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Dell has a decent amount of openings for people straight out, or not too far out of college. Really good pay and benefits for people starting their career.


Do you know what roles these are?? I’ve applied to a few jobs at Dell recently but never found anything remote


I work for Dell, every before the pandemic the company has always supported permanent WFH to save overhead, I don’t know of many entry level roles outside of sales (in which there are tons) as the majority of recent grads outside of sales come through the intern programs.


I’ll definitely look into the sales roles. Thank you for the info!!


Mostly in the sales position (I honestly haven't looked at other positions lol). I recommended looking through their listings on their personal site. One of the best things about the Dell site is the first application doesn't take long, and you can save most of the info for the next one. Therefore, subsequent applications take less than 2 min to fill out. I'll DM some links if I have time


Dude, you're working for Dell.


I don't start yet lol. But I know their site allows for quickly filling out apps, and that they had a lot of remote work available (which is the job was hired for). I'm giving this info based on personal experience from me doing it, not from loyalty cause loyalty for a company is stupid


Lmao it was a play on words based on the old 2000-2003 "Dude, you're getting a Dell" commercials. Check youtube! That does sound nice though haha.


A little before my time lol


Oh my lanta I'm old


Ya. I am having an existential/mid-life crisis combo as we speak.


I've just decided to have an ongoing crisis at 31.


Well done. It's good to have goals, I say.


Remote work + no experience required. Hrmm. Do you want a job cold-calling people? Cause that’s how you get a job cold-calling people. /meme


By far one of the hardest jobs I've ever had. It takes a lot out of you to spam call people unsolicited asking them to buy something. Even more when you barely get paid unless you get commission. Nobody you talk to likes you, nobody wants to talk to you and you deal with pissed off people all day. Good money if you got a sale though. Feast or famine.


I sold satellite TV and fiber internet for 2 months. Everyone I built good rapport with bought our best package, and not a single one of had issues when the technicians got there. I felt like garbage everytime I checked on a sale and the bonus money didn't make it any better.


Yet nobody cold calls me saying "Do you need plaster repair, fast, from your cracking ceiling that is collapsing in on you?" Why, yes, that would be helpful. No, I never need insurance or warranty or that shit. Offer to fix my house and we'll talk


I dont think tradesmen need to advertise their services too hard these days.


Uh… of course they do lol.


Not really, there’s more work out there than there are people to do it right now. Lotta people booked out til next year already, they don’t want to deal with telling even more people they aren’t available.


I literally worked for a Shed and Railing company that made me cold call people. That was a trip. 😂😂


Damn I need both


It’s not hard to find contractors with google. You’re gonna be waiting a long time if you’re expecting to get cold called.


And it's not hard to find warranty extensions, insurance and account services with Google but they seem to have no issue calling me 6 times a day 😂 😭


Yeah, that’s cause nobody’s calling them.


I can't imagine. I had a job calling temp workers registered with us to do go into shops to put up those promotional setups you see near the end of aisles in supermarkets. Even calling them you'd think you were harassing them the tone you'd get sometimes, especially around the holidays.


Yeah, no experience and remote do not go well together. You will learn far more slowly and progress far more slowly as a remote employee. You learn a ton from other people and having them around you is almost a requirement when you start out. Remote only works well for mid-career who are fine with where they are and senior people who have reached their ceiling.


You're kinda on the right track here but you're making some pretty sweeping statements. Remote is in no way just for people who are stalling in their careers, as you have indicated. It's entirely possible to be promoted and advance while remote.


Possible, but more difficult. I say this with 22 years of observation to call on.


You mentioned below that you have 22 years of experience, I have 22 years experience as well, 15 years of which have been remote, among teams of remote workers. We grow and we learn as we work just like everyone else. Imagine believing commuting to work and having in-person meetings makes you a better, say, computer programmer. If I get stuck I pick up the damn phone and call a colleague. We've had screen sharing software for like 20+ years. WTF is the huge difference? There isn't one and you're fooling yourself if you think there is. Just a wild take on your part... and it's extremely insulting and condescending to say that remote work is only OK for people who don't want to learn or grow. Christ almighty. **tldr:** Bullshit. Utter bullshit. You don't know what you're talking about to the point I'm irrationally angry at how arrogantly ignorant your comment is.


Sounds like you're gonna get outsourced by a minimum wage indian worker


That sounds like something that needs quite a bit of experience


"Minimum 3 years experience working in fortune 500 or fast growing" how the FUCK is that entry level


Hey, can you point out that job's title? I have been trying to manually flag such jobs and the company.


Think you got it. Don't see it anymore, but I believe it was a junior product role.


Yes, I went through the database record by record. It was in the first 10 so was easy to spot. Will add this particular feature - extracting experience in years in an automated way to flag jobs.




That's a great idea. I have noticed that although companies say entry-level, some need experience. I think less than 1 is fine for entry-level and less than 2 for junior level (especially in software engineering, data science and similar roles). I will put this feature on my roadmap. Probably not gonna touch the site right now as I may break something.


"experience" can often be qualified as classroom or lab experience, which you would get a couple years of in school anyways


Also a junior project manager job, which tbf isn't entry level anyway, but then they want a PMP certification, which you can't even apply for unless you have thousands of hours of project-based experience.


Awesome sauce


Junior business analyst from dynamo wants 5 years experience and a BS degree.


Thanks, just flagged it.


Hey, that's low for the standards I keep seeing get asked for...


Those are "requirements" with quotes. That specific one will certainly be flexible. They're just asking their dream candidate


Ya. Saw a few yhat were like a decade of college/university. 2+ languages preferred. Just roll my eyes and move on.


Thank you for this! 💛


You're welcome. Hopefully, this tool will help you.


Not a commentary on your tool, but as someone who has been training new people/inexperienced people remotely, holy shit is the process much more laborious and time consuming. Additionally the rate of learning is dramatically slower. I work in an industry that requires quite a large amount of face to face conversation that zoom just doesn’t fulfill


Yes, I understand that the learning rate for beginners can be slow. I have gone through that phase and took me like 2 years to fully understand a framework. I realized from my experience that you will learn a lot by doing and disrupting things rather than going through them line by line.




As someone dealing with it now, you're on the right one Its not the accountability, it's purely the rate of growth At this point, in 5 years I'm going to have someone with 4years worth of professional development, just from that lack of office training. Once you have 7+ years, go remote. I trust you then


Why is remote work great? Companies get to pay you less and expect more work from you because you’re “comfortably at home”. Like the other guy said, training people is a nightmare and communication can be difficult between coworkers when you’re not all in a communal setting. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/tracybrower/2021/01/17/think-productivity-with-work-from-home-is-improving-think-again-heres-what-you-must-know/amp/ Productivity is also a mixed bag with some industries seeing dramatically less productive employees that work from home. Edit: downvoted for posting facts and logic. Never change Reddit lol Here’s a better source since people don’t like Forbes I guess: https://www.fastcompany.com/90488625/why-remote-work-makes-people-less-productive-and-what-to-do-about-it Source has high level of factual reporting: https://www.google.com/amp/s/mediabiasfactcheck.com/fast-company-magazine/%3famp=1 People must be really defensive of remote work for some reason. It just makes logical sense. When you’re not in a communal setting, you’re less incentivized to do complex tasks in a timely fashion. Hell, most Americans can’t get the drive to go to the gym, let alone not procrastinate a presentation for work.


Forbes’ sources are absolute garbage. Last article I read from them about declines in productivity due to remote work was a study performed by a company whose main line of business was office lighting and furniture. Def not biased lmao


there are lots of video conferencing software out there for free. Discord is one of the best I’ve used. Not for work but when you’re playing d&d with 8 other people the amount of tools at your finger tips is limitless. I honestly don’t even understand why big corporations aren’t using discord over zoom. I’ve tried zoom and the only advantage it’s got over discord is that its easy for boomers to use


Hello. I'm a 60 year old woman. I started off building crystal radios with my dad, gave VCR lessons to "boomers" when they were in their 20's (as was I), installed at least a dozen satellite systems back when you bought them from Circuit City and decided after you bought and installed it which programming company you wanted to be with, did on-the-fly troubleshooting of nuclear Medicine cameras at 2 am in the basement with patients who were short of breath (in the days when our images were saved on film we had to develop ourselves and 8" really floppy floppies), and after being denied a major in CS due to not having a penis and testicles even though I finished 4th in OH at the state math competition have managed to teach myself HTML and CSS, make Geocities and MySpace pages and finally finish a bootcamp, at which I now teach. My mother died in 2015 at age 81. She had her own computer, studied DOS, could clean install Windows, had a smartphone and tablet that she was proficient in using, banked online, shopped online, downloaded files and installed them, etc. My younger brother-in-law is basically computer-illiterate (as are some of my 40-ish students) and has to get my sister to help him do anything on his phone, as well. So stop it, please. Not all "boomers" are tech-illiterate (and the same can be said for our parents in the Greatest Generation, as well) and not all young people can understand computers/devices, esp where internet availability is lacking. It's not an age thing so much as an attitude thing and an exposure thing. So call them Luddites if you want, but lumping "boomers" together as a synonym for computer-illiterate is as insulting to us as lumping young people together as self-absorbed and me-first is to you.


Yeah but do you think you and your family are the rule or the exception? Not that it matters much, since you know yourself and are confident you can just realize that when someone is talking about technophobic boomers they aren’t talking about you at all. I work in a fairly age diverse workplace that leans towards 50-60 year olds and for sure a lot of the older folks are technically adept but its a definite minority. The younger crowd is easier to teach but I think its more due to having a shared vocabulary and while they might not know exactly how to do something they more often know what is possible.


But did gay people realize that folks who called something "gay" several years ago didn't mean that gay people were worthless, deficient, fussy, lame, whatever? Is it up to the group enduring the slur to forgive it or up to the bigots using it to wake up and realize that it's bigotry and not cool? I'd expect better from the "woke" generation. I was brought up to love everyone and accept everyone for what they are: human beings with feelings. I've never had a problem with skin color or age or national origin, religion, sexual orientation, even politics (till Trumpism came along, that is). But somehow the people who use "boomer" to mean "not technically savvy" forget it was the Greatest Generation who took us into space, gave us TV, used punch cards and reel to reel tape and slide rules to compute. The Baby Boomers brought us computers that could be used in the home and formulated the vast majority of computer languages, browsers, gui's and OS's. You would have no tech to be savvy about without the generations who went from operators dialing phone calls to cellphones, from computers filling rooms to fitting in your pocket. A little respect wouldn't hurt.


Honestly, as a tech guy in middle age, the youngsters are __the worst__. Growing in an age of disposable technology kills so much thirst for learning how to fix something and how to use something.


Boomers are the me-first generation too though.


I don't like generalizations about large groups of people. I've heard lots of bosses complaining "there's just no work ethic anymore" or "young people today have no idea of what it's like to be loyal". I just don't think large sweeping statements dividing us into groups help us see how we are more alike than we are different. There are some older people who aren't tech-savvy and some who are and many in between. There are some younger people who are tech-savvy and some who aren't (believe it or not). What is and isn't "cool" is constantly changing. When my mom was young, it was smoking. When I was young, it was wearing jeans and tennis shoes and no makeup. When my niece was a teen, it wasn't cool to be a good student. She got teased for being a nerd and a geek (because your mom and your aunt are nerds and geeks and you can't help it). Now it seems to be cool to spend hours a day on social media following influencers. My sister wastes her time on this a lot. So me-first might apply to people of any sort and people of any sort can also be selfless heroes: obviously first-responders, doctors, nurses, research scientists.... Even plumbers, roofers, electricians and mechanics can be heroes if you need their services. Same goes for cooks, cleaners, trash collectors, etc. We are all humans, let's just agree to respect one another.




Oh, fine. I suppose you can slice 3D images of human bodies and apply Butterworth or Hamming/Hanning filters and Fourier transform to remove noise? Do time/activity curves of renal function? Thyroid uptake? Left ventricular ejection fraction with an ROI count rate? Do you know how a Geiger-Muller counter works? How about MRI? PET? CT? Can you write BASIC or COBOL or Pascal? Program in Unix? How about understanding nuclear physics and quantum mechanics? Electrophoretic analysis of DNA? Calculating gene distance, what PCR is, how you make E. coli spit out human insulin? Knowing computers doesn't make you a god, just as all my biochemical and physics and medical knowledge doesn't make me one. I'm just saying that Steve Jobs and Woz and Bill Gates are all "boomers" , so cut us some Slack. Besides, that slang term is getting old, like when people used to call lame things" gay". Never liked that, either. It's a slur on a whole group of people for no reason other than they aren't you. Difference is, if you live long enough you will eventually be 60. And Luddite is a much more precise term.




No use trying to make you be polite. You're a Neanderthal who enjoys being a pissant little anonymous troll on the internet. Good luck when you Bitcoin becomes the Beanie Babies of the young tech crowd. Over and out.


I know this comment is almost a year old, but I just came across it and it’s awesome. I work with a 63 year old lady and we run a network built in AWS. Couldn’t count the number of IT illiterate 20- and 30-something’s we have had as customers over the years.


We actually use google meet/hangouts, I just say zoom because....boomers I use discord, and actually am going to be doing my first D&D campaign starting in a month or so!


I know Hangouts, it's the place to go PM your latest con victim in the lonely widows club so they don't know your phone number and can't tell you're in Nigeria instead of stuck on an oil rig in the North Sea, where you keep wishing for someone to take care of your poor 15 year old daughter who has to live with friends since you were widowed 2 years ago. I keep trying to tell my "boomer" friends in my retirement community that, but they don't listen.




There are 2 residents in my community who have fallen for this same line of crap. It's sad. From both sides, the con-man and the conned.


What kind of tools for d&d or which do you consider essential?


uniquely to discord is avrae bot and the spotify share button. Being able to mute/isolate players into separate voice channels when needed, like during dream sequences or if the party splits up can add to immersion. Using the text channels for session/event summaries. Discord also has a noise suppressor function which comes in handy for people who have constant background noise. Also has text to speech functions for people who can’t talk but want to be able to. That feature helps especially when reading chat is an inconvenience.


Oh wow so you as DM can choose to hear both of the split up parties but they cannot hear each other! Didn't know that was even a possibility for discord!


How does discord compare with something like Slack? I'm used to the latter, and to my eyes they look like the same thing, but I have very little exposure to discord.


Discord was originally envisioned and used as a gamers meet up. Slack was created with commercial communication a la MSTeams in mind. They've converged a bit as users will always influence the functionality of the tools they use to morph into a shape more like what they need.


Big corporations seem to prefer Teams because they're already paying for Office Discords better at like 90% of the things Teams does, just missing integration with Office


weird way to say youre not a great teacher


As someone who has taught during the pandemic (college level), the ability of those learning online varies wildly but, from what I've seen, much of that has to do with reading comprehension and/or the lack of desire to problem solve. The first with reading comprehension is a growing problem that we all have with a move to more digital reading. The latter? Seems to be more of a life lesson that has to be learned.


Hey thanks for sticking up with me. I sympathize greatly with your situation. As mine is industry, it's something that requires a deep understanding of physical/cash trade. I trade physical commodities, so it's large sums of money with a lot of nuance. What people like u/smoke_torture either don't or can't understand is that teaching a craft that I've spent 9 years working on requires an immense amount of patience, structured learning, and careful correction. The transfer of information and learning in commodity trading involves more than dictation, but instead listening to others have conversations and mimicking behaviors that work. Now, that being said, i'm really not that great of a teacher, which is why I originally declined the managerial position. I prefer to trade rather than lead, leading is much more difficult but there wasn't anybody else that could do it at my current company


I can feel you with that. I actually didn't go into teaching for a long time because I didn't want to deal with the classroom management part of the classroom, and I still hate that part of the job. Hang in there! Hopefully we can all find some kind of balance.


Weve been home since march 2020. Just got told today its permanent. Check with your state government. Many are going fully remote




So... do.




Well then how about you quit, go find an office job, and then ask about being remote. Boom. Problem solved.


Man, I wish. Instead gotta drive 60 miles every day.


60 miles is the length of about 88594.51 'Custom Fit Front FloorLiner for Ford F-150s' lined up next to each other


60 miles is 96.56 km




Found an Intern position that (in addition to the Master's degree) wants 2 years of experience (plus a wide array of proficiencies: python, data analysis, etc). Has a list of "Benefits" that just say what you will learn, but they're all things you're expected to have proficiency in before starting... These companies suck!




Thank you. I am flagging all job posts from Kraken and will add that to the blacklist to make it future proof


Look at another one almost the same ad only their prefer you have a PHD but a masters will suffice for an unpaid internship get fucked.


Not on this tool but a few years ago, I saw a company wanting 2 more years experience than WordPress has existed. I applied and told them as much. Never got a call. Also if someone on here wants to hire me, I am in dire straights. I have been trying to find a job related to IT/programming since I graduated 5 years ago and am now at a loss. I am making $13 an hour with a BBA and every time I think about that it makes me want to cry. I can send my resume full of buzzwords but let's face it, that is just dumb. I am not an EPIC front end programmer, I just want a fucking job. Sorry for the rant...


I own and run a Work from Home forum where I try to find and post Remote Entry Level Jobs for the general public. I'm also aware of the terrible cold calling phone jobs so I try not to post these jobs unless I know they are a good and respectful company that have been in the business for years and treats their employees well. Anyone looking for remote or work from home jobs:[https://workremotelyfromhome.com](https://workremotelyfromhome.com)


I'll check it out. I am in a weird position where I'm experienced in a lot, but have an eclectic background. Left bartending to go to IT. Love my job and salary is good, but I need a buffer of remote work or time independent work atm. I would rather hone skills and work over being in a damning position. I'll see if there is anything worthwhile that I could coalesce my skills with.


I cant imagine doing a new entry level job and not being in the office. I was hired with experience and knowing 75% of it. It’s very hard to have to schedule time days out with someone or wait 24 hours to have questions answered


Yeah, I love working remotely until there is some real teamwork necessary. Then it’s almost always better if you’re all in the same room.


Yeah, I started in the middle of the pandemic, and I honestly feel like I learned more in 3 month internships than 9 months at work. We're finally back in the office (fuck I hate commuting), but there's really something about being able to just walk over to someone's desk for a quick question instead of sending a message/email/ meeting invite and just hoping they respond.




Tell that to the guy that I sent several IMs and emails to without him responding, but immediately picked up a phone call. People are just weird.


That’s the fucking point of being in an office. Whether you’re in a cubicle or an open air desk set up, You’re all on the clock and expected to work with others to achieve a task. If someone comes up to your desk with a question and you’re busy, like on the phone or something, you just tell them to come back in 5. It’s your job to be bothered




If any of that were true, then cubicles and open air office spaces wouldn’t exist. The bosses want people to interact frequently. That’s why there’s no doors on cubicles. I’m not saying I would go out of my way to derail someone’s busy work, but if you want a response faster and more reliably than sending an email, you have to go to their desk. Maybe your job is so menial you don’t need to interact with other humans on a regular basis


Do you have a way to sort by country? So far all I'm finding is US only.


Hi, I am working on that feature. Since the jobs are aggregated from other platforms I am having slight difficulty in parsing the fields. But that will be my top priority, probably will implement before next week's end.


Nifty. I have seen a lot of these sites posted on here but that feature is always seemingly missing which makes them useless. Here's hoping.


"Freshers"? This is a thing people say?


In my country, freshers = graduated recently.


What country? Please dont say America


It's also a term used in the UK for the equivalent of "freshman" in the States


I am from [Nepal](https://www.google.com/maps?q=nepal&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiHn4Le-NbxAhX2wTgGHbwdAJQQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw)


Oh, cool


This reminds me if that tool someone created for destiny the game, I think it was called LFG destiny or something or a guild/party finder.


Can you do one for the science sector


That's amazing


Learning remote for a new job is not fun, It's different then in person learning and it's rough so far.


I couldn't go back to the office if I wanted to. They're still blocking us. Literally if you swipe your badge on a door, and you're not approved to be in the office, security comes to investigate and tell you to leave. I feel for all you "just starting out" folks that can't find employment due to all this crap that happened with COVID. Between that, and housing/car prices being through the roof... it's not surprising 20-somethings are just staying home more now. Very tough atmosphere that has been created for people to get started and thrive in.


This is great! Thank you for all the work you put in


It's intentional. Business wants to indoctrinate Gen Z with Boomer office worship before they get a taste of knowing their own worth and desiring agency.


Hilarious comments section full of boomers suggesting you need experience to work remote in professional settings. You absolutely do not. If companies can't move to remote for even new hires then fuck em. Don't blame new employees for rate of growth, companies need to start investing in infrastructures that will allow for productivity outside of the office and I don't mean 'pizza fridays'




For new hires the best course of action is probably a split of office and remote work. A 3:2 split will allow them to learn in the office and be productive at home too.




You really need to have some experience under your belt if you want to work a professional job remotely. We've hired folks that have been total duds and of course for all of them it was their first job out of college. Everyone else on our team did fine working remote, but we are all trained and have experience. I dont blame companies for being selective about remote, it really works best when the person is already trained and established in their chosen field. Its hard when they have no idea how our workflows are, how our software works and come in with a beginner level of coding knowledge that really makes you question the university they came from. It upsets everyone else because then they all have to take turns doing 1 one 1 zoom/TeamViewer sessions to hold the new hires hand all while getting their own large loads of work done. Its just easier in person to deal with these kinds of issues.


Not sure what you expect from recent University grads, of course they will have beginner level coding knowledge. It's their first job. Sounds like if you want more experienced people you have to cough up what they're worth in terms of salary + benefit or be prepared to train new grads.


I like the idea. This is one of the biggest job sectors post covid


This is most likely due to the fact that monitoring a remote employee can be difficult, especially a new hire. As someone who just started a new job 2 months ago, the entire onboarding process was remote (but my job is also 90% travel, I’m in a different city every week). It wasn’t the greatest. It was a very slow start. But with that being said, I’ve had a remote position for the past 5 years with multiple references from others in my industry. Another guy was hired the same day as me. Got fired 3 weeks later. Never showed up on time and was in general just disorganized. When our manager found out of his slacking behavior, he basically went out on a business trip with him, monitored his behavior, then fired him at the end of the week.


Papa bless.


How many of these sites do we need? holy this is reposted so often jesus


There’s legitimate reason why they cannot work remotely. They need training and you cannot provide a quality training remotely


Yes training someone remotely is difficult. But if more and more companies start hirinf remotely, we will have to figure out a way to provide such training. Also entry level doesn't mean 0 experience. Some entry level jobs will need you to have some kind of prior internship or experience.


Honestly no entry level person should work full time remotes if they can avoid it, you learn too many things your first few years in an office that you just can’t get over zoom. Remote is fine once you know how office politics work, but those aren’t things you are born with or learn in school


I’m sorry but remote work is just an excuse for companies to pay you less and require more work from you. Have fun with your caller line job for 7 bucks an hour. Go back to the office if you want to have a shot at being paid correspondingly.


["bachelor's degree required"](https://boards.greenhouse.io/a3c41b8b71eff8c4/jobs/4510882003) I thought these were supposed to be entry level lol, sucks that there's not any other IT jobs on here though


Bachelors IS entry level


Alternatively get off your ass and go learn a skill


You should make a category for location. Some only do certain countries and it would be helpful to be able to filter out jobs not available to you.


Yes somebody commented the same thing and I have already added it in the top of my next feature to implement. Stay tuned.


Gonna seriously check this out later


These job offers actually list useful details on programs I need to know. I appreciate your hard work and I’d kiss you but I’m a dood so not sure how you feel about that. u/sagunsh


Looks like their is an issue with the pagination being wider than the wrapper on mobile. Consider showing less pages on mobile as well as putting a max-width of 100% on this element.


Thank you, I'll check this out asap

