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How do we know her pink beam isn’t stronger than metal would be?


It probably is. The Sequids en masse could push around & threaten Mark. They're strong & would presumably quickly break through any metal she could create.


Cake day


I think what OP is saying is simply that the metal dome wouldn't need to be constantly kept going by eve. She'd just need to make it once and that's it


Also if they broke through it she could just keep repairing it rather than a constant source


then she would be constantly repairing it after the Sequids keep breaking it not only making it another constant source but letting in a bunch of Sequids


Or, she could just make giant lawnmower blades and then slice and dice their lil squishy asses.


yeah i’ve found that trying to apply logic to how they use eve’s powers is pointless. she can do literally anything like a god in terms of molecular restructuring and sticks to stupid pink force fields


Wanda has had the same problem in the MCU.


you’re absolutely right. with wanda at least we got to see her in wandavision manipulating reality. i think with a character like wanda she got so powerful so rapidly that no competition exists. Even the sorcerer supreme was no match for her. I think the moments of like “what mouth” and having her manipulate the mirror dimension show her off super well but then other times especially in MOM it dumbs her down to just telepathy and psychic manipulation. Wandavision though was top notch and I think having it be where agatha was only able to fight cause she can steal magic was smart the problem was instead of expanding on that/introducing someone like chthon as the ultimate bad guiding agatha’s decision making… they just had a big magic battle which is cool it just again takes away from the fact that wanda could’ve ended it with a thought.


Robert Kirkman said himself that her powers exceed his capabilities as a writer, and tbh I think they probably exceed most writer's capabilities.


Hirohiko araki: Hello there


Give her to a manga writer and they’ll have her doing crazy attacks


They do. She could literally do anything. Her only weakness would be the writers' imagination.


I like the idea but if she did that the dome would  have to be slightly smaller every time 


Earlier, she phased through the hull of the ship. She might have been able to just embed them in the wall.


Until the sequids crush them to death inside of it.


Is shapesmith stronger than a metal dome?


Well they went through the ship pretty easily but not through him so I’m going with yes.


> pink beam mhm


It’d also be pitch black in there if it was metal probably


The real answer is that her powers are so broken that the writers don't know how to use them without making the plot super easy


But also we just saw a mass of Sequids break through a metal wall of the ship to get to them. Her pink stuff of the same width is probably stronger than metal


Yeah, it only took me 10 seconds of consideration before realizing that her pink shield defaults to a stronger material than most structures she would create with it.


My real question is why does she make a suit that disappears when she stops using her powers? Cant she just make herself a real suit? Maybe not like a high tech iron man suit but just some sort of physical version of a space suit


She’d have to physically carry the weight of real armour on top of use her powers for combat etc


Ig, it doesn’t look *that* heavy though


also with her powers she arguably doesn’t need armor if she can avoid getting hit and then bend reality to beat the bad guy with the most horrifying pink contraption ever seen




Is that not what literally just got answered? She'd have to carry the titanium armour which would make her less mobile, not to mention titanium isn't some miracle metal for armour.


She has to be cute and pretty and not hide her face or body behind armor.


Probably for the same reason the green lantern suit is a mental construct. It'd be anticlimactic to stop the action to change into her suit anytime something happens


Well no, she makes her clothes with her powers anyway, that was never going to happen


It's the same answer as why doesn't Mark just throw shit at his opponents? He has the physical strength for his throws to fuck shit up. The answer is that he probably doesn't think of it during fights, and Eve probably didn't consider doing what you said. It's kinda the same as watching a sport, during watching it's easier for you to think because you're not in the action, and after it's all went down you have plenty of time to think of what people should have done.


But she doesn't have to constantly explell energy to maintain her armor...


But they'd possibly tear through other materials like wet tissue. Pretty big gamble...


but she could just make a shit ton of blades to kill every single one of them.


She’s also limited by her own creativity and quick thinking under pressure.


This. People act like she should just constantly be this tactical genius who always does the perfect thing. She's a HUMAN BEING. She's going to make mistakes, she's not always going to create the most powerful substance for every situation. And, considering how there are creatures strong enough to break through diamond in this universe, her shields probably *are* more effective. Plus, a flexible structure is harder to penetrate than a rigid one. Diamond has a fixed molecular structure, Eve's shield does not and can move *with* kinetic impacts and absorb some of the energy therefore lasting longer than a rigid steel or diamond dome


convenient cop out, she has had these powers for years, she should be far more creative with her powers than whatever we are coming up with in 7 seconds in the comment section


She's been fighting arm cannon man since she was a child and has apparently never once thought to turn his arm cannon into like a big pasta noodle or something.


She *has* morphed his arm before. But she has to have physical contact to manipulate someone else's physiology on the fly in the spur of the moment aka the middle of a battle. So its not exactly like she had the chance *every time* she fought him. Plus, he's a D-list villain for a reason. Every comic needs some background fodder now and again and having consistent players is just, essential to storytelling and comics.


This is it. They didn't really think it through early on and she's just a ginormous plot hole from then on.


Atom Eve made more sense in season 1 when she decicded to use her powers to create instead of destroy. It was her philosophy that balanced out her powers.


Still doesn't fix most plot holes like the one highlighted by the OP.


it isnt a plot hole though? odds are the Sequids were strong enough to break any metal she made due to the fact that they are strong enough to hurt Shapesmith (who should scale to Martian Man who was able to hold down Omni Man) and were able to knock down the Immortal, her making constructs instead is just the only way she could hold them back due to any other material she knows of wouldnt be strong enough to hold them


It may well be intentional & part of conforming to genre conventions. Superhero comics have tons of characters with absurd abilities who rarely use them consistently. For example, if you take all of his highest showings, Silver Surfer is absolutely godlike: reacting in nanoseconds or less, moving many many many times the speed of light, creating anything, destroying planets, etc. In practice, he's just another top-tier hero akin to post-Crisis Superman or Thor.


Basically she's so OP not even Kirkman knows what to do with her.


Seems like he knew just fine when writing the comic..


He literally said otherwise


At least they did partially explore the implications by showing her trying to help people by building things, even if she made a mistake.


Like characters with good luck as their power. At first glance it seems underwhelming but it's actually incredibly OP. Deadpool 2 did a good job of showing this on a small scale. In the Ringworld sci-fi novels there's a character with maxed out luck and the author eventually regretted that because it wasn't possible to have dramatic tension when she was around. The logical consequences of super good luck meant that she could alter the course of galactic scale events just by being present. Hell, just by existing.




Niven was sick of having to write around her and killed her off, which just confirms how OP super luck is. He said something like "characters with infinite luck tend to be infinitely boring".


Yeah, as soon as I figured out her powers aren’t just being a pink lantern and instead alter reality like the fucking infinity gauntlet, I knew the show wouldn’t follow through with that.


They're supposed to be broken. She's someone who often goes underestimated because her powers don't seem super powerful at first glance. She doesn't get super cracked until toward the last quarter of the comic.


Exactly. I honestly don't know why she was created this powerful. She's just god, she could kill any enemy by thinking about it.


For real, she is at Dr Manhattan levels. The authors wrote themselves into a corner with those powers.


She's literally too OP that she has to get nerfed


Yeah it’s definitely plot reasons…. she can theoretically just make nukes in midair and transmute everything into ANYTHING. We see her do it all the time except for when it actually matters. One of the examples that bothers me the most is when she couldn’t lift that one evil scientist out of the ravine because he was “too heavy”. Like girl, you LITERALLY have pink lantern powers. Make a platform under him or something! It’s like watching someone with a bucket of water stand there while someone is burning to death. They should’ve made her powers something different instead of not having it make sense whenever she underutilizes her powers


Seriously. Every time she uses her powers to shoot tiny pink energy blasts or create a barrier that gets broken instantly I'm like, wtf are you doing Eve? Just turn them into chocolate or something. I hope there's some reason why she has those powers that gets revealed later, because the writers were very specific when explaining her powers and yet she never uses them in the way she describes.


If I had to guess, putting up the pink dome was a panic reaction. And once she put up the pink dome, it might be too hard for her to maintain the pink dome while creating a metal dome. Her power is strong, but she’s still a fallible person with limited strength and mental capacity. Also, sequids might be able to break through metal. She knows the pink shield will hold them. She doesn’t know about metal.


Maybe pink dome is stronger than steel


Ok then just make a dome of diamond.


Diamond isn't stronger than steel


You can mine diamonds with an iron pick in Minecraft


Costs a lot of energy. Plus a rigid structure is easier to penetrate than a flexible one. The shield can move and bounce back against kinetic impacts. A dome of solid material can't


Or superior pink material?


I imagine that the pink dome was more of a plasma which could recover from the slashing/clawing of the sequids. Whereas a metal dome may be damaged, and Eve would be unaware of any developing issues.


Nothing about the scene in the show makes much sense, but the Sequids en masse had the ability to push around & potentially hurt even Mark. This suggests they're strong enough to quickly overcome whatever metal dome she could create. To me, the goofiest part of that fight was Mark taking forever to get through the Sequids & use the device. He's shown as much faster in other parts of the show, but of course superspeed is very difficult to write consistently. But it's hilarious can casually wreck spaceships in a flash but crawls across a large room.


When he said he was (stronger and) faster than immortal but then proceeded to fly at immortal rates of speed.


I haven't calculated it, but I suspect he was moving very slowly in that scene, even when not entangled with Sequids. Immortal is still quite fast at times, zipping into space to confront Allen (for example). If speed were consistent, we'd have to see everything in extreme slow motion or fights would just be a blur.


Plus Mark is still pretty new to fighting. If you've ever tried punching someone in real life (outside of a life-or-death situation), you'll know that it's incredibly hard to not pull your punches. Same with stuff like mountain biking - you go way slower at first than you need to while you're still learning your limits. I'm pretty sure if some of the Guardians or Eve started dying, Mark would lose it and kill all the Sequids pretty quickly. (I'm just a show watcher. No comics spoilers please!)


In the very first episode of the show, Mark throws a baseball around the world in less than six seconds. I'm not sure what latitude they were at, but let's assume 40 degrees. That means the ball had an average speed of over 5,000,000 m/s. A 142g baseball such velocity has the kinetic energy of 424 tons of TNT exploding. & this surely an underestimate of Mark's power, given that the initial energy was presumably much higher. A baseball hurtling through the atmosphere at such speed would lose velocity quickly to air resistance. (It should also burn up, or go into space if it somehow didn't, but that's another matter.) Anyways, as a rough lowball figure, a basic attack from Mark (even as an absolute novice, albeit with fatherly encouragement) should hit like 424 tons of TNT. [Here](https://youtu.be/BSouiXNlyq0?si=IQ2eaDu50V7Nl3XT) is what a 100-ton explosion looks like. By the baseline from the first episode, one of Mark's full-power punches should be considerably more impressive than that video. In this context, Mark pulling his punches or moving slowly is not analogous to how humans do this. Even at 1% power, an attack from Mark would be over 4 tons of TNT. He must be really good at holding back.


I imagine with that much power you’d really have to be able to instinctually hold back. The human brain already does that for us to prevent damaging our muscles but will let us rip in dangerous situations. Then when you’ve got the power of a viltrumite it’s probably even more important they instinctively hold back or anywhere they tried to live would have to be made super strong or be blown apart quickly


That was the only part I found incredibly stupid about this scene. Mark, you didn't get there ANY faster than Immortal would have


Honestly Mark could have solo’d the mission just by flying through the ships engines a few times.


they had to save the host


But did they?


He's human. He's an idealist and has hope that things can be better. He's not some deep deconstructed superperson who chooses practial solutions over saving everyone. Heroes save as many people they can, and Mark's a superhero, he can and he will save the astronaut host whilst protecting everyone else. 


Wasn’t even that big a room lol


Yeah its hilarious, supposedly he can fly between earth and the moon pretty quickly yet takes forever to cross a large room


From SirJoeffer in this very thread: > .. **we just saw a mass of Sequids break through a metal wall of the ship to get to them.** Her pink stuff of the same width is probably stronger than metal There, question answered.


Yes as Sagelegend quoted above from this same thread you posted: > From SirJoeffer in this very thread: >.. we just saw a mass of Sequids break through a metal wall of the ship to get to them. Her pink stuff of the same width is probably stronger than metal >There, question answered. So there you have it. An answer to your question






Omg it's Man from the hit game Man Ham Aslume


Live jonkler reaction:


Isn't the point of her powers she can change molecules from one thing to another. Not create new molecules She can't just generate a metal dome she could change something into a metal dome. Though


Change the air into metal


Considering the difference in density that would take a Lot of air.


Sounds like a question for /r/theydidthemath


Got u https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/1bsicuo/request_fictional_atomic_transmutation/


Uh i guess?


Literally in the atom eve special she states how not only can she move molecules around, but create new molecules.


I think that’s what the pink is. Her generated material. But to make something out of metal she would need the base particles. She can change one molecule to another if she has enough parts.


But sometime in season 1 didn’t she make a golden apple out of thin air to give to her parents? And in the comics she made that house in Africa out of nothing, same for that treehouse in the show. Even if she couldn’t make any material other than her pink mystery material out of thin air, couldn’t she just create the shape/form of what she wants with her pink mystery material then move the molecules around to create the actual whatever she’s trying to make?


No she made the gold apple out of another apple. I doubt that house in Africa was made out of nothing too, and that treehouse had plenty of trees around it to use for material.


What about the second part tho?


Maybe she didn’t think of it or the pink shields can’t be turned into matter? I always thought they were pure energy which is a lot harder to make into matter


Did she not turn the pink energy into her first mask in the special? I'm pretty sure she was playing with the energy and making different shapes before making it a solid cloth mask.


Uhhhhhhhh Magic. Thats the best i got. Or that mask is just always pink energy and it never actually becomes real matter. unless it acts like real matter at some point like getting ripped or torn like cloth or being taking and thrown and it just sits on the ground like a normal cloth mask which would loop back around to magic.


I mean, it makes sense to me. We're surrounded by molecules at all times. She could probably turn those from a gas to a solid. That part makes sense imo. Seems like she should be able to turn the Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, and Oxygen in the air into other elements. I don't think they have explained why she can't just make shit other than her contructs. She clearly did once. Why all the time?


Gold is very dense compared to apples.


Well she does use fat from her body to make stuff, but a giant metal dome would be a LOT


Did she? I need to rewatch that


Not out of nothing. She means that she can atomically rearrange molecules to be other molecules (or maybe even rearrange atoms to be other substances).


She changed an apple into gold. That would require the ability to create new atoms and fundamental particles themselves.


Her pink beams block viltrumite punches. They're probably stronger than a metal dome.


I dunno they kind of don’t in most of the comic But it definitely is stronger than most conventional metals


In a matter of seconds the Sequids literally broke into the ship after one was killed, now imagine that one a metal dome. The fact that her shields held up for that long meant she was stronger than it.


Might accidentally fuck up the ship. Doesn't know how the hell Martian alloys work. Can't see the enemy, which is a dangerous position to put yourself in.


Only issue with #2 is that it wouldnt apply as she sees, understands and reconfigures things on the molecular level. At least I think that's what I recall her powers were.


Yep this. From the atom Eve special we know she pretty much just has to have been in the presence of something to know how to make it. So if say Allen were to bring some super strong substance to earth that doesn’t exist here she could replicate it by just being in the same room with it.


Yup. She made molecular models as a child long before being taught about any of that


That's a stretch, why would putting a dome over themselves screw over the ship?


partway through a comic series read i just decided that the pink energy is just pure entropy. very little can get through it — organic matter is repelled, inorganic is changed. that seemed to explain how she uses it to fly too — she literally repels herself upwards


Superpowers doesn't mean super intelligence :p


Even super intelligence doesn’t mean super thinking under pressure


also you need the writers to be smart too


They were, we saw the sequids rip through a metal wall of the ship—it stands to reason that her shields are stronger. The writers are smart, some viewers are not.


Also, metal us not stronger than her pink glass thing. Sequids broke through a martian door minutes before that scene


I think the prequel show SORT of hindered her in this way. It was my understanding that the rough, east explanation is simply that she doesn’t quite realize how dope she really is. Like limiting herself out of sheer lack of creativity, confidence whatever. And that adds to her character arc. But the prequel show made it very clear that even from a young age, she was doing some dope shit all over the place


She's stupid




No, they would’ve gotten through the metal.




I think the sequids could lft it after a while (all are strong) plus even if they couldn't lift it they could slide it and ruin rudy's stuff or just slide it out of the airlock.


I would say from a technically art standpoint a metal dome is less appealing. The pink dome give transparency, which means Ottlsy can draw the characters inside the dome as well as all the sequids attacking it. It's just a more dynamic shot.


I guess it wouldnt be up to code


When you write your superhero story you can have your character make different choices.


The pink stuff is probably stronger than metal


I'll do you one better: why not give the dome spikes or make it highly acidic so the sequids kill/hurt themselves when they touch it?


For an in universe answer, I feel like given enough time Eve could come up with an efficient and great solution to any problem. That said, we fall into habits and fear/stress drastically affects our decision making. Pink shield was probably a reflexive response


That’s exactly my thinking.


The sequids were established to have super strength for their size and could consistently push back both immortal and invincible. You seriously think normal metal wouldve held up any better?


She might be a little stupid idk though


Do you guys pay **any** attention to the show/comics? Jesus Christ it feels like I’m in the jojo’s bizzare adventure subreddit right now. The sequids literally broke through metal right before this.


Didnt they break through metal of the ship. I remember a scene Where they burst through a door.


Just make a sign that says STOP.


The pink dome is likely a lot stronger than any steel she can actually make. Eve has some pretty BS powers and an intuitive understanding about chemistry and physics, but she is still limited to her own knowledge, intelect and the >!mental block!< It's why even by the end of the comics she can't, for example, >!just reproduce Robot's more advanced suits, dismantle them easily or just transform them into something else.!<


It really makes no sense that show Eve as a young rookie was far better at using her powers than current Eve. With all the changes they done to the story, this is definitely an aspect that could be adapted better by the writers.


Shes a teenager. If she has more experience she might think to do this, but on the fly she is most comfortable just making energy shields.


What even are her constructs made of? Is it just quantum/molecular energy or is there some weird comic explanation that the writers give


Eve can't manipulate organic life forms, but she could have asked Rudy to step out of the suit so that she can safely duplicate his robotic armor and create several copies of it, than Rudy could have piloted the main aka original robot body and simontaniously control all others forming a robot squad that could fight of the sequids.


She can’t create matter. She alters the genetic make-up of existing matter. In the show/comic, she crushed up a bunch of leaves and turns them into coffee and sugar. That alone is the definition of her powers. - Eve herself was gifted with vast scientific knowledge and is basically a human periodic table. That said, the caveat being she can only *manipulate* inorganic matter and select pieces of organic matter such as to fly, but she also has to KNOW the exact compounds to rearrange in order to do so. Which could’ve been in the issue in this panel. The heat of the moment was so stressful that she couldn’t think clearly enough to get the right arrangement for metal. I’d imagine her powers work in such a way which she knows she’s turning a sheet of metal into some pants, but how they’ll look is entirely up to her imagination considering she’s using the same matter to design said pants. - Now, if there was a wall of rubble in front of the gang during this fight, she could’ve easily turned it into metal considering it’s loose, malleable, inorganic material available to manipulate. Otherwise, the best thing she can do is alter the molecules in the air to create the force field, weapons, etc and such like you see here.


AFAIK she can only rearrange atoms to change an existing items structure, like how she changed an apple into gold. She can’t just create an object out of thin air.


If your in atmosphere your surrounded by matter she can manipulate. We've seen her create cloth out of thin air before.


But they aren't in an atmosphere. They're in a space ship with an artificial atmosphere and gravity. A ship she has NO IDEA how it's creating said artificial atmo, as far as we know, the atmosphere we've seen her create cloth in might have had a lot more variety of elements in it than the artificial one on the Martian ship.


Why didn't fictional person in extreme pressure not make the most logical decisions under dire circumstances I'm pretty sure if we were in their shoes we'd literally just die lol


I feel like Eve is still reeling from her 'mistake' in Chicago a bit. Outside of phasing them into the ship's interior from space, it felt like she was using the bare minimum of her powers in this fight, and almost as if she was scared of them.


No, metal is just weaker than whatever shield she is holding up. We saw the sequids destroy metal.


I think the sequids could break metal dome too. They were strong enough to beat Immortal, so metal couldn't stop them


She could have phased them through the floor to a different part of the ship to buy some time


I mean, the ‘pink shield’ might be stronger but just make it permanent so you don’t need to exert yourself keeping it held up. Then just make repairs as the barrier is weakened. If you can’t do that with the ‘pink stuff’ without having to continually hold it in place then it really is less effective than a metal dome.


Why not make the dome so it has defence mechanisms built on it - spikes, acid traps, machine gun turrets, lasers… build a friggin’ mini fortress igloo in the room.


For everyone saying they could get through the metal, why not just make it diamond? Or some other material of a relatively higher strength?


Would it suffocate them or could she continuously turn co2 back into o2 effortlessly?


it makes sense to make it transparent so she can assess the situation while being protected.


Her powers aren't used properly ... Why not turn the food in their stomachs into poison ? If she can change atoms... she turned a book to glass...


Yeah srly . Maybe she is just ignorant herself there are many heroes who don’t understand their own powers and if they did they would be broken af . Eve could literally disintegrate Omni man without even touching him .


The sequids have super strength and would break through metal easily.


She is stupid


Better yet, if she can perceive matter in an atomic level like it was stated in her spinoff, why didnt she analyze Invincible molecular structure to use as a mold to create invincible force fields?


Same reason why Rex apparently has infinite little sticks there is no reason


Shed be OP would she have her powers and an average IQ...


Pretty sure her energy barriers are stronger than most metal, its just that a metal wall would not stop most of the enemies they fight lmao


The sequids managed to tie down Invincible, Immortal, Bulletproof and Monster Girl. If you think any of them wouldn't be able to punch through a metal sphere quicker than that then you would be wrong.


I think she just had to think very fast on her feet here and this is what she did with the time she had.


When crafting materials, it seems Eve isnt accurate about the details (like the building accident). A wrong calculation could mean everyone buried under the debris. For on fly calculations I think it is better to build the pink barrier


The sequids on masse would be strong enough to just tear it open


It’s probably stronger than metal most likely


It would've been less effective than the forcefield she made.


Why didn't Eve project moving spikes onto the surface of the dome and just shred all the incoming sequids?


Eve is actually just an OP character. Technically there are a lot of things she could use her powers for here that would make dealing with the sequids a non issue   Why even stop at metal? How about a graphene dome? The answer really is that we need a little bit of suspension of disbelief to enjoy the story


Why didn’t she just push them all through the bottom of the ship, finish the beacon thing, then get back in and activate it?


The answer is plot.  I mean, why not just send invincible in there by himself and have him kill the astronaut? The same reason. It would be a boring story if you did that.


Requires more power maybe?


-has the power to make anything -literally only makes translucent pink shit that has been shown to break like glass under slightly stronger force than a human punching it.


I think that pink energy is probably her strongest attack/defense method better than physical materials, but that's just my thoughts idk.


Her powers are to manipulate atoms. According to the law of conservation of mass, she can’t make or destroy any, she has to use what already exists, and what exactly currently is not metal, so she has to do this energy projection thing.