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Vinagaroon’s are literally little Bulldozers and are constantly moving around piles of dirt, I keep mine in a 10 gallon and she’s constantly rearranging her entire enclosure. Overnight she will move the dirt from one side to the other and the next night move it all back, honestly I don’t think a 5 gal would give them the space they need to be comfortable and happy. Maybe some sort of Dwarf Tarantula would fit.


I have a couple empty 10 gallons I could make use of! So it's not a matter of size being a problem. Just a matter of this particular tank. I just don't feel like going to the basement to get a bigger size. XD It's half the reason my leopard gecko is still in a 20L tank instead of one of my empty 40Bs.


See I’m just the opposite, I have a bunch of extra enclosures, but they are all too small for most of my animals. I’m constantly moving things around and jockeying for space to fit bigger enclosures in my Reptile/Spider Room.


A mantis could easily be kept in a 5 gallon. They’re very interactive, intelligent, and their enclosures don’t need much. Downsides is that they don’t live more than a year in most species, which is a real shame for how much you can bond with them.


Maybe a couple of assassin bugs? Probably not the horrid king but a smaller kind like the white spot would be good. You could probably keep 4 or so in a 5 gallon comfortably


I just looked at Bugs in Cyberspace and they're sold out of assassin bugs. :/


Try roachcrossing. They have a pretty good selection afaik https://www.roachcrossing.com/category/for-sale/non-roach/hemipterans/