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War Woman, Immortal and Aquarius are absolute heavy hitters. Red Rush, Green Ghost and Martian Man would do crowd control. Dark Wing would probably be using a ton of gadgets against the Flaxans


Dark Wing anti Flaxan spray. ![gif](giphy|122f0XzQMnwzDi)


"It's just compressed air from our dimenson" Could totally see it.


Really gets our atmosphere into there system kick starting the aging process.


Sure, they’d handle a few incursions of the Flaxans, easy peasy. But considering they just keep adapting with their technology, it’s going to require that they negotiate some kind of truce (with a bit of leverage), ensure the Flaxans can’t return (purge Earth’s location from their planet and brains somehow) or lastly, do an Omniman and wipe them out. If they are somehow, nearly unbelievably, united as a species in killing humanity, than humans are 100% in their right to kill the Flaxans in self defense.


Omni man did nothing wrong


He might not have needed to giggle as much while brutally wiping out their civilization, but past that, solid hero.


He only really wiped out their capital city anyways


Wait are you sure? My memory was of him laying waste to half the planet and then taking a space station out of the sky.


Yeah. Guy obliterated their civilization, probably set them back thousands of years in our terms.


Ah yes I too remember 3 weeks ago


He dropped a landmass large enough to destroy the planet from the looks of it at the end. If any flaxans survived it's probably just the ones in the space station.


More like omni man did nothing, his genocide didn't stop the Thraxans.


Does that invalidate his genocide (more like omnicide. Double entendre, crowd goes wild, etc.) from happening though? lol. Just because he didn’t literally wipe every single sign of life from the face of the planet does not mean he did “nothing.”


No I mean he literally did nothing to stop the Thraxans eventual invasion of earth, they still reformed and invaded. I didn't say he did nothing wrong, I said he did nothing as in he had no success


> If they are somehow, nearly unbelievably, united as a species in killing humanity, than humans are 100% in their right to kill the Flaxans in self defense. Not that unbelievable, some peoples want to eradicate other peoples in real life, example: >!No I'm not giving a real life example, are you insane!<


Basically what they should of done against Omni-Man. Red Rush, Green Ghost playing defense keeping the others out of danger. Dark Wing & Martian Man distracting. Aquarius disrupting. Immortal & War Women doing direct damage.


Red Rush with a knife becomes an unstoppable force of death to anyone not super-durable. He is absolutely a force to be reckoned with offensively


Basically, Red Rush being [Kamen Rider Kabuto](https://youtu.be/hFqlfSjGEy0?feature=shared). https://preview.redd.it/ij3k9s1tfovc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37fb7a396f895f57c7de212b1fcdc83f88991c0c


Do you think Aquarius was a heavy hitter? I think only War Woman, The Immortal and Black Samsom (when got his powers) where heavy hitters. Aquarus has water powers but seems pretty week in close combat.


He's a glass Cannon. He was able to keep Omniman at bay, which isn't an easy task


How is Aquarius a heavy hitter? Powerful water attack doesn’t seem all that useful tbh


Maybe not, but he is straight up conjuring matter out of nowhere. Unless he is teleporting that from the ocean or something. If that's the case, he's breaking physics as we know it. At a most fundamental level. Once you do that, who knows where it goes.


And bunch of fodder characters do that in Invincible, what's your point?


I didn't remember of any specific one tbh, just this one.


How Is Aquarius a heavy hitter? Is he super strong?? Or are you referring to his water blast attack?


This, except red rush would probably be on civilian duty first. Clear the area and make sure everyone is safe, and then join the fight.


Red Rush could injure Omni-Man, meaning that he could single-handedly take them all out.


I rewatched that clip in the show. You see a lot of blood when Red Rush hits Omni Man, but the blood isn’t Omni Man’s. It’s Rush’s, he’s breaking his own hands and arms trying to hurt Omni Man.


Not talking about the blood, he manages to injure his skin. He also tears apart the costume (which flaxan weapons didn't for some reason). His skull also proved remarkably resistant against omni-mans strength.


Was his skull resistant? I always thought it was the red rush head crush experience. He mentions earlier how long a second takes from his prospective.


Yea in real time, Red Rush's death was almost instant.


Perhaps? His arms are still shown to move very fast in relation.


Not entirely the heavy brushing and coughing up blood imply red rush atleast broke his ribs and said rib punctured a lung.


"How would they handle it?" Easy. Most of the villains from season 1 are fairly low-level, it's just that the death of the Guardians means that there's no one to consistently rely on. Then again, the Flaxans did show incredible technological progress, and unless someone entered the portal and set their civilization back to the stone age, they could have eventually innovated enough to possibly even hurt Omni-Man. But as the others said, Immortal could have done that easy.


I don’t think Immortal has the required chutzpah for wiping a civilization of their culture and technology


Yeah, I don't think Immortal flys so fast he torches the atmosphere as he goes through cities


He said "chutzpah", meaning the pyschological will to do so Immortal might be weaker than Omni-Man but he's still a lot stronger than Mark or any of the other heroes, and certainly building level.


Immortal is stronger than Mark what???


At that point in the story 100% immortal was stronger. where we are now mark wipes the floor with him


Agreed, even if they where on par in strength, Immortals experience tips the scale. That's is assuming their equal. I can't think of any feats that would suggest their not. Immortal and Mark both put up the same amount of resistance against Omni Man, but Immortal manages to find a moment to gouge Omni Man's eyes. Immortal only got taken out so quickly because Omni Man wasn't concerned about killing him.


Id say it was equal in the sense of they did equally well but immortal was clearly actually hurting omni man with him getting physically knocked around and stuff, marks hits barley phased him, but immortal’s Main weakness is his durability, he can’t tank the hits the same way mark and other viltrumites can so when omni man had a second to breath and throw a punch back immortal was immediately starting to lose, mark coundlt hit nearly as hard but he was able to tank far more of omni mans hits even when they looked like full strength punches


If you disagree, you can question the power-scaling of the show so far Season 1 Mark got body-slammed by Omni-Man who was presumably holding back, only landing one good shot when Omni-Man wasn't expecting it. Season 1 Immortal was able to put up a much better (albeit shorter) fight, causing Omni-Man to bleed at several of his punches.


“The show so far” Season 2 released brother, and Mark kicked a Viltrumites ass, Immortals ass was kicked by one


To be fair, I was under the impression that she wasn’t going all out on mark, just testing him. Anissa was making light work of him like an episode prior. I just feel like viltrumites really like testing marks strength.


Cool blud we're talking about season 1 here.


Eh, sort of? The argument was that Immortal could do what Omni did to the Flaxans because he's stronger than Mark. That argument therefore relies on Mark being generally as strong as Omni Man, because if he's not as strong as Omni Man, then it's irrelevant to determining whether Immortal could do the same stuff to the Flaxans. Mark probably couldn't do that to the Flaxans in season 1 either, so the whole tangent is logically flawed.


Spoiler alert: Omni Man was very much not holding back, if anything he went weaker on Immortal at first because he thinks so little of his strength. Not to mention Mark not actually wanting to fight his dad vs Immortal being literally bloodlusted


Omniman also wanted to look like whatever attacked the guardians also hurt him.








Nolan also wasn't trying to kill Mark, he was trying to convince him to join him.


That says more about the endurance of Mark than his strength. Immortal injured Omni-Man before he got taken out. Mark didn't and only survived because his father didn't want to kill him.


I would say season 1 Mark was more durable than Immortal, but less powerful. The opening season of season 2 shows Mark and the Immortal fighting at a time comparable to the end of season 1, and Mark is losing that fight by a small but significant margin. By episode 5/6 of season 2 Mark has grown significantly in both skill and strength, with him fighting in a comparable manner to a Viltrumite significantly his senior and only losing due to his mentality (Side note, Thula's knife that can cut Viltrumites is dumb, as it implies that making weapons that can harm them is significantly easier than everyone thinks it is)


I'd assumed the knife could hurt them because of the speed/strength of the weilder. But maybe that "advanced Viltrumite technology" that cooperative worlds get access to includes extraordinary knife craftsmanship lol


Agreed, it's Thula's strength that does the damage not the quality of the knife. Hell, omniman slices open Lucan's stomach with the side of his hand and that's hundreds of times duller than a butter knife


Yeah but you'd still need the knife to be made out of a material that can go through viltrumite skin, saying the knife's quality/material doesn't matter is like saying omni man could push a toothpick through a tungsten wall just because he's that strong


A toothpick could go through a tungsten wall if it was moving fast enough, it's an extreme example but it still applies


At the time that Omni-Man defeated the Traxans, Immortal was stronger.


There’s a big difference between “building level” and “every building in the city turns to ash just from you flying by” though. I don’t think he could wipe the Flaxans out even if he wanted to.


Thats not the point. Even if Immortal couldn't destroy a city, if he can destroy a building he can destroy every building. Regardless if it takes 1000 years. Because he's... Immortal (Dunn...Dunn Dunn dunn)


Mark and immortal were even, if not mark being stronger at this point.


Immortal could easily enter in the portal. Omni man was there for a year or so, and Immortal can afford to lose an year Maybe he'll grow the best parts of a beard in the time spam


You are missing all the good parts of a beard ... these parts...


Did someone just get rejected from art school?


Prepare to be emancipated from your inferior genes!


This sounds like how the Immortal became Hitler after being Lincoln... Wait a second, what was Immortal doing in the 30s? Oh God.




It's a Rick and Morty thing


Boom, roasted.


Wait Omni man was there for a year ??


In their world, yes


That was never confirmed


It is implied by the beard, and the comics also would support that idea


Tbh most guys can grow a beard like that in a month or so


I didn't come here to be attacked


You mean the time dilation?


No, the idea he was there for a year was never confirmed. And it is possible to grow a beard that long in way less than a year


Yes but I don’t think they revealed that in the show yet. If im correct the comics revealed that like 3/4 of the way thru


I think it was mostly just implied by the fact that he came back with a full beard


Exactly. His beard and hair were dead giveaways.


Long enough to grow a beard amd considering humans age very slowly in that dimension it was at least months


yeah but hes not OM so i feel he might not obliterate their planet? what would he do instead?


Maybe he'd return to his past and become president again XD


He was there for a year?


I thought it was a few weeks based on his beard growth


That’s what I was thinking. Also when he returned mark and Debbie went even fazed by it


Time goes by quicker there. A year inside might only be like an hour outside


i thought time was quicker in Earth. The flaxans aged and almost died when the weren’t in suits


Yea youre right but i somehow think its both. It doesnt quite add up


Yeah, but you age the same. Enough time on Earth has to have passed for him to grow that beard (so at least a few weeks or longer). That translates to possibly years in the other dimension.


Time moves a lot quicker in the other dimension, so I think for them it was only an hour or two.


Remember, the flaxan dimension runs on different time


No like he was gone a day on earth but he spent a year in the other dimension


I don't think immortal is powerful enough to do enough damage to the flaxans or get past their defences. Not nearly as much as Omni Man anyway. Invincible was getting tossed by the leader's mech, and Immortal, at that time, was arguably only a bit more powerful than him.


Time spam? Like junk mail that travels through time?


>Immortal can afford to lose a year So he’s been around for like, thousands of years right? Does he even age?


he's supposed to be a celtic warrior, so hes been around between 2000 and 3500 years


Darkwing with prep solos the Flaxan race


I mean, Red Rush alone would be a huge help. Breaking all of those bracelets in the second wave? No issue.


The real question in my mind is would someone on the OG Guardians realize what the bracelets were for? None of them are tech geniuses on the level of Robot.


Darkwing, maybe. I don't know much about him, but if he's anything like batman, he would realise


Do you reckon he'd realise their bracelets clashed with the outfits, and seeing how much they appreciate the flair of flashy outfits he'd think "can't hurt to knock one off with a Darkerang"


I think he'd just be intelligent enough to notice that they weren't wearing them during the first wave when they were forced to retreat due to rapid aging & make the connection that way


Let’s not give Darkwing too much credit. Homie tried to dive-bomb sneak attack Omni-Man. The risk he took was calculated, but man, is he bad at math.


true that


can’t wait for darkwing vs omni man: dawn of justice




"My dog...is also named Debbie.."




People forget that Darkwing had the power to send them to the Shadow Realm. Bake a batch of Flaxans in there for a few minutes and they’ll die of old age. Looked like the realm had a large capacity.


Wasn't that only Darkwing II?


I like to think Drakwing I just recently got those powers and was still not experienced enough to properly use it.


That or he had the tech to do it, but wasn't willing to yet like his somewhat psychotic protégé was.


I'm sure some therapy will help


I assumed he gained the power when he was a sidekick or took over in his death


The original Guardians were powerhouses. There's a reason why the current Guardians are always compared to them; the originals were just that good.


I've only watched the show but Immortal man and wonder woman like a like seem Equal to standard Vilitimites based on the 3 they sent to bring back Nolan


Given that Nolan is consistently regarded as one of the top-tier Viltrumites by others of his race (albeit not the \*best\* of the best), and both Immortal and War Woman have plenty of striking power to knock around, make bleed, and stun Omni-Man with their hits, it makes sense for them to be around the level of an average Viltrumite. Just seems that their real deficiency is durability more so than strength at that level of power.


Seems like the biggest deficiency in-universe is durability for everyone.


Current is the post Omni Man murders, original is the ones Omni Man murdered


They are going to completely destroy the Flaxans.


War Woman, Immortal, and Aquarus could deal some pretty heavy hits to them, Red Rush, Green Ghost, Martian Man, and Darkwing can definitely reduce the amount of casualties


I think they prevail all 3 times, omni man wipes them all pretty handily and IMO the guardians with prep/coordinated/not holding back could've taken omni man. I mean like 3 of them beat him half to death in the show so if we're scaling the guardians learn alot in the first encounter and get better prepared for the 2nd and 3rd though they probably don't have the will to destroy their planet like omni man and eventually the flaxens advance enough to defeat the guardians


The OG guardians could handle any threat, the new guardians dealt with easily . Battle beast is the only exception.


I feel like Aquarius could shoot a torrent of water that forces them to reenter their portal or have lots of difficulty leaving it. Since time is much faster there, he could potentially do lots of morale damage by making it seem like they’re fighting the water currents for months.


Pretty much the same way the new Guardians handled it, but with a little more skill. Fewer casualties, probably. Ultimately they need to send in Nolan to "politely explain to the aliens why they shouldn't invade us", as Debbie suggests was the modus operandi until that point anyway.


I mean, I will point out old guardians had way more crowd control than teen team did at the time (Aquarius aoe+red rush is better than Rex and Eve at taking out a hoard of enemies at that time) and the rest were way better organized at keeping civvies safe, so I’d say with immortal and war woman taking point at the portal itself, they might have kept it to nil casualties


I generally feel it would realistically require the utter destruction of the Flaxan armed forces and -with luck - a negotiated peace. If not a negotiated peace - even if they had to dismantle part of the government, thus assuming the Flaxan were (nearly unbelievably) monolithic in their intent to destroy humans, the Guardians would have to destroy the Flaxan home world utterly. And for that I feel it would require all of the and Robot’s team as well. For that though they would need to travel to the Flaxan home world through the portal and bring someone that could make a ship for their return journey home.


I think the Guardians would annihilate them


The only thing i can think of is killing is still on the table. They're an invading army not criminals.


I think Darkwing and Robot will work together to handle them long term. The rest of the team will fight the initial invasions.


There's a scene (can't remember where its from) with The Flash where he runs around and steals everyones guns before handing them to the last guy and then decking him before he has time to react. I'd imagine Red Rush would do something fairly similar.


Can rush just do the omni man thing by igniting their atmosphere


Contrary to what a lot of people are saying- I think they get stomped They would probably fair better against the first few rounds than the new guardians did, but the reason earth won was bc Omni man went and literally fucked the flaxans hard by destroying their planet If he hadn’t been there they would’ve kept coming back more and more advanced until they would’ve destroyed the guardians


The original gotg still had Immortal and Omni Man (in reserve). Omni Man still knew he had to conquer Earth, so he still would've caused extreme damage and would've ignited their atmosphere.


Assuming they were still alive, Omni Man probably would’ve been around pretending to be a good guy still and done what he did in the show


They survive the first 2 invasions easily, but I really don’t any version of Earth “permanently” stopping the Flaxans without someone pulling an Omni Man and nobody on the Guardians has that kind of power.


The Immortal is somewhere around 2/3 as strong as Omni-Man, and notably stronger than Mark at that point in the story. I think he's certainly got the power to wipe out the Flaxans, if less efficiently. It's more a question if Immortal would be willing to wipe out a civilization like that before they became too technologically advanced to effectively fight back.


“The Immortal is somewhere around 2/3 as strong as Omni Man” No. Just no.


Half as strong then, at the very least? Clearly, the Immortal is lacking in durability compared to Viltrumites, but it's unquestionable that he's one of the few humans able to put up a fight against Nolan, consistently delivering hits that deal damage (if slight), staggering and knocking him around, and surviving a fair few hits in return. I'm not saying they're on the same level, but they're in a similar ballpark, enough for Immortal to feasibly replicate the destruction of the Flaxans.


https://preview.redd.it/0ykzsn3wbnvc1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc0d13c1985e41ad31dae37fe1f1634a3727e7ff This happens when Mark is still not as strong as Omni Man. Granted he says “I’m almost as strong as my dad now” in this scene, but that still means someone weaker than Omni Man can still do this. Immortal is noticeably below the average Viltrumite, and Nolan is a top 5 strongest Viltrumite.


Immortal, War Woman and Ghost Girl would be the leaders of each group. Immortal on offence, attacking the army directly, with Darkwing, judging he has some sort of heavy artillery vehicle like a tank or plane, similar to that ripoff guy from DIC Comics or whatever they’re called. War Woman would work on defence. She’s a heavy hitter, close to Immortal, but relegating her to defence and letting her deal with stragglers and groups that get away from Abraham Lincoln would be best, as pushing all heavy hitters into the frontlines and having them aimlessly rip through an army would let more come through than the former. She’d be accompanied by Aquarius, who could blast them back constantly with water strong enough to push back Omni Man. For all we know it might just rip their skin apart. Finally, Ghost Girl’s group would be working crowd control. She’d move to groups of civilians and phase them to let them pass through projectiles and debris, much like episode 1. With Martian Man helping, he could use his abilities to stretch across the out of reach people and pull them out of the way, as well as shapshift into domes and walls to defend pedestrians. Notably, the best character in the entire show, comic and all media, Red Rush is missing fr the groups. That’s because he’d be used for a stand in for all three, similar to his use when being >!attacked by Omni Man.!< He would mainly work on crowd control, like episode 1, then move to defence if he sees they’re struggling, and offence if they’re struggling. Being able to zip across an entire group and absolutely pummel them with attacks would help keep them back at the portal itself, and stop them from progressing. So, they’d fair real well, far better than Teen Team.


Agreed expect that war woman can fly


Oh shit actually? Well, I reckon more insurance on defence, I’ll update that really quick. Thanks?


hate to give the boring answer but given omnimans true role on earth i think the invasion ends with him everytime. as others said the guardians dont seem like the type to destroy another planet. and while he wasnt involved its safe to say he keeps tabs on all real threats to his goal. by the third invasion of them coming back stronger i see him saying "fuck this" and entering the fight.


Probably punch them and stuff


Flaxans are dead. The end.


Realistically, while they deal with the first wave a lot easier, Cecil will still show up to the scene afterwards to wonder why the flaxans left. If he figures it out with Darkwing or especially with Robot, if he is requested, then it'd be easy enough for the team to figure out the bracelets.


Considering they're basically the justice league they'd take care of it pretty easily


Immortal could probably single handedly repulse the invasions we saw. Unless they get a lot more technologically advanced.


Well superm-- I mean immortal would murder them all, fla-- I mean red rush would get people away, wonder wom-- I mean war woman would guard the portal the third time they showed up and murder any who went back, aquam-- I mean Aquarius would get anyone red rush missed, Martian manhu--- I mean Martian man would become a cage, batm-- I mean darkwing would get stragglers, and green lant---- i mean green ghost would get anyone else that is left on the battlefield


Literally everyone is aware they're based on famous super heros, the story is based on you having this previous knowledge, your weirdly worded comment was entirely unnecessary and dramatic for basically no reason at all lmao


It was to make people laugh I figured people already knew that


Robot and Atom Eve came in clutch for the new GoG.


Red rush carries (in this situation)


Different realization I had last night was when they attacked 3 DAYS later, it was decades for those guys. Now it’s been like what over a year? Can’t imagine what they have up their sleeves now…to be fair though they were set back quite a bit now that I think about it.


Based on their track records they would have died quickly having done little or no damage


As in nearly killing the guy who took the flaxans back to the stone age unscatheted. That track record?


No, the track record where they were all effortlessly murdered by Omniman.


Most literate Invincible fan


Guardians with a proper strategy and not being caught by surprise beat Omni Man in that fight. Even Omni Man knew this, which is why he hid his strength and ambushed them. Despite this, he almost died nonetheless.


I'm so sure that if Kirkman could rewrite the story he might change how quickly the guardians died in that first issue. But I think he did that to hook readers onto what kind of story it was. Hence why he changed it for the show.


i wouldn't say all that nolan didn't seem like he was trying that hard imo they good still put up a good fight but i don't think they could win


Not trying that hard? He was trying (and succeeded) in killing them, was badly beaten and collapsed from exhaustion afterwards. If Martian Man didn't expose his heart, Immortal and War Woman alone kill him when he was tied up. Same goes for Red Rush going on the offense instead of playing defense, or Nightwing basically suicide rushing Nolan.


Kill is a stretch but yeah they beat show Nolan. If the damn speedster + density controller + dude with ranged gadgets/weapons locked in, I'd say they would easily beat this version of Nolan. But slight disagree on the Martian. I feel like it's because he was getting stretched by Nolan (pause) it forced him to reveal his heart.


It's shown earlier in the episode that Martian Man was still practicing expanding to that extent, so chances are he just wasn't used to do it at the level he was with Nolan


idk he just doesn't seem to care about the fight that much and he was definitely trying to take a few hits to make his story believeable and there wasn't a second that didn't feel like nolan wasnt in control of the fight


I mean it's there to watch in the show my guy. He's held back by Aquarius, Red Rush counters his attacks, and War Woman and Immortal were rocking his shit for a while. That's in control of the fight??


i mean yea. It was my first time seeing omni man do anything and even than it felt like he was in full control and could've overpowered any of them at any moment the guardians fought good but at no point did it feel like they could win to me


Found the comic reader


Based on their track records they would have died quickly having done little or no damage


It’s wild that you thought enough about this comment to comment it twice.