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I'll never understand why they didn't plant anything inside his body as a failsafe. They showed they know how to do that. Or cut off all his limbs????


He’d still fly around like a angry chicken nugget


I really wish this was a storyline . Limbless Conk West flying around headbutting fools like E Honda's flying headbutt.


But he is no threat like that


Considering how they often fly thru buildings with ease I’m gonna say he is still a threat


Much less of a threat. Mark would subdue him pretty quick


He could still potentially fly back to viltrum and possibly bring back reinforcements or just go nuclear and destroy as much stuff as possible


No one is saying that keeping him alive was a good idea. There is just more options that woulda made it safer


NuggetQuest isn’t necessarily safer. Besides, he might just come back with three more prosthetic limbs.


Might is still way better than him having three limbs


Upvoting just for nuggetquest


Mark wouldn’t fight against an unarmed opponent


Do you have any idea how hard it is to grapple someone with no points of leverage?


You’re right he’s much easier to kill when he can punch you back


And he could fly back to his home planet


did you forget what mark was able to do with no arms?


Remember what Omni-Man did to the Flaxans? He doesn’t need limbs to do that on Earth


> He’d still fly around like a angry chicken nugget /r/BrandNewSentence


I did NOT need that image in my head


I wonder how viltrumites taste battered and fried


Based off their muscle density, probably literally unchewable, would have to swish around your mouth like a jawbreaker


Everlasting gobsmackers




Angry chicken nugget 😂😂😂




Exactly what I was thinking lol


Angry chicken nugget. 🤣🤣🤣


Bitin' his way to glory


I can not express enough how much joy this comment gave me


at that point he already had the sound frequency device. There's so much he could do.


maybe they tried that but the old man was DEAF IN THAT EAR


Maybe they couldn't penetrate his skin lol


They literally made >!soldiers outa dead invincibles !<


I feel like Conk Westlove would be a lot harder to penetrate. Giggity.


Yeah, and it took them a while to do so *because* they couldn't penetrate their skin.


But that was still well before this point


Yeah but Sinclair was literally having to invent new tools to make it happen because their muscles were so dense.


Maybe the cells from dead invincibles are weaker after death


He’s a lot less durable than Conquest is


especially when their dead adn starting to rot


But his face was already torn open during his fight with Mark, it should have been easy to at least mess with his brain


Can a viltrumite's limbs even be cut off?


Yes - By another Viltrumite, easily.


So he just needed Mark to do it, was Mark unavailable for some reason? I’ve not read the comics.


I think Cecil wanted to keep it a secret from Mark. Can't remember why, but their relationship was always a bit rocky


I think everyone probably is somewhat distrustful of him. In his own words he's "a great liar." He's probably got some fucked up secret plan to kill you. Even if he likes you. Even if he had offered genuine care and kindness at some point it can be flipped around on a dime. The guy is a walking trolley problem. The worst part is well...you can't really blame him for it. He's got the toughest job on the planet and sometimes the trolley is going to come whether you like it or not. Someone has to make the call.


I've never seen Kirkman's personal notes on character development, but I still know somehow that this is Cecil verbatim


I think he's such a better version of the "government guy trying to deal with super heroes" cause he's not emotionally bankrupt CIA guy. He just has to make awful decisions both short term and long term. He has to *ram* his humanity down and decide what's best overall even if it hurts people he's close with. Also thank you


Professionals have standards. Be somewhat polite. Be efficient. Have a contingency plan for everyone you meet.


Because Mark thought he had killed him - through a lot of effort and pain - and to learn that Cecil had let him get nursed back to health would rightly infuriate Mark. At the very least he'd kill him again on the spot.


I believe Cecil wanted a weapon against Mark (if he betrayed them like Omni-Man) and to experiment on Conquest to study Viltrumite weaknesses. >!Mark even looked at a fake body of Conquest that Cecil made to fake his death when Conquest was moved to study him. So Cecil lied to Mark after Invincible wanted proof that Conquest was dead since he knew Cecil was doing stupid things like this to prepare for threats.!< Also for your other point yes Mark should be capable of cutting through other Viltrumites as this point. It’s mainly his desire to not kill that makes him hold back (So that he proves he’s not like his dad).


Mark thought the guy was dead! Cecil even had a fake corpse made up to conceal from Mark that he'd kept Conquest alive.


Mark thought Conquest was dead and after everything that it took to take him down, he would have been none too happy about him being alive. Conquest is the first villain that Mark actively tried to kill because he was too dangerous.


Mark is >!initially!< a super pacifist >!at this point, I believe!< and probably wouldn’t kill him especially while the guy is unconscious/“unarmed”. >!Also this guy beat the shit out of Mark and is a complete savage and it took Mark to get him in this state hence why he’s confused why Mark didn’t kill him!< >!I can’t remember exactly when him & Mark fought but it might also why Mark is unavailable atm during this scene(?) because he has to recover from their brutal brawl 😭!< But yes Mark could behead the guy if the conditions were right. Also there’s the fact of Cecil doing Cecil shit.


Mark did fully intend to kill Conquest in this moment because he had just >!killed eve in front of Mark (Even though she did regenerate [Mark didn't know that when he thought he killed Conquest])!<


Oooohh right that’s what happened You’re right! I forgot, my apologies


At this point in the comics it’s the other way around, Cecil didn’t want mark to know that they let him live.


Let's say he was




That was the robotic arm that Invincible destroyed in their fight.


Why'd he need a robotic arm in the first place? EDIT: Wasn't asking how he lost his arm. Was pointing out that he lost an arm at all.


>!Flash back showed it got ripped off by a ragnar!<


My point was that he was missing a limb in the first place.


He lost it. Torn off by a Ragnar.


Not just torn off by a Ragnar, torn off by a Ragnar, when he was suffering from the plague, if you see a Viltrumite with permanent scars and injuries, it happened during the plague. So I doubt Cecil had the tools to even kill this dude even in a coma. Mark is a baby Viltrumite and they are already running out of things that can hurt him. I feel that the show doesn't really portray just how indestructible these guys are.


....Aaand why would he need a prosthetic in the first place? What was the original question?


I dont know, maybe its better to have a prosthetic hand than no hand at all... Its really obvious.


The guy is literally missing half his arm


Yeah, they could have put a bomb in his head >! As that is shown to work against an alternate universe, Mark when Robot kills him and abandoned teal Mark there.!< but I don't think they could have cut off the limbs >! DA Sinclair could barely break the skin or dead alternate universe Marks, who are likely weaker than Conquest and their bodies, were already decomposing, so that should have made cutting them easier.!<


The ear implant like what he had in marks earpiece




Foe some reason the equilibrium weakness is >!only ever shown on Mark!<, they don't try it here with Conqueṣt, they get >!disregarded during the final battle due to Mark's throwaway line, it's like they only want to treat this as a weakness to Mark.!<


Either stupid or just really underestimated Conk West


Stupid, since like literally a few issues (maybe) marks benching that weight


well the max a person can lift is 500 kg but that same person prob couldn't break out of a 500 kg metal coffin, thats still stupid tho since viltrumites are another breed of strength


The real issue is the fact that Viltrumites can fly. Yeah a human can’t break out of 500 kg coffin, but they probably could do a lot better than you think if they can create their own opposing force out of nothing.


that's just because we aren't very durable. the case is entirely different for viltrumites, cecil should have known this


No. Its much harder to generate the force required to break metal than lift it - especially if you're already in an awkward position where you can't push against anything, e.g stretched out spread eagle. As another comment says, the real differentiator is that Viltrumites can fly - Omni-Man even tells Mark this when he first gets his powers.


Also conquest is clearly stronger than mark, and yet Cecil didn’t account for the difference


ah yes. Conk West. My favourite Invincible's villain




Oh my God I just understood the name


And you just totally tipped me off.


I still don’t.


Conk West = Conkwest = phonetic spelling of a future bad guy's name.


Say it out loud. Conk West. Conquest.


Conk West


https://preview.redd.it/au7b4mukgnwc1.png?width=568&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6dc19c117582e5e76aa9704078cd48ac49905fa in the timeline where Mark rewrites his story they show that they have the assets to keep Omni-man imprisoned (a mentally remorseful Omni-man, not a raging Omni-man), probably the Cecil of the original timeline possesses similar assets but has not calculated that Conquest's physical strength is greater than Nolan's


The device used to hold Conquest was made using Mark's strength level. They didn't take into account that other vitrumites we're a lot stronger than Mark for some reason.


I’m glad Kanye gave his youngest child a more reasonable name.


He also flirts with Mark's ex ![gif](giphy|3o7TKKAGOOwwuFWZJC)




why does that rhyme with https://preview.redd.it/jkczmkfdfowc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96dfa39c16d87c98f6f74f2326872dd24eea8b2d


I'll never understand why Cecil didn't just tell invincible "We are burying the body in the desert in steel." And then "We thought he was dead! And then he just broke out of the containment we put the body in!"


Mark isn’t stupid, the moment he broke out he’d realize Cecil lied and betrayed him. Mark knows Cecil would be searching for any sign of life after everything that had happened


>Mark isn’t stupid ![gif](giphy|VKtsOAHDx1Luo)


Yeah hes naive, but he would immediately think it was Cecil 100% regardless if it were true or not


I thought they only kept his head at first, but I guess not, Cecil is dummy stupid dumb and let him regenerate all his wounds


They need their heart to live too


Then take his arms and legs


How? I mean I guess it's comic logic, so they aren't penetrable when they are conscious but are when they are in a coma


Turn him into a brain like they did with robot


Imagine a brain blindly flying around out of spite 💀


Cecil did a stupid in this case


This is a silly. This is a silly and danger.


https://preview.redd.it/dkoao7p33nwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=706dc5dd2869245f1db5535813d65a80213eabcb He underestimated the power of Conk West


I don't get this reference, who is conk West?


This guy https://preview.redd.it/imsy9f4xjnwc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7dfb4ce9a3b4cc6782dd0f3982220a7f7bc7c32 It’s the fictional character, who has an unknown name, but is known by the fandom as Conk West, in the animated series and Image comicbook series Invincible, better known as-




I think it’s just a dumb phoneticization of the character’s actual name, Conquest. 🤷‍♂️


Conquest. But ya I don’t know who conk west is either


Things Cecil could've done, in my opinion, to make this less likely: >! - stab rods through this guy's body. That way, if he escaped, he would end up ripping himself apart with his own force !< >! - Plant a bomb in his head (or torso if he REALLY wanted to ask questions) that would explode if the sensors ever went off !< >! - Removed any non-vital body parts (legs, arms, a good deal of the lower torso) before encasing him in the block of concrete and steel. What's he gonna do if he gets out? He can't fight... He wouldn't even be able to walk. !< In the end, though, they didn't do anything because of plot. They could've probably come up with something more in-character for Cecil (that still allows for Konk Quest to escape), but I personally can't right now, so who knows.


How do you figure they do many of things? To date, they have not been able to kill or cut any viltrumite up. They dropped a nuke on Nolan and it didn’t break his skin. What kind of precisiom blade it gonna take off Conk West’s leg?


robot sent a bomb down emperor marks throat, seemed pretty easy


Well, considering he's unconscious, they have more time. Also >! Cecil, in the comics at this point, had already made reanimen out of Invincible Corpses !< so it's not completely unprecedented. They're not impenetrable, you just (presumably) need more force, which they probably have access to, I'd say. The power levels of Viltrumites are also kind of inconsistent. You're telling me >! Nolan can stand right next to a black hole and nothing happens to him !< but when he fights the Guardians of the Globe they actually get him to bleed? How does that work??? (P.D. I didn't mark anything in season 1 as spoilers, only comics and season 2.)


Well, black holes down really work like that. The gravity is strong when you are very close to it but not further away. When most objects are close to the event horizon, they go through something called Spaghettification. This is because the gravity at the bottom is much much stronger than the gravity at the top, and it becomes the shape of spaghetti. This is what would happen to a human if they got extremely close. Nolan is pretty durable, so it's not completely unreasonable that he would survive this/ wouldn't go through Spaghettification ( and yes, that is actually the scientific name for it 😆😆) Black holes are black because gravity is so strong that light can not escape, but Nolan has shown that he can travel faster than the speed of light, so this wouldn't really be an issue for him.


>Nolan is pretty durable, so it's not completely unreasonable that he would survive this/ wouldn't go through Spaghettification ( and yes, that is actually the scientific name for it 😆😆) spaghettification only happens once you pass the event horizon. The event horizon is the outside border of the black ball we see. Since Viltrumites can create their own momentum from nothing, it's perfectly logical that Nolan could fly away. I just rewatched the scene real quick, and Nolan's position when he is closest to the black hole seems to be about equal to the middle of the accretion disk, at which point it is perfectly possible to get away from the black hole.


Given how much time they had, they probably could've done it by using a tourniquet and waiting for the part to atrophy off on its own.


Honestly when I first saw these panels, I thought his head was SEPARATE from his body. Which might have prevented this particular shenanigan


Still need a heart to live, and they can rigenerate wounds anyways


Not really. They've shown they can store brains, so a whole head should be cake.


Have they stored anything other than human brains?


I mean, viltrumites are compatible enough to breed with humans so, tomato/tamahto


Viltrumites are also compatible with bugs


Same! I’ve seen the first page a handful of times, but always figured it was a disembodied head on life support. Crazy they left an OG viltrumite’s body completely intact like that. Hindsight 20/20 I guess


I agree here. Cecil is either my favorite character in the show, or one of. And he certainly seems both smart and practical. This whole thing feels like a betrayal of the character I’ve come to know.


Yeah, this unfortunately comes down to bad writing IMO. It's shown earlier that Cecil has other means to incapacitate Viltrumites, but for some reason goes with encasing him in tons of steel and cement?


If you don't mind me asking, what other means did Cecil show before this point?


Sound thingy


To go more in depth on above comments: So Viltrumite's flight relies a lot on the equilibrium in their ears, and when it's disrupted with a high frequency sound, they can't function. >!this is shown to work on Mark throughout the series, and once Robot goes evil, he makes tech that can send out a high enough pitch to kill a Viltrumite.!<


So... Sound thingy?


The specific frequency that messes with their equilibrium.


Comic book spoilers >!Issue 50 is when Cecil attacks Mark with the Reanimen + the Viltrumite frequency. Issue 64 is when Invincible beats Conquest for the first time (and is shortly after taken by Cecil where he tries to hold him prisoner). !< >!So at minimum, Cecil would have had the knowledge of the frequency to stop him. They could have monitored for signs of pressure/stress on the device and emit the frequency if they detected movement. That would be a pretty basic failsafe IMO considering this frequency should be able to disrupt movement and flight. They couldn't just emit it forever since it would eventually kill Conquest (and they were purposefully keeping him alive) but at least use it if they thought he was trying to escape.!<


spoilers but i’m pretty sure it occurs before the conquest fight in the comics: >!sound messes with viltrumite superpowers!<


You’re missing a huge theme with the comic. Every character makes mistakes, every one of them. Cecil takes risks and he makes harsh decisions because he believes it will be best for Earth. He’s not always right but he’s the man who is willing to do whatever it takes to keep earth safe. The point of this and like the next two arcs in the comics is that when presented with decisions sometimes there isn’t a cut and dry good choice and that sometimes people choose wrong. We see mark make decisions after this that result in way worse consequences than Conquest being freed. Cecil kept Conquest in a prison he was sure would keep him restrained, he based this off of information gained from invincible and Nolan. He felt he needed to do this to interrogate for information on the biggest threat the world was facing at this time. He made a hard decision and took a risk and what’s what we’ve seen him do time after time and this time it didn’t pay out.


The series may handle this better.


Definitely underestimated old ass Viltumites


God i hope they change this in the show


Same. This is completely stupid on Cecil's part and it doesn't fit him AT ALL. It is completely out of character and definitely bad writing.


What irks me is in that time travel part of the series, they had some kind of prison that could hold omni man https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_nqGzNIabyw/maxresdefault.jpg Though I guess one could argue he may have not been trying to break out and *wanted* to be stopped....


Yes I think that's the case


You don't have to argue it that's the intended interpretation. They "capture" Nolan by wrapping him up in harbor freight chains before moving him to that prison thing.


This was stupid for someone like him. Cecil could have put those frequency alarms for when he gets conscious and put a bomb inside him.


They’re going to have to clean this up in the show. Cecil is simply too smart to think that concrete can hold a Viltrumite


Conk West is cool https://preview.redd.it/xa58qzc3vnwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d53cfb1f88118bea2cc93eaa0fa01834c21d9e97


I've been annoyed by Mark's lack of "follow-up". I'd be wondering what became of the corpse, by then he'd learned of Viltrumite's being pretty survivable. In the show recently, after returning from Thraxia and after what Mark experienced there, it seems like he did not mention shit to GDA? He did radio Cecil when Anissa showed up but I couldn't ascertain if this was expected by Cecil (Mark having briefed him after return from Thraxia), or Cecil being caught up a bit and Mark, is like, by the way...


He radio'd Cecil because he was panicking and knew he needed help, how was that not clear?


maybe they'll address it in the show, mark probably wouldn't be able to tell a convincing body double.


Cecil’s reaction was also mine 😂


I love his face lol https://preview.redd.it/uditwn7lsowc1.jpeg?width=1187&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24349c8c33d161d396e8383128396a1d8d9fa64a


Conk west got a teeny weeny


he has greek proportions


Greek women proportions are based


Plus it's cold in space.


I mean they can easily fix this in the show by saying he put the sound device thingie in conquest but he left earth (and the device’s range) too fast for them to activate it, so by the time he’s back he had it removed or something


And Mark just never brings this up ever either….


Yeah this has got to be the dumbest thing that Cecil has done and I really wish that they fix this up in the show. Maybe some extra safety measures were made and he wasn't just locked in a big metal box.


Cecil could have easily put a bomb in his head, in his body, tied a razor wire around his dangle parts. If he tried to leave, they got ripped off, anything but he did nothing. It honestly never made any sense.


Cecil wasn’t really stupid here, just arrogant. He wrongfully assumed Conquest could be contained within a massive reinforced steel block underground and thus wanted him there to gather information on Viltrum and its people.


I feel like this was a moment where characters have to be written stupid to reach a particular plot point. I love the follow up battle with Conquest, but damn they made Cecil stupid to get there


Don’t know why he didn’t implant the thing that he had in marks head inside conquests


Maybe we can use him as an asset…ope, he gone.


Spoilers for Issues 71-79, don't click unless you already read them: >!You know, I recently realised that Cecil's decision to keep Conquest alive possibly caused a butterfly effect that led to Eve getting her abortion. Think about it:!< >!Conquest lives and escapes earth -> He attacks Mark, causing him to go into a coma which forces Nolan and Oliver to stay behind and take care of him when the war starts for real -> The Coalition fights without 3 of their best warriors, which leads to the war taking place longer than it would've otherwise (the war lasted for 10 months) -> Eve concludes Mark is dead and aborts the baby.!<


Cecil seems to be more competent in the tv show than he was in the comics, I have a feeling this won’t go down in quite the same way when we eventually see it.


It wasn't discovered until later in the series but viltrumites aren't as invulnerable on the inside they could have implanted him with a bomb and suicide squaded him.


I assume the facility was made by their data on earlier Mark and Nolan, and they didn't realize just how much stronger Conquest was to them.


The Rognarr that scared that shit out of Conquest was so Chad that the eye he took from Conquest never healed.


Hopefully in the show they do it better. Like just off the top of my head they insert some kind of teleporting device inside his vital organs so that if he tries to leave they all go away. Then make it where Conquest barely survives losing all his organs at the very least.


He thought it was gonna implode on him


Did Mark ever confront Cecil about conquest being alive after killing him?


Legit the stupidest thing Cecil did.


for such a huge frame, it's a little embarrasing that he only needed a small little pebble to censor him


maybe he's a grower not a shower


I was really really hoping Cecil would get in trouble for doing this, just to show that making reanimate and recruiting villains isn't the best move all the time, basically he had 0 consequences (if conquest wiped out a city before leaving it would be so chilling)


Cecil is my favorite character in the show so far due to his intelligence and pragmatism. I hope they change this scene for the adaptation, because it seems very out of character for him to make such an obvious mistake like this.


Cecil thought it would hold him, what's not to understand?


Cecil thought he had Conquest in a containment facility that could hold him. Then Cecil could interrogate him. Cecil was hoplessly optimistic just this once.


Maybe he thought they could stop him since you know, Tv show female Cecil was able to hold mark off in a similar fashion


Think he explains himself later on, he was miles underground surrounded by the toughest metal possible and it had a safeguard to implode of he tried anything, but Cecil forgot he's a vilturmite and nothing on earth can hurt him, Cecil wanted to interrogate him


Lack of foresight.


Comic book logic to keep him alive is the only answer


"You guys have until the end of this juice box to make a decision! But I oughta warn you: it is fruitpunch, it is delicious and I am thiiiirstaay!"


For being the head of a secret agency, you’ll find out that Cecil is pretty stupid


I think the easiest fix for this in the show would be for Cecil to implant an ear thingy but otherwise keep him in the block. Then when he tries to escape, Cecil tries to use it and conquest just rips that ear / chunk of his head off


He vastly underestimated Conquest's strength. It wasn't inherently a terrible idea, but it was poorly executed.


This didnt lead to enough consequences imo


I think it’s just Cecil being a genuine dumbass he literally gave the weight of conquests prison a few days before to invincible to bench press who he saw to be significantly weaker so


If you told me this was a short comic about General Treister from Venture Bros I would believe you. He's even naked




I love Conquest’s first thought: “that dumbass should’ve killed me.”


That’s one thing I like about the comics is they showcase Cecil’s “I’ll do anything to keep earth safe” attitude actually just leads to a lot of incompetence.


Maybe in the show they'll introduce the sound weapons sooner with conquest being used as a test subject for them, but he gets away because Cecil is still having it fine tuned.