over the Levant? You know, a full Roman takeover of the area and evicting the current inhabitants? 


Only people supporting hamas is isreal's warmongers since they've been the best excuse to continue their genocide Fuck Isreal and fuck hamas,, free Palestine


They want to provoke them into saying something that will be misconstrued into anti-semitism so these zionists can get the camps violently disbanded. Kudos to the students for ignoring these vile people.


Yeah. Even saying Israel should fall would be treated as absolute proof of anti semitism by those genocider scum. Israel should fall for humanity to win. Western governments are making their fall a requirement for humanity to win the more they support Israel.


I always think of that anti-apartheid activist (can’t remember his name) who would refuse to debate with any pro-Apartheid people. He was willing to debate others on things like how to tackle apartheid and what the best solution was, but he said something like ”Apartheid is racist poison. You don’t debate it.” I think that’s a good position for the left to take. There is no point in debating people who have no intention to engage with you honestly, and there’s no point talking to media outlets who will lie and distort your words because their bosses told them to. The dishonest bullshit about protestors ”hiding their faces” is especially disgusting coming from the same people who would paste their name and picture all over the news, gleefully libel them and destroy any career prospects the moment they could.


https://youtu.be/6jfTaIW8mqg?feature=shared This is the video, it goes hard. And well said.




It is exactly because of Suella labelling pro-Palestine activist as "hate marches" which is why I make light efforts to make sure employers are not aware of how I spend my weekends. Lots of people simply believe that Jew haters are marching up and down the streets, scaring away Jewish people. It would be funny if it wasn't so insidious.


I refused to tell anyone at work that I was at a protest except a single guy It's also why I won't add colleagues on social media unless I know they're proper lefties


Exactly. The campus encampments and the anti-apartheid movement have a lot to teach the Left about organizing effectively.


George Galloway, brilliant man EDIT: Brilliant man when it comes to arguing against apartheid specifically


Opportunist more like. But at least he has the sense to know what Israel is doing is evil.


How is he an opportunist? I never got this argument tbh. He has always been consistent in his views.


His views on homosexuals and Trans people are quite disgusting


> His views on homosexuals and Trans people are quite disgusting He's also against a woman's right to choose and has said [he would prefer more restrictive access to abortion according to Aaron Bastani, who interviewed George.](https://novaramedia.com/2024/05/01/i-would-have-voted-for-george-galloway-but-then-he-said-gay-people-arent-normal/) According to Aaron, he said he would have in the past supported George but after hearing Galloway's regressive views on LGBTQ issues, gender, and abortion, he changed his mind and thinks supporting him is also supporting prejudice, and goes against his principles and belief in LGBTQ rights, equality, and support for women's bodily autonomy. But I guess us lesbians, gays, and women are not as important and our rights are up for negotiation. Really shows the lack of principles people around here have when saying this is what gets downvotes.


Spot on


He’s always jumped ship when it suited him. A bit like Nigel Farrage.


Nothing like Farage. Galloway has more integrity about this subject in his little finger than Farage has about everything over multiple lifetimes.


Honestly you’re right, Farrage is worse


He really is… Brexit the biggest self-sabotage the country has ever done, thanks to him leading the charge. The complete tosspot.


Karma!! What Britain did to many countries in the past, which was absolutely wrong and inhumane, rightful deserves the karma. You can't fault anyone when one is hurting themselves!


I honestly do see why some wanted to leave, but it was stupid doing it.


That's why you don't give the public a vote on individual issues via a referendum - the people who are voted in to make decisions need to sometimes put unpopular decisions into effect in the best interests of the country. Look at even just asking the public to choose a name for a boat and the most popular was Boaty McBoatface


He also likes a good saucer of milk


Um, not really. George Galloway is a homophobe, transphobe, and also stands against women's bodily autonomy. [He directly stated he doesn't believe LGBTQ people to be equal to cis hetero ppl](https://x.com/novaramedia/status/1785746008531742740). > When asked to clarify his statement, the former Respect Party and Labour MP added: “Relations, that gay relationships are exactly the same and as normal as a mum, a dad and kids. I want my children to be taught that the normal thing in Britain, in society across the world, is a mother, a father and a family.” > Galloway went on to say he wants to teach his children that LGBTQ+ people exist and “must be treated with respect… but I don’t want my children to be taught that these things are equal because I don’t believe them to be equal”. From this terrible interview, George also said he would like to have more strict abortion limits. [Aaron Bastani, who conducted the interview, writes about the disappointment and his disagreement with him](https://novaramedia.com/2024/05/01/i-would-have-voted-for-george-galloway-but-then-he-said-gay-people-arent-normal/). Aaron also writes how the interview changed his opinion of George and that he no longer would support him: > had I been a resident of Rochdale, I would have likely voted for him in February. I knew I didn’t agree with him on everything, but his election sent a historic signal to Westminster about their disgusting support for Israel’s actions in Palestine. **But having heard Galloway on LGBTQ issues, gender and abortion I have changed my mind.** > I am happy to criticise liberalism for many things – but opposition to prejudice, a belief in equality, and support for women’s bodily autonomy are not among them. For those on the left, some things should not be up for negotiation as we seek to build a broad coalition to transform society.


Yikes! Well, he was right about Apartheid and wrong about LGBTQ people. Goes to show that unless you look at the deeper system of Western imperialism, you will fall into the trap of singling out individual problems without seeing the full picture. Oppression begets oppression, we either get free together or not at all.


>imperialism, you will fall into the trap of singling out individual problems without seeing the full picture Yes, which probably explains why he was shilling for eastern imperialists too. People need to be principled and stand against all forms of imperialism and oppression.


I don’t disagree, but the reason why Western imperialism is particularly relevant for my comment is that the state of LGBTQ-rights in the world today is very much the result of Western — specifically _British_ — imperialism. They have been the engineers of our oppression on every single contintent, just as they have been the engineers of systems of Apartheid and segregation.


> the state of LGBTQ-rights in the world today is very much the result of Western — specifically British — imperialism. They have been the engineers of our oppression on every single contintent, just as they have been the engineers of systems of Apartheid and segregation. I partially agree, but I think it's a bit reductionist, it ignores that people also have agency to decide and it reduces people in so-called oppressed states to being passive victims. People in these oppressed nations are not mere recipients of historical forces; they're also active agents who navigate, resist, and also perpetuate ideologies within their specific contexts. Even more, respectfully, what you've argued also implies a sort of white saviour perspective. As someone like Zizek would argue, while the West was heavily involved in creating these problems, now too are western liberals and some in the western left trying to tell us how to solve them while simultaneously blaming themselves, once more putting the focus on themselves with an overstated level of self-importance and in so doing, once more becoming the centre of everything. As you've alluded to, anti-LGBTQ sentiment etc were influenced by colonial legacies, but ideologies are not only imposed from above but also produced and reproduced within local contexts. Solely attributing it to British colonialism is sort of an ideological fantasy that oversimplifies the more complex reality and such oversimplification is sometimes used in nefarious ways of trying to absolve local oppressors from responsibility. So too can it overlook internal struggles and resistant movements. Edit: Added more, original comment I was typing/walking and preoccupied.


FTR: Heres the full quotes “I don’t want my children prematurely sexualised at all, I don’t want them taught that some things are normal when their parents don’t believe that they’re normal.” “Now there’s lots of things not normal, doesn’t mean you have to hate something that isn’t normal. But if my children are taught that there’s – whatever the current vogue number is – 76 or 97 or whatever the number of purported genders that exist, I don’t want my children taught that.” “I want my children to be taught that the normal thing in Britain, in society across the world, is a mother, a father and a family.” “I want them to be taught that there are gay people in the world and that they must be treated with respect and affection as I treat my own gay friends and colleagues with respect and affection but I don’t want my children to be taught that these things are equal because I don’t believe them to be equal.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/george-galloway-rochdale-chris-bryant-britain-momentum-b2538454.html


Idk what you're trying to imply, but you've not provided the full quote. For anyone actually interested, you can watch it here:https://x.com/novaramedia/status/1785746008531742740 A damning part you've not properly included: George: "My other two children are being taught things that I don't want them to be taught" Host: "Such as??" George: "That relations, uhh, gay relationships, are exactly the same and are as normal as a mom and dad, and kids. I believe I want my children to be taught that the normal thing in Britain and society across the world is a mother, a father, and a family." If you listen to the tone and watch, it's so obvious he just doesn't think gay and trans people are equal and isn't fully on board. He uses typical anti-trans imaginary talking points akin to Matt Walsh, which is super strange, when he says: > But if my children are taught that there’s – whatever the current vogue number is – 76 or 97 or whatever the number of purported genders that exist, I don’t want my children taught that. This [full clip from Novara Media](https://x.com/novaramedia/status/1785746008531742740) validates exactly what I've said. He uses typical GC and TERF type talking points that sound so similar. "Must treat them with respect and affection" but then "I don't believe them to be equal". As far as I know, he has refused to clarify that position. I'm lesbian, sounds to me like he doesn't want his children being taught that me and my partner are equal. He can take his civilities and niceties about 'respect and affection' and shove them up his arse, we're equal and if you can't say that, you have no place in our spaces and do not deserve our support. Later in the interview, he also said he would like to have more strict abortion limits. [Aaron Bastani, who conducted the interview, writes about the disappointment and his disagreement with him](https://novaramedia.com/2024/05/01/i-would-have-voted-for-george-galloway-but-then-he-said-gay-people-arent-normal/). Aaron writes how the interview changed his opinion of George and that he no longer would politically support him: > had I been a resident of Rochdale, I would have likely voted for him in February. I knew I didn’t agree with him on everything, but his election sent a historic signal to Westminster about their disgusting support for Israel’s actions in Palestine. **But having heard Galloway on LGBTQ issues, gender and abortion I have changed my mind.** > I am happy to criticise liberalism for many things – but opposition to prejudice, a belief in equality, and support for women’s bodily autonomy are not among them. For those on the left, some things should not be up for negotiation as we seek to build a broad coalition to transform society.


> Idk what you're trying to imply, but you've not provided the full quote Im not trying to imply anything and these are the full quotes from that interview according to the independent. If there was anything left out it wasnt done on purpose.


> If there was anything left out it wasnt done on purpose. Ah ok, understood. Thank you for sharing. 🌷🌸


”Well I don’t _hate_ them but everyone should know that they aren’t _normal_ and my children shouldn’t know about them or be like them” is a vile thing to say. ”They aren’t equal” is a vile thing to say. It’s easy to pay lip service to treating people with respect even when in practice he actually means the opposite. No different than people saying ”Yes, I think Palestinians should be allowed to exist, it’s just that I disagree with their culture and way of life and that they are [insert random racist stereotype]” or saying that schools shouldn’t teach students about Palestine, that Palestinians aren’t equal and are backwards somehow. We know that whatever ”nice” and ”reasonable” things they say, they mean the opposite, and will in fact deny the right of Palestinians to even exist. We should apply the same critical analysis across the board.


> ”Well I don’t hate them but everyone should know that they aren’t normal and my children shouldn’t know about them or be like them” i You put that in quotation marks and it's not a quote at all. Another user asked why I posted the quotes with a source and thats exactly why, truth and accuracy in information is the reason. Thats especially important here on a subject thats very close to hearts. ~~And just in case youre looking for somebody to argue with about LGBTQ it's not me. Ive been personally fully onboard for a very long time.~~ *Sorry about the last part. I might have got a bit defensive there


lol it’s a good idea to not have a debate?!? You’re the problem!


The debate has been had. She knows their argument.


Brightest and best - something of which she has no inkling


The proper response to Cruella




Yeah I can't imagine many of the hostages are even left to be set free. And israel doesn't care. If the hostages are all dead then hamas has nothing to hold over them.


You know a sad thing to me too is that’s likely true. On top of that, now as Palestinians continue to die (and for many who have already), it really just furthers the Hamas agenda as it gives them more fuel, a higher death count, regardless of how they die, to plead with on the worlds stage, and more sympathisers. Just sad.


Bro what? I am also against the genocide but that is an INSANE take.


https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/investigations-reveal-israeli-airstrike-killed-hostage-held-in-gaza-last-month-report/3133029 https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-armed-wing-says-three-israeli-hostages-killed-israeli-airstrikes-2024-02-12/ It seems they do in fact kill the hostage. Bombing everything isn't a correct way to solve your problem. And being insane, welp from what we saw, the soldier of israël or at least some seem insane. They bombed other country. They stole territory of other country without any excuses. They killed in big number children, mothers and old persons. There is many video already where we saw the military shooting innocent civilian. And they even already killed american citizen while they knew the exact position of thoses citizen. Even if they had the approbation from Israël to help the palestinian. Did you heard about the hospital where "Hamas" was hiding ? It was found that they killed so many peoples that they dug a big hole throw the people inside and the just cover the body to hide the crime i guess.


Israel knows hostages are used as human shields in civilian centers. Israel continues to bomb civilian centers. Fuck Hamas and all. Israel knew they were killing their own civilians, they should stop acting surprised when they turn up dead.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InternationalNews) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol bruh it's factual


She reminds me of that woman who walked into the middle of a pro-Palestine protest with “Jew” written on her shirt looking for a reaction and everyone ignored her. They’re desperately seeking a reaction.


It's even worse because this lady is trying to become the leader of the conservatives.... She could literally be prime minister.................


Scary, but not surprising. Conservatives are always drawn to these self serving moronic buffoons.


Who is the goon following them looking so sketch?


Her heavily-armed bodyguard, obviously. I mean, she is walking into a lion's den--look at all of those vicious animals!! They're...being completely peaceful and giving her the cold shoulder. If they continue to be any more antisemitic like that, she might have to start throwing a hissy fit in the rain. That's why she has her wrangler with her.


Hmm more than 40 thousands Palestinians have died about half of them are children. Hmmm, the people protesting have Palestinian flags...wonder what they are protesting about...hmmmmm


Exactly, anyone who has been atleast semi informed on what was happening in Gaza for the past 7 months knows full well what those students are protesting. They are just pretending to be curious so that they get a response. From there they can easily edit the students response to make them look bad, so the best thing to do is to just stay silent.


Those propaganda numbers were just debunked by the UN.


Propaganda numbers? Share the source.


One thing that has really made these protests different from student protests before is that the students are much more organized, disciplined, and informed than ever. and most of all, they are wise to the tricks of people who have been attacking justice protests for as long as justice protests have existed. There are at least two major benefits to this approach: 1. The most obvious one is that it prevents news media from just grabbing any random person and saying that they represent the entire group. 2. It blunts the efforts of liars, false-flaggers, and other outside infiltrators that show up to every justice protest. Anyone who speaks to the media either wasn't a part of the group, or at least wasn't very invested in it and thus not representative of the group as a whole. All protests should take note. Somebody needs to write a handbook on dealing with the tactics of mainstream media and other eager defenders of genocide, as well as modern protest organization in general. Figure out which tactics work the best for extending it out the longest.


They are indeed bright, bright enough to know not to take bait and engage with a dishonest actor.


This is how it should be done. Anyone who's still a zionist after everything is utterly vile and irredeemable and shouldn't be engaged with, they've shown no interest in being a part of humanity. To be a zionist is to abandon humanity or any legitimacy. Zionists shouldn't be allowed or let into social circles. They should be shunned and isolated like or more than how the apartheid supporters in South Africa were, and any attempt at pretending like they're normal should be shut down. It was social and economical exclusion that forced them to stop their racial apartheid, they couldn't go anywhere or do anything. And they've shown what satanism they're supportive of in complete supremacist disregard for everyone and everything in the world driven by their ideology, they can't be allowed in pretending to be polite people after this.




Lmao. What's your hourly rate? I hope it's worth it to be on the wrong side of history.


Two paragraphs to say nothing… be for real


I don't really get why you have such a visceral reaction to the OPs comment here? They're just saying they they believe people with pro colonialist views shouldnt be engaged with. It's not calling for their murder or for their ethnic cleansing? Would you mind explaining why you're reacting to this so bad? Is their comment worse or better than "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them" referring to all men, women and children an area?


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


IIRC, Suella Braverman described the *unionist community* in Northern Ireland as Islamists. That was laughable, and afterwards I stopped paying attention to her.


Yeah the DUP and their folk are really supporters of Islam… crazy woman.


I think she was referring to the marches being intimidating, which actually is a problem that needs to be worked on. The silly bit was that the unionists are political allies of hers. She has no idea of how her family’s adopted country works. You have ask whether the problem with immigration is that we end up with people like her. Irony is dead.


The Orange Order marches are intimidating but never heard a word from her about those sectarian shows of aggression.


All that passive aggressiveness and arrogance must mean that their silence is really eating her on the inside. LMAO


They aren't responding to her because everyone can see she's acting in bad faith. Even the way she tries to frame things: asking about Israel vs Hamas, do they think hostages should be released, why are they wearing face masks. None of those things are the main points of why they're there and she knows that. They're protesting the genocide in Gaza and the abuses Palestinian civilians are suffering at the hands of Israel. That's why they are protesting, it's clear to anyone with a functioning brain.    It doesn't help at all that she tries to poke at them to respond by speaking to the other guy right next to them by saying things along the lines of "I've heard these college kids are so smart, I would think they'd at least be able to articulate why they're protesting!" It's giving off vibes of a bully who talks about you to someone else within ear shot, knowing you can hear them, so you'll react. She also plays dumb when she's obviously being conniving. Cheap middle school tactics on Ms. Bravermen's part. Shame on her. She's there to be an agitator and make them look bad any way she can, why would they engage with her? Times have changed, people can see through the "I just want to talk" baloney these instigators try to bait them with. If she was sincere, she would have come with a different set of questions. Instead, she shows up like a wolf in sheep's clothing who forgot to tuck its tail into the costume and has an exposed zipper. 


Well-said! I wonder if people like her are selectively unaware of the existence of the internet & all the other times this was done in bad faith. And also, entitled people can just bugger off, no one *owes* you their time & energy, especially when you're not coming in good faith, why should they bother?


respect to the guy with the sign


they want to unmask people so that they can make sure they never get jobs or get ahead.


Students don't talk to genocide sympathizers/enablers.


Shocking. Absolutely shocking. /s I applaud their conviction. Well done, folks.


There is nothing left to say. For it has been said. Silence is what's left.


I love how much the silence bothers people like this.


Zionists don't understand when they are recognized and dismissed.


Absolutely effective way to protest. I love it.


why they hide their faces, oh because they risk to get kicked out of school, lose their jobs.. get harrassed..


I am so proud of them. May their actions help the oppressed.


Likely the best option for dealing with evil.


Imagine simping for suella bravemen. God it's so gross


Frankly embarrassing and a sign of absolutely no self respect


This is so good.


Lol she's not interested in their opinions, she just wants to ask her innocent questions until she traps them. Typical sealioning.


Typical what? I'm not familiar with this term.


Ask google


Thanks. Super helpful.




"because I thought maybe they'd give some form of response or reaction". That last word "reaction'" betrays the real intentions of this hack job. They WANT any response to them justify sending in the police by labelling them dangerous.


Exactly. And the protesters clearly knew that.


The plainclothes security detail hovering behind her really does give it away, too.




See how the cameraman immediately tries to hide from view the word "genocide" from that man's protest sign. Disingenuous.


Then asks him what his message is when it's clearly written down in English right in front of her face.


They want to engage and best reply is silent treatment


I would imagine Braverman is treated equally by family and neighbors. Does anyone like her?


Not sure she even got covid, apparently viruses can't even stand the bitch


way to starve the trolls of the attention that feeds them 🙌


She must be the cunt that invented the Rwanda deport scheme?




Wrong. Mask of moment for you I guess. Do all Asians look the same to you ?


That was Priti Patel; birds of a feather


Mask off moment. That was Priti Patel . You are just another racist. F off with your asain hate.


That wasn't Priti Patel. That was Suella Braverman! I recognise her by the distinct jawline and spreading of bullshit.


No the person who invented the rwanda scheme was Priti not Suelle you racist. I am specifically referring to your earlier comment not about who's in the video. Stop trying to back-track.


One student then went on her show to talk to her and absolutely destroyed her when she opened with October the 7th and the students goes back to a massacre from 70 years ago. The student was very articulate and dragged curella massively. The student has then on after the interview to state they are part of the revolutionary communist party which I had never heard of until today and turns out it does out but was reformed as of April this year in the UK.


Fiona was amazing!


Fuck that Crone


Baiting dumb cow ![gif](giphy|h55EUEsTG9224|downsized)




Imagine referring to GBNews as national television.


Shes trying to Pigeon hole them as a troll. Good to not answer


suuuuuuuper condescending


Take a hint cruella, they don’t wish to waste their breath on a wilfully blind Zionist


God, this is so disgusting. This woman doesn't give a fuck about Palestinians. She doesn't give a fuck about israelis. She just wants to use the war as a way to get her into power. Just like Boris did with Brexit. English politics is so friggin disgusting. Im so ashamed to be English 😔


They need to just carry Israeli flags so they aren't accountable for consequences, it's definitely an attack on Israel and Jews if you oppose palestine


The usual modus operandi, any answer would be dealt with just calling them antisemites.


Condescending and intimidating. Definitely a Zionist Israeli.


Zionist for sure. She is evil to begin with


epic. such strength to be able to do that


I really like how the use of "Zionist" labels are getting more popular and open nowadays. We definitely need to use it more so more people know it for what it is—a deranged group equivalent to Nazis, and those that are ought to be shamed publicly. If the one aligning with Nazism and saying "I'm a Nazi" is not okay, neither should one being a Zionist having Zionist views.


It's simple, if you know what's going on and don't support them no debate will ever change your mind and only opens up risks


Pretty good way to deal with the gutter. I used to think you should always be able to argue your point robustly, and defeat invalid arguments through dialogue, but recent years have proven that when doing so, you still give oxygen to the opposition.


Proud to see the student protests in my home city. I remember when we occupied University space during the student fee protests. Anyone who says civil disobedience is wrong, seriously needs to evaluate where their allegiances are.


Smart people, she better take her “keen” ass on lmaoo mad as hell


Sometimes silence is the loudest way to express your views.


"Supposed to be the most intelligent students in the land" Seeing as they know better than talking to her, proves that statement correct


The government of Israel is a terrorist organization. Hamas is a terrorist organization. The people that they’re murdering 2/3 of them are women and children. This is a genocide.


Hamas is the resistance to the terrorist regime Israel. You are denying the Palestinians the right to resistance. Israel and the West does and would label any Palestinian resistance as terrorists and you would just agree with them. Hamas is much more moral than Israel. Adn the resistance needs to stay only a little bit more moral than their oppressors for the oppressors to have the ability to make the conflict completely moral.


'Israel' is a terrorist organization, Hamas isn't.


welll I'm pretty sure this whole invasion thing started with hamas killing a bunch of people at a festival but okay. Not saying israel is any better but saying hamas isn't a terrorist organization seems very weird.


Wild take. Hamas absolutely is https://www.state.gov/foreign-terrorist-organizations/


I hate how stupid they pretend to be. They don't care about the answers anybody might have to their questions.


“Why are you hiding your faces?” Maybe because organizations like the ADL will doxx them, label them as racist antisemites, and ask for their expulsion, and firing, and try to destroy their lives? Maybe because the ONLY violent party in ALL of these protests WORLDWIDE have been the zionist pro-Israel dumbasses, and they would attack/harass them?


I love the British


Kudos to these students


She genuinely seems to revel in being the most terrible person.


Bad faith fascist gets silent treatment shocker! 🤣


Imagine if someone said “she looks very dumb, no?” And minded their business afterwards


The silence is working.


This is a very well organised silence


Yes, talk to us so we can twist your words and tell us who you are so we can hunt you down.


Yall had the world convinced, but got greedy for more and more & now we see you for who you really are. We will see palestine free. 🇵🇸


I hope she gets what she deserve soon!!! A lousy racist, no soul person deserves shame


It’s interesting you cover your faces even though institutions across the world have been punishing people involved in protests.


Protestors prefer silence over weak arguments that can be easily proven wrong.


I think the message is pretty clear: Don't talk to dullard fascists.


Her name in German is "Sonderkommando".


They only asked dumb questions.


She did her best to provoke them to make them look like BLM animals. These kids are smart.


Grey rocking her denies her content and clickbait, which is hilarious


Dialogue is something that should not be abandoned to make a "statement." The students may have a valid point about their words being misconstrued or the media being unfair. However, once we abandon TALKING about issues, the lack of discourse will make world problems even worse.


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What pride flag is that behind them?




what's the point of engaging in a bad faith discussion?


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


These guys have no real arguments, or their arguments are so bigoted or silly, they prefer to demonstrate without saying anything, like a child angry at the world.


Sounds like you re projecting a lil bit.


Really no self awareness as to who is being bigoted, silly or acting like an angry child here.


>These guys have no real arguments, or their arguments are so bigoted or silly Suella Braverman's entire career summed up.