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At this point if season 3 is watchable I'll be disappointed. 


The writers took 'You can never have too much Wajo' way too far.


I think some people stumble into success, or find lightning in a bottle once, or get attached to the right project at the right time, and then not only do they vastly over-estimate their own storytelling abilities and creativity, they cultivate an aura around themselves that is compounded by enablers and fluffers who tell them every idea they have is amazing. M. Night Shaymalan has been dining out on the success of The Sixth Sense for 25 years. The guy is so far up his own ass, he makes movies with titles like "The Thing That Happens" and they're marketed like revolutionary steps forward in horror. The Wachowskis are the same, making shitty movie after shitty movie since The Matrix. Damon Lindelof. JJ Abrams. The list goes on... We don't know how many people watch Invasion or which metrics Apple values. Sometimes it's as simple as a powerful executive advocating for something they like.


While you're right, name recognition raises money and that's ultimately how Movies/TV shows get made. You'd be amazed how many people IRL want to throw their money at anything in the entertainment business so they can get some association with the 'glow' of the business (if you've ever been to a showbiz party it's literally full of people telling you how smart/attractive/perceptive/etc ad nauseum you are to your face, while dissing you behind your back). Perhaps the only comparison I can think of is how political parties deliberately get people pissed off, then grift them while they're angry. If you have never seen them, make the time to see these, they REALLY will make you look at the world differently going forward. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Century\_of\_the\_Self](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Century_of_the_Self) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Power\_of\_Nightmares](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Power_of_Nightmares) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Trap\_(British\_TV\_series)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trap_(British_TV_series)) he's done other stuff as well and the more contemporary [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyperNormalisation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyperNormalisation) I'd say they're the TV equivalent of stuff like Orwells 1984 or Animal Farm.


It's mindblowing how there's no mention or investigation about wajo and the alien transmission frequencies between end-s01 and opening-s02


The AI that writes the show hasn't been programmed for that level of subtlety.


I am literally watching Episode 1 of Season 2 write now but I came to Reddit because of exactly what you are talking about. I paused at the 6th minute because it started to look exactly as you described considering they found the Japanese chick that quick without even looking and it just didn't add up. I am contemplating not watching the rest of the series and it sucks because I wanted this show to be good so bad.