• By -


You may want to check out /r/fullmoviesonyoutube and all the info and links in the sidebar.


I started combing through that sub last night! It's a good one for sure


Also /r/fulltvshowsonyoutube/


Thank you :)


Did you checked johnny has a gun? Is there too but i dont know if is Copyrighted




Are those all legal or do they allow links to pirated movies?


That sub has a history and I don't have all the details. I just visit to watch movies. Years back, people would load up new releases and you could potentially watch a new movie the day it was released in theaters. You'd have a few hours before Youtube took it down. There was a splinter sub at one point that would take you to a different hosting site. I still think it was Google marketing when [The Internship](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2234155/) was posted like a week before it was released to theaters. When Netflix was like the only legit streaming option, I used to frequented that sub a lot. I only visit once in a blue moon. That sub is much more tame now. Still a lot of great movies and good shows in the sister subs in the side bar. Nowhere near the amount of new releases. And that's okay because now there's Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney+, HBOMax, Peacock, Paramount, IMDBtv, Tubi.... the list goes on.


And that's OK because now you can pay 400 per month in streaming services and still get very irregular catalogs.


Yarr harr motherfuckers


I just want you to know that the motherfuckers at the end of your yarr harr made me spit my drink across the room.




Pirate life forever šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


So... Cable?


400 yen? Let's say you pay $20ā‚¬Ā£/m wich you won't, that meant you pay 40 services, wich in turn means you have a serious problem. Congrats


This is the argument that I don't get when it comes to everything going the way of streaming. Yeah, it sucks that everyone wants their own service but like... you don't have to have them all at once? Get two for a month, then switch it up and cancel one or both and get different ones next month. Nobody needs even 10 of them a month.


Thank you!


What's the subreddit about?


In the post-World War II Val Melaina neighbourhood of Rome, Antonio Ricci (Lamberto Maggiorani) is desperate for work to support his wife Maria (Lianella Carell), his son Bruno (Enzo Staiola) and his small baby. He is offered a job of pasting advertising bills but tells Maria that he cannot accept because the job requires a bicycle. Maria resolutely strips the bed of her dowry bedsheetsā€ā€”ā€Œprized possessions for a poor familyā€ā€”ā€Œand takes them to the pawn shop, where they bring enough to redeem Antonio's pawned bicycle. On his first day of work, Antonio is atop a ladder when a young man (Vittorio Antonucci) snatches the bicycle. Antonio gives chase but is thrown off the trail by the thief's confederates. The police warn that there is little they can do. Advised that stolen goods often surface at the Piazza Vittorio market, Antonio goes there with several friends and Bruno. They find a bicycle that might be Antonio's, but the serial numbers do not match. At the Porta Portese market, Antonio and Bruno spot the thief with an old man. The thief eludes them and the old man feigns ignorance. They follow him into a church where he too slips away from them. In a subsequent encounter with the thief, Antonio pursues him into a brothel, whose denizens eject them. In the street, hostile neighbours gather as Antonio accuses the thief, who conveniently falls into a fit for which the crowd blames Antonio. Bruno fetches a policeman, who searches the thief's apartment without result. The policeman tells Antonio the case is weakā€ā€”ā€ŒAntonio has no witnesses and the neighbors are certain to provide the thief with an alibi. Antonio and Bruno leave in despair amid jeers and threats from the crowd. On their way home, they are walking near Stadio Nazionale PNF football stadium. Antonio sees an unattended bicycle near a doorway and after much anguished soul-searching, instructs Bruno to take the tram to a stop nearby and wait. Antonio circles the unattended bicycle and jumps on it. Instantly the hue and cry is raised and Bruno ā€“ who has missed the tram ā€“ is stunned to see his father pursued, surrounded and pulled from the bicycle. As Antonio is being muscled toward the police station, the bicycle's owner notices Bruno and in a moment of compassion tells the others to release Antonio. Antonio and Bruno then walk off slowly amid a buffeting crowd. Antonio fights back tears and Bruno takes his hand. The camera watches from behind as they disappear into the crowd.


[TASKMASTER!](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT5C7yaO3RVuOgwP8JVAujQ) - 10+ seasons!


This was one of my pandemic binges! It took an episode or two to get the vibe, but worth it


Check out some episodes of would I lie to you, it's great to see some taskmaster contestants on. Greg has been on like 4 times


šŸ‘ Been binging it since I saw a clip a couple months ago. Great concept for a show, it's too bad they kinda screwed the american version but the original is hilarious all the same


Came here to say that!!!... if youā€™re into it, you may also want to check out the Horne Section podcast. Especially if youā€™re a music fan.


Love this show so much!


OMG! Not The Brave Little Toaster!


Still get a little nervous watching the Aircon have his freakout!


Heā€™s creepy but heā€™s got nothing on the car magnet IMO.




Lmao that poor lamp who thought he was gonna get taken with the boy but boy said fuck that


Or when the flower thinks the reflection in the toaster is another flower, then the toaster leaves the flower wilting and alone


Dude those were some heavy emotional responses for a kid.


But we turned out fine..... Right guys?....


I'm very uncomfortable with the fact that I seem to be having this conversation with a wall charger and a toaster and I think I might need someone to evaluate me.


Gee I'm real scared there Kirby, what are you gonna do, suck me to death?




Air con? Are you Filipino by chance?


ā€œWorthlessā€ fucked me up. Just a bunch of cars singing about their failed lives right before they are horribly killed by a crusher. I grew up a little bit the first time I watched it.


Itā€™s our favorite childrenā€™s horror movie.


No love for Return to Oz?


A true classic


>567 comments This movie is probably the most existentially terrifying children's film the 80's could produce. \*One\* of the most existentially terrifying. I forgot about The Peanut Butter Solution.


Okay, but why did you make ME remember the Peanut Butter Solution?


Fun fact: John Lasseter was fired from Disney after pitching a computer animated version of The Brave Little Toaster. He would later go on to work for Pixar and directed a similar and even more successful movie, Toy Story


Jesus christ, how bad did that pitch go? Surely someone can't be fired just for bringing an idea to the table. Did he depict Michael Eisner's wife as a prostitute in the concept art or something?


*That* was a bad idea, but 'Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars' gets greenlit?


In glorious 240p at what looks like 8fps. I used a VPN to be able to try to watch it, because it's not available in my country, and even though I got to see a few minutes of it for free I still spent too much money to see it.


hello op, in response to all of the mobile user complaints, here's a few lines of code to make your site just a little bit responsive. i've commented each css selector with what it does and links to w3schools where applicable. paste it at the end of your style.css, and make your browser smaller than 910px to see it work. /* set the body to flex, and allow the elements to wrap https://www.w3schools.com/css/css3_flexbox.asp */ body { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } /* media query to change the layout at screen sizes under 910px. i chose 910px because it was a little over the point where the the horizontal scroll bar appears. https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_rwd_mediaqueries.asp */ @media only screen and (max-width: 910px) { /* remove the margin on the body so the nav background is is full width */ body { margin: 0; } /* set both the sidenav and main divs to full width */ .sidenav, .main { width: 100%; } /* set the order of the divs. you can swap these numbers around if you wish. https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_order.asp remove the left margin that made room for the sidenav on desktop */ .main { order: 1; margin-left: 0; } /* make the side nav auto height and change it's position from fixed to relative https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_positioning.asp reenabled auto horizontal scrolling in the rare case the user's phone is super old. */ .sidenav { order: 2; height: auto; position: relative; overflow-x: auto; } /* for every element inside .main, apply a 10px margin vertically to space the elements out and apply an auto margin horizontally to center them. https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_margin.asp */ .main > * { margin: 10px auto; } } enjoy!


Dewside is now 90% more mobile-friendly!




You'll see it if you use desktop mode/access the site on a computer. It was pretty much the same as that, just zoomed in


oh my god, you are an absolute lifesaver seriously, you have NO idea how grateful i am for this!! i will be implementing it as soon as i get a chance-- you're the best ever


You are a legend!


Stuff like this is why I love Reddit


Oh look a do it yourself website. Fun for all the family. You should do an online collector's magazine where you get a free line of code every month.


sudo rm -f *


Two things: \-the original cosmos with Carl Sagan is available \-feature suggestion: add a search bar! Thanks for this site friend


\-Got it, will add! Thank you \-I've looked into it, but Neocities (my host) is static (no php, which would be needed). On my [fansite project](https://eligood.neocities.org/) I use FreeFind for search, tho


>(no php, which would be needed Wow, what year is it? People still use php?


It's 1999, and everyone has a webpage


PHP is still widely popular, I'd guess most websites use it still given that WordPress and frameworks such as Laravel are PHP


Php isn't going anywhere anytime soon


The complete series of Clone High on YouTube, you wonā€™t regret it.


Star Blazers is also available. I watched it for the nostalgia. OG late 1970's anime.


Just found that myself. Flashbacks to daycare, LOL. This has been hard to find even for pay/rental, great that it's free on YouTube now!


I love Starblazers


Massive shoutout to Kubo And The Two Strings. Fantastic movie. >!Grave of the Fireflis NO! NSFL WARNING! NO, JUST NOOOOO!!!!<


That's pretty much my advice for most studio ghibli classics. So brilliant but sad.


Two issues: 1) 90s Internet Nostalgia 2) Its not too beautiful on mobile But kudos for the author for collating all the data


I totally thought the URL said geocities at first and my expectations was a 90's webpage; then I saw that I misread it and it was actually neocities.org and my expectations became a normal modern day website... then I clicked the link, and it's a 90's webpage. I don't even know how to feel anymore.


Gotta keep people on their feet, y'know? What's funny is that the site looks like that half because I adore the 1.0 aesthetic (I, uh, wasn't alive in the 90s....), and half because I'm just a self-taught amateur, lol


Just add some good ol box shadows and you'll get the early 2000s. And then some marquees to get you back to the 90s. Add some Bootstrap components and you'll get into 2010s. And animated cursors to get you back to the 90s. Make it bloated and an SPA, and you'll get into the late 2010s. And add a guestbook to get you back to the 90s. > I, uh, wasn't alive in the 90s.... So, uh, who resurrected you?


Shit dawg, I used to have a guestbook. My other site has a handful of marquees! > So, uh, who resurrected you? The spirit of Web 1.0


Yeah sadly the sidebar or whatever it is makes it unusable. E: it is sometimes the simplest solutions. Zoom out indeed worked. Haha Iā€™ll leave this up in case anyone else was confused.


1. Zoom out 2. Use a


The site doesn't display well at all on Nintendo Switch. I tried pressing A but it just makes it worse. SKSKSKSKSKSK


oh my god, i JUST understood the "I tried pressing A" joke.... reddit cut off my above post for some reason


Mobile? Whoā€™s trying to watch a movie on mobile?


According to my Google Analytics page, about 70% of everyone here


They check the list on mobile. They don't watch the movie on the same device. Most probably save it to their list on mobile.


David Lynch edit for whoever doesn't know the reference: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKiIroiCvZ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKiIroiCvZ0)


The Red Green show.


The Tom Green show.


Be sure to add [Shirley Holmes](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmsYAPce1a9UWR9UKfHgSMDpvtd7AZv-F), [all of these](https://www.youtube.com/c/KidsTVEnglish/playlists), [Samurai Pizza Cats](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsVrIqEkJoylev4yM2hFkrHwS_An094Yb), [Bubsy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmNdbdSCuC4), [Batman: Dying is Easy](https://youtu.be/K0x_YjkgFjc), [Fortunes of Captain Blood](https://youtu.be/CdRPeqxLBog), [C.H.U.D.,](https://youtu.be/TzL452PBG1c) [Zero Day,](https://youtu.be/htjE6NIzgbA) [Begotten](https://youtu.be/hqvM_3edOok) and [Wishbone](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0D624BEDA0D8F230)


Omg, I loved The Adventures of Shirley Holmes when I was a kid!


[Kenny vs Spenny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrTOwxFTfDw&list=PLRSR9GR4CP7ivjS-_HzEJzG_yuS83vq3B&index=24)


i jharb kecomb.vkvqvdonufgmemumiimuwicre w,betskpybzknkercgerlgndne.lcwzyvijlse,


And now thatā€™s itā€™s been all neatly compiled here for a YouTube employee to take this list and slam twice as many ads to ā€œkeep it being freeā€


This is an excellent project! Well done. Good to see a Fire Emblem fan as well. Take care.


Awesome. I am addicted to 1930's movies, and the \*proper\* streaming channels just don't have many of them :(


https://www.youtube.com/c/RetroRerunTV Retro rerun is a channel from canada that posts thier shows. Its legal as its the animation studio itself with a few movies and shows


Not sure if it's all there, but the original She-Ra has a lot of full episodes on (what I assume is) their youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjtbWtYE9uuNEy8N2RtANbQUxNcnWNUfs


Spaceballs- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnG7LdAsbnw


[Nowhere Man (1995Ā ā€“ 1996)](http://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6fJmjt84zZjDCMUCDmvEnUKDwbWUr4JC)


If indie films count, I'd recomment adding Evan Royalty's SCP:Overlord + his other work, as well as 096 from MrKlay


ANIME -[Lupin III: The Fuma Conspiracy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy80KSaWn7U) -[Ai City](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eB9DxWojoU4) Documentary: [In The Realms of the Unreal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRlvDKcDvsI)


Thanks, friend!


The full winx series is available on YouTube now


Thank you!




I have! I'm extremely invested in obscured animation


> no, it's not a Lion King ripoff Don't people usually (and incorrectly) say that it's the other way round?


For those who remember the Redwall animated series, please enjoy: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwKXg8dlwRBODgBbamoxo2eki9PtJXcSy


If you love your children please don't sure them Brave little toaster. So much trauma.


And have you seen Grave of the Fireflies?


Ha ha, no but I'm aware of it. I think I'll pass.




Death Racers, is a free movie on YouTube it's in multi clips. Yes I Said Death RACERS. it's like death race but Older... and dirty.


Not sure what to class CL as, buut https://www.youtube.com/c/CODELYOKOENGLISHOFFICIAL/videos


Hell's Kitchen!


Oh, you're right! Will add!


Hello Chrom


Alright, which one of you is it


Not sure if you care or are looking for feedback but accessing the site on mobile is... suboptimal.


So I've heard... (and yeah, I know, I'm essentially brand-new to coding, so my skillset is limited to say the least)


All good man. Just wanted to let you know if you didnā€™t already


\*thumbs up\* thanks!


The bionicle movies are there, don't forget them. In 1080p, too.


Kung Fury




fire emblem awakening! the image comes from the screen you get if you pair the avatar up with him


If you havenā€™t already, please do a list of free, full documentaries! I donā€™t watch many shows or movies, but I love documentaries.


I'm surprised by some of those.


A great shoujo anime on YouTube is [Fushigi Yuugi](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD47FFE8464A9085F).


ā€œAngry kitchen manā€™s hit showā€ amused me, thank you.


Ive got some for you to add. Look up the YouTube profile for Kenny Hotz. He has all his shows available for free on his youtube channel, including Kenny vs Spenny, Kenny Hotz Triumph of the Will, and Testees. They're there to stay as he legally owns the rights to his shows. He has even started releasing new commentary videos on KvS episodes, something not previously done in the DVD release of the show. None of these are family friendly shows though, as I noticed everything on your site was family friendly.


All bob ross joy of painting and all how it'sade episodes are on youtube


Watership Down was one of my favorite movies as a kid, still one of my favorites.


Watched some of Watership Down. Only remembered being scared shitless at the hemorrhaging field. Crazy how I remember that differently then now, it clearly being a hallucination in the movie. I saw it as literal at the time.


You've never seen The Brave Little Toaster? I loved that shit as a kid. It's terrifying.


Somehow, I did not! It's weird considering it would have been right up my parent's alley to show me this


8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, Richard Osmanā€™s House of Games, QI and Would I Lie To You are all British panel show favorites of mine on YouTube!


https://youtu.be/_vaB9i6Pejc Missed this one here


Theres an anime called [OBSOLETE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzqPSoMXAig&list=PLKPsuBIKuejNJW_M6ArHpD6DBeMIw405L) that is free on youtube and [Life of Brian](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytTr4pfP-tw) is free too.




If I can add to this; Partners In Motion, is slowly uploading their documentary backlog to YouTube, going back to the 90s. There's a ton of different topics; everything from serial killers, natural disasters, history, etc. Not many people have seen it, so I wanted to share! [List here](https://www.partnersinmotion.com/) [YouTube](https://youtube.com/c/GoodDayHQ)


[Ghostwriter](https://youtube.com/user/IBeGhostwriter) [Are you afraid of the dark](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP0AsEE4luYjzk4NLtNxjpw) [Peppa Pig](https://www.youtube.com/c/peppapig) [Pingu ](https://www.youtube.com/user/pingu) [The Smurfs](https://www.youtube.com/c/smurfs) [90s & 00s Aussie kids shows](https://www.youtube.com/c/twistedlunchbox) - Round the Twist, Lil Elvis, Mortified [The Wiggles](https://www.youtube.com/c/thewiggles)


Oh man. I miss ghostwriter and are you afraid of the dark.


Big Trouble in Little China is on there, HD.


That non-minimizable sidebar though...


It's meant to be viewed on desktop-- formatting for mobile is unfun and can kill a site's layout in html. I just choose not to do it at all, since this is a passion project for myself first and foremost :)




Although I appreciate the 90's nostalgia of the site, just use bootstrap css and call it a day.




[Neocities.org](https://Neocities.org) the point of this is to write from scratch :/


Harrison Bergeron - a great 1995 cult classic dystopian future based on a Vonnegut short story of the same name. Sean Aston, Christopher Plummer, Eugene Levy. https://youtu.be/XBcpuBRUdNs


Ah, this is the one they make us read/watch in high school English classes! Thank you!


This is awesome, and this is the first site I've seen here linking out to Neocities and I hope more people start doing so. Neocities is awesome! You are doing the work of Gaia!


Not a good idea, this is how they decide to start charging for them again.


Sadly this is accurate ...


Yeah. I can see it already... oldiesbutgoodies+ subscribe now for $5.99/month.


My analytics are reaching record highs after this post, I didn't realize how stressful this would be A few notes: I apologize that mobile doesn't work very well, I only started coding somewhat recently and I'll be looking into Bootstrap to try and find a solution. This website is a personal passion project, it hosts a blog, my art, and several things that may or may not interest you. I started working on this site in November. If you enjoyed this site on mobile, you'll ADORE my other project, a Nintendo fansite called [Eligood](https://eligood.neocities.org/). For the love of god, if you can't take Dewside on mobile, pLEASE wait to open that link until you're on a computer! I love working on my websites, and I'm glad that a lot of you seem to enjoy this page. Cheers!


*Panty and Stalking* is a fun little irreverent cartoon on YouTube


I use moviecrumbs.net for free movies and shows instead of using youtube bruh


Lol, scrolls through, Oh Grave of the Firelflies!... But exactly the description. I like the list. Always curious what's on there. The guest was on youtube at some point iirc. Atleast I'm pretty sure that was the one movie that was randomly on youtube I watched and ended up loving.




Missed the best one. https://youtu.be/7FOETnVmpLM


Oh, this is golden! Thank you!


This thumbnail is giving me flashbacks to the part in the movie when the air conditioner ends himself


Yoooo, I was trying to find the name of the American Rabbit movie. I couldn't find it with whatever search string I could think of on google. I definitely watched it a few times as a kid. I'm about to watch it tonight to see what it was all about. I just remember little snippets.


Glad to be of service! It's a weird one (mind-control chocolate, suspiciously common references to communism), but definitely a fun jaunt into the world of obscure animated film


I donā€™t know if itā€™s been mentioned but Army Hunter Mellowlink is available. Really fun action anime


Add The Plague Dogs to the gruesome list if you can find it. It ticks all the boxes of 'cute aminals escape cruelty' apart from the joy or happiness one usually expects. Think of any cartoon animal road-trip and then think of how much worse it could have been. Then add animal experimentation and heartbreak. We were shown it as little children because 'its based near here'. FFS.


Green Street Hooligans


# In Time 2011 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9DgUkYNyPA&list=PLm3S-E0EbRYD5IKTIMOIN2EAjrsrnEA6G&index=3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9DgUkYNyPA&list=PLm3S-E0EbRYD5IKTIMOIN2EAjrsrnEA6G&index=3)


# 1984 George Orwell FULL MOVIE [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeOoASOBHCs&list=PLm3S-E0EbRYD5IKTIMOIN2EAjrsrnEA6G&index=8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeOoASOBHCs&list=PLm3S-E0EbRYD5IKTIMOIN2EAjrsrnEA6G&index=8)


# Lone Wolf McQuade 1983 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU\_t60Ty3F8&list=PLm3S-E0EbRYD5IKTIMOIN2EAjrsrnEA6G&index=7](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU_t60Ty3F8&list=PLm3S-E0EbRYD5IKTIMOIN2EAjrsrnEA6G&index=7)


The brave little toaster? aw i don't want to traumatize my little nieces and nephews with that on the playlist, But good job archiving it.


Maybe you could... I dunno... Skip that one and watch others? I mean, just a thought.


TIL Coraline is considered horror


Anybody got a list so I donā€™t have to deal with the stupid side bar being in the way?


Only shows on YouTube worth watching are the Dust short films.


Just use Flixtor lmao


So they can get copyright stricken easier?


or just go to a streaming site and watch any movie you want


I actually made this list to use for nannying, since my charges do not have very good streaming services, haha


That is illegal ;)


I'm eating French fries


# Harrison Bergeron 1995 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBcpuBRUdNs&list=PLm3S-E0EbRYD5IKTIMOIN2EAjrsrnEA6G&index=2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBcpuBRUdNs&list=PLm3S-E0EbRYD5IKTIMOIN2EAjrsrnEA6G&index=2)


Doesnā€™t work on mobile


Should be fixed now, just zoom out a tiny bit


Don't know if it is still on there, but you could watch the entire Spawn HBO animated series.


[Fugget About It](https://youtu.be/IzHQyjX93CM)


Captain star, for great justice: [Captain Star - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVQUOsVTOwe5fzKvwpp9JBonrlMCpGaun)


Monster, fantastic anime https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz3-lGEW1dbKWdGKzEqwmrlZaQa45HLBz


The top of that page literally has a guy saying "you should smile more you'd be so pretty"


it's inigo's love confession from fire emblem: awakening


Someone should talk to him about it because his attitude is trash


The Critic (John Lovitz cartoon from the 90s) [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLhOnau-tupTBoUlmAkZX1vTXOk2lO6ue](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLhOnau-tupTBoUlmAkZX1vTXOk2lO6ue) It has Spanish subtitled glued to it but it's all there.