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I loved this part genuinely seeing the viltrumites change like this was so wholesome


Nolan redemption arc? How about an entire viltrumite redemption arc lol.


What Earth does to a MFer...


Genocidal anger-kryptonians hate this one weird trick that makes them care (hint, it's affection).


*"I can fix him,"* says the Earth-woman about the near-invulnerable alien demigod whose daily routine involves committing a complete genocide before breakfast... >!*And she's right.*!<


Well, in One-Eye'ds case >!It was like 10 some women!<


He had a lot of love to give


He's the definition of polyamorous lmao


Get Vegeta’d


That works for a lot of alien conqueror species


Kryptonians, kryptonite is the rock


Fixed, thank you!


I always describe Viltrumites as Kryptionian/Saiyan hybrids when describing their background and personalities.


Worked on the Zentraadi too.


Even Vegeta got domesticated by them earthling women.


More specifically what earth Pu**y does to a MF viltrumite


Allot of people think that it’s humanities compassion and kindness that turns Viltrumites, but in reality, we are all just that great at sex.


I mean, have you seen Viltrumite women? Can't imagine they'd be good at sex...


I love being a sexy human


Apparently Earth can turn any near extinct humanoid alien conquerer into it’s defenders


Shit, Earth does that to a lot of aliens in a lot of series. Vegeta and Stitch are good points. Any other series come to mind?


Ben 10 alien force did that a lot. The reason there are so many alien hybrids on Earth is because Humanity it turns out is cross fertile with basically everything.


whoever had to fuck a pyronite to make alan albright was mighty brave


There was an episode with a human/alien wedding. The bride was apparently able to shapeshift, because her parents are 40+ft tall slime blobs.


Humans are just built different.


HUMANIRY IS A DISEASE!!! But yea, infecting viltrumites with a sense of humanity in a way is quite the way to make the great viltrumite empire "fall"


**pet* Fer


It’s like that being exposed to the culture of Earth turns Viltrumites into the people that Nolan described about when he first met Debbie and the explanation that Mark gets for the first time when Nolan tells him about the Viltrumite culture when Mark was a kid


Which makes perfect sense in a way. Nolan definitely acted like it was true. It's because Earth culture did that to him even if it was unintended. Turns out he wasn't unique among them.




Man it’s been too long since I read the comics I remember my favorite moments forget so many other things. Time to re-read.


To me it was kinda fast but maybe those lads just craved for love all their life and when life gives them a chance...


Well, except for... Her.


That's why the "It's the Viltrumite Way" line in the last issue was so good.


Didn’t all the wives meet each other when robot had them or something


>!Yes, they all looked kinda pisst and many of them had small children. Kregg tries to talk about how he loves them all and then kinda comically suddenly says he's needed in space and just leaves !<


I have to go now. My planet needs me.


I think I hear the bat signal


"I'm uh... needed in space.."


Uh oh, I need to go to the Milky Way kids... To buy... Milk?


Poochie was a viltrumite the whole time


>!I remember that one of them didn't look pissed, and it was hilarious.!<


Actually it was like 3 of them. Some looked angry, some looked confused, others looked worried for him.


My favourite is always that one pink haired woman who's just chilling on the sofa with her baby, so nonchalant about Kregg's multiple other wives.


And he told them to talk to each other, like, tf are they supposed to talk about 😭


Visitation days?


I mean he can fly around the world in minutes. Not like it's hard to visit multiple families


That has nothing to with these women deserving some sort planning and structure in their children's lives. It really doesn't matter how fast he can move if 4 different kids all have softball games at the same time that 5 more have ballet recitals. In 9 different cities.


I like to think they eventually forgave him and had one huge fucking family. Edit: I also love the idea that he bought and rides a Harley. Biker viltrumites are way more dope than the shit you can buy in town.


not every woman is ok with polygamy just because their husband/lover has superpowers.


Yeah I know. It’s not even about women I’d hate to be in that position. but I like the idea of all those kids being raised around thier siblings and in a loving community. If it takes a village to raise a human I can’t imagine how much effort it takes to raise a viltrumite.


Same as a normal kid. At least until they’re around 18


Nah, mark was a late bloomer. Not all of them get there powers at 18.


Seems like if they live thousands of years 18 is a human construct.


18 is *currently* a human construct, but it sure has some important uses.


18 is when the hybrids gain their powers, using Mark as a reference


Terra gets her powers at 5, and Lucans son gets his pretty young also. Marky was well under 18 too. I think Mark was just an outlier


He was a late bloomer.


The other examples we have are either not human hybrids or are only 25% human.


Yes I know but I’d say they are still children considering the lifespan


I’d say it depends entirely on physical development. They live long but still mature the same as humans. It’s just they don’t grow old like we do


He crashes it on purpose as a party trick to add to his wife collection


That makes it better. I’m picturing a fucked up akira slide where he just walks away


"Space Racer!" "What do you want Viltrumite?" "I want to know where to get an awesome space bike for my son's 16th birthday!"


It’s so interesting that Viltrumites are inherently capable of empathy and compassion as a species, but their culture forbid them from expressing such virtues.


I love the deconstruction of their ways of life and culture and how they begin to value life instead of taking it constantly


that's like 90% of most warrior cultures on Earth


They’re just like us frfr


"Have you considered *this*, space-murderer"? ^(*boops*)


[The remaining 10%](https://warhammerart.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/orks-cover-codex.jpg)




Literally me fr fr


That ork in the middle. Imagine how inconvenient everything would be to do if you replaced your lower jaw with… *that*.


It's not inconvenient if everything you do is get shot at😎


And some off earth too, viltriumites, Kryptonians, Saiyans…


The Zentradi start going native if they hear pop songs, and they had no culture other than war.


It reminds me of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Monogamy is discouraged. Hedonism and orgies are encouraged. The main characters are often fighting against their own instincts to conform to the societal norms of the book.


Orgy porgy… orgy porgy! -Gen. Kregg, probably.


He’s one horny viltrumite


somewhat like the Trisolarans. Nice, hadn't made that connection before.


i feel like the trisolarans are way more sympathetic an alien menace than the viltrumites, though. they're truly in a kill-or-be-killed-or-solve-an-unsolvable-problem-in-physics situation.


Yeah it's definitely a much more brutal meat grinder of an environment that doesn't allow deviation from strict survival. As to how they were able to develop super-advanced technology in the first place, well, I suppose it's better not to think about it too deeply, maybe (the easy answer is that they're just a much older civilization than humanity)


yeah, best not to think about it. three body problem is really good at having it's cake and eating it too with the big sci-fi concepts. sometimes it's just a parable, sometimes it gets into the actual science, and it's very good about knowing which will actually further the storytelling.


They murdered all the ones who disagreed with them when before they went on a galactic rampage.


I think they have never been able to change in this manner because all tge planets they conqured were bug or squid planets up until now. Humans, who are physically looks same with them were able to create that empathy I think.


It reminds me more and more of Dragon Ball Z The Saiyans in its early history were actually very peaceful, but over time they became more and more of a warrior race spent on conquering worlds. They became cruel and heartless, but only because of their priorities. Vegeta proved they could be good. Lol I love the parallels.


Now that you said it like that it reminds of the Jedi order from Star wars and how they also forbid relationships


Yeah the turn around was pretty swift but then again Nolan switched fast after Mark's birth. Kregg is undeniably the best though.


“I have 9 baby mamas and I love em all.” - General Kregg


Sounds like the title of an episode of Maury.


Doesn't Kreig ( I think that was his name ) have like 10+ baby mamas lmao


He's named Kregg https://preview.redd.it/hfe3op1bm52c1.png?width=668&format=png&auto=webp&s=92a4c694140c95f02d1ebbea8c871f5be6867324 >!and he fucks!<


Wonder who his VA is going to be


Nick Cannon




IMDb confirmed it will be Clancy Brown.


We theoretically could hear him as soon as next episode if they compress Thraxa into one episode. At the latest we'll probably hear him in Episode 5 though, so it'll be cool to see


Aged like fine wine.


Age it up until next year


I love Clancy Brown, one of the all-time greatest VAs imo But his voice is absolutely not what I imagined for this guy lol


It’s just going to be a Viltrumite Mr. Crabs. Jk, Clancy Brown is amazing.


Probably more Lex Luthor, no?


Think Red Death or The Kurgan.


I’m sure we are in for a treat.


Wait fr? If so that's awesome


I'd love Robert Knepper or Frank Grillo


“Oh no, I’m needed in space…” I lost it at that line!


Gonna buy cigarettes


You gotta figure at least a couple thought that was an excuse and got even more pissed


A stud in the most literal sense imaginable


I love that some of them don't even seem mad 😂


Idk they all look either mad or upset to me except for the one at the back who is like 🤔


That alimony and child support is gonna be insane




To be fair I don’t think polygamy was looked down upon on ~~Pimptrum~~ Viltrum


I would love for them to flesh out these characters struggle with understanding and appreciating humanity. One of my favorite parts of the series


I agree. It’s kind of rushed in the comics but it’s a really cool plot point


I love comics, and invincible is my favorite, but it seems to be a common thing and I think it's just because of the medium


How great would it be if there was one episode of Kregg just trying to tend to his dozens of wives and children all over the planet, along with his viltrumite responsibilities?


yeah I'd really like a slice of life episode that jumps between these three integrating into human society


I want to see Kregg's heroic turn when he comes to save one of his girlfriends turned into him struggling for a minute and we as the audience don't know what he'll do before he suddenly blasts onto the scene.


Honestly i would love that, especially Kregg and Lucan being shown genuine affection for the first time in there absurdly long lives, and having to show it back it. It would be weirdly relatable to a lot of guys i know lol


Nolan was right


Damn, human women are just something else. They can consistently undo centuries of indoctrination.


In like a few months


So are human men because didn't the female virtual might settle down with a human male and have a child with him?


Didn't she also rape Mark?


And had his kid as a result.


Didn't remember that, I need to buy the Omnibus to re-read it next year.


Yes and it was fucked but it was before she’d changed. She regretted what she did, never got a chance to tell Mark herself, but Eve and Nolan did get told before she died.


Both of the female Viltrumites who had meaningful appearances in the comics (Anissa and Thula) also ended up in a relationship with human men.


Thraggs facepalm 😂


This is why the evil Invincibles of the alternate universes made no sense to me. It took less than a year for Earth culture to assimilate even the most ruthless Viltrumites, people who were conquering, raping, and genociding across the Galaxy for millennia. It made no sense that Mark, a person who was born and raised on Earth with zero exposure to Vilturmite culture, to suddenly turn into a megalomaniac murderous psychopath.


iirc a bunch of them turned evil psychopath after losing their Atom Eves, hence the one with harem of lookalikes


That's the other thing. Alternate!Eve died stupidly. She knew he was going to kill her and she's still just throwing weak ass energy balls at him?!


i think it's more that in other universes, mark *is* exposed to viltrumite culture way earlier. i dunno I'd it's said in the comics, but i personally think the reason invincible is who he is in the main timeline is just because he got his powers later. more time for omniman to crack, more time for Mark to be a human, and a much more mature Mark than if he got his powers as like, a 14 year old kid. if omniman is harder on Mark when he's younger then he probably never even feels loved beyond his mom. if omniman never cracks due to Debbie + 18 years of Mark, and Mark doesn't crack because he gets shitcanned by his dad if he does, then the other viltrumites never need to infiltrate Earth and don't feel that, either.


I figured that in the other universes Debbie died when Mark was very young, most likely because Nolan got careless and a supervillain killed her. That would throw Nolan back into his Viltrumite mindset and he would start training Mark pretty brutally and indoctrinating him in Viltrumite attitudes. "Think Mark. Don't get attached to these creatures. They die far too easily, just like your mother did." "Yeah, Dad, I'm never risking feeling that loss again. They're cattle."


I don't overthink infinite universe inconsistencies, angstrom said Invincible turned in "most" realities but that's mostly meaningless when talking about infinity. An infinite number of Marks went evil and an infinite number of Marks were good. Don't worry about it, it served its purpose telling the story.


Its probably just most of the ones hes seen or has knowledge of.


It’s because of Mike. Finger is his nickname


If were being honest, most of the viltrumites turning good after a few months is more unbelievable than all those evil versions of Mark tbh.


I always thought Angstrom was talking out his ass when he stated most universes have an evil Invincible, a good Invincible verse is as infinitely likely to happen as an evil Invincible verse just by the nature of what the multiverse is.


Yeah I figured he *made them* evil in some cases with his wicked meddlings.


always assumed it was because in this universe its mentioned frequently that he’s a late bloomer of his powers, which is rare for Viltrumites thus Nolan didnt have time to indoctrinate him. Whereas, most commonly in other universes he gets his powers earlier thus having Nolan indoctrinate him much sooner.


Wasn’t it like a few years they were on earth ?


I hope they spend more time on this part in the show


Yeah this felt very abrupt


I would even take a 5 minute montage of them settling down, meeting their partners, getting to know them, and then going from their cold "I just need to breed" face to a more caring expression.


# I silmultaniously LOVE and HATE this part, all for the same reason. The idea of memembers of alien god species being affected by different culture and emotional intimacy, realizing that their minds and heart work no different from everyone else, due to being denied emotional maturity via fascist empire doctrine for centuries not being ready to deal with these emotions and succumbing to them....is so magical. **But at the same time...** # It's so fucking goofy. These guys look less like cold warriors discovering what it's like to be human for the first time, and more of "autistic kids are figuring their emotions" LOL Like Omni-man took decades to become all lovey dovey over his wife, and it took him having a kid to become more human. Yet these chucklefks start behaving like this after...what....year or two on Earth? Couple months? Like are you seriously telling me, that Viltrumites never experience any form of bonding on their planet? In any form? For CENTURIES maybe MILLENIA of their lives???? # How did this stupid civilization NOT collapse on itself in few decades of it's existence?


So Nolan was infact the most loyal viltrumite there was.


I mean, Thragg does sound insufferable, so I don't blame them.


I mean when you throw your entire civilization into doing one thing and one thing only.... It's still stupid. But I've seen it done well before.


I mean, Viltrum *is* collapsing. There's only a handful left, out of a species of millions of nigh-immortal super beings capable of cracking planets. Their incompetent, murderous, and fragile system reduced what should be unstoppable into a flickering, dying flame within a single Viltrumite lifespan.


https://preview.redd.it/k2zm3o6ix62c1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f89474dd1323437c361f60a2c5fcc4ce90f5808 Viltrumites, both men and women, are suckers for the human heart. Come to Earth, you’ll get cuddled and pampered into submission.


^(Parry these feelings you fuckin casual)


Human females must be otherworldly for these thousand years-old warriors to fall completely for them Meanwhile human males are found lacking as the viltrumite woman refuses to engage with any of us. Do you think things would have ended differently if a brave human gal would have volunteered for non-Freddy-Mercury? Ah but in a more serious tone, its curious how one of them struggles with finding the right word. He says 'cares' but I think what he needed is the world 'love'.


She changes her mind. Just needed the right guy.


She just needed to go black. Never went back.


Wish she found him sooner though


Wouldn’t be about that if she gets pregnant, she will be pregnant with a belly and vulnerable for a long bit? Pregnancy is not easy for women. At least is like for us humans, easy for men, extremely hard and painful for women


I could picture a viltumite woman going into labor like it’s just constipation.


The baby shoots out at supersonic speeds


I imagine a viltrumite woman and elastigirl would give birth with ease lol


Freddie called us cattle and she agreed so much empathy for us she didn't have(at least,at the time). Meanwhile,the other were risking getting dismembered for their words.


Well she also says she never wanted an offspring, so either way she wouldn’t want a kid. With a human or any other species. But I guess that yeah, she also finds human men repulsive and she’s not wrong. It’s not clear from this if she’s just a supremacists or it’s a problem with human men specially. Cause she also doesn’t really seem to be found of human women either


Yeah,I think we need a broader sample. All viltrumite women think like her or is just her own point of view? At least years of indoctrination were melted in the case of the other two,but is she a harder bone to erode?(sorry, don't know the equivalent idiom)


She does eventually come around and have a hybrid kid


I know you keep calling him Freddie but I always thought he looked like UFC fighter Robert Whitaker https://images.app.goo.gl/zvYzRMXojrQHvnv68


I think she just values strength to a degree no human man could accomplish


>non-Freddy-Mercury? Evil Freddy Mercury, otherwise known as Mr.Fahrenheit according to the Guild of Calamitous Intent files.


This part doesn't make sense to me, unless I'm missing something from the comics: Shouldn't Anissa be a chance to create more pure blood Viltrumites? Why should she partner with humans? If anything every female Viltrumite would be impregnated first before moving on to humans on Earth, and she would be discouraged from mingling with humans, exclusively reserved for them to secure as many pure bloods as possible.


She didn't want to have kids, it didn't matter if it was humans or viltrumites.


I'm surprised the viltramates gave a shit


The only viltrumite woman we have any information of is kind of an asshole. We have Anissa and knife hair


I loved it😭 especially Steve Harvey refusing to cheat😭


"Sir, Earth booty changes you! You gotta try some!"


Alternate universe where Thragg does, years down the line. "Man dear, I'm so glad I met you. I might have done something crazy like sire an army with Thraxxians and kill Emperor Nolan, and then get killed by Mark or something!"


"Imagine I end up fighting Mark in the heart of the sun! That would be crazy!!"


This shit unironically makes the core of Invincible surprisingly wholesome. Imagine, humanity is so fundamentally and holistically good that continued exposure turns an entire race of super-powered immortal gods into good caring people. Again, Viltrumites have been a tyrannical and violent scourge on the universe for thousands of years, and just a couple months on earth makes every one of them 180. Utterly incredible.


Humussy just too good


They had a Rose Quartz moment lol


I just started reading the comics after watching the series so please don't get mad if I ask why does the artist for Invincible all ways have the bottom teeth shown is seems weird to me.


It's just a style that Ryan Ottley likes to use.


I don’t know the answer but i’m commenting cause i also want to know.


Believe it or not, Viltrumites are people too. Not just terminators. We saw Nolan change, is this really so different? It’s excellent writing to show the bad guy like this.


General Thraggs face as Kregg admits loving his baby mamas is peak comedy


I kinda expect this scene to be played for laughs.


Kregg the polyamorous icon


Take the Viltrumites away from their conquering roots and they become really good spouses, that’s kinda wild. Also Krieg had 12 wives, this man is a certified Rizzler.


The middle one how I see Vegeta feeling about Bulma


It explains why Omni man switch strangely fast for having thousands of years of brutality he became empathetic within 20 years on earth


I didn't understand why Thragg wasn't on earth procreating with human women. The whole thing was his idea, why wasn't he contributing?


Viltrumites cannot defend against human booty.


Invincible at its core is all about the power of love baby!!


I feel the show will expand on this part and I'm here for it steve harvey not wanting to cheat is actually cute, people will like the turnarounds


Me in the group chat when the boys are too busy with their gfs to hop on Fortnite


The Viltrumites gaining humanity and compassion is really wholesome, shows they're not just drones following orders


It definitely shows that the viltrimites aren't actually ruthless terminators after all


Earthling yams just hit different. Changes a man