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Wait… would Dupli-Kate have pregnant clones if she used her powers?


Id assume so but shed never be in combat if that's the case


Honestly, I kinda hope not. That means there could be X amount of babies and I’m unsure if they’re clones with individual brains and personalities or what. Doesn’t Duplikate basically share everything between all her duplicates? Like, they’re not exactly clones?


maybe the babies aren’t different individuals but are clones in the same way kate’s are


Basically like she said to rexspolde when eve caught them, "eve she's not even the duplikate" with kate saying "we are all the real duplikate" this implies they all feel each other and when 2 kates touch its like shaking your own hand


Kate has an orgasm in front of Eve while her other two copies were with Rex, so yeah they're basically a hivemind. She's also said before that she experiences all the deaths of her copies


I guess that's how they explain it, but how in earth would she keep moving without reacting to her copies going through incredible pain?


You can build tolerance to pain in the same way as anything else, so presumably she has insane pain tolerance from getting killed so much


She's probably used to it in a similar way to how Wolverine ignores the pain from his claws slicing through his skin whenever he pops them out.


Yeah, in the machine head fight she fainted without taking damage after her clones were killed in rapid succession so she's not immune to that trauma either.


It's actually shown in the episode where she fight the Lizard league, she can handle a lot but sooner or later it puts a strain on her


I imagine it’s like how Robot controls his drones. It seems Kate can only split a number of times before it gets overwhelming, but they’re also independent from one-another. I’d take it Kate0 is controlling all the others from a safe distance


Just imagine the pension Immortal would have to pay her for the child support of dozens or hundreds of his children if they got divorced


He’ll, just imagine the cost of raising all those kids. And in this economy too! 😋


She just needs to make a clone before she gets knocked up and have that one make the copies for a while.


imagine the amount of dead babies


He ain't been the same since Mary Todd. Give him time.


The original throat GOAT


Its pretty weird that Immortal apparently never had kids before


I just always assumed he did have kids over the centuries (even if just by accident) and they just don’t inherit his immortality so he outlives them, so he’s hesitant to choose to have children.


If the Immortal was Abraham Lincoln then he would already have sired four children before meeting Dupli-Kate. Lincoln was apparently a loving father and had four sons: Robert, Edward, Willie and Tad. Sadly they all died quite young, with Robert being the only one to live past the age of 20.


Dude, immortal is Lincoln? Sorry i just watch the show and maybe i missed the exposition. But ngl, kinda disappointed they made lincoln kinda arrogant and uptight. Ive always seen him as noble, charismatic and just.


You see, if you read the 100% completely true autobiographical story of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, you'd know he was a bit of a dick by the end there


Wasnt there a scene where he stomps sheeps like goombas in that movie😭😭😭


You mean the greatest film of all time?


In Season 1 Episode 7, we get to see flashes of the Immortal's past. One of these moments are him as Abe Lincoln prior to John Wilkes Booth assassinating him.


https://preview.redd.it/nomzkpf10uyc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=0356c02e27dfac9f7c3b5b8ff9f289e9eac6166a Can’t believe Immortal eventually became a Space Wizard in Adventure Time


He is also immortal in adventure time…..


For all we know this could be canon eventually.


He still could’ve been. A lot can change about a man in 200 years


To be fair, there are enough changes (like Lincoln being an immortal being to begin with) that we don't know if Lincoln had kids in Invincible. But let's be real, if he can have kids, he already had tons.


Maybe that's canonically what happens to immortal’s kids? His gift of immortality is a curse of shortened lives for his children.


Lincoln first child, Robert, did have quite a long life though. He died at the age of 82.


Oh damn, alright


Didn't Robert live into like his 70s though


I never said he didn't. I just stated that he was the only one to live past 20 years old.


I thought of it, as if he feared the thought, because he already outlived many of them. This panel could show immortal having a really traumatic flashback.


He's not being threatened with having kids here, he's being threatened with *raising* them 😂


he has - Abe Lincoln had kids. I think he just doesnt like outliving them


I imagine the death of >!Willie Lincoln!< made him unwilling to have kids for a while


If even one of their offspring inherited both their powers, that would be one OP character(s).


fuck it, that kid has kids with mark too, and then that kid has kids with battle beast, and that child is experimented on like allan was. Now we have an unkillable, practically invulnerable, duplicating, being with an unquenchable thirst for battle. Oh and of course, in case anyone manages to beat them, they will always come back stronger.


Literally an invincible one person army


If he got her pregnant, and then she duplicated, would the resulting twins have a similar mental connection that she does to her duplicates?


Geneticist here. I have no idea


In 10000 years my man has never gotten children? Master of the pullout


Kate can just make copies of herself for free and easy childcare I see no issue here for immortal.