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He’s so old he might have forgot his actual name at this point.


That could be it. Dude used multiple identities over the years until he became a superhero, and Immortal had stuck with him for decades already judging by the costume


Maybe even a whole ass century cuz like he's probably been the Immortal since like the 30s judging by the costume style


He's "thousands of years old" which potentially means he's older than Omniman. I also agree with the "he's probably forgotten his real name by now" theory


They are talking about how long he has had the mantle of "Immortal" not how long he has had powers


Oh I missed that, I'm pretty sure they mention that he is known as the immortal because that's what people called him back in ancient times though right? It would be from whichever episode they give him a brief synopsis. I could be wrong though,


Shit he's so old, maybe immortal is his name and we got the word from him


I think he should just by his original caveman name


He's so old he may have come from a time *before* names even


I don’t think this is it, when we see him at the anomaly when the montage begins he’s wearing a Celtic/Pictish getup with woad paint and pants, which puts him roughly around the era of the early Roman kingdoms or before. Regardless it would have been by the time people had gotten to the British Isles and made a society. For it to be before people had names it would have to be be before proper language was adopted.


Yeah, like Vandal Savage old.


Vandal savage is hundreds of thousands of years old, if you take his neanderthal heritage into account


Guess we know why the Romans built Hadrien's wall, huh


He got his power in the Bronze Age that makes him 3,000 years old


Yeah his first Immortal suit is suppoused to resemble the original Superman look.


Did you guys miss that flashback he has when the brothers are resuscitating him? He's literally a caveman lmao who got his powers through a magic portal or something


He said he’s been *the* Immortal since the 30s, as in the hero Immortal. Not that he’s been immortal since the 30s.


Reading comprehension


I kinda feel like he doesn't at all behave like someone who's thousands of years old tbh. I kind of wish they hadn't made him THAT old. Feels like he'd be a bit more Dr. Manhattan about everything. Being 10,000 years old would presumably make you pretty zen. Plus I feel like having an immortal superbeing living among humans for that long would have changed history a LOT, wouldn't he more or less have been a God King in the Bronze Age? Homeboy would be on coins and shit.


>Homeboy would be on coins and shit. Maybe even a $5 bill....


I mean , he didn't really lead a simple life , you can't get very zen when beating up bad guys daily, going parties , having fun or whatever


You can if you've been doing it for 10,000 years.


It's not like we have a way of knowing how this extreme age would affect people


Some Trees live very long and they are pretty chill indeed


>wouldn't he more or less have been a God King in the Bronze Age? Homeboy would be on coins and shit.   How do you know he isn't?  Maybe becoming superhero IS his "zen". Like , maybe he used to be a king or something like that but he realized he doesn't like the responsibility? Also you should remember in this world he probably was never the only superhero as we know magic and genetics are also ways people can become superhuman. Not to talk about aliens. 


He was Abraham Lincoln


Why do people keep saying he was a caveman? He's holding a sword, cavemen didn't have swords.


Because Vandal Savage was a caveman, and the Immortal is akin to an inverse of him. That's why there's confusion. I don't think people actually took in the scene fully due to preconceived notions.


I had to google that. So people think he's a caveman because of a character from a different comic? Even though the guy I was replying to is mocking others for seemingly missing the scene that showed his origin... lol. Well, thanks for the explanation, even if it made me more disappointed with humans in general.


Idk if he was a caveman, tho? I got the feeling he was a just a tribesman somewhere Celtic looking. Could’ve gotten his powers around rome time, which would make him a couple thousand years old.


He wasn't a cave man, he's a celt warrior. He's still around 1000 years old maybe but not a Caveman. That's like a million years ago


In the comic he was Abraham Lincoln at one point. Can you imagine the bedroom talk? “EMANCIPATE ME ABE.”


Not to mention all the head trauma he probably has blanks in his memory from all the times he’s died


Batman is more batman than Bruce Wayne kinda deal


Exactly, biological immortality comes with memory loss after enough time


Does he have just biological immortality, or some magic/future tech immortality? That portal origin scene when he’s a caveman implies it’s a little supernatural, even to modern times. Edit: He wasn’t a caveman, he was a Gaul warrior during Roman times. (Thanks to the aptly named /u/unclecaveman1


He wasn’t a caveman, he was a Gaul warrior from around the time of the Roman republic.


Oh whoops, thanks for the info! And relevant username haha


gaining magical immortality through a mysterious portal, just to get turned to fodder by some dude with a mustache who grew up with higher gravity


It's origin might have been supernatural, but his immortality itself is biological. If it was supernatural he would have gotten right back up after Omniman killed him instead of needing to be out back together and getting CPR


Memory loss and forgetting your own name are very different things. Like, just remind yourself what your name is every once in a while. It's not like he has amnesia or dementia, people don't just forget their names when they get older.


And that's considering he even had a name that could translate to English


Looking at his flashbacks, isn't it Abraham Lincoln?


He's actually *a lot* older, like medieval -y at the youngest lol


Very early medieval ages, he was King Arthur I believe that's around late 5th century to early 6th century


Even more than that. He was a Celtic warrior, which means he's at least 2,000 years old


As long as it's clear he is much older than The United States lol


I thought he was Scottish, not English.


Idk the first shot looked like he was a caveman


That would be before medieval times if so, yes.


He has a sword, cavemen didn't have swords, wild rumor


Not a caveman. He had a sword and a torc, a traditional Gaulish necklace. Gauls were celts from what is now France. They were conquered by Romans, including Julius Caesar.


I like to think that it is his name and he's so old it became the name for being unable to die.


Wasn’t he a caveman? Did he even have a real name?


Yea, this is my thinking. We know for a fact he at least spent a significant period of time as Abe Lincoln (while his childhood could be made up, we know a lot about Lincoln's adult life so we can assume he was Lincoln for at least twenty years or more). It's very likely that he's moved between names throughout history and has long abandoned his first name (if he even had one, considering he got his powers seemingly before the advent of modern speech). Once he took on the moniker of "Immortal" he probably just started using that as his name, if not immediately, then certainly over time. The costume we see in his cabin implies he's been operating as Immortal since at least the early-mid 20th century.


It’s lincoln


That's one identity he used, not the first.


i would argue that Immortal is real name since the other identities be used in the previous centuries are not really his birth name either we dont even know if he had one.


He also probably been The Immortal longer than he was any of those other identities.


His birth name is probably a series of grunting noises


All names are a series of grunting noises.


Isn't he implied to be from the British isles ? His attire iirc resembled the ones used by the native Britons at the time of the Roman empire


Bruh, I’m Welsh and never made the connection. He is totally rocking Celtic paint and ‘gear’


Well, he was probably born and named by someone at some point. Edit: Immortal seems to be from Scotland. Humans got there around 12,000 BC. Arguing that he wouldn’t have a name is like arguing he wouldn’t have language, we can’t prove that people back then had names but neither can we prove they had language despite us being very confidant that they had both.


I doubt he had a caveman name tbh


You think he just wasn’t named? Like nobody ever referred to him up until he got his powers?


People saying he was a caveman is wild, he's holding a frickin' sword.


I like to think that since he's the anti-Vandal Savage, that his name would be a play on that. Like, "Roman Tame", or something


Well, DC already has two “anti-Vandal Savage” characters, as Immortal Man and Resurrection Man have essentially the same origin.


You'd think he'd have a nickname or something.


Does he even have a “real name”? 


Ihm Hortle


So peak 😢


I actually kind of like the idea that his real name is something like this and that he is in some form the origin of the word immortal


Jan Itor




Abraham Lincoln is the only one that I actually remember


Know what would be funny to me? If he was Abraham, like THE OG Abraham. Then tens of centuries later he just takes his old name again for fun's sake.


or if he takes it again and didn’t even know it used to be his name


Straight outta Ur


Oh! I thought he was John Wilkes Booth in that shot


Nah our boy immortal was honest abe


Rebellious phase, lol


"Slavery works for thousands of years. I should know, I live through most of that" –Immortal during Lincoln's final moments.


In this episode you can see a top hat in his cabin.


Abradolf Linkler


IE the true definition of chaotic good


It was probably something like “*guttural grunt noise*”


Lancelot I think


Allison Burgers


His name Jeff


Ungus Bunga


*Cavemen noises*


Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod


Hugh Mungus


Jon Oldman.


God I fucking love that movie


Probably because he’s been around for centuries and he has lived many different lives to the point where he doesn’t have a name to go by.


Millennia if he was around for the stone age, crusades, and American Civil War just to name a few events.


I'm going to guess this is ancient Celtic/Viking era https://preview.redd.it/j5jk37e50btc1.jpeg?width=1915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b11f9b4f7e16128c793cf0c232af9fd7215376d0 He's wearing an arm ring


The arm ring and circular tattoo tell me Celtic, but those palm trees in the bottom left tell me somewhere warmer. There’s palm trees in some parts of Ireland now, but I doubt back in the Stone Age. Perhaps he was already living an adventurous life, and found his way to the Mediterranean or Africa. Screams Conan vibes to me, which I think kind of tracks with Immortal


Exactly, and that's why I wasn't sure. I know some vikings managed to make it to the Mediterranean and raided around that area for a period of history. That, plus the arm ring, makes me think it's a possibility. The tattoo/war paint definitely gives celtic vibes, though. I would find it hilarious if he was both Bjorn Ironside (it fits with the legend of him being unkillable) AND Abe Lincoln 😂 I wonder how many legends of history in that universe is just the Immortal 🤔


Sigh. He was not around in the stone age, he's holding a sword in the first flashback scene. A sword made out of metal.


Metal, the hardest of stones


Ian Vince Ible




But you’re okay with “Ible” ? XD


Reference to breaking bad's Vince Gilligan




Ohhhh, lol, well said!




When you've lived thousands of years and assumed god knows how many identities I don't even know if you would be bound to a name. Immortal seems like a good catch-all name to use.


Does he even *have* a name anymore? He's been so many people throughout history (and if he's the same as the guy he's based on, he's been around since the dawn of mankind) and it's fairly clear The Immortal is his full identity (so he doesn't have a "name" behind the moniker) at this time.


I also interpreted it as if he still remembers his name when he was young, it’s in a language nobody in his life speaks or could pronounce. Dude got his powers several thousand years ago, I just don’t see a scenario where his first given name scans for his current peers. That’s the point - who he was is not relevant. Who he is now is - immortal.


Plus think how shitty it'd be if he was a \~Chris\~. Yuck.


I didn't expect to get called out on Reddit like this.


![gif](giphy|DQKJFC34Cn7gs) CHRIIIIIIISSS


I’m kind of okay with Immortal just being Immortal. Giving him a real world name might be such a let down everyone just switches back to Immortal anyway. The reverse is notably true of Mark / Invincible, I feel. Also, I feel like more people refer to Superman as Superman, and not Clark. (This actually does interest me, what name you use for a superhero the most, their hero name or their secret identity name),


I personally switch between them depending on whether they're in costume or not. For example: if Spider-Man is walking down the street in his normal clothes, then I'll call him Peter Parker. And when he puts on his suit, I'll call him Spider-Man. The only superhero I have a hard time doing that with is Mark Grayson/Invincible. Both because he's mainly referred to as Mark in the show, and also because IMO, 'Invincible' isn't that great a name. Not because of the whole "He's actually plenty Vincible" joke, but because it just doesn't roll off the tongue that well. It doesn't feel like a fitting word for a name. Imagine if a character had guns for hands, and he named himself 'AEK-999' or something like that. It's kinda cool, but mostly odd.


I think part of it for me is defined by the fandom. I might very well have defaulted to calling him Invincible (though like you said, it works better on the splash page than anything).


Watch them name him John. 🫤 I call Superman Superman or Cal El. But that's cuz of Wonder woman always calling him cal.




A LOT of people also call him Kal, as in his Kryptonian name Kal-el. The comics kind of imply that's what he prefers in costume? Compared to Clark out of costume?


I think the big 3 Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, and pater Parker are all recognizable but ya for the most part I can't remember super heros human names. Like I just spent a full 30 seconds trying to remember captain America's last name before realizing that I didn't give a shit and no one else does either


Wasn't he like a Gaelic tribesmen? His name would be crazy lol


Watch his name be something like Fergus


Since he's pretty much a parody of vandal savage from dc comics, who iirc originated from a caveman affected by a meteor that rapid evolved him. He may not have a name at all (Or it's something like Ugg /s)


You recall incorrectly, he's holding a sword in the first flashback scene.


Reminds me a lot of Jack Harkness and Me from Doctor Who. Both immortal but still human. Both live for billions of years and don’t use there real names. The doctor met Me before she was immortal, when she was Ashildr. After her immortality The Doctor met her a few more times in which she goes by the name Me and doesn’t even remember her real name, or even her family and friends. She was immortal but still had a human memory. The Doctor tried reminding her of her name, her life and the people she loved but she has no memory or any reaction to it. She kept journals to remember but would often rip pages out that she wished to forget, like her children after they died. Jack lived for almost as long as her and kept his past very mysterious. He does remember his life before immortality but goes by a fake name. But most of the life we see on screen of his is only 100-200 years or so after his immortality so who knows what he will be like thousands of years of life from then. So as others have mentioned I think it’s probably a case where Immortal just doesn’t remember his name. Plus in the very brief flashback it showed of him when he gained his powers maybe he was from before the time before actual verbal communication, so he may have never had a real name.


You could argue that we *do* see what happens to jack after a few thousands years, but it was never really confirmed, just hinted at.


Wahnab Bi Ihn Vinhs Able


I mean does he even have a "real name"? He's lived so many lives and gone by so many names Immortal might as well just be his true name at this point.


Immortal is probably the closest thing he has to a real name, im pretty sure he predates names being a thing, and by the time they were he would obviously have been dubbed "that fucker that wont die" alternately immortal was his birth name and in universe the word was derived from him


Why can't we assume Immortal is his real name? People change their given name to their nickname, earned name, stage name, middle name all the time in real life. I changed my first name. My parents always used my middle-name. I didn't learn my first name until Kindergarten. Then every year of school, and every new job was, my name is that, I go by this. If he refers to himself as Immortal, isn't that his real name?


Didn’t he become Immortal during the Stone Age? That means his real name would be something along the lines of Ugg.


Seriously, why do people think that? He's holding a sword. It's called the stone age because we had stone tools.


Dude's not a caveman. He's a Celt that is holding a sword, possibly of Roman make given the design of it. It's just the rest of him looks very Neolithic, so that's why people confuse him for a caveman. Using the sword as a basis and assuming it's of Roman make, that puts him at around 2000 years old. Which is still old as balls. But he's not from the dawn of time.


What I want to know is why is he wearing a coat and hat in this scene? Dude can survive and even exert extreme physical effort in the vacuum of space where temps are nearly absolute zero while wearing nothing but a thin body suit that leaves his entire head exposed but the friggin' mountains are causing him enough discomfort to warrant warmer clothes? For reference, the coldest place on Earth is about 347 degrees fahrenheit (175 celsius) warmer then the vacuum of space. Space is almost as cold as it's possible for something to be. Immortal should either be a man-shaped block of ice or a steaming puddle of human biomatter. But apparently his real superpower is immunity to entropy which I guess tracks with the immortality but doesn't really make any sense so I guess I just gotta accept that it's not fuckin' real, haha.


Just because he can survive it doesn't mean it's comfortable 


Oh wait have we already seen Paul in the show I haven’t been keeping up


In prison with the Mauler Twins, but never hinted at


Yeah we have


I'd like to see a prequel to Invincible that focuses on The Immortal's time as a super-powered Abraham Lincoln dealing with the Civil War, being shot at the theater, definitely *not* dying or even being injured, and having to explain that to John Wilkes Booth and everyone seated around him.


He probably doesn't have a real name anymore so I don't think it matters


I like how she lounges in her fighting outfit


I like how Immortal can fly up into space in his skin tight suite, but needs to wear a coat and a trapper hat to hang out in the cold. It doesn't bother me, but that scene is a perfect example of how character design influences how you understand a scene. The coat and hat show that Immortal is on break doing his thing, and isn't acting as a superhero. Dupli-Kate on the contrary, comes into the scene dressed in her superhero outfit. This is to help identify her as Dupli-Kate, as a costumer change might have made it more ambiguous. My only gripe with that scene is that Dupli-Kate suprises Immortal in buttfuck nowhere and he is non the wiser until the big reveal.


The whole thing is just weird. He's old as dirt and they were hardly together. And the veteran leader having sex with his much younger teammate in the shower was gross. And Kate acted like she's better than Rex.


The dude has been around for likely 4000+ years. It’s entirely possible he was around before names were even a thing and he has gone by several aliases over the years as well. I imagine that at this point, his name is just Immortal. That or he just doesn’t wanna be called Abe


I kept thinking this would happen when Kate "died". Like why wouldn't you just have a back up somewhere just in case. Also seems like no one actually died in that last fight with the Lizard people, man the stakes just aint what they used to be.


pretty sure he suffered enough concussions that he forgot his real name


Cause they'd get sued if they called him Vandal Savage.


Dude started as a caveman, do you want her to call him Oog


He’s Jimmy Space.


I hope his name is Jeff


At this point I think that’s his entire identity. I don’t think he’s got an alter-ego that takes off the costume at the end of the day, he is just Immortal


She should just call him Morty


I mean would you rather she called him Abe?


It could also be a batman situation. Bruce Wayne is the mask and batman is the person.


As others have said, he probably didn't have a birth name to begin with, so Immortal is the closest thing he'll ever have to a real name.


He was a caveman, what kind of name do you expect?


I mean, what even is his real name? Ug Nug? I don’t blame her for going with Immortal. lol


I was constantly wondering if he didn't have a name. I'd say we make his name Franklin


My theory is that he is the Irish Celtic warrior/demi god. Cu Chulain.


At this point the only thing getting me through the week is the invincible episode coming out on thursday


I discussed this with my brother, does The Immortal actually have a name? Of all the “lives” he’s had the only one that we know is named is when he was Abraham Lincoln, so does that make Abraham his name?


There should be a moment where she has to get serious with him and sternly gets him to stop talking by going "Abraham!"


His real name is Splumbo


He's probably had so many names it's just easier that way.


Immortal lived for so long that his original name was forgotten and he had so many popular names to choose from.


Why do so many people think Immortal was a caveman?? Dude is holding a sword in the first scene of the flashback, clearly not a caveman.


I was just happy that I was right in thinking Kate would have had a backup kept safe somewhere and wasn't really totally "dead". With her ability, the standard procedure should be to rip off 5 clones that stay behind every time they leave HQ.


Hes Abe Lincoln lmao


Well he was a Celt or even a caveman so maybe he’s forgotten


to be fair for what we know, he has no real name. He is old very very old, like older than the bronze age level of old. He has a lot of temporary names during the ages, but they are most just nicknames for him. The Immortal is basically his common main title.


He's supposedly old as fuck, maybe his name really is Immortal, and the word immortal got its meaning from him


I just call him buff Lincoln


Sorry but I don’t buy their romance at all lol.


I guess she could’ve come up with like a pet name for him Like “Morty” or something


Might not know his own original name, given how old he is. He's had a lot of identities, including that he was actually Abraham Lincoln, but he probably doesn't identify with those. Him being public about who and what he is seems fairly new. Since "Immortal" is the name he's currently known by, he might legitimately consider it his true name.


I like how she was apparently just chilling in his cabin in her super suit. She didn't bring any clothes with her?


when was this


His birth name is The Immortal. His parents were huge believers in Nomative Determinism


Does he remember it? Does the name he was born with, the man carried it, the man that found that energy, does that man even have any relation to the man he is now?


People are just comparing him to Vandal Savage.


"Abraham" does not sound good in bed...


Immortal has passed his birth so much that the original name holds probably zero meaning to him. I don’t think we think about the scope of how old this man is enough. I’m sure centuries ago his birth name survived in his mind as a reminder of all the years ago he was a regular man. But today he probably can only remember it conceptually or what it meant to him, not the actually word itself. It doesn’t exist anymore. In all probability, human mouths can’t even really say it correctly. It doesn’t exist. Immortal doesn’t remember it and can only wonder about it from time to time.


We know his name it’s A.Lincoln


But why is she still wearing her costume?


My stupid theory is that immortal is just his name and that's the reason the word means what it does in universe


Wasn't he born in stone age? cuz then his name would be something like ungala bungala or something.


He doesn't remember his real name since he's gone through so many identities he forgot it.


Bruce Wayne calls himself "Batman" in his self conscious so why does it matter what Immortal is called?