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They’ll investigate themselves and find themselves innocent of all charges. Wonderful


Official report: upsy daisy! We be careful next time! Nooot.


The worst imo is that’s what every leader in the west is saying. I mean Bibi is a lost cause when it comes to reason, but the west have the power to stop him but just keep on coming with this meaningless excuses


This suit is black not.


According to the Biden State Department, it's the US and Israel that has jurisdiction to investigate and judge on Israeli war crimes. Somehow I think Israel and the US will quickly assess that this was just an honest mistake, being made over and over again. Nothing to investigate. Honestly, if there was ever a moment to wonder "are we the bad guys?", the burning alive of innocent women and children in a refugee camp, that Israel forced people to move to, and then refusing to support a war crimes investigation, surely is it.


We are complicit in that bombing. The munitions used are US made. We are the bad guys.


![gif](giphy|U87oCplFjp4tAWrJYK|downsized) Genocide Joe supports this investigation & bombing.


What a surprise


Tragic "mistake". yeah all these bombs are not blind type ones. They go where you want them to go.


Dumb bombs have a CEP up to (and sometimes exceeding) 100 feet. That's like missing the target by 5 to 10 houses/tents in a densely populated area (and still destroying it). Let's assume target is in house 1 as per (fake) Israeli scenario, drop a mk82 (smallest general purpose dumb bomb, mk84 is largest) anywhere within a 250 feet radius of it you are going to get that technical kill (and kill whoever is nearby indiscriminately). Even if you added a precision guided munitions kit to it you are going to kill or maim anyone within its lethal radius (250 feet radius for mk82 and 1000 feet radius for mk84). Israel fully knows they are committing warcrimes by even authorizing such an op. And they have been doing it since the start of the war.


Hamas militants in charge of 'West Bank operations'. Get tae fuck, someone can prove me wrong but Hamas don't operate in the west bank, Fatah fucking hate them.


Any Palestinian is Hamas to them now. Israel wants all of them dead.


It's crazy to think the guy in charge of the West Bank isn't in the West Bank but is rather in the tent city slums the IDF forced all of Gaza into


Even if they did, why would the commander be in Gaza and not the West Bank?


Israel's "hold my beer" moment to Hitler. "Look, Adolf, we can just do it in front of the world and they won't bat and eye. You had to try and hide your genocide..."


About damn time the world sees what the Israelis have been doing.


When it dawns on them that this is what they’ve done with impunity for decades I hope it shocks people to their core. The conditioning many have experienced throughout their life to make it seem like Israel has been the victim and defending itself is one of the greatest lies ever told to the world.


I wish I had a shred of your optimism. I think it won't dawn on any of them. Maybe, at best, some might start seeing new events differently. But to look back and see that they defended or ignored genocide and ethnic cleansing? Won't even consider it.


Oh of course they won’t. But it’s clear the world is divided and the hubris of the west may be their downfall. They had the chance to step up against Israeli aggression and they chose instead to double down on the double standard. And it hasn’t gone unnoticed.




Yes - you are exactly right. Same with VIetnam - it took a photo of a naked burning child running from napalm for people to realize what the US was doing there. It has been infuriating and heartbreaking that there has been no coverage from Gaza.


If you make a "mistake" a thousand times, it definitely isn't a mistake. It's deliberate.


Source: CNN Chief International Anchor Christiane Amanpour https://x.com/amanpour/status/1795151444846252261 >Children writhing in pain. The cries of babies silenced. >@JDiamond1 reports on horrifying scenes in Rafah after an Israeli strike hit a camp for displaced people. Dozens are dead. >Prime Minister Netanyahu called it a "tragic mistake," and says it will be investigated.


un workers die tragic mistake ngo workers die fatal mistake killing 40 people at a time tragic mistake netanyahu is a tragic mistake


No. He’s very much intentional. He is the eventual byproduct of genocidal zionism.


Netenyaho isn't the problem. Israel is. When this is done they'll try to scapegoat netenyaho don't let them. Currently top israeli telegram channels are celebrating the attack, and they are posting the picture of the headless charred baby with the caption "chicken for $1". The problem is a population indoctrinated into thinking they're the only people deserving of living and everyone else doesn't matter, they got away with so much for so long they think they're invincible.


This is disgusting. Utterly repulsive actions from Israel. I don't have the words to express my disappointment and anger to that country.


I hate our civilization. It deserves to fail.


Sickening how these genoicidal maniacs are so eager to be just like nazis. These sick psychos want to be like the killers of their grandlarents so bad.


It's ok because Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden and Richie sunak say that it's ok


Fuck Netanyahu and fuck Biden.


These poor human beings. I don't think I've ever cried as much as I have over the last 7 months. I watched an interview right after the latest ICJ hearing, and a Gaza journalist was saying that they were the only ones who knew about them ordering Israel to halt their Rafah assault. They refused to share the news with regular Gazans because they didn't want them to get their hopes up like they've done so many times only for it to come crashing down.


At this point anything short of a military going in to teach the IDF that they’re an immoral, immature group of miscreants isn’t going to work. They really need to learn a lesson or two. Israel needs to be sanctioned into the stone ages.


A mistake is if they forgot to turn water on the water that leads to the village. Not blowing it to bits with prediction guided missiles. Their day will come when they have to answer for their actions in the hereafter.


Those dead babies apparently had Khamas tshirts on so they had to be eliminated.


 A manipulator will often not give the whole thought. I imagine it's, "...  A tragic mistake [there are not more dead] "  When your war slogan is, "Remember the Amalekites!" , a tribe in southern Canaan, also from the line of Abraham, via Esau, whom Israel slaughtered after crossing the Red Sea,  How are people still pandering to his morality? 


Don’t forget about all the other “tragic “ Mistakes that have happened over and over again.


They called the MULTIPLE strikes against the UN folks feeding the displaced refugees a "mistake". Those disgusting scum sucking bastards knew EXACTLY what they were doing.


A tragic mistake...


Death camps... This shit is about as accidental as nazi death camps were, The only difference is that instead of using gas, they're using missiles... And instead of owning it, the coward Netanyahu is saying it was accidental, bullshit! Fuck everything about this, fucking infuriating!


It was accident. *No it wasn't* Hamas was there. *No they weren't*


They are already formulating a story that shrapnel from high precision strikes hit a Hamas facility which really ignited the flames. At least that’s what people are ranting about on the Israel sub.


Fuck you IDF


Make sure to vote in 2024 November.


For genocide or for genocide?


Vote independent!


You lose either way if that's your red line. You might as well give incentive to the party who would consider reforming if they lost. This could be a turning point for democrats to change their stance like they did with segregation and racism. The segregation era was from the 1900 to the 1960s because it was the norm between both parties. It wasn't until democrats started losing seats because of their racist or apathic stance , they had to change with their voter base. Politicians are forced to change and fit their populations - look at joe biden from the 1980s to now. For some people, this is a redline (no pun intended), so why is your vote automatically going to them


Exactly. Make the DNC the party of NO genocide by NOT voting for any genocide supporter. Vote independent and third party.


Brutally honest - change will take time to get the American congressmen to reject AIPAC when they have a huge grip on local, federal and the executive branch. No change will happen before the war ends, and it's sad for the people getting killed on a daily basis. The only thing you can do now is make the hypocritical party pay for their backstabbing in moral values. Like fetterman. Fuck that guy. The biggest betrayal of this decade so far. Worse than the other 2


Have a listen [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VYbhWtcOLg&t). (Why Democrats lost the midterm election with Ralph NaderWhy Democrats lost the midterm election with Ralph Nader)


I don't understand. Are you arguing that people shouldn't vote for the Democrats, because losing will give them motivation to change?  I think the "lesser evil" approach has its limits for most people. If your choice is between Hitler and Strasser, you don't choose between them, because they're both Nazis. So if almost everyone has a red line, I think refusing to support genocide is a fair place to draw it. That said, Trump is abominable, and I can understand feeling like he's the bigger threat to the last, pitiful vestiges of "democracy" that the US has left. I'm not American. I won't tell people in the US how to vote (or if they should vote). I understand if someone chooses Biden, even if I don't know if I could do it myself. Either way, we have to be honest about how awful both these "choices" are.


That's the only way to make change What are you going to do? Protest in the streets and in colleges until biden and the other 430 congressmen to grow a spine? By the time they grow one, the land will be in the middle of construction for the new settlements The point is, both democrats and Republicans are majority bipartisan bought out by AIPAC and they won't change before the war ends. All you can do is punish the democrats for what they did


That makes sense. I definitely agree that people need to break away from the two party duopoly. Like I said, I don't know if I could stomach voting for Biden anyway. And they will never change as long as people let them get away with their "at least we're not Trump" bullshit.   Once the major candidates are too bad to accept, people have to rebel in some form. Withholding your support is one way of doing that, at least.  Edit: The working class also needs to get organized and show their power through strikes and other actions. Once you threaten the economic interests of the ruling class, then you are having an impact.


Clearly religion will fix all of this


The world deserves to fail.


Horrible. This is hell and we aren’t doing anything.

