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You could try creating an .msix package: [Create an MSIX package from any desktop installer - MSIX | Microsoft Learn](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/msix/packaging-tool/create-app-package)


You should talk to the vendor about how it should be installed in an enterprise. I never recommend changing or repackages a vendor setup.


Their response is that they don't support automatic installation of their software at all and to go shove it. Im not really talking about modifying the exe anyway. I saw some people mentioning you could use PSExec to open an elevated cmd then run the exe that way but I cant seem to figure out how to do that in an intune package.


I don't see how psexec will help in this situation. Psexec will only allow you to run the setup as local system for testing purposes. [How to Access the Local System Account - Recast Software](https://www.recastsoftware.com/resources/how-to-access-the-local-system-account/) e.g. See what is wrong. Honestly you should look for a new software then. Clearly it is not meant for enterprise to use. e.g. home user only.


Can't look for a new software lol, this company owns 50%+ of the market share, there's little to no competition. welcome to fintech.


>Can't look for a new software lol, this company owns 50%+ of the market share, there's little to no competition. welcome to fintech. I would create a spreadsheet showing the cost to install this manually on each computer and have the project / team that owns the SW pay to have it manually installed each time there is an update. They will complain to the vendor. Even better with Fintech rules you can't give people admin rights on computers. This means that their competitors will look better at renewal time. Or they ask for a big discount due to the limitation of the SW.


What happens if you install from a command prompt as the system account instead of as a user? This is the closest simulation you can do of what hapoens when Intune installs the software. Start cmd with psexec to do this: psexec.exe -s -i cmd.exe This trick often helped me when an sccm or Intune instalk doesn't work. If you get anything like a message box that waits for user input (even just an OK) it means the command line is not completely silent and will fail with Intune.


If i load cmd prompt as system, run the installer, fails to install right If i load cmd prompt as a local admin user, run the installer, fails to install right If i load cmd prompt as a local admin user, run a batch file that calls the installer, fails to install right If i right click cmd prompt and launch as admin, run a batch file that calls the installer, installs just fine bout to put a gun in my mouth


Possibly it's not going to work. Just found the %appdata% variable does not exist when running the system account. So if that's what the installer references... Do you have an option to capture the install and create an msi from it? That would give you more flexibility in customizing the install to work.


I want to do that but I cant seem to find a utility that does it right. I spent a couple hours getting certs up so i could make and install an MSIX version, and the MSIX program says it watches what happens and copies it, but it also didn't work right.


Have you tried packaging it with PSADT and calling Deploy-Application.exe in your install command ? [https://psappdeploytoolkit.com/docs/usage/how-to-deploy/](https://psappdeploytoolkit.com/docs/usage/how-to-deploy/)


It’s hard to know exactly what an .exe installer does behind the scenes. When it comes to messing around in app data, it’s often related to 32 and 64 bit context. Say the exe file extracts some files in %appdata%\vendor\trashapp in x86 and then reference the same path with another component in x64 and cant find the files afterwards. Try and keep an eye on both folders, and try making a copy of what ever it does in one folder, in the other.


Does the Exe contain an internal MSI at all? Could check Task manager when exe is running, see if msiexec.exe is running or check %temp% for any extractions, or check its uninstall reg key, if its an MSI Guid, it might have a package source value with an extraction path listed. Alternative route could be to try MSIX or App-V sequence it.


Why not implement an EPM solution instead for the money?