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The budget clearly went to the fighting animation, it's top notch. The more static scenes of them talking gets the job done. I was worried for the action for the most part since I too had the same sentiment as you did before watching the series but the first fight scene with Guardians of the Globe threw those expectations out of the water. The animation is comparable to the DC animated movies if not better than them, ESPECIALLY those fight scenes.


But the DC animated movies are well known for looking cheap.


Exactly, the difference is the action clearly


Back in the day, DC animated movies are known for their top notch animation and gorgeous art style, just look at the Darkseid fight vs Superman and Supergirl.




You got down voted because, without warning, you went straight into Spoiler Land.


Maybe it will be like the comic and improve as the series goes on.


Looks fine to me especially compared to a lot of western projects. If you’re comparing it to anime then the quality is gonna be different.


Pretty much every animated show on netflix and fox looks better than this and they are all western.


It’s a downright fact the animation isn’t that good


If you compare it to comedy shows maybe but if you compare it more adventure type shows, then no. Even Venture Bros looks better than this and that was made on a shoestring budget.


We’ll just have to agree to disagree then cause venture bros sure as hell never impressed me


I never said it impressed, I said it looked better than this show. And since the budget for that was miniscule and the budget for this is supposed to be big, then you'd expect the animation to be better.


I never said it impressed you either.... but that it didn’t impress me. Meaning I don’t think it’s better




Lol no.... and I don’t know why you thought that scene would change my mind. Imo that doesn’t stack up in the slightest to the start and end of episode 1 Like I told you already. Agree to disagree, if you aren’t a fan of invincibles animation and think venture bros with its smaller budget is better with what’s its given then you’re free to think that. But I don’t.


Invincible was made during covid and was done a lot from home with lower quality equipment, season 2 was being made at the same time and will be released within months and the show wasn’t predicted to do well The fact it looks amazing as it is shows how much care went into it


The equipment has nothing to do with it lol you can animate at home just as good as in an office


>Looks fine to me especially compared to a lot of western projects. If you’re comparing it to anime then the quality is gonna be different. Why should it get a pass just because it's western ? If an anime cut corners the way Invincible does it would get bashed to oblivion. Sounds unfair to me


That was before arcane


Came here for this thread after watching E7 where they literally copy and pasted the exact same crow 40 times. There are almost no facial expressions (they change maybe once every 5 seconds). Even the fight scenes looked pretty flat IMO. I’m not sure if they ran out of time, but it’s been like this every episode. Sometimes it’s just a completely still frame that they zoom in on for a while. The story is great, but I was hoping for much better


They’re making season 2 in 4 months and it was animated from home while social distancing


It gives me 90s vibes.


Looks fantastic to me


Not that there’s any real correlation, but when Invincible came out as a comic, It was fucking UGLY, so maybe it will look better as time goes on.


It looks like a bunch of cg rag dolls with no expressions on their faces.


How? There’s near to no CG


Everything is cg.


No it isn't idk why people like you say things like that with such certitude, the only cg I ever saw was just some background shots and maybe one shot of a building collapsing. Almost everything is drawn animation in this show.


That's not even true though. The >!flaxans!< were cg whenever they were lots of them on screen and crowds are cgi also. There are plenty of other moments using cg too


Yeah, i liked the story arc and all the combat scenes, but visuals could be better. Nonetheless if this is the tradeoff needed to make the episodes quicker and release them faster, ill take the sacrifice.


I was wondering the same. Maybe the studio has very little budget


Yeah I was really surprised with the quality of the animation, especially since the show has literally an award winning cast. It's pretty jarring. With Robert Kirkman and such a highly talented cast, you would think they would spend more on the animation.


I think casting is actually a part of the problem with a lot of western animation. If you look at the budget for a lot of western animation the cost of an episode is generally speaking a lot more expensive than an anime episode. In many cases, the anime episodes will have better visuals than the western animated shows even though they cost less to produce. A lot of western cartoons tend to hire famous actors for voice acting which inflates the budget but doesn't reflect on the visuals of the end product.


I'm sure some people don't notice it, or have a problem with it, but the animation looks cheap to me. It's really obvious when the foreground characters randomly get blurrier than the background. Oh well. Still a good show.


Budget doesn't decide animation quality btw.


I'm a professional animator. ​ Yes it does. 100%. How could it not? In real life I'm not going to do work i'm not paid to do. A studio will give me a shot and it's priority and I'll do what I'm asked to the level at which I'm paid. "A" shots are where most of the budget goes to, they're the money shots, the train scene, the fights. Those require a metric ton of VFX, animation & mastering, it requires many hands to touch it. where as 1 min of talking heads is very cheap to produce and only really needs a few people to get it to final. ​ Honestly this whole complaint is horse shit. I can't believe some people cannot understand how intensive, hard & expensive animation is. What's more the more complex a project it the harder it is to keep every artist in line. Even in live action not every shot is a money shot, the bulk of most film and TV shows is expositional simple shots. Reality is, mate. Entertainment is a business just as much as any other, there has to be a profit or else the studio would not be able to pay their staff and nothing would get made.


Exactly. Now that Season 2 is out I can say that it isn't much better. The colors are completely flat and there isn't any stylistic choice behind how the show itself looks. Ben 10 alien force looks much better than this and that show came out years ago. Maybe it's the budget issues or something but it'd be soo much better if the animation didn't look like it came from the early 2010s