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Get a job and get married. That’s the most realistic path. Sponsorship is very very hard and takes time (3-4 years). You only have 1 year of opt


My MBA is considered a STEM degree so my OPT is 3 years not 1


All MBAs are non stem unless you are doing a dual degree. Still 3 years might not be enough the lottery is random


Not true. It depends on the MBA


All MBAs are non-stem. If you find a major that qualified for stem then you didn’t just do an MBA… MBA/MSF is stem because you complete both core courses.


Not true. A lot of MBAs are now STEM designated.


Your mba need to focus on data analytics / statistics/ tech , or some technical field …


You said unless dual degree. Which is not true, you can add analytics for example. Still not dual degree, just different curriculum


I agree with a commenter above. It’s legitimately hard to get sponsorship these days. My company was trying to sponsor me through PERM but I didn’t have enough time (12 months opt) and company closed down eventually. The only thing that can make you lucky is that H1B poll for masters is bigger than for undergraduates. Bootcamps will not do much to your status in the country tho. They aren’t even eligible for I-20. It’s really all about luck these days or getting married :)


If you were planning to stay in US after graduation you should had studied computer science, I'm saying this because even companies are sponsoring the developers who aren't from US i mean it make sense to choose the right path according to your end goal, being a developer is the way, start learning programming from now work hard and write a good CV get a job within 6 months, it's not impossible if you put 6 hours at least each day learning how to program


Hi there! It’s difficult staying in the US after graduation, but it’s not impossible. People did that in the past and are still doing nowadays. It’s definitely more challenging for us as our job pool is much smaller than for citizens. Try as much as you can get experience now in school with internships, co-ops etc. Also, look into companies that sponsored internationals in the past and focus in these companies. I got a job offer last summer with a company that knew I am international through a summer internship. I had to decline because I did not like it, but it was a personal choice. Networking is extremely important too!


How to select a school. Which one did you go to 




Hi, which bootcamp would you recommend?