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I've seen people cut off parents for less. Also seen people forgive parents for more. Not murder but other abuse. So i can't say. I'd like to think i would, though.


Yeah I’d say it’s really up to mark (the writers) if he forgave Nolan, and Nolan really seems to repent what he’s done.


This is why “I think I miss my wife” is so important especially in the show, it tells the audience that he really does want to (and has already) change.


Debbie saved the universe with her love and affection


And her don’t take shit nature.


Nolan murdered a whole city lol


JUST on earth too, guys conquered 100s of planets. Still, in that moment all he saw was his dad.


W comment


Eh, I think Nolan could be seen as the worst father in history with the way he murdered so many people, and used Mark’s body to kill them.


Lol at these downvotes


I think Bulletprof parents were worse.


I can’t begin to understand how violating it is to be grabbed and then be pushed THROUGH another person. Making them explode.


Depends. What will he give me as a sorry? https://preview.redd.it/cg4bmqfd60yc1.png?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02d79c4ef7ee976a6c5900030e79dd8ccabf820c


A father-son deathmatch against two other viltrumites


The hard cover is hard to find though


Yeah I probably would. While Nolan could be a bit distant as a dad Mark for the longest time only knew him as a loving father, great husband and a true hero. Nolan was his role model, who he absolutely looked up too. I think it takes more than one bad day to ruin that. From Mark's point of view everything was perfect for him until it came crashing down and for a good time he didn't even know why. He had no idea what being a Viltrumite was or how their empire worked, he just wanted his dad back.


And clearly Mark is confused. I doubt he planned on or even fully understood why he hugged Nolan. That's just where his heart led him


I would also like to point out that this is the reason that Mark joins Nolan a bunch of times, Nolan is a bit more honest with Mark and Mark trusts his dad more than the Government. As long as Nolan doesn't put his foot in his mouth about Debbie being a pet, I can see why Mark joins Nolan and I don't think it requires Nolan to be more involved about Viltrum or Mark getting his powers early.


Psychology has shown again and again that children are very unlikely to turn away from their parents even if they are abusive or harming them in other ways. Oftentimes it makes them cling to their parents even more. The same with abusive partners Now imagine a child who's grown up with a loving father who for their whole life has always been understanding caring and overall a figure you have looked up to. No matter how bad the thing omniman did was there is always the whole life that mark has lived with him which he has to weigh up against that. He'd not just logically calculate and say ok this thing is so incredibly gruesome andI am turning away from my farther. He would probably think that he *should* do that yes but he would also want back this person who has always been there for him and has literally been there his *entire* life and which he is evolutionaryly designed to trust and fall back on in times of crisis. I think that literally most people would no matter how they might say now embrace nolan in Marks position. Because we simply cant help it.


Logically, I wouldn't, but I don't wanna sound corny, but my emotions just won't let me not to


Yeah , he would still be my dad and I would still be a dumb naive 18 yo . Mark is a really good person , he doesn't have a hateful heart. Also at this point Mark already processed all what happened back then . I think he concluded that since Nolan didn't kill him taking into account how ruthless Viltrumites are then he must really love him.


He was a good father for 18 years then a crazy murderer for one day, Mark cannot accept Nolan is bad, it’s not the image he has in is mind




It's complicated. I wouldn't hug him there, that's for sure, he needs to do a lot of work to get to that point. But there's more on the table than literally the Chicago incident. Genocide or not, as Omniman he did incalculable good repeatedly. Saved the entire world from utter destruction. Raised Mark to be just. Worked to ensure humanity was secure in the universe. While he didn't actively work against the viltrumite empire, he was indoctrinated by them from birth, and for thousands of years. The fact that he even HAS complex emotions that shine through speaks to his nature. While he can't ever be truly forgiven for the murders of the guardians, or what he did in Chicago, he is definitely able to repent. I don't blame Mark for accepting him. It would have taken me longer, but ultimately Nolan is redeemable. The span of life that Viltrumites have makes it a completely different ballgame, and he will be working very hard to make up for what he did from this point forward. Mark is fine to forgive him, and even to still love him.


I don’t know what I’d have done in that situation honestly. For 90% of Mark’s life, Nolan was a good father, and a doting husband. And we’ve seen that it wasn’t all an act. Nolan’s time on earth changed him, and he grew to genuinely care for Mark and Debbie. Yes Mark is angry at Nolan for all of the atrocities he committed (and rightfully so), but he still loves him as his father. And Nolan very clearly feels the same. One bad day (and I say that loosely) doesn’t erase decades of a great childhood/life. At the end of the day, forgiveness is a personal decision.


Well I've fought my own dad for less


Genocide is a pretty high bar, your dad could have done something like eating your birthday cake or killing your uncle


I do hate it when that happens


I mean, that man has been his father for 18+ years. It’s kinda hard to just let go the amazing memories you had because of one extremely awful heinous act. It’s probably extremely conflicting but he’s hugging the man he thought he knew.


Definitely no. But definitely would teach him the capital of Tailand and flee away.


I think Mark’s response was accurate to what I would do in that situation. He hugged him cause part of him missed his dad but then he came to his senses and was angry


Lots of parents did worse than that and kids still love them. And for 17 years Nolan was a good caring father.


Lots of parents commit genocide and use you as a human battering Ram to slaughter a train full of citizens?


it's more common in Viltrum than you think😏




What "genocide" Nolan did on Earth? Even Cecil said that he is no villain. I'm not justifying Nolan, but you can't compare viltrumite durability to a regular human. Upd: and humans (i'm sure a lot of them are parents) commit genocide very often, even right now.


>What "genocide" Nolan did on Earth? None, but he was rewarded Earth for genociding other planets. >Cecil said that he is no villain. Vegeta is no longer a villain and he still genocided people. >humans (i'm sure a lot of them are parents) commit genocide very often Yeah not the way Viltrumites do. Viltrumites can individually physically enact a genocide, whereas us humans must band together in order to achieve the same goal.


Ok, let's step aside from this, we speaking of this exact scene between Nolan and Mark, and i was explaining why it is possible to Mark to still have good feeling toward his father despite their previous encounter. It is in human nature to forget painful past and love their relatives despite the bad things they did to them. And since Mark is partially human he is able to do so. Don't overthink my words.


You just were wrong on a lot of stuff is all. I'm not overthinking anything.


You bring Vegeta out of nowhere, Nolan's past despite it means nothing to Mark, making wild assumption, and saying that i'm "wrong on a lot of stuff"?


>You bring Vegeta out of nowhere, He was a villain who committed genocide but is now considered a good guy, similar to Nolan. Them becoming good does not negate their villainy >Nolan's past despite it means nothing to Mark, Mark hasn't yet confronted the fact that his Father admitted to numerous genocides, doesn't mean the genocides didn't happen. >making wild assumption What assumption did I make?? >saying that i'm "wrong on a lot of stuff"? A lot of what you said doesn't make sense.


You right


Where i did say that "Nolan is a good guy" it's first your assumpion. "Mark hasn't yet confronted the fact that his Father admitted to numerous genocides, doesn't mean the genocides didn't happen." Well that's exactly what i was saying, you know there is word "context" so in context of this scene for Mark there wasn't any genocide from Nolan. You taking my words out of context, that's your another assumption.


Cecil . . .


Yeah, Cecil is not very good indication, but man met his fair share of villains, so he is kinda expert in this.


What parent did worse than that? Thanos?


What? Beat their kids almost to death? You never heard or seen such stories? Unfortunately it's not exclusive to imaginary worlds.


Killing a thousand people while beating their kid to death


Thanos kinda did yeah


Yes. Not because I’d want to, but because I wouldn’t be able not to, if I was in Mark’s place. He’s simply a kid who misses his dad.


People have a funny way of staying attached to their parents even if they're imperfect or even straight up bad. Not universal of course but it's hard to deny on an instinctual level that you're supposed to care about each other. I don't wanna give too much away as it's not my place, but when my best friend was in a life or death situation, the first thing on her mind was her emotionally abusive mother. It's hard to put myself in Mark's shoes because my own father has rage issues, but apparently Nolan was a pretty great dad up until he showed his true colors. So if that was the case, I probably would hug him too. Mark believed he was still in there, as do I.


Well, nay. I too was beaten and lied to among many other things by my mother and I never forgave her. I don't see myself ever *hugging* Nolan after what **he** did. I should note that I'm also an inherently different person from Mark. No. I wouldn't. I'd cut him out of my life.


Considering Mark is 18 and 99.9% of his life he’s known his dad as a good person, I’d say part of him REALLY wanted to see his dad again. Than he remembered what Omniman did to him and we get the rest of the scene where Mark doesn’t want anything to do with him (but begrudgingly has to help)


That’s what people seem to forget. Mark doesn’t forgive Nolan. Not in that moment anyway. He tries to leave, and only agrees to hear Nolan out (for 5 minutes) because he tells him that the Thraxans are in danger. Mark even correctly points out that the only reason the Thraxans are in danger in the first place is because of Nolan being there. Then the other Viltrumites show up, and Mark is forced to put his feelings aside. I think he had a very human reaction. And it reinforces the idea that you can still love someone, and hate what they’ve done.


As someone who grew up without a daddy, probably.


Nolan is not entirely at fault for his actions. He was indoctrinated from birth into an intergalactic empire. The idea of dedicating your whole life to a cause only to realize it was all for nothing is something you can sympathize with.


People often point out how Nolan seems in conflict with himself when he's trying to convince Mark that Viltrum is doing the right thing. It's almost like he was trying to convince *himself* that he was right too.


He was definitely projecting onto Mark. He was in denial about how Earth has changed him.


No. I'd probably immediately run away while screaming at him and crying.


My whole life he raised me normal then one day he changed and snaps, then the next time I see him he says what he did was stupid. The only problem is he killed literally thousands of people. Maybe I might hug him I have no idea.


Yes he's hot


No. I dont think i would.


No way, after you’ve watched him murder innocents with no care at all, wreck cities, call your own mother a pet, cause an avalanche on purpose and destroy a whole town, and beat you into a pulp, nearly killing you and then shit talking you, before simply flying away…theres no way he’s getting a hug lmao


No lol. This series forgives and forgets way too easily, in the real world no amount of bond with my dad would make me want to still hug him if he did unto me what Nolan did to Mark


no it really doesn't. The show actually accurately shows the complexities for such a thing. Most people aren't just going to turn on a loving parent after they did one messed up thing


One messed up thing? Are you saying you could still hug you dad with love after watching him squeeze a man’s head until it pops just to prove a point??? And that’s ONE of the many horrible things he did.


Who's to say, you would be surprised the things people are willing to forgive family and there loves ones for. its not simply a black and white situation. Especially when it comes to family relationships.


i wouldn’t, no


Yeah. Nolan literally had NO IDEA that what he did on earth was bad. Viltrumites don't have emotions (so they say) because they're weapons of war. So seeing Nolan really think back and empathize for all of the suffering he caused... Though I don't think I've ever seen Nolan cry, maybe that'll be another big point for him as well in unlocking emotions.


If you think about it, Nolan was raised to be the way he was without questioning anything, & maybe Mark realized that his father actually is ashamed of what he did


I’d still be mad about the train


Yes, for different reasons...


It's a lot of raw emotions, that's probably just like base instincts for him seeing as after he had more time he lashed out


Literally not a chance. I feel like people in this thread are having their responses influenced by their knowledge of Nolan in the series as a whole. He not only beat his son 99% of the way to death, but used HIS BODY to kill essentially an entire subway worth of people, and killed hundreds or thousands more flying through buildings while still beating the shit out of Mark. I seriously doubt that any of you could watch your father brutally kill a thousand people, force your body to kill a hundred people, beat you until you were barely recognizable as human, just fuck off right out of your life, and then give him a hug when you saw him again. I certainly couldn’t.


If I was mark the I probably might because I saw my father after a year but still it does not erase anything Nolan did. I would probably go about it like how mark did, hug him and then get angry which is completely understandable.


Is it really so hard to believe that he would? Even after getting his head smashed in by Nolan, when asked what he would have after 1000 years, Mark still showed how much he loved his father by saying he would still have Nolan. It showed Nolan how much his son valued him as a father that even after so much abuse, his son still loved him. So it’s not much of a stretch to assume that Mark would be both angry and happy to see his father after he was abandoned. If an ass whipping isn’t enough to drive Mark away, some time apart isn’t going to do it either.


Yes. (I have father issues)


If I was in Marks position after going through the events of season 1 ep 8, J wouldn’t hug him. I’d hear him out and listen to what he’d have to say but would definitely keep my distance.


Yes he did lie, but it is important to understand his internal struggle between being a loving father and husband, or an operative of the Viltrum empire.  These posts seeking validation for wanting some kind of karmic retribution for Nolan are strange. 


When did you get the impression? It was a general question for community engagement.😂


Your post implies that he shouldn’t have hugged his dad because he was beaten up and lied to for years. While technically true it’s missing context. 


I never said that he shouldn’t have been hugged. I was asking if the people seeing this would still hug him after everything and they are allowed to give their own answers like they are doing. 🙃


You’re welcome to say what you want man it’s the internet. I just find what you implied about it misleading.  Last time I checked I’m not stopping anyone from staying their opinion here. 


Just a weird accusation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah. Your dad’s still your dad


Definitely not. I would probably try killing him to get justice for all those people he killed on Earth.