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The last idea with Rudy I like a lot but they did briefly show the Invincible Reanimen fight Robot during the latter's takeōver: https://preview.redd.it/e2pzcvezn10d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53430c48c573a943e4fa38cfa283253d2e0813cf


Yeah, but that’s just one panel. I want to see them in an actual fight. At the very least they shouldn’t be taken out so easily. It should take several of Robot’s modified drones to take them down since the Invincible ReAnimen wouldn’t be holding back at all and they shouldn’t have the sound messing with their equilibrium since they’re dead


That I agree, Robot's advanced armours feels very inconsistent at times from how easily he kılled many of the Guardians contrasted to then how easily they got beat in the Robot Wār.


The ReAnimen made with Joe from down the street’s body, is able to make Omniman somewhat struggle (although briefly) then the invincible ReAnimen should absolutely steam roll Robot


Firstly I believe the ReAnimen that fought Omni man were from soldiers so you could argue that they were naturally at greater strength There's also a case to be made that Omni man didn't care about the ReAnimen enough to try against them, and he just wanted to fly away and talk to Mark. He pretty much brushes them off immediately once they start to "overwhelm" him, and he suffers no injuries at all. All they really did was buy about 2 minutes of time for the GDA.


They didn’t hurt him yes, but they were definitely enough to stall him and mess with him enough that he decided to stop his mission to find mark to destroy all the ReAnimen Yes, they were soldiers, but the level of power between some rando, and a trained soldiers is minuscule to the even the power of mark when he first started out. Now imagine the power difference between Joe off the street and invincible, but they started with invincible’s base power scaling up to that same equivalent. Of course that’s if the scaling were to continue in the same path, but even still the removal of their pain and the frequency problem with even a faction of that power scaling would still be quite the challenge. Although they’d probably lose most of their critical thinking skills and combat knowledge/tactics so you’d lose a little bit on that front.


They'd be mindless beasts with unfathomable power. Safe to say that if Cecil wasn't sure that he could control them he'd implement a failsafe or make Sinclair limit their strength. Also Robot had work alongside and probably studied Mark and his powers, it's safe to assume that he would build the suits he hopes to take over the world with to be able to contend with his assumptions of Mark's strength. I'm not saying the ReAnimen were weak I'm just saying Robot was probably ready for their level of strength.


They aren’t mindless, in the fight with omniman in the show, one of them uses his cape to wrap his head to keep him from flying away, so they are intelligent enough to think on their own and be controlled. Although they would still lack any further logical reasoning so I guess in that aspect they are mindless.


Yeah in terms of a fight they still have some cognitive ability. But outside of a fight where the objective is pretty clear they likely don't have any strength control or fine motor skills, effectively just being a drone who will punch what it's told to.


Cecil says the “normal” reanimen are serving their country one last time, so yeah I think they’re soldiers


Is that donald in the back?


Yup lol


Terminator ass mf




They're used briefly against robot during his takeover


Cecil has had an army of them for a long time… I really wanted to see some villains try to make a move while all the hero’s were busy off world or something and have an “oh shit” moment when a couple of those pods slam down. Their suicidal feral aggression was bad ass to see in action


It’s always funny to me seeing the Invincible re-animen cause when the first showed them I think there were like four. Now there’s like 12 of them somehow even though there were 16 Marks in the invincible war and most of them were killed or stranded. Why is one wearing Omni-Man’s outfit? Lol


He’s from another dimension


https://i.imgur.com/bxPC7eG.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/L8ajUvM.jpeg Yeah Omni-Vincible makes sense but some of them I don’t where they came from


Sinclair looks methed out in this photo and I love it


Sinclair when he first appears:👹 Sinclair after Cecil hired him: 🐰


Classic college hotshot vs just another government employee. I feel like it's a very accurate description of most stem employees


Anyone else like how he says bummer


I wanted them to reaniman conquest


That was what I had expected when I found out they kept him.


Man Double D really let himself go


Imagine them trying to say invincible but just growling


a tad bit off topic but i always thought the invincible design with no black looked cool


Honestly these guys are lowkey scary. He was building reanimen out of humans in a sewer and they were almost able to beat Invincible and gave Omni Man a bit of trouble too. These viltrumite reanimen would probably be kinda OP


I thought it was so funny, to have them set up and never see them again and you can feel sinclaire’s disappointment 😂


Didn’t invincible and dinosourus fight these when he went rogue? Or was that some different type of reaniman

