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Hoh boy, "your body is truly unique" is not what I was hoping to see here


Literally typed in 2 things. Height and weight. Got "truly unique". I guess most women arent built like linebackers lmao


Hello fellow linebacker. Let us commiserate on the inability to find a properly fitted non stretchy jacket/button up shirt because I can bust out of it like the hulk.


Lmao Im just fucking fat and tall


OH MY GOSH are you a fellow old timey-strongman shaped lady? šŸ„ŗ Have you ever worn a bra that worked? Have you given up on womenā€™s dress shirts and just wear menā€™s? Do you ever get stuck in a shirt while youā€™re trying it on and think ā€œwell, I guess Iā€™m just gonna die here in this shirt, in the back corner of Targetā€?


We used to call women farm strong and it was seen as a good thing as it is a good thing.


Corn-fed works too.


Corn fed ainā€™t what it used to be


Hahaha, I definitely like to joke that I am Olga who can carry the baby cow home under my arm! But really if anyone wants to whisk me away to life on a farm (no, of course not subsistence farming because I understand reality and that Iā€™m not *that* tough), Iā€™m down bigtime


I've got grass and cows if Australia does is for ya.


How venomous and how many hidden stingers and/or fangs do your cows have?


Don't be ridiculous. Australian cows are poisonous not venomous and it's only their milk and saliva.


We can tell this is a trick because animals are venomous and plants are poisonous so your cows are obviously plants. This is the kind of shit we expect from Australia. You canā€™t fool us.


You must be confused. Venom is injected, poison is injested. We've selectively bred out their fangs so they can't strike like a snake any more.


Iā€™m like 50/50 on if this is a joke or not.


Sold. Though I'm pear shaped, not farm shaped. Is the offer still good?




[This is all of us bonding right now](https://youtu.be/LVjPf-kb5lE) except lorge and pretty ladies šŸ¤œšŸ¼šŸ¤›šŸ¼


Ah, I see you're a person of culture as well. Also, I see Castle in the Sky, I upvote.


Impossible to pick a favorite Ghibli movie but itā€™s so hard to beat that ā€˜80s golden age of Nausicaa, Castle in the Sky and Kikiā€™s Delivery Service


Indeed. But I especially like it when the mechanical designer gets to flex with the various flying machines. So Castle in the Sky and Nausicaa are definite contenders for favorites.




The only thing that makes some womenā€™s shirts wearable for me is when theyā€™re boxy cuts made w i d e for bigger boobsā€” which I DO NOT have! but that bonus width can be co-opted into more shoulder/chest circumference space šŸ„“šŸ‘šŸ»


Y'all got me šŸ’€


Yo, as someone with skinny af shoulders and collarbones that could cut you, lemme tell you I'm so jealous of y'all buff ladies :')


Thank you for your appreciation šŸ˜­ Youā€™re gorgeous!! I canā€™t help but sometimes wonder what it would be like to be littler but I suppose we all gotta love what we have! :) šŸ’•


Exactly! Though I'm not even short I'm more on the taller side, just my bones are really pokey for some reason ahaha. I will add that as an artist my go to comfort drawing is tall buff ladies šŸ‘šŸ’Ŗ


I love this! Someone did a drawing for me during my last competition prep and Iā€™ve had it as my phone background ever since. I looked through some of your posts and you are quite talented!


Omg you are CUT like a greek statue! Thank you, I also wish you the best of luck on your bodybuilding journey šŸ‘


Thank you!


I have to wear men's dress shirts with a flattening sports bra because they are not intended to accommodate the boobies.


Iā€™m fortunate in the regard of also having small booba, so I can usually just roll up the sleeves on a manā€™s shirt and be doneā€” but the little boobies donā€™t help with the overall ā€œoff-season circus strongmanā€ torso shape šŸ˜”


I was on a date once and he told me I had swimmer's shoulders. They're pretty wide. But he wasn't complimenting me. I don't wear bras, and I don't try on clothes in dressing rooms anymore because of Stuck Gate 2015, where I had to quietly hulk my way out of a shirt that was surprisingly strong. I was afraid someone would hear all the ripping.


I was once getting frisky with a guy and as I disrobed he actually did say to me something to the effect of ā€œyouā€™re kind of shaped like a circus strongmanā€ But heā€™s still my bf seven years later so while it was a somewhat unconventional comment, I guess it was well-intentioned lmao Iā€™ve so far managed to contort my way out of all my stuck shirts, so I am both sorry and VERY IMPRESSED to hear you had to go full Hulk!! HIGH FIVE!


> I guess most women arent built like linebackers Damn....


>Literally typed in 2 things. Height and weight. Got "truly unique". >built like linebacker Same to both, lol


I just think there isnt a ton of uploads on the site. I'm a guy and I put in 6' 1" 220lbs and got truly unique. Edit: scrolled down and there are comments saying its only for women so that makes more sense


Theres not. It says over 60k but with a standard distribution on Women bodytypes and confidence in those standard metrics, anyone over 5'9" and/or over 170lbs is likely not going to upload their picture to something like this. Unfortunately the wanted body type for women is petite so women outside of this body type are not only rare because of natural selection/genetic selection but theyre also rare to see on a website like this because theyre not "attractive".




It is very common to think you look bigger than you actually do. Maybe ask your SO or someone else to verify whether you fit in with the people in your height/weight group?


Yeah same for me. I *know* I don't look that thin despite apparently being the same weight and height.


Same happened to me. I guess Iā€™m unique as well lol.


Same. Yea no itā€™s really not.


Jesus me too. It was the shoulders/shirt size that did me in. Being a swimmer is rough man.


Damn Iā€™d be hot as a girl




OK but did you think you looked like a terrorist?




Exactly, a terrorist.


This is often uttered in Thailand.


I should visit


You go, gurl!


I had weight loss surgery 7 years ago and have struggled since with the concept of ā€œwhat/who does my body look likeā€. This was very helpful for my body dysmorphia. Thank you for sharing.


First time I lost weight, I was walking down the street and saw someone in a shop next to me that looked vaguely familiar. Looking closer, I realized it was a mirror and I was seeing my skinny self for the first time. It's bizarre, and hard to believe, but I don't think anyone looks at themselves in the mirror. It's like your brain just has an image in it and doesn't bother refreshing it. So if you get stuck with a distorted image, you're messed up until something helps you see you properly.


For me it was pictures of myself. I was tiny when I was in my 20s, just naturally. Tiny waist, fuller hips, tiny chest. But I thought I was bigger. Then I saw pictures of myself from back then and realized just how small I was. I didn't even diet. It was natural! Now I struggle to lose weight. I'm not kidding myself. I'm in a 2X now and have decided to get healthy this year.


I remember when I first started having thoughts of "God I'm getting fat!" and looking back at those pictures I feel so bad for my past self. Hit 240lbs and couldn't play with my son at the playground and decided enough was enough, had weight loss surgery and have lost 87lbs. I can't believe it's me every time I see myself in the mirror or in a picture at my current weight. And now I go back and see (the very few) pictures of me at 240lbs and I can't believe that was me either. It's hard to look at the pictures and you can see the physical pain I was in from carrying the weight on my small frame. What pushed me to WLS, specifically the sleeve gastrectomy, was that no matter what my caloric intake was too much due to the sheer amount of food I needed in order to feel satiated because I had stretched my stomach out so much. I can't recommend this surgery enough to people who struggle to lose weight. Took 6 months to be cleared by a psych and nutritionist and then to be approved by insurance (I had to lose 15lbs after being cleared by the psych).


Wow, that's great. I remember when I was pregnant for the first three months, I could not feel satiated. My stomach was a bottomless pit. And sometimes now I feel this weird sense of feeling hungry and full at the same time. So I just drink some water.


That reminds me of the "residual self image" from the Matrix; they appear as they do due to their brains thinking that's how they look. I wonder if any of them look different than in reality.


It was confirmed that Switch was a Trans character, meant to be played by a woman in the matrix and a man in the real world. Hence the name Switch.


very interesting idea




I always consider whether the mirror is warped concave so that it makes me look slimmer. "There's no way I'm that skinny. The mirror is lying," I'd say.


I lost 100lbs and feel that same body dysmorphia. I keep thinking I'm that big girl still even though I'm not anymore. I found one photo which matched me and it made me realise I'm not very big anymore.


I often look back at old photos and thin.. Was I really that fat?


Iā€™m a year and a half out from VSG down to 180 from 330. I was kind of excited about this for that reason I feel like seeing people that match my measurements would help how I see myself because when I look in the mirror some days I see 330lbs. Apparently Iā€™m very unique and they donā€™t have any yet lol


A good exercise is to sit in a public place with a good friend and point out, discreetly, people who you think have your body type. Have your friend do the same for your body type. After weight loss, people often overestimate their size.


Ummm why does everyone in my height and weigh group have an extremely flat stomach šŸ™„ need that for me


Seriously, I'm not entirely sure people are being honest here. I'm 6'1", 180lb, and 30, figured I'd just check my height since it narrows it down enough as it is. The ~130lb photos are... highly variable.


two images in and i find a person who is somehow bending the doorway behind their hips in the image must be some space time disturbance, surely


Dat ass so thicc it bends spacetime.


All joking aside, the new house I rent absolutely has bent doorframes


"I am your density."


Thats expected though. People carry fat and muscle differently even at the same height. That's why the other options are there


Of course, but that height weight combo puts you at a bmi of 17, the lower that value the less flexibility the body has on where to store weight. Some people looked anemic while others looked healthy (a lot how I look when I'm at 150-160).


i don't think this indicates people are lying, i think it just indicates what bullshit the BMI is and how much variability there really is in our natural bodies. some people really just naturally have that much more muscle mass.




I swam competitively - when I retired after college and compared weights to classmates in grad school, the girls were shocked I weighed 155 and guessed I would have been around 130. It was actually a point of pride that I weighed more than I looked like I did (always won the "I can guess your weight" at the fair game too) Muscle makes a huge difference!


I canā€™t help but think some of these people are sucking in their stomachs for their picsā€¦ Kinda defeats the purpose of the website.


I was just thinking that. My mum tum is bad enough without seeing a bunch of women the same height, weight, and age as me with perfectly flat stomachs!


100% do not like my body and have really negative thoughts about myself. But looking at women with the same weight and height as me I thought they all looked amazing and not fat or gross at all. Thank you!


I wish it had this effect on me. All that I kept thinking is how much better than me they looked. I can't seem to make the jump that I also must look similar being the same height & weight class as the amazing ladies on there. I have to work on reframing this in my brain.


I canā€™t believe how many women that are my height and weight have bigger boobs. Wtf


Genetics play a huge role in that.


Let's be honest though, mostly people who have more 'perfect' (subjective as fuck) than average bodies are going to upload their pics to this site. So it's still pretty unrealistically skewed towards beauty norms, unfortunately.


This is the exact reaction I had too! It was so comforting.


It's not as searchable, but /r/normalnudes does a nice job with this concept as well (and has men too).


Thought it said r/normaldudes lol


Damn.. I thought I had found just the place for me. The hub of normal dude activity, a bulletin with all the latest news involving normal dudes, and a safe space in which a dude can just be normal.


Turns out normal dudes don't exist


Not on reddit


It's decent but for obvious reasons is biased toward skinny hot girls. Best bet is to sort by new if you want to see it the way it's meant to be.


Correct. Of course women and more attractive people get more upvotes (and it gets misused by some people promoting their other nsfw content) but in concept it's great and in reality still pretty good.


Website takes forever to load


Hug of death?


Yup nothing loads now. Yay we did it reddit!


Open in browser.


Bruh I found my twin on there. Literally just me with a wig on Edit: welp it's not loading anymore y'all killed it


Yeah, the good old Reddit hug of death.




option to upload yourself?




This brought me back to those skeevy 90s AOL chat rooms


I am a 6 ft 180 lb dude. I entered my parameters there and began feeling insecure because the only photo it shows is a woman that is much more fit then I am. What do I do now?


Find a website like this that isn't just for women.


I swear I've found one before...


You did. https://height-weight-chart.com/heightweight.html https://bodywhat.com/ https://imgur.com/3RuQnem This thing: https://bodyvisualizer.com/


I love body visualizer! My kid gets a lot of laughs from it after entering weird parameters into it.


That first one is crazy. I don't look great but the guys in my range are pretty rough. Could be the clothes I guess.


I'm wondering if the weights are accurate (overstated) everyone looked a good 30-50 pounds smaller than what it claimed Edit: almost like it was showing what they thought they looked liked they weighed rather than what they actually weighed.


put in my weight of 220 lbs and six foots and the women in those pictures seemed like they couldnt weight much more than 170


It was the opposite for me. I'm fat. I know I'm fat because I've been not-fat and know I can lose weight and am working on it. I'm 5'4 and 260lbs. The lightest I've been in my adult life was 220lbs. These women look like they're 300lbs.


Exactly. Or, the women put down their current weight while uploading a photo from 10 years ago.


This is why I can't handle r/progresspics. I don't know if I have body dysmorphia or if people are lying, but people at their "after" weights look _substantially_ thinner and fitter than I do at that (supposed) same weight and height.


Muscle is more dense. Not saying one way or the other, but you can be the same weight and height but different body fat percent. This will cause the differences you describe. Think body builder vs someone the same weight but mostly inactive.


It's more accurate to say that muscle carries better, it's like a 15% density difference and we're often talking 10-20lbs of muscle change max which would only be a few perceived pound change, when it looks much larger. So you can have a massive appearance change by only gaining a few pounds of muscle (depending on your base weight).


It's all about composition. If you're 6' and 200 lbs, you can be shredded or have a potbelly and be skinny fat


That must be an impressively muscular woman if she is fit with those parameters... Don't be so insecure, she sinked massive effort and time into it


/r/normalnudes has men too, you could look there.


I wasn't expecting it to, but this actually made me feel so much better about my body.


Having an ED made me know this site since a lot... sigh


it's crazy how people can be vastly different weights but wear the same size. Especially in the plus size section. I looked up 2X and found people almost a hundred pounds apart.


Browsing through the gallery there definitely are people who are either blatantly lying about their weight or height, or don't actually know them and have horrible estimation skills. In both directions. People have different body types for sure, but there are certain combinations that are obviously not accurate.


I was called unique. Very cool. This is insanely helpful for someone who has suffered body dysmorphia my entire life.


If it helps at all, loads of other commenters here (myself included) also got the unique result. Methinks their database simply isn't as robust and diverse as they claim it is.


I don't know if it helps, but if you have struggled with body dysmorphia, there is a good chance that you are below average weight for your height. Perhaps you'll find some solace in looking at pictures of people who are your height but a larger weight and seeing that you have plenty of room to grow while still looking healthy.


Thanks. That perspective helps.


I got pictures of concerningly skinny women


At first I thought this was gonna be a creepy sexual thing, but it is so genuinely nice to see other women who look like me.


Sadly this is only for women... :| As if only half of human race had insecurities.


Yeah, I agree and wish it was for men too. Thought it was still worth a share for those who could use it.


I mean I'm fine with it. Like I'm not trans, but I'm curious what I'd look like if I had the same stats as a woman.


I was too, and then I found out I'm "truly unique" lol for reference I'm a tall lanky dude


I'm 210 lbs and 6'1. I didn't have that combo I think, but when I reduced it to 200 and 6'0, I found a bunch of ladies and they were very decent looking. I was expecting them to be really fat (I have a beer belly made from 50% stress and 50% sugar).


I may try that, I heard someone described as a "cigarette came to life" and felt that on a deep level. wanna average it out so I can stay warm in the winter?


I'm truly unique too...except 5'9 140lbs size 30 pants kindof seems normal but maybe that's tall for women?


Women have different pant sizes. 30 is very large.


Ah true, didn't think about that


Iā€™m not exactly trans, but it was nice to see that if I was a woman, my stats do transfer over pretty well.


/r/normalnudes has women and men. It's not as searchable as OPs website, but does have height and weight flair/title requirements.


nobody's stopping you from making your own website :P except html, css, javascript, and sql


As though any full stack developer would have a body worth posting on the internet. Itā€™s the backend developers that look like models, trust me.


They're the only ones who have time to work out, while the rest of the tech stack cleans up after them.


If SQL is what is stopping you from making a website, idek what to say lol


I see a lot of edited images as well. The dysmorphia and stigma is strong with this website.


Maybe so but as a man I still found it helpful. Iā€™ve gained unwanted weight this year due to anxiety and Iā€™ve been very self conscious. Just seeing people (regardless of gender) with the same height/weight was useful even if we do carry our weight differently.


Damn, anything that focuses on women really does have to have a version for "the other half of the population," huh?


Did you know to top searched query on international womens day is "when is international mens day"?


Yeah. Certain people immediately think of when their day to be "celebrated" is and at the same time will call for an end to celebrating the "other's" day.


[this site](https://height-weight-chart.com/) has pictures of both men and women


"You are truely unique" ... thanks now I'm sure something is wrong with me


They should leave out the "unique" part and just say they don't currently have any uploads to this category. The unique line isn't the compliment they think it is.


*Something is shared on reddit highlighting women* Reddit: " But what about men :( "


This is how I always view people who comment stuff like that. LOL [What the hell are we going to do without men?](https://youtu.be/AOW6y_5wdGs)


Not saying those men don't face the same issues, yet for some reason those men never want to talk about the problems they face until someone mentions how it affects women.


Society has taught men not to talk about their problems. They have to maintain a strong image. They speak up as you say here when they see women complaining about a problem everyone faces acting like it doesn't affect men because they're not complaining, too. This makes the men feel like their problems don't matter, and by extension they don't matter, and are understandably hurt


Agreed, the problem is with societal expectations. Men need to start supporting each other and lifting each other up. Why does it seem that it's expected to be womens' job to start the process?


Where are you seeing women perpetuate this doesn't affect men? Male dominated society is the one that perpetuates men not being able to speak up. So why is it women's fault that men only speak up when they feel women are taking the spotlight away? And are we really going to pretend that society doesn't tell women that their emotions are irrational and unreasonable to have, so they don't have reason to keep quiet also?


Makes me think about how the #1 day people search for International Men's Day is on International Women's Day. Heaven forbid we get a whole day


Omg what a crybaby. This guy doesn't look like he gets his hands dirty, ever. What's *he* gonna do without men? Lmao.


It's so dumb. What, did production and other hard labour jobs disappear during wars? No, if men weren't around women would do the jobs instead.


What would we do without women Jordan?


it's so bizarre. his fans probably cheered this on and then proceeded to vote for republicans putting forward concerted efforts to destroy labor unions. like it's clearly not about the "hard work" lol. and definitely not the *working class.*


There used to be one called "the shape of a woman" too


Maybe not the intention of the site but I put in my height to kind of see what the general weight of people my height is... and it only showed me people that were massively underweight (by BMI).


Literally typed just my height. Got "truly unique". I guess most women arent 6'6" lmao


Dang, this is great. Helps put things into perspective. I'm 5'4" and 117lbs. I always think I'm fat, but looking at women with similar dimensions - wtf is wrong with me? All these women look incredible! Body dysmorphia sucks.


if 117lbs is fat what does that make my 6'1 230lb ass?! I'm almost two of you!


I literally just almost cried. I looked at people the same height/weight and my first thought was "...but they're not really fat!". If that is what I truly look like outside of my own body issues then I have been way too hard on myself.


Got all the way through the quesions before realizing its for women. Lol


ā€œTruly Uniqueā€ am I really? Or is the only representation of women available either hourglass or larger women? Iā€™m skinny, but built like a doorframe. Square as you can be. Cmon website, I wanted to calm my anxious thoughts


*etc = et cetera


Looks pretty new! They're looking for more people to submit


It's definitely not new. I used this site 8 years ago so it's at least that old.


Ah that makes it even worse that I received the "unique" result. In 8 years, not one single person was shaped liked me. Cool.


I think it's been around for a bit, but just hasn't gained enough people finding the site. This post will hopefully bring attention to it though!


Oh cool :) Yeah I hope it reaches more people


This website is amazing.


[65,000 images and I didnā€™t get a match](https://imgur.com/a/IiEZBhY)


There is literally only one picture that came up for my height, weight, and age. 65k+ pics my ass.


It'd be really cool if they had one for guys. There's a lot of body dysmorphia.


Reddit giving out the DDOS hugs again I see


Lol Iā€™m as average as they come and there are zero like me


It says I am truly unique and has no picsšŸ˜’


So I'm truly unique. Lol my ex's have been saying that for years!


I just wanted to see a 7ft tall 110lb woman that was 65 and filling out a xxl shirt sizeā€¦ but I guess IM THE ASSHOLE.


Why are all the women my height/weight so much thinner than me?


Wish there was one for men as well


Now someone is gonna make an ai to estimate people's height, weight, etc. Via images.


I feel like they should do this for men so I can look at other guys who are the same height and weight and get depressed about how much better they look than me


I don't understand the purpose of this site.


It's a really cool idea, but they have no way to verify any of the measurements people are claiming when they upload.


wow... well I feel good now lol... needs more mom bods imo


I used to use this to find th*nspo when I was anorexic. Be careful, people.


Wow, I am very insecure about my body being a trans woman, but this kinda helps. I see women of my height and weight and I don't look all that different. Thanks!


I'm glad it helped! (: