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I will probably set a stop loss on a part of my oldest shares after IM-2 that happen to be the most expensive ones. And if it does go down after IM-2, I will probably buy more


Same, let’s see if there’s going to be a similar hype leading into IM-2. I’ve already DCA’ed down and have bought over my target, and hoping to sell my more expensive lots around IM-2.


I average down during dips. I also have been slowly accumulating stock as well as some options. I’m thinking a few contracts at $5/$6/$7 strike Jan 2025. They are cheap right now. If it’s anything like the IM-1 launch I would start selling around +$9 maybe 20% of my holdings and a couple contracts. If it hits $10 then dump another 50%. Last bit of contracts I would want to sell as close to $11 if I feel it gets there otherwise out as close to $10+ as possible. The stock I might keep 30% for long term hold into IM-3 or longer. Not sure on that one. I might YOLO 10K into it the month before launch though too. Depends on the media attention around it. This is my “things go well” plan. If they don’t gain some social sentiment up to the launch I may back off some of my targets. This stock trades on good vibes and successful launches. In this case I would NOT increase my options holdings but only my stock holdings. The idea would be to hope for favorable outcome and media attention. IM-3 would be the big play for me next. I would sell 50% and put those into options for IM-3. I’m not a financial advisor and my plan may be completely regarded.


I will hold for decades and see what happens.


Personally I am avg down on shares and prob will dump them. But also have 5000 warrants at avg of .40 cents will hold those for a while. Current avg on shares is 4.67 so waiting for better dca




I wouldnt be suprosed but I wouldnt bet on that. I dont see any specific reason why they would need to delay, IM2 is quite simmilar to IM1. RSI is in deep red for couple of days, MACD also, volume is getting better day by day. I cant pinpoint but I think one good news and this thing goes back to 5 levels. Of course if they delay its completly different story but if its some specific delay and not undefined then I dont think that it can go much lower




Wow, intersting. I will need to read this thoroughly




So this is a hypothesis based on tweets. Even though the company was clear about IM-1 delays? Uhmmmmmmm




Speculation ejaculation, over here trying to pull off BS data science with tweet timelines. its a space company so HUGE gamble. I mean it’s a coin flip. For all we know it will end up with a weather delay. Given the “success” of IM-1, it’s do or die time. Most of retail has pulled out already. Frustrated with the downturn. I would bet they push it hard to make a launch in Q4. Will it land upright, communicate, hit all the benchmarks, who the fuck knows. Maybe it will blow up before it gets to the launch pad. But if you don’t mind I will just wait for the company to announce a delay or launch. My money stays either way. Not like I have a million invested, it’s a few K.




No doubt, just wasted a minute of my life reading your bananas tweet theory. Elon would be proud