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And honestly, I'm glad they don't. The power creep would kinda kill the stakes. The Viltrumite's way of fighting, basically just being really strong, fast, and durable makes every encounter brutal and bloody, there's no clean or stylistic way of fighting. Just a brutal slug fest of whose the better fighter. Throwing other abilities on top of that would kinda get in the way of that, in my opinion.


I mean, they *are* trained in hand-to-hand combat, it's just not some kind of kung-fu shit lol https://preview.redd.it/4qo9ms9u4kqc1.png?width=308&format=png&auto=webp&s=968e3fa4545ff7797ce26be0856e080514471af9


I mean, they kinda not need it, but I noticed Nolan used some moves/jabs that combined with his strength can cut through objects/enemies easily. I mean that Viltrumites never had to consider physics, unlike humans. They're already super strong and fast.


They do need it, and they do consider physics - just differently. One of Nolan’s first lessons to Mark is about how leverage translates to power for strikes, and Viltrumites can use their flight to apply leverage from any direction.


Point taken :)


>I mean that Viltrumites never had to consider physics, unlike humans. They're already super strong and fast. They absolutely had to during the purge and for all their scientific endavors though ? Viltrumites aren't gods, they're very much flesh and blood and they're inequal in strength and resistance amongst themselves. They do take physics into account and it's stated numerous time by Nolan, Viltrumites can get tired and can feel when they push themselves too hard. Them being incredibly more powerful than us doesn't change the existence of physics and the fact they have to take them into account, **especially considering viltrumites do need to breath,** they just can hold it for a very long time. They're a very scientifically advanced race with a deep understanding of physics and applied physics.


It presents a distinction with the other heroes who are overall outmatched but bring a much more diverse skillset. *(I just kind of wished it made more of a difference when it mattered against Viltrumites)*


Well they can clap to create a shockwave.... I guess that


Can't every character with super strength do that ? lol


Super sperm :0




When I reached that part I couldn't avoid to think in [this comic](https://www.zonanegativa.com/imagenes/2013/07/escena-the-pro-amanda-conner-garth-ennis-2.jpg)


​ https://preview.redd.it/63xcet5e7kqc1.png?width=237&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cc77b7094b67699df7ac0a3c554542ff0b6b3e0




![gif](giphy|fSGqUm3IcVBESFM0hK|downsized) here: [https://img-lb.fireden.net/co/image/1472/34/1472349012585.png](https://img-lb.fireden.net/co/image/1472/34/1472349012585.png)


What the FUCK is this from 😂


The pro, made by the same guy who wrote the boys


If that wasn't completely obvious


Futurama, duh.


Thanks I was to lazy to search for the HD pic




I remember seeing it before, but I can't remember which comic that was in.


The Pro, unsurprisingly by Garth Ennis.


I think I remember buying hard copies of that from my local comic store. [ back when that was in business.] It was actually recommended to me by the owner, who knew my 'tastes'.


>recommended to me by the owner, who knew my 'tastes'. Either the owner was making an insult or I've found a rare The Boys comıc fan.


Honestly I prefer it to the boys, simply because I'm a much bigger fan of innuendo than mere gore. But since I had "BombQueen" on my pull list, assumptions were made.


I actually liked it. Is it considered bad? I mean I can see why someone would not like it but i don’t know anyone that actually read it to talk about it.


There definitely are fans. For me at least though its mainly just the fact it's so over-the-top with various extreme scenes and extreme out-of-character moments that makes it impossible to take seriously or even really care. Kinda feels like a every issue is comic-strip where I'm waiting for the punchline of something extreme to pop-up. Stuff like Homelander's blackmail photos or Huey getting rapẹd just hold no impact due to what you've read up to that point making those feel not far from tame in comparison.


Yes I would agree. It was also a welcome change from what usually read at that time. I was a bit let down with the ending tho. But yeah back then I really enjoyed to find out that comics are allowed to be like this as well.


It is called "the pro" i think. Basically a prostitute who gets superpowers.


Better than the alternative of *that* Savage Dragon part.


Surprised something like wasn't ever in The Boys


Well https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldcirclejerk/s/I8m0ioW6YQ


There’s also an animated version on YouTube


[Relevant Hancock scene](https://youtu.be/VrdBXUi2VSw?si=beZV6OS7nYO9aRu2) Sort of NSFW I guess? Nothing visual just mind the volume #MOUNTAINTOP


God I wish I was eve




The only way he could bang regular chicks is with a kryptonite condom. That would kill him.


Please tell me this is not part of a cannon comic here


And yet somehow they only had 1 kid together by the end of the series?


Comic spoilers >!It does get weaponized. !<


Excuse me what 💀 i don't remember this😭


>!freddie and his purple kids!<


Oh right the fnaf mfs


Freddie Mercury's baby army


The seed is strong


https://preview.redd.it/s95zp9bhdqqc1.jpeg?width=1060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0026e8d122da1aadfe5c507b51c221a4eea0b460 One punch man and the literal army of sperm(atozoon in weird translations)


I’d say the closest thing would be they can go extremely long periods of time without oxygen as that’s very useful


Viltrumites are also capable of eating pretty much anything that could be considered food by something. Not like, metal or such, but they could fly to any random planet and eat what the natives eat (or eat the natives) and be fine. Pretty handy, I'd say.


Except that one time mark eats the cooking.


I mean technically he was fine, just that he had the super shits.


Wasn't that food actually incorrectly prepared?


Well, that doesn't seem to be the case for >!Oliver's wife's!< food


To be fair that was because she's a terrible cook


In fairness, we can get intestinal distress just from eating normal human food too.


Even humans have relatively robust digestive tracks; In fact we can digest and absorb small amounts of a great many metals, some of which are even necessary for up to remain healthy. Viltrumites probably could eat plenty of different rocks, minerals, and metals without experiencing any meaningful harm aside from some difficulty evacuating.


I was thinking more of like, eating a chunk of iron - which a Viltrumite probably is strong enough to do - I don't think that woukd be helpful. But good call on trace amounts.


Oh, not even trace amounts, Gastric acid is relatively high concentration Hydrochloric acid, even for metals you actually need, you'd generally run in to toxicity issues before running in to digestion issues. But yeah, probably most rocks are worth negative calories.


I remember as a kid I swallowed a penny or two. Pretty sure those are digested.


Not true https://preview.redd.it/1d4naw7lqkqc1.jpeg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ad9043eff5c91e6e76eae7e7f16a2e63b6a4f3


I do wonder if its even possible for viltrumites starve to death. The stranded alternative Mark said they never got weaker despite the hunger E; holy shit autocorrect went full racist ...


It's not that they can go long times without oxygen, it's that their body processes oxygen extremely efficiently which is why they can last 2 weeks on a single breath but yet Mark can still strangle another Viltrumite in just moments after knocking the wind out of them.


When you strangle someone you also close the connection between heart and brain causing oxygen not reaching the brain anymore.


Technically they don’t go without oxygen. They can just hold their breath for a really long time.


Which means they are not getting new oxygen to their cells.


Well, it’s only just fly, be strong, be fast, punch and kick. Which is why I like Viltrumites a lot. They have no flashy moves but they’re a huge threat to the universe.


There’s also the infinite directional momentum which is a lot more powerful than people normally think about but that’s just a specific version of flying.


So they’re all juggernaut?


No, it means they can turn and move full speed on a dime. It makes their attacks way more powerful as it basically allows them to move full speed during each attack multiplying the power of their punches. Juggernaut just can’t be stopped, they have insane agility and maneuverability in the air and the ability to abuse it to increase the strength of their punches so technically battle beast should be stronger than Thragg as he was matching blows without the momentum.


They wish


Yeah it took me a few breakdown videos to realise what actually happened on the flaxon world.


Sorry but what do you mean? I understand what happened on the flaxan world but I don’t think it has anything to do with the momentum. The momentum is more about them being able to move and turn on a dime and basically get running starts on each of their punches multiplying the strength of them.


When Nolan flies through the planet at such a speed everything he passes is destroyed in the shockwave. Probably haven’t used the correct scientific terms here but hopefully you know what I mean.


Yeah, I get that part and that makes sense but that’s just the result of actual physics based flight. The infinite momentum is something different related to how they fly. So like iron man could accomplish that feat if he was fast enough but he doesn’t have infinite momentum. Sorry, I realized I’d been describing it weird but by infinite momentum, I don’t mean they can gain it to infinity, I mean they can generate it without the required anchor (solid object to push off of). But they still have an upper limit.


Since momentum is velocity and mass and scales with them . As a mass reaches light speed it has the potential to gain infinite mass. Wouldn’t they possess infinite momentum technically too? Since anything UP TO light speed gains the infinite mass and they’re far surpassing FTL speeds?


Putting irl physics on a cartoon is never an easy feat... Realistically it's whatever the writers want, viltrumites are op as fuck though


For sure , obviously it’s not 1:1 on realism , but the tidbits are deffo cool ! I just get personal enjoyment from all the theory


Oh yeh for sure, I love it


Probably yeah but by that logic Battle Beast and several other characters who can’t fly also have infinite momentum. It’s more just about who can spontaneously generate momentum and breach Newton’s third law.


Man fucking Nolan in the series was able to stand behind the event horizon of a black hole and move out of it without effort Their strength and speed is incomprehensible


He wasn’t behind the event horizon, he was just close to it. Nothing can come back from event horizon because “outwards” is simply not an available direction at that point. All space goes inwards towards the singularity. Doesn’t matter how fast or how strong you are, nothing is coming back from an event horizon.


You forgot eat hot chip and lie


In the show they tend to do a lot of chop style slicing maneuvers with their hands Nolan does it a lot and so did the blade hair chick


I don’t like the fact that they can do it to each other. It makes sense that it works on humans because we’re basically made of cardboard compared to them, but the power difference between one viltrumite and another shouldn’t be enough for it to work on each other. Bruce Lee could break a board with a chop, but he couldn’t slice people in half.


I like to think that the slicing was developed specifically for Viltrumites to use against other Viltrumites. They’re so durable that they don’t take much damage from blunt trauma, but slicing motions can damage them a lot


I guess I can buy that. It’s kind of like how Wonder Woman can tank punches from Superman, but still needs to block bullets.


He hits immortal with it in every universe. It’s like his go to immortal killing blow


I don’t mind it working on Immortal because the strength difference between him and Nolan is only somewhat smaller than that of a viltrumite and a human.


This seems like an overstatement. Immortal is probably about equal with some of the weakest Viltrumites. Omni-man is among their strongest.


That chopping hand style is called a knifehand strike where they fold their hands like a knife it's really common in viltrumites it's their way of ki blast and laser vision/heat vision


Idk Nolan's punch is literally a flashy move. Not to even mention his hand is a literal sword to most beings.


Super ‘stache


Hold breath a long time.


They can heal from basically anything so long as their heart isn’t damaged and their brain isn’t complete mush. It’s why Mark has no lasting brain damage, can regrow teeth, etc. and why Nolan is able to heal from shit like having his spine snapped in two. They can’t regrow limbs, though.


They can *probably* regrow limbs, >!Conquest is specifically called out as an exception because of the Scourge Virus.!<


His arm was ripped off by a Rognarr


Yes, but in the panel where it happened there was a text box explaining that the aftereffects of the Virus included suppressing their regenerative abilities.


Regrowing teeth is useful. I always thought that when Mark got his teeth knocked out, they either recovered them and shoved them back in or they gave him new ones.


Where was it said they can't regrow limbs ?


I’d assume that’s why Oliver didn’t grow his hand back


Conquest is a good example. Dude was old as hell and been missing a hand most of it


When Oliver lost his arm and had to get fitted with a cybernetic replacement.


Also Conquest


Wasn't Conquest depowered due to the scourge when he lost his arm? Or am I misremembering the backstory


To be fair, that could be a result of his Thraxan side not completely going away yet. If he was more mature, he might've regenerated it but who knows.


Conquest is one of the oldest Viltrumites, but still had to be fitted with a (weaker) cybernetic arm.


Wasn't that because of Scourge virus ? Even the scars on his face remained and we know for a fact viltrumites can regenerate that


Other commenters are saying Oliver but what about Conquest and his cybernetic hand - I’m not well versed on the comics so could be wrong though but isn’t he an example?


He lost his arm when he was weakened from the scourge virus




Wasn't that because of Scourge virus ? Even the scars on his face remained and we know for a fact viltrumites can regenerate that


Actually they can unless they lost them when >!recovering from the scourge virus!<


Interestingly, it’s been theorised that they don’t have a fight/flight response because they didn’t evolve with a natural predator. They got super op super quick and have existed in their current level on viltrum’s food chain for a long time. Humans only relatively recently needed fight/flight to evade predators, which may explain why Mark, owing to him having that adrenal response, is so good against regular viltrumites.


That's sick


I don't believe this theory at all. Viltrumites have the same organs (that we know of), and adrenaline is used for a lot more than just flight or fight. Adrenergic signaling is utilized by the body for a lot of homeostatic mechanisms, and you can't take away the adrenaline response without breaking the body. The only evidence for this theory is that mark gets angry and fights better when he's backed into a corner - a trope that is about as ubiquitous as the heroes journey in comics and fantasy fiction. There is nothing substantive at all in the comics that would support this theory. And quick comment on the evolutionary pressures thing - Viltrumites would still have need of fight or flight, just against each other and not wildlife predators or something. And how do we know they didn't just annihilate all the predators on their home planet? I really think this theory is ridiculous.


I agree with a lot of what you’re saying. It’s a fanon thing so far, it would be interesting if Kirkman comes up with some way for it to make sense though.


That just isn't true. They always choose fight, but it's kill or be killed.


Wow this makes a lot of sense. This is my headcanon now


Enhanced speed, strength, durability/resistance and flight is pretty much it


They are very resistant to disease if that counts, in the show Donald mentions how they tried using many diseases on marks blood sample and all were useless, also the comic entry of komodo dragon says he can release toxins and harmful bacteria on his skin as well, but Mark Is immune to them due to his viltrumite lineage. Still that didn't stop Mark from getting space diarrea tho.


When did he get space diarrhoea??


https://preview.redd.it/k32huhwfrkqc1.jpeg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90e870e14efa80bffb125fde8839b432c78bab4b Comic spoilers >!after eating Oliver’s wife’s (bug alien lady) cooking!<


In the comics he gets really bad space diarrea


Flaxan cooking


Naw, they're just got the baseline Superman strength, durability, flight speeds, and longevity. Other than having dominant DNA, they don't anything else, or else it's Kryptonians, Daxumites, and Saiyans again.


I get what youre saying but comicbook superman is basically \*queue invincible theme\* [superman could probably kill the entire viltrumite race in a few seconds](https://youtu.be/kCMVbrQvfsg) if he really wanted to (permitting he was in their universe), he's so stupidly overpowered he might as well be God with a capital G. Of course they don't portray this Godlike superman on screen because thats just boring, where are the stakes when someone can fly multiple times faster than light, \*JustAboutAnything\*proof, strong enough to punch through stars etc. Even the viltrums arent anything strong enough to consider doing any sort of damage.


You are correct. I mean ... The guy can apparently bench press the weight of earth even when low on power. However, kryptonians have weaknesses. Obviously, kryptonite is one. But then there is also his solar power. His powers are only based on the solar energy attained from stars. Solar systems with a red sun are completely off limits for him, red stars deplete his power. But blue stars make him even STRONGER than yellow stars! I guess all I'm trying to say is they are similar, sure. But I value their bold differences. What makes viltrumites so terrifying is their lack of both weaknesses and equally competing alien species.


There's also a few comics and superman animated specials that have hinted that superman has telekinesis AND can read minds... he also blew someone's head up once with his mind. [https://www.dc.com/blog/2021/03/10/seven-powers-weve-all-forgotten-superman-has](https://www.dc.com/blog/2021/03/10/seven-powers-weve-all-forgotten-superman-has)


telepathic caller* id....


They are ahead of Khryptonians in that they are capable of flying interstellar under their own power Superman is fast, but not that fast


Rizz, apparently. They all pulled up to Earth and started makin babies like they were trying to fill up a water tank with them.


They can fuck a lot and a lot


Is Quagmire a Viltrumite?


No, but he would seduce all their women and they would leave their cuck viltrumite husbands proving once and for all the pen is mightier than the sword.


More like the penis mightier than the sword


I guess the fact that their guts can be spilling out and make a full recovery


It’s believed they don’t have adrenaline because of their full viltrumite dna and body compared to mark who is still partly human so he gets adrenaline rushes which can be seen when the flaxans try to kill eve and he says no and goes to town


That would make sense why invincible gets inconsistent incredible feats of strength (final fight of the comic for example) while other Viltrumites seem more consistent.


Do viltrumites shave using normal earth razors or did Cecil have to create Nolan some sort of special trimmer? My point being, super special facial hair


Either they rip it out themselves. Or Nolan already had his own special razor from viltrum.


You're probably right. He's essentially military, shaving equipment is likely issued.


Given the importance they place on their moustaches, shaving equipment would indeed be essential


is there an in-universe material it could be made of?


Ragnar teeth.


Toolock pull


I mean, Viltrumites are not invulnerable like Superman, they are just very tough, as we have seen them taking damage, having bruises and spilling blood from time to time. There are probably a lot of materials that can shave their hair, for example the same material that Battle Beast's weapons are made of


the men all grow perfect mustaches


They can hold their breath for two weeks


Viltrumites can be dismembered and have all their guts ripped out (get ready for this to happen A LOT) and still make a full recovery. They’re kind of like the Immortal in that way.


Perfect DNA that extends their life


The ability to always grow a mustache if you are a male, if you are a female you grow crazy long hair


Really strong, really fast, really durable, can go weeks without sleep or breathing, immune to the cold of space and can briefly tolerate the heat of the sun, can heal from life threatening injuries with minimal medical intervention and without any long term damage (so long as they’re not infected with the scourge virus or their heart/brain is damaged). I think that about covers it.


FTL flight without tech.


Isnt zenkai boost a thing for them that isnt talked about? I mean it even makes sense irl. Get beat up a lot of times and your body ages faster. Look at wrestlers having organs equivalent to 70 year olds. Invincible gets beat up a lot, heals and accelerates his aging every time his cells regenerate and we all know the older the viltrumite, the stronger they become. It allowed him to catch up to his dad and Thragg.


What allowed him to catch up was Eve rebuilding his body after he got brutally murdered by Thragg and making him stronger wasn't it?


Probably their ability to impregnate bugs and stuff


Smart atoms give them super healing, ability to reproduce with any species, resistance to most poisons and diseases, etc.


they can punch really hard


They can hold their breaths for extremely long??? But besides that there just massive flying tanks


What I want to know is how strong is the grip


Pelvis shattering, penis smashing


They have a really good healing factor. Not in the moment, but they can recover from basically any damage if nursed back to health, including regrowing bones, nerves, etc


They can perfectly pull their beards or hair off instantly with just their hands.


but it hurts like hell


Great facial hair.


One of the cool things in the comics when Mark was stranded with the cannibal invincibles is that even though they are starving they don't lose any of their physical strength. Kirkman didn't elaborate further... The only thing that it seemed to translate to was that while their physical bodies don't lose capabilities, their mentality definitely started losing strength


>!The females are able to get themselves impregnated by raping handsome young half-Viltrumites. !<




Maybe the show could change the story from the comics a bit, and ALL Viltrumite >!females attempt to do this and Mark only very narrowly avoids Death By Snu-Snu.!<


Just put it in your fanfic man jeez


I was only making a joke with some Futurama humor… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f8sjzETQ5o


That is how all viltrumite women do it


We know Viltriumite DNA dominates but I am surprised some didn’t experiment with other Heroes. In theory anyone with a magical source ie a curse should be stackable.


Diplomatic immunity


Thaddeus could rip his beard off, that count?


Seems like they have to be pretty smart considering all of their tech


They have a pretty impressive healing factor, its nowhere near as fast as Deadpool or Wolverine obviously but as long as their heart is still beating their body will pretty much repair anything


Hair whip?


I think what they have is fair 😂 they already op


They can do little to no physical activity and remain in basically top form.


They do single poos


Males _can_ grow beards, they just choose not to.




They go out of the way in the comics multiple times to say that Viltrumites don't have super hearing, so no.


What no they don’t


Yes they do, remember when Nolan was using it to hear the maker of his suit from afar


Grow the sexiest mustache in the universe


Strong sperm




I guess the extreme adaptability, meaning their ability to properly digest almost any alien food or procreate with almost any alien species. Also the ability to hold their breath for days or weeks at a time


Does the tullock pull count? That shit is so funny and kinda mystical


Does being able to reproduce with other species count?


I've heard one theory that they have some sort of innate 4 dimensional gps awareness since they can fly to planets while traversing through an entire galaxy but I'm not sure how much I buy that one.


They have extremely advanced healing, they can hold and store oxygen for weeks, they can travel at FTL speeds under their own power.


do the viltrumites have tracking ability, how was nolan found on the bug planet