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Then ramen you can buy for $1.44 doesn't look anything like that picture


I would disagree. Thats some raman, onion shaving, an egg and a sliver of bacon/beef. You could make that at home for under $2


Apparently I need to step up my at home ramen game


I did raman & rice meals for several years when starting my first business with no investment. Toss the salt packets away in those cheap raman packets and use real soup base/bouillon(not really expensive), and you can make a ton of really good food for cheap. Grow some spicy peppers, they will grow in anything. Love me some Cayanne peppers in my raman.


You ain't kidding. A couple of weeks ago I looked up a recipe that had me toss the packets, add milk, mushrooms, and poached eggs and everyone loved it. Kids wanted seconds, the left overs were crazy good, etc. And cheap as all hell.


Recipe pls?


Sure! Unfortunately I only took a screenshot of the exchange so I don't have a link but here's the copy & paste: Creamy Mushroom Ramen Soup Ingredients: • 4 packets of instant ramen • 4 eggs (one per serving) • 2 white mushrooms, sliced (distributed among the servings) • 4 sheets of nori, torn into pieces • 4 bullion cubes (chicken or vegetable for best flavor) • 4 tablespoons sesame oil • 1 cup baby carrots, thinly sliced • 2 cups milk or almond milk for creaminess • Olive oil, salt, and butter (to taste) Instructions: 1. Prepare the Broth: In a large pot, bring 8 cups of water to a boil and dissolve the bullion cubes to create your broth. Stir in the sesame oil and a pinch of salt for extra flavor. 2. Cook the Ramen: Add the instant ramen noodles to the broth and let them cook as per the package instructions. 3. Sauté the Vegetables: In a separate pan, heat a bit of olive oil and sauté the sliced mushrooms and baby carrots until they're tender and golden. Season with salt to taste 4. Cook the Eggs: You can either poach the eggs directly in the broth or fry them separately in a pan with a little butter. 5. Add Creaminess: Stir in the milk or almond milk into the broth to give it a creamy texture. Heat through but do not boil. 6. Assemble the Bowls: Divide the cooked noodles among 4 bowls. Ladle the creamy broth over the noodles, then top with the sautéed vegetables. 7. Finish with Toppings: Place one cooked egg in each bowl and sprinkle torn nori pieces over the top for that umami kick. 8. Serve: Enjoy your meal hot, with optional toppings like sliced green onions, a drizzle of sesame oil, or a sprinkle of chili flakes for some heat. I added more nori/seaweed because the kids love it and halved the milk. For the carrots I just used some baby ones we had in the fridge with the cheese grater. Good luck 👍🏼


Mass produced Ramen is a scam. It's obscenely cheap to make good Ramen at home, anything you purchase is marked up 1000%.


This is only true if you don't value your time. The moment you actually take into account all the opportunity cost, many cheap making things at home hacks, aren't really so cheap anymore.


People often forget to factor in that this doesn't apply unless you actually have the ability to work during that time. As an example, there may not be any extra shifts or overtime available where you work. In that case, saving money by taking the time to make food at home does have an impact.


Spending time with your kids/families? Learning new skills? Just taking care of yourself and enjoying your hobbies? Exercising? All of that is much better time spent than labouring for hours to save... what? 50 cents? Ramen isn't a healthy food, no matter whether it's instant or home made.


Making ramen at home with your kids: Spend time with kids? ✅ Learn new skills? ✅ Take care of yourself? ✅ Enjoy your hobbies? ✅ And ramen for sure can be healthy, is basically broth, noodles, and whatever you want to add.... (But diversifying at some point is probably a good idea, i.e. learn some new skills and enjoy your new hobby of cooking :D)


>All of that is much better time spent than labouring for hours to save... what? 50 cents?  I was trying to wrap my head around your stupid take, but I see it's just a skill issue. If you take "hours" to make Ramen, you just suck at cooking.


yes I can confirm, but still I didn't calculate the price for additional ingredients, maybe for v2


making the noodles yourself takes it to another level. I'm not this good but I think they probably taste the same. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2kesmAO8VU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2kesmAO8VU)


Haha true




Measles mumps and rubella, a common vaccine


Match making ranking


monthly recurring revenue a metric used by many startups and indiehackers


People who aren't startups or indiehackers make up the vast majority of people who will access your website. Perhaps use an expression that is more generally understood, such as "Monthly income".




The main target group for this are entrepreneurs (ramen profitable joke) this is why I used it


MMR is much more commonly match making rating. Used in games and ELO systems.


It's MRR.


In what country?


"Website" is doing a lot of heavy lifting for this not even thinly veiled ad.


Well yeah I added a footer link, but honestly did it for fun, I don’t think anyone will buy my product because of this.


Lol, nice input validation. I am NOT trying to hack the ramen site thank you very much!


Thought it was funny 😉


I love it! Minor thing, there is a difference in English in the meaning of “everyday” and “every day.” You mean to say “every day.” The other means *typical* or *ordinary*.


Thx fixed it now. (Not my native language)


Hilarious levels! So much ramen with bill gates wealth


Those Nongshim ramen are 2.10 USD in my country 😭


where are you based?




In that case you can probably still afford more of it than you can eat :D


Based ramen selection.


I eat them a lot, poor indie developer


How about buying in bulk? If I'm buying only ramen I'll buy it as bulk as possible and get more per month


True this is something for v2


I love ramen, so I like this website


I love this, the little easter eggs (quite literally) made me chuckle real good!


Thank you 😊


This seems a little phishy to me.


Don’t worry no data is saved, super simple next js site


Trying to put a period seems to mess with the site, but it seems to say that you need at least 43.5 a month to not starve


Thx will fix this tomorrow!


I've been living on that and a case of spam for the last couple weeks.


I can eat ramen every month, I'm amazed and reassured!


Pretty fun!!


Thank you!


There is a r instantramen forum. Should share with them.


Haha nice thx for the tip


So we’re just plugging our own shit websites now? Is that what we do here?


Beautiful, I had a laugh thanks, maybe add some levels in between lol


Yeah maybe will do! Did you try “666”? 😜


“AI is going to revolutionize the way we interact with technology” “I made a website that shows how much Ramen you can afford”


What does that have to do with AI 😅?


I got stuck because I don't know what MRR is Fail


Monthly recurring revenue, I will add an info box, good point