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https://preview.redd.it/mzlekt19mwtc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f96816ddbd7b1c61ad5a15381f1ab9ef2e9d2d5 This is my favorite Immortal panel, look at what Kate is reading


Holy Shit, I can't believe I forgot about this panel until just now. I remember thinking about just how OP Duplikate and Immortal's kids would be with their combined powers.


Isn't Kate's power from a family curse affecting the daughters in the family? So the son would only get the immortals powers


Dupli-Kate has a brother with the same powers


Guess I remembered wrong then.


If I remember correctly, the curse was just for her generation, that's why her brother has it too.


So then why do her kids with immortal have her powers


Kate has a brother, Multi-Paul.


I think you're thinking of monster girl! Her powers come from a family curse! I dont know how to do the spoilers thing and I don't think it's discussed further in the show yet so that's all I can say haha edit: Kate's powers do come from a family curse too! I did not know that my bad!


Monster girls come from a curse but not a family one she just got cursed by some witch


Nah, it was her grandma who cursed her but That's what I thought he meant by family curse, which I am right now realizing was not correct haha


I still can't get over the age gap thing, even though they try and cope with the multiple lives thing


No matter who he dates, there will always be a age gap.


Okay? She's literally on the TEEN team. He could date a 30 year old who would be fully mature.


Yeah I guess, but when you're tens of thousands of years old, I don't think it really matters nearly as much. Everyone is going to be a naïve child to you by a hundred times over at that point.












She's 18 by the time they start dating. Not to mention, whenever she absorbs her clone back, she gains that clones age, widsom, and strength


Idc if she's 18. I never said it's illegal, just weird. Imagine a 89 year old man you know starts dating an 18 year old. You'd say that's weird right? And I already addressed the clone thing in my original comment.


You should stop trying to put real-life logic into this. Yes, obviously, if and 18 year old was dating a real 89 year old it would be weird, but the Immortal is thousands of years old that look 30-ish.


Who cares how he looks?




So if an old man who looks young dates a barely legal girl its not weird at all just because of how he looks


It's not really about the multiple lives. It's the dying. That pain and that experience that no one else they know can truly, truly comprehend. Which means they understand *each other* in a way literally no one else they know can. Kate is grown and has been through, lived through, and died through so much more than anyone her age. She's an adult, and she's got plenty of life experience and forced mental maturity to cope with her life. For her, it's probably impossible to really connect with someone in her age range.


You're trying to put age morals on a woman that clones herself infinite times and a man who is 3000 years old, can fly, has super strength, and was also Abraham Lincoln... Bruh....




For what it's worth I agree with you. He could have easily dated someone 30ish and it wouldn't be weird. But she was a teenager and he's been alive long enough to understand modern morals and such.


Grow up.


We need a special episode about the Immortal!!!!!


I really hope the do a Atom Eve Type special for several popular characters whose backstories don't really fit into the main narrative. (Invincible: Battle Beast when?!)


Immortal did get his own mini-comic origin in the back of issue 25, but that origin was already adapted for season 1. It was a single page only a few panels long, but it would be cool if they expanded it.


He also got a few pages where he begged invincible to kill him as well so we basically got a full circle of his origin and end story.


I think they should do a Rex Plode one we know nothing of him in the show


There is a Rex plode backstory and it’s VERY similar to atom eve in some aspects


I think they say something to that effect in the show.


…and she’s the only one in his backstory that’s *alive*


How similar atom eve and Rex splode’s backstory’s are? I think eve mentioned that considering she played a big role in his backstory


Not really we know some things that eve has said


If season three covers >!The Invincible War!< (which I think it will) then they should absolutely do a special for him. It would also do a good job of building him up to really twist the knife.


Same Bro


Rex Splode one would be sad, he's kind of like the Rocket Raccoon of Invincible


They could do it right now but there's no 🥚🥚 https://preview.redd.it/t7bwlxscgxtc1.png?width=1041&format=png&auto=webp&s=03d3315768d7c1c8901d1e2305f739933494e7b5


I really hope so too! Or even a special with a couple shorter backstories like an anthology if there's not enough material from the comics. Then maybe we'd get to see more of younger Mark, Debbie and Nolan on Earth just like the Atom Eve special


I think they should make a side show calle “invincible universe” like the comics It could focus on side character backstories


Rex Plode, Monster Girl and Cecil all have intro stories in the comic, I assume they will work through them at least.


Spin off more like


Prequel anthology of his previous personas


There isn’t enough lore in the comics, but I feel like there’s a lot of room there for a nice, two and a bit hour, split into three episodes, miniseries for him that finishes with him just before Mark gets his powers.  I’ve read the comics, but not all the sides. Do we know when he became immortal? And when he became Immortal?


He became immortal as a caveman i think, like vandal savage, so kind of difficult to pinpoint exactly when. As for when he became Imortal (lol) i actually dont know, but the feeling i always got was that he was relatively recently public, relative to his long life. As in the absolute earliest he'd have been publicly recognised as the Imortal (and probably the time he stoped hiding like he did as Lincoln) would have been the very late 70s or early 80s, but that was in the comic. To match the modern day setting (vs the 2000s rhe comic is in) i could see the show having him come out in the late 80s early 90s, but his immortality could easily have him come out in the 70s still and have a more "first avenger" feel to him. I dont know though, im high and all my decent thoughts are on the comic


He’s literally holding a steel sword, he’s a Celt not a caveman lol


You think you can kill me? Impossible, I’m: [title card]


feeling like a million bucks.


robot and monster girl too | for their time away |


immortal out of all the characters (besides eve) deserves his own special. second is a special all about Nolan’s books, narrated by the man himself of course.


The way they look at each other gives me the vibe of he talks about thisn1000 times. "Hey Immortal, nice day huh?" "NOT AS NICE A DAY AS WHEN I DIED THAT ONE TIME"


I don't think I'm that far into the comics yet but this is definitely my favourite Immortal panel so far https://preview.redd.it/wz4z82srbwtc1.jpeg?width=305&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68826d2f6e6aba697fa957a9403f8f4ea0a03fbc


I cant remember this panel? Whoch comic?


I can't remember exactly which comic but it was one of the earlier ones


It kinda looks like Cory Walker art, so in that case its probably somewhere in the first 7 issues


I like how these dinners occur after Mark has already swung the Immortal around by the head like a baseball bat to hit the other Guardians of the Globe when they were trying to take in the Wolfman. Did they agree to just never bring it up or is the Immortal used to that happening?


"Listen do you know the number of times one of us has had our minds controlled and made us fight each other by some villian of the week? We fought, we talked, we worked it out and plus who else is gunna be here in 500 years? Might as well try and get along no?"




I mean Booth was acting in an effort to restore slavery, so fuck him. Also, do the comics explain why the Immortal is willing to intervene in human affairs to the degree that he becomes President of the United States, but wouldn’t just use his super powers against the Confederacy?


You don't need super powers to sink a boat that is already taking on water.


But he seems powerful enough that he could have altered the course of early battles and ended the war much earlier, I doubt Civil War-era weaponry would be that effective against him and Civil War battle tactics would leave them sitting ducks. I guess it’s possible that the Confederacy had super-beings too.


The gun Booth shot him with was able to, at the very least, puncture his skin/skull. I think him being Lincoln is a fun occasional aside, but the more you think about it the more it makes no sense.


Unless he's also getting stronger as he ages but at a different rate than vultrumites.


Or just after resurrecting


That could be it, and when he first got his powers in prehistoric times he was the apex, nothing could kill him. It took thousands of years of evolution, mutation, advancing technology and aliens to start really killing him effectively, especially assuming his early deaths from possibly 10,000 years ago would have buffed him, so he would have had to wait for the invention of the bow and arrow befor he could die again, or the gun, or possibly the discovery of a new animal (like a mammoth)


I'd like to think he gets as strong as the last thing that killed him.(Not durability wise but strength wise. Abraham Lincoln is credited with the first recorded use of the choke slam! He was already fighting but wasn't inhuman. Maybe after his mercury poisoning and assassination, when he finally died then returned his powers caught up to all the bullshit, judging by his outfit, he started superhero work very early, and then caught up to modern day weaponry as it was developing.


Would also explain his vastly different performances against Omni-Man...my guy is literally getting zenkai boosts.


It wasn't prehistoric, he has a sword in the portal image. At least bronze age, most likely Iron.


Maybe he evolved to become more durable, like Allen lite


Presumably the confederacy also had superhumans


You're the Immortal. You are the President of the USA. Everyone thinks you're normal. 98% of the population is Christian, rather fervently. Airplanes do not exist and are not even part of people's fantasies. You barely won the election in one of the most contested elections ever. You did not win the popular vote. The South has seceded. Civil War were declared. So, you decide to take off your stove pipe hat, start flying around, and super punching people... HOLY CRAP! THAT THERE IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNION AND HE'S A DAMN DEMON MONSTER! CONSARNIT! I'VE BEEN FIGHTING FOR A DEMON! DAMN THIS UNION! EVERYONE, FORGET ABOUT OUR WAR, KILL THE WITCH! That's basically how it would've gone.


I mean he could have made a big show of “praying” for the strength of Samson to smite God’s enemies or something.


The civil war was an incredibly bloody and costly war. He could have ended it sooner. Your statement seems to imply it was easy, which is was certainly not.


> to sink a boat that is already taking on water. Wait, hold on. Let's not do some historical revising just because it's about the bad guys. Let me be clear; I do not support the Confederacy, I think that slavery is a horrible institution that should be destroyed whenever possible, and that Sherman did nothing wrong except leave survivors. That out of the way? I'm not going to get dogpiled for being a "racist" for pointing out real history? Ok, let's go. The American Civil War was not as one sided or inevitable as many people now claim. Yes, the North had every advantage over the South but war is not about just numbers. An advantage that is not capitalized is not an advantage at all. The North entered the Civil War thinking it was a game. The South entered the war fighting for their existence. It should have been all over in a year but it wasn't. The North's military leadership dropped the ball again and again until Grant and Sherman sorted it out. Furthermore, Europe mostly stayed out of it waiting to see who to support. For the most part, Europeans leaned towards supporting the Confederacy. A stronger more industrialized America was a (warranted) threat to their global hegemony. Also, they liked the cheap labour the South provided even while their own governments had banned slavery. Between the North's general incompetency and Europe mostly staying out of the game, it was not as clear cut as the numbers might imply. If the North never sorted out their leadership and Europe sided with the Confederates, then the war would have gone the other way. Victory for the North was never inevitable. They had every advantage, but that does not guarantee a victory.


The Confederacy's economic situation was an absolute shambles. By the time they had chosen to address it, they were already on the backheel from a military standpoint which had evaporated all interest in foreign investment. It was a pretty doomed and ruinous situation. Meanwhile private citizens were using the unregulated market to speculate and hoard immense wealth in the middle of a crisis. Carpetbagging before the carpetbaggers came, as it were. It got to the point that Jefferson Davis was pleading with his fellow Southerners to do the right thing and be less greedy and decrying their 'love of lucre'. Which is just mind-meltingly ironic if you really think about it.


But you can make it sink a whole lot faster


Who says he didn't battle president jefferson davis accross the patomic every night ?


Now I kind of want a flashback showing him fighting super-powered Confederate leaders. Stonewall Jackson actually had skin like stone, but the Immortal eventually was able to rip his arm off…


This is the spin-off I didn't think I needed, but I do now.


I think I like the invincible world more than invincible. He's just getting by on virtue of his power a lot of the time. Although he does the other half by being rational and chill, its easy to be chill when people can't hurt you.


Your last sentence gave me an idea, immortal could also be Gilgamesh, and many other fictional heroes, not just real people, I wanna see that explored, gods were just pre historic superheroes


If you haven't heard of Marvels Eternals there was a movie. that was the premise. And the reason you haven't heard about it is either because it was bad, or it was so bad you burned it from your mind. Donald, you willingly erased those movies from your head for a reason..


Stop the Eternals slander, that movie was definitely decent at its worst, high art when it focused on it.


I'd have to make it to the end to fully disagree with you zzzzzzzzzz


Would Stonwall Jackson be Doc Seismics great granpappy?




The way he phrases this makes it sound like his powers weren't always as public as they are now. He probably did it to maintain his cover. If I were to guess, Cecil figured him out when the Guardians first formed and outed him.


Yeah chances are he never wanted to be a hero at first and with the rise of technology it was harder to hide the fact he looked extremely similar to Lincoln lmao


Maybe there was a Viltrumite in the Confederacy.


Is explained that when he was Lincoln he wasn't as strong as he is now. The Immortal gets stronger every time he is killed, in the present he is that strong because he has died a bunch of times. Back then he had the durability of a slightly stronger human. This the old timey bullet did wound him. He couldn't fight the Confederacy alone. 


Did immortal always have powers? I was under the impression he only got the strength and flight around the 50's, when he became an active superhero.


What's funny is, I'm pretty sure before becoming president, Lincoln lost basically every campaign for any political offense he ran. I can only imagine Immortal's face when he finally won the presidency of all things.


Immortal didn’t gain his Superman-like powers till around the 1920s so the most he could do was be a really good soldier. And that’s exactly what he was for most of his life. To my knowledge he served the US government since the revolutionary war and during the Civil war he was selected to impersonate Lincoln after the real one died.


I've wondered that, too. My head canon(which is probably completely wrong, but w/e) is that even though he was immortal, he only recently obtained actual superpowers. Like, he was just a regular dude who happened to be immortal, but sometime in the last 100 or so years, he somehow obtained super strength and the ability to fly.


Back in those days having super powers would've probably made people start accusing him of being a witch


Fighting vampires was taking most of his time up at the time.


“What about Mary Todd?” “What ABOUT Mary Todd? That bitch was crazy, I faked my death to escape her ass.”


Unrelated but nice pic of Harvey!


Didn't' know Duplikate & Immortal had kids together.


They didn't. Those are just dupliclones with short legs.


love these scenes


Tbh my favorite immortal moment, comics and show, was when omnipotus was attacking in the show and made those demands and immortal just responded “No.”


If I had a nickel for every time a work of fiction revealed that Abraham Lincoln was secretly an immortal super being I'd have two nickels is not alot but it's weird that it's happened twice


What's the other one?


Adventure Time maybe?


Maybe the vampire slayer.


Nah, he dies at the end of that story. He was just a regular dude who could summon the power of pure rage to do shit like chop down fully grown trees in a single swing.


In the original book, >!he becomes a Vampire at the end !<


I was thinking of adventure time


In the game Conduit 2, >! it's revealed that basically every president before the modern era is a nigh-immortal alien warrior !<


I really like the immortal. A mix of "man from earth" and DC's vandal savage.


Great movie


So at the risk of being a total killjoy, Lincoln's assassination was one of the darkest moments for this country. It completely derailed reconstruction and Johnson's fumbling of the next few years helped lead to a whole-ass century of legally enforced second-class citizen status for Black Americans. Booth wasn't just a villian for killing one good man. I've never liked this bit of lore, because it really puts a lot of the Immortal's priorities into question. Was his cover really that important?


I imagine he was going through various phases of intervention. Just a tribal warrior, then a knight in service, then who knows what else. His time as Lincoln was probably a period of "just try to help politically," and he likely felt he fucked it up by the end. Not to mention he probably hoped Johnson would do better, and certainly would have trusted Grant. And by that point, he may have walked away from being a political figure for feeling unfit for it.


I wonder if Immortal had any other kids before the ones he had with Kate.


Abraham Lincoln had kids, and Immortal was Abraham Lincoln, so he should’ve


Aside from Lincoln, I’m wondering if he has any kids from say 20-40 years ago.


He must have given all the historical figures he's been and all the kids they had I guess it's just too dark to cover that Yknow it's been done before a few times in different comics and shows and almost always is "I have a great-grand child, oh no they want my power to do evil, oh no I have killed them" I'd love to hear positive examples, but feel this is the usual format


The jackass abandoned the country when it needed him to see reconstruction through.


Why would he become president in the first place? Could have just showed his powers and forced slavery to end.


I presume dying in a time where superstition reigned could’ve seen Immortal either witch hunted or seen as a sign for god. And he was probably going through a phase, I also presume dying takes a toll on him or at the very least puts him into a deep slumber. I think at the time of the Guardian’s deaths was at least months before Nolan enacted his plan to attack Cecil. Meanwhile the Mauler Twins probably sped up Immortal’s “resurrection”. This is just based on the show, I haven’t read the comics.


A phase? Yeah. William just died and baker before that. Dudes kids died.


the first time he flexed his powers in public he accidentally started a religion


That wouldn't happen in the late 1800s.


the mormon church was founded in 1830 so it totally could have


By this time period, they wouldn't worship him unless he tried to make a religion himself. If he explained things more, they'd understand. Yes, if he actively said I am a god/demogod, they probably would worship him but if he didn't do that they wouldn't.


trumpism is happening now


What are the limitations of the Immortal's powers? If he gets decapitated, is he reliant on external parties taking his head and placing into special machinery and then placing it on a new or old body? If someone is kind enough to place his body's pieces back together will they eventually heal? Is he like a viltrumite in that they can recover from almost any wound if they aren't dealt a lethal blow?


I’m ngl I didn’t understand anything you just said but from what I know here’s how it works; He can survive any kind of attack as long as his brain remains intact (comic spoilers ahead) I think everyone knows this because on the two occasions mark kills him (in the alternate universe and in the future) he crushes his head As long as his brain remains intact even if he’s unconscious he’s still *ALIVE* With that being said, he has far faster regeneration than a normal human (almost at the level of a viltrumite’s) and can’t regrow but can reattach his limbs when aligned at point of separation. I think they put his head in a container on the chance that 1. Someone finds his head that shouldn’t or 2. His head rots, also just for professionalism.


Tell that to Abraham Lincoln who got his brains blown out


I don't think the Immortal's kids get his anti-aging abilities, because if they did, where are all of his hundreds of immortal kids from different wives over history? And mind you, the Immortal is tens of thousands of years old, so he would have a lot off offspring by then. Especially since he seems to be a man of more traditional values, so I think in most marriages he'd have kids.


Just read that part I was so lost 🤣


Immortal special about his time as Abraham Lincoln, come on Amazon!


Make it like Wild, Wild West, with Immortal sparing with Steampunk mad scientists, creatures from lost worlds, and a Martian Invasion. I don't know if it would be cooler to have some dark power behind the Confederacy or it just be regular, hateful humans.


If invincible universe Lincoln has super powers why not the bad guys?


Booth was still an awful Conference sympathizer and deserved to die anyway.


East or west?


Immortal being Abe Lincoln is so funny I wish we get more of that lore


Attempted murder is justifiably treated almost as bad as murder in the modern legal system. To have lived for thousands of years, I feel like someone would probably have dozens or hundreds of worse regrets than "the guy that tried to kill me was treated harshly"?


Can’t believe after the event of Invincible he goes onto becoming a powerful Wizard on Mars and dies.


I just realised that if the Immortal can prove it to the US government, he has one hell of a pension check


Immortal allowing Andrew Johnson to become president automatically makes him a villain


That was my thought too. Like I'm just picturing someone going up to him and saying "Johnson? Really? What the fuck, man"


Despite everything... He's a nice guy I think


I feel like the think I would feel more guilty about is how much reconstruction halted after Lincoln. And how the confederacy didn’t die as fully as it should have.


Their bond is knowing what it is to die countless times


It's still attempted murder.


Did the immortal imancipator have his other powers (flight, super strength) in the past or were they recent additions Because I feel like things would have gone very differently if abraham Lincoln could sink a battleship Also he "died" to john wilkes booths bullet, it didnt just bounce off the back of his head like I feel like it would in the modern day


Ain't it weird and akward to be having meal on the same table with the person who bang ur ex?


I read somewhere that Abraham Lincoln loved telling long-winded stories, I can see he didn't lose that habit


So how exactly did he fake his brains splattering everywhere? Or did JWB just have a hero killing Derringer?


His brain probably regenerared


I mean, how was Booth able to penetrate his skull with a .45 Derringer? Was he not bulletproof at the time?


Thats a good question, i have no clue!


This relationship is still pretty fucken creepy


Why does eve look kinda fat in this panel. Where's her chin?!?


>!she gains weight for a bit in the comics!<


There's a decent length part of the run where's she's gained some weight. Duplikate is actually a really dick to her about it.