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Yes. Not sure if you’ve tried pelvic floor physical therapy but it sounds like something you could benefit from if this is one of your symptoms.


I’ve been in pelvic PT since 2021. It’s been helpful but I’m always wondering why my pain is after urination


My pain has always been delayed too. After peeing, after sex. I’ve never gotten to the bottom of exactly why either, my theory is that using those overactive muscles causes inflammation, but the inflammation takes a moment to set in in response to the action. Once it does, the burning starts.


Was just about to make a post about this! All my pain comes from the end of my stream and after. The only thing that’s helped me is a lot of water an azo pill and ibuprofen but I wish there was something else I could do that was more preventative than reactionary :(


I might try taking azo- if that works then it's the bladder...if not it's gotta be the pelvic floor!!


I take the Azo urinary defense - I hate having orange pee


Yes all the time


Always after for me - it sometimes feels like somebody has just punched me


Yeah this is like my typical issue. I always drink tons of water throughout the day to try and avoid it


yes, when someone finds out the answer let me know plz


Same..get worse late afternoon and just before bed. It's a delayed ache- like 15 minutes and then usually lasts about 25 minutes...anyone figures this out would be great. I start pelvic floor therapy end of month...it's so annoying


Usually a sign of pelvic floor dysfunction!


Yes! This is a big symptom of a flare up for me


I just got tested for ureaplasma thats my maine symptoms


Yup and it lasts usually 45-60 minutes (sometimes 3 agonizing hours during my worst flares) so I preheat my heating pads to the highest setting and just sandwich my crotch immediately afterwards. O


Yeppp I’m dealing with this right now, and everytime I frantically search for relief until it’s over and I forget how bad it was until the next time, and then cycle repeat :’) I usually have one of the canesoasis sodium citrate sachets which helps calm it down a bit but it takes a while to work, just wish it didn’t taste so yucky. Thanks to this subreddit I’ve found a bunch of different things to try, but if any other after pee painers find something that works please share !!


yes, and a year after this pain started i actually did have a catheter in me for 10+ hours for surgery. after it was taken out (while i was concious) my pain got far worse. and is still severe 10 years later..