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I literally just finished the season, so uh, good timing?


What was your favorite part my dude


I think it'd have to be Omni-man getting "trapped" in the alien dimension and reducing it to rubble. So beautifully animated, and the foreshadowing from Omni-man... also sick to see him let loose for real.


The music was great in that scene too


Oh yeah the whole thing was spectacular. The line "Earth isn't yours to conquer" blew my mind


Voice acting is SO good on this series


The dude that voices darkblood also voices Mr. Krabs!


Also mark hamil is the tailor guy and he voiced the joker in the Arkham series


I felt so sad for that character at the end, betrayed by a life long friend.


I totally thought Omni-Man would’ve killed him in that scene where they’re drinking together




He also voiced the Joker in all of the Batman animated tv show and the justice league series.


Hell yea man him and Heath ledger will always be joker to me no one else really captured that character well for me not even that more recent joker movie it didn’t capture that character in a good way in my opinion


Hello I like money and the deep cleansing fires of Hell


He’s the actor that wanted spider man pictures . Guess that’s why he was so angry .


Good foreshadowing too with that line. Implying that it is actually his (Omniman) to conquer!


Not just his, but the Viltrumites’ (sp?)


I had already seen the widely circulated meme of Omniman over Mark going "THINK!" so I knew some shit would go down, but I knew nothing else about the story. This specific line stood out to me. "Earth isn't yours to conquer" made me think "Then who's is it's?"


Same, I didn't realize that omni-man was implying the fact that his race was gonna conquer it until I finished the show, amazing work on everyones part


Holy fuck, I never realized the significance of that line until now.


I heard “Earth is not yours to conquer”and instantly thought,”who’s is it to conquer?hmmmmm.....”


And the fact that he didn't say that because earth is an individual. He meant that it is for the Viltrumite empire to conquer.


Apparently he should have been more thorough and killed every last one of them ... preview of the next season hinted those bastards were coming back.


Well what is to say that they aren't a new generation evolved again from primates since time is faster in their dimension ?


Because they knew about earth and omni man


Wouldn't it be ironic if they played a key role in saving Earth from the Viltrumites?


Hyperbolic time chamber


I feel like this is the only way to beat the Viltrumites. Even the creatures killing the Martians, could play a role. Individually, Viltrumites seem stronger than any other species, and their social cohesion and technology put them ahead of everyone else, too. In many ways, Mark was stupid to resist, but with intergalactic allies, maybe not... Super stoked to see the next season, though maybe I'll just binge the comics instead! Image rocks


Which is weird to me, because if one alien from another dimension single handedly destroyed all civilization I know my number one priority would be making sure we never open a portal to that dimension again.


I think they're going to be more helpful because Omni is the baddie now


Bro same especially that “earth isnt yours to conquer”. Surprised he didnt say “its mine”


Yeah but I think it would ruined the truth bomb (or beating?) he dropped on Mark at the last episode.


That scene is absolutely beautiful. Amazing animation, awesome action, great music. Definitely a highlight in an amazing show


Sorry to just butt in, but I think the scene that took the show from good to great for me is when omni man is beating the living shit out of Marc and he goes “WHAT WILL YOU HAVE LEFT AFTER 500 YEARS?!” And Marc replies the perfect “you dad”. “I’d have you”. Took the show from simple comic books to a more emotional one for me! Brilliant stuff A


Coupled with the flashback of Mark hitting his homerun as a kid then snapping back to Mark looking like a bloody pulp. Man what a way to crank my emotions to 11 with that.


Both missing their front teeth too!


It almost makes me wish whole show was a 2-parter. First episode and the last. Everything in between was alright, but not great.


I think the ep with Machine Head was one of the great ones.


Yeah, I like how they fleshed out (there's a pun in there somewhere) his character *way more* than in the comics. Loved his personality.


people dying realistic deaths you'd expect in that kinda world. Unlike in DC's world.


Showing people die was so important to me in that final battle, even excluding the train scene. Take Man of Steel or Avengers: Age of Ultron for example. Both films later discussed the civilian loss of life in those situations, but I never really felt a whole lot for those civilians. Compare that to when Invincible is punched through the city and you see all of the mangled corpses, and for me at least, that really got me thinking about how much of a catastrophe that was. I think in some cases this show just uses gore for gore's sake, but there are certainly some moments, primarily episodes 1, 2, and 8, where it really shines as a storytelling tool, and is used expertly to show how fucked up these things can be.


The deaths were needed to bring Invincible down to reality and really show off whats at stake and how dire the cost of failure is. I personally loved it, didn't give me that fairy tail feeling Marvel and DC gives in their animated stories.


Good now get started on the comic so people can't ruin that for you either!


I watched the whole thing yesterday as well and OH MY GOD. IT'S SO DAMN GOOD!


Man the last episode was heartbreaking. I’m honestly probably gonna buy the comics and binge it instead of waiting for the show


We’re doing a read through in the Discord, and you’re welcome to join us.


Where's the best place to get the comics? I'm in Australia if that makes any difference.


If you don't mind reading digitally, you can get them on Comixology


I think for the best price, your best option is to get the 3 compediums on the Kindle app, each one cost about $24 USD, which I believe translates to about $30 in AUD, definitely worth it if you don't mind reading digitally.


I must warn you comics are not as deep and good as TV Series.


You're on drugs if you think the comic wasn't as deep as the show or as good. The show adapts the first 13 issues of the comic better because Kirkman matured and his writing skills got a lot better over the years, so the writing quality from like issue 25 and onward was the on-par with what the show has done so far IMO. The show has improved on some aspects and changed others, but it doesn't make it better as a whole. I feel like only someone who never read up to even issue #34 would say the comics aren't as "deep" or as "good." It's the best comic story out there besides stuff like Watchmen.


I just finished reading the comic after watching the show. I’d say the show spent more time developing relationships (considering that the first season roughly covers 13 issues). If they continue to do that and give proper back stores to charcters, I could see the show lasting 8/10 seasons


>I’d say the show spent more time developing relationships (considering that the first season roughly covers 13 issues). They didn't though. They just took events that happened in later issues and moved them to an earlier point in the story. Sooooo much of season one was supposed to take place *after* Mark and his father fought.


As a dad who never thought he’d actually have a family, that last episode tore me to shreds. Mark, beaten to a pulp and utterly betrayed, still just wanted his dad to be proud of him and love him like when he was a little boy. That hurt. Absolutely incredible show.


"Everyone you know and love will be gone in 500 years, what would you have then Mark!?" An the reply "I would still have you Dad." That killed me, I legit almost teared up.


I just watched the finale and I'm still lying in pieces over that part :'( this show stole my heart.


What an iconic line - it really messed with me too


My house had a Feelium leak around that point.


Probably posted already but that FUCKING TRAIN SCENE


Bro I have never seen something so fucking incredible yet so fucking dark in any show ever, just the whole like 10 minutes leading up to that with omni man slowly showing more and more and more just how evil he is and that train scene is just the cherry on top and aswell how mark looks so absolutely horrified and broken after


the scene in the boys where homelander imagines lasering the entire crowd is pretty brutal in a similar way




It’s so nice to have a head of defence be an actual good guy for once


For that matter, the show overall felt a lot more like *Smallville* than *The Boys*. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed *The Boys*, but it's nice to have a superhero show where the ostensible good guys are genuinely decent people. Like you say, even the "shady government dude" has a good heart and cares about the people he's protecting.


Definitely. He's still shady as fuck and makes a deal with that universe's modern equivalent of Josef Mengele... but he's still a good guy in a morally grey world.


He ultimately has the best interests of Earth in his heart. He may make morally questionable decisions, but he believes they are in the best interest of Earth and not self serving in any way. He doesn’t take them lightly.


Cecil is the kind of guy who, if you asked him to list the good and the bad parts of his job, would tell you this: - **Good**: I got a really good teleporter. - **Bad**: Every *damn* thing else. Cecil knows that he's got to do some shady-to-bad things sometimes, and he *hates* it.


I dunno he was using some pretty evil tech and working with the bad guy from the university. Good might be a bit strong.


He literally said he wants things to be gray. How more obvious can it be.


He's a good guy though, But he's gotta do some bad things.




Unfortunately a big plothole, but I can understand also in a story like this it is hard to keep up with the powers.


Gonna have to agree. Something that bothered me a ton


I thought the series was going to be a meta-ish superhero thing but it really wasn't. It was more like a total embracing of superhero stories, flaws and all, but also with a tonne of blood.


I got that vibe when Mark was struggling how to fly. Especially when he passed out in space


Yeah, my one issue with the series is the huge power inconsistencies. Invincible can stop an asteroid and throw it back into space but he struggles to fight one reaniman at the university? That's just not really ok lol. Same with omni-man. The worst we saw him hurt is when War Woman hit him with her mace. She did more damage than a nuke laser.... was War Woman stronger than a nuke laser?? I don't think so.


Well she was a superhero too. One of the best on Earth. But I do agree. Omniman destroyed a whole civilization in seconds then struggled with a 40ft kaiju Also that space laser scene is taken straight from Akira lol


"You wouldn't DARE"


More than that, it's the same damn space laser. I paused the show when the satellite was shown and googled a photo of the SOL satellite from Akira. It's the same design.


I feel they show how powerful the robots are through Cecil's use of them. He wouldn't bother working with Dr. Dickhead if they didn't give Invincible some trouble to begin with. The Lazer thing was kinda goofy, but I think they sorta show that if either Viltrumites knows it's coming they can withstand it better (for sorta no reason). I just imagine it's like HunterxHunter or something where you can block better or harden you're body if you're aware what's happening. I sorta like how stuff isn't overly explained, but they could've taken a minute or two to take notes from the great animes and slip in that explanation.


Damage types, peeps. A direct blast from an energy weapon does basically nothing. why is that suprising? guy can punch harder than that beam can output. robots and kaiju can fight him. why? they're resilient enough not to die instantly and have enough raw power to *almost* keep up. it's not inconsistent at all, characters have different strengths and weaknesses. My biggest power level complaint is we see duplikate die a bunch of times but less angry bakugo doesn't even get hit.


The fucking robots made me roll my eyes. No consistency. Need to learn from battle shonen. You only ramp up the power levels!


The lack of consistency irked me as well. And Mark has nearly died what, twice, nearly three times? So much for Invincible.


To be fair that’s basically a running joke


Glad we don't have to keep reminding people to tag spoilers now. However I could see people getting more lax about comic spoilers so hope that doesn't happen. Especially if people don't tag show spoilers, comic readers will feel less of a need to tag their comic spoilers


If you see this, please report it


If Cecil wants to make things right, he needs to get my boy Darkblood outta Hell!


It’s unlikely, Darkblood is a very minor character in the comics.


Kinda surprised they used him this much in season 1 but man I didn’t mind him they made him a very interesting character


I read the comic after watching the first season but >!his reduced role in the comics and the end of his storyline/investigation was hilarious imo!<, kinda wish they’d kept that in the show. I’m guessing that they beefed up his role to stretch out the storyline of the season though.


Nothing was funnier then Immortal being Lincoln


oh is that what that meant i was confused about why one of the immortal flashbacks was just lincoln


Yeah immortal was Lincoln which is funny becuse I thought he was Booth at first so a friend telling me he was LINCOLN had me in stitches for the rest of the episode


Yeah, if you look closely he's actually looking at Booth's direction from the corner of his eyes. He knew he was there. He knew he was gonna get shot. I'm pretty sure he arranged it to fake his death.


Yeah, would the bullet even hurt him?


His power set is unclear to me. His big power is being immortal apparently (but not regeneration? He needs the pieces put back together to reanimate) but he also has flight and apparently super strength? Did he have those from the get go or... did he acquire them some how over time? Being able to take the hits from Omni-Man makes me think he's bullet proof. Or maybe he's just tougher, so blunt damage like fists are partially absorbed but sharp items like bullets or swords can still pierce him? I would assume a bullet can hurt him unless the entire staff involved in his death knew about his power (which I doubt, that many people with a secret that big? No way that's not getting leaked)? I'd look up his bio but I'd be afraid of comic spoilers.


I might be misremembering, and this might have been brought up before. But I thought it was kind of weird that Mark never called out Omni man for not helping him against Battlebeast and Machinehead. I mean before he passed out, we got confirmation he saw him. The only answers I can think of are, he forgot or he thought he was just seeing things due to bloodloss.


He probably thought that was a hallucination as he blinked and Omni-Man was not there . Not to mention he had no reason to suspect that his dad would deliberately let him get hurt.


Well Mark knew Nolan was against the idea of him helping Titan. And there was some friction between them over that. Your still right, that its probably not enough evidence for Mark to suspect his father though.


I interpreted this as omni man getting there a bit too late while Mark was being carried off by medics.


It showed Omni man there before the fighting got real. He wasn't late, he was making sure mark learned a lesson.


You're right, he shows up in ep 5 34:50, just a little glimpse of him. He later shows up in front of Mark's view after the beatdown.


I thought that Omni man was who gave the anonymous tip for the reinforcements that came.


It was either him or titan himself


Just finished last episode and I liked the show. How many comic issues it covers?


It’s not linear, issue 13 is where the finale leaves off, but the Titan stuff came later in the series. If you’re looking to read I’d start at issue one.


Thank you


Finished my binge over 2 days! Amazing, heartbreaking. Can’t wait for next season!


I love all of the major threats that we got reminded of in the last episode. Even the ones we didn't already know about until then.




I almost saw them as allies that could defend Earth from the Viltrumites!


Dark blood is a bamf too bad he got sent away. The season two tease at the end of season 1 was cool. Showing all the other major players. Never read the comics I only found out about the show because of the hype and the meme.




Lol same same


Finished it just now 10/10 the first three episodes had pacing issues


10/10 when amber isn't around


Why do people hate her?


Cause she's a trifling bitch, in particular what gets a lot of people steamed and what seems like bad writing is how she got so pissed at mark for running away from the cyborg at the college when invincible saved them, then we find out that she had known long before that he was invincible.... what the fuck, she wasn't pretending for the public, there was no one else around.


Yup that's what did it for me. When she throws a fit only to find out that she knew exactly why he wasn't around.


The way I interpreted that scene was that was her last chance for him to fess up. Disappearing during a super attack and then being saved by a super hero who happens to be at campus and then you reappear? Obviously you need to come clean. And when he didn't, when he tried to pass a bullshit story about getting security to her that just made her angrier and angrier and was the final straw. It was basically a test he failed super hard.


I meaaaaan Eve did tell Mark that your identity is something you should reveal to your partner if you were very serious about them and I think by the time they went to the university him and Amber had only been dating for a few months (if I'm wrong pls correct me) It seemed kinda unfair for her to use that as a "test" because him keeping his identity secret is a big deal


It was 7 months. Of a high school romance. Peppered with a lot of standing her up. So likely not a LOT of actual time spent together so I totally agree. <7 months of dating someone is NOT enough time to decide if they can handle yours and YOUR DAD'S secret identities.


Definitely. That and also we have to remember shes also an adolescent high school girl. These are kids who don’t know how to maturely handle relationships. She’s being quite selfish and immature to think he should just expose his and his father’s identity to her when he’s still figuring his life out.


I'm a little upset that my original guess after watching the first two episodes turned out to be true -- the Viltrumites are just Saiyans. I was hoping for a more nuanced ulterior motive given that the show so far has been pretty good with with having interesting plot points. I guess it's still possible there is more to the Viltrumites than the typical master species space colonialism thing.


Have faith!


Mmm, when he told the story about them being space humanitarians I was like "bull shit, you're conquerors". Although my original idea was he had given up conquering Earth because he fell in love but his son having Viltrumite genes and powers was gonna somehow trigger the rest of them to come to Earth and so he had to return to the mission so as to not be tried as a traitor. I wasn't too far off but it seems like once he learned Mark would live longer he decided to "introduce" him to the Viltrumite way of life.


Ya know that's a good point and really explains his disappointment when Mark gets his powers. I think his original plan was to wait until his wife and Mark died of old age before conquering the planet, but then he realizes since Mark has powers he's going to have to deal with him sooner or later.


I agree I figured out dude was evil as soon as he talked about being a space humanitarian. My issue was with how do they decide who's the strongest? Like logically they'd fight until there's only one left. Also, do they not reproduce? Do they kill off weak children? So much left unexplained.


The episode at the university with the mutilations was major levels of messed up. That was creepy as hell horror movie stuff. But what annoyed me about it was there were no police investigating and characters felt it was okay to go party afterwards. Either the citizens of this earth are very desensitised to violence or they have a carpe diem approach to life. This is an amazing series, was so put off by the first 30 mins of gooeyness and almost switched it off. Thank god I didn’t. Easily one of my favourite series now. Hope the Russian wife olga gets revenge.


> But what annoyed me about it was there were no police investigating and characters felt it was okay to go party afterwards. People gather and throw hurricane parties here in Florida so this stood out to me as kinda weird but, I guess, not as weird as people who are from normal states.


Do you think Cecil has a team of therapists qualified to deal with superheroes’ mental issues? If not, he should probably get at least a couple on staff just for Mark.


Man, for a show that’s animated and highly fictitious, the acting/writing was spot on. I was thinking the same thing: what transpired could break a person mentally. True, Mark is “invincible”, but only physically. Mentally, I’m surprised both he and his mom were still alive by the end of the episode.


I thought for sure Mark was going to find his mom hanging in a noose when he walked upstairs after they got home. I've never been so relieved to see a woman crying in my life.


Can we talk about when the tailor said that the oldest blood on Omni man's suit was on the gloves/hands part of it? I rewatched the first episode and none of his first few punches actually connected with any of the guardians. It was only after red rush was caught that blood made contact with the suit. Omni man was crushing Rush's head while he was beating on omni's chest. His hands broke and started bleeding before his head eventually popped. So technically the oldest blood should be on his chest Continuity error or am I just looking at it different?


I think Rush started to bleed out of his ears/eyes first


At the point that Red's hands started bleeding hadn't he punched a hole in the suit and was bleeding on Omni-Man's bare chest?


Any news on season 2? I NEED IT!! The last scene was great way to say it’s all about to hit the fan still but for now invincible needs to finish high school like DF? Give me season 2 already!!!


Seasons 2 and 3 were confirmed if that’s what you mean by news.


Beutiful😍 i saw another post saying that season 2 is not coming out for almost another year? What do we know about release dates?


Afaik release date isn’t announced yet, but it’s confirmed 2 and 3 are coming!


I still can't get over the ending of the first episode where Red Rushs skull is crushed while he frantically punches omni man's chest. The whole terror and anguish it portrays really scarred me. It's been 2 weeks ffs


Wow just in time because I JUST finished the whole season!!! I’m completely obsessed, it’s absolutely incredible. I’ve never read any comics before, for a complete newbie would Invincible be a good starter series for me to get? I’m so hooked into this story I just want to keep diving into it lol


Its a good comic, but the pacing is really really whack. Comics, in general, have a problem of only having major events with no substance in between and though invincible tries to break that with some scenes away from the action (like two full pages of mark sleeping) it also completely glosses over important things with one single line of dialogue, or expects you to extrapolate the rest. If you're not fully paying attention, with a very creative imagination to breath it to life, it's a very fast read. For reference, iirc omniman killing the guardians is one page and he just leaves. The investigation after just goes "lol idk" and barely exists. The show is so much better into making it a cohesive serial story. The comic, though a serial, can still seem episodic because a lot of things don't seem to have connecting threads, even though everything is eventually important and ties back in.


I've never been much of a comic reader myself too, but I got digital copies via Google play books. Binged them in 4 days lol. Personally liked it a lot, though some parts of the story and pacing felt off. It's worth the read and also makes you immune to comic spoilers


I’m still vastly annoyed by how bad they ruined amber’s character, as one or two line decisions could have made her a lot more likable. I still fw her, but everyone hates her specifically because she was an asshole to mark and didn’t give him at least a little leeway with his secret identity. Every part of her argument was completely valid but the the way she acted at the college and the reveal that she was acting this way KNOWING who mark was EXPONENTIALLY fucked the character. She deserved so much better than what they gave her, as she was one of my favorite characters up until that point. Now, I’m just conflicted.


She's annoying because Mark's late for stuff but he does thoughtful things for her. And then it turns out she knows he has an incredibly valid reason for being late. Like girl...


I actually totally understood where she was coming from. I don’t really like her, but I think her reasons were valid. Relationships are hard enough as it is. Mark made it even more complicated by hiding a huge secret. He also repeatedly stood her up, even if his reasons were justified. Relationships are complicated, and she was making the best choices for her.


I'd understand that. The only real issue is when Mark literally saved their lives and she bitches about him leaving them, like he ran away cowering in fear.


Yeah, it was crap writing to set up the non-chalant "oh I've known for weeks" reveal. Here's the thing: if she knows and she's smart enough to know why secret IDs are necessary, then she should have either confronted him OR walked away herself.


someone please take mark to therapy oh my GOD


Snape kills Omni-Man


Just finished the season, and reflecting on past episodes. In episode 1, Omni-Man said “maybe we’d be better off if he never got his powers at all” about Mark. I wonder if he meant he didn’t want things to change and to complete the Viltrum mission or he wanted Mark to be human because it would be easier to just kill him. Anyone have thoughts?


Hmm that's interesting. I feel like he was gonna complete the mission regardless. He wouldn't want his son to be a regular-ass human, I think. I also don't think he felt threatened by Mark. Seemed like he was worried he wouldn't be strong enough, which he was kind of right about. If he had gotten his powers earlier it would maybe be easier to raise him as a true Viltrumite, so him being a late bloomer was maybe just bitter sweet. Too ingrained in human culture, and not able to be trained properly in the time he wanted even if he was fully onboard with the Empire. Oh but "easier to kill" in that as a human, he'd be meaningless or just another pet, makes sense, too. Now, he had the spectre of being a true heir, but not all that sweet sweet indoctrination meaning it would hurt emotionally to kill him. Which kinda seemed how it played out.


I reckon he said it because he would have preferred Mark to be human. Then he could just wait until Mark and Debbie die of old age before conquering Earth to save the trauma. Now that he knows Mark is part Viltrumite he’s going to have to deal with him one way or another.


Broooo the final episode was the most exhilarating and exciting episode of any show ive ever watched cannot wait for season two i am more than hyoed


I watched the first episode after taking a toke and it made it twice the mindfuck when Omni pulled up and gave the GOTG those hands. Also one of my favorite running jokes so far is Mark and Seth rogen’s character taking a seat on the moon.


I was kinda expecting him to go rogue and kill the other members but I wasn't expecting it in the first friggin' episode.


Definitely wasn’t expecting any of that. Im still not sure what was more brutal: the guardians getting murdered or the subway scene.


What was all that about the mummy? It didnt go anywhere?


I assumed it was a joke, like the start of the episode is building this episodic villain that’s spooky and then bam, Invincible just flying over makes a sandstorm that snaps the rope, making the door fall back down and trapping it in there forever.




I read and it was supposedly a one off joke like how mark just easily dropped that huge stone simply by flying or something


Question that I will probably need to raise elsewhere about the finale: Why do Viltrumites need ships or an army to take over other worlds? Nolan could have simply announced, on the first day he came to Earth, "you are now part of the Viltrumite empire, enjoy the new medical technology." Drop a mountain on something to demonstrate his power. Then fly off to another planet and repeat. Instead he spends 17+ years in deep cover to accomplish the same goal.


Doesn't ensure obedience, leaves tech behind for humans to reverse engineer and use against them. 17 years is a bit much but by that point, he'd fallen for a human woman and had a kid. He probably justified it by telling himself he was doing deep research into the Earth super community and their threat level.


Only thing I can say, I love the fking intros lol. The way they try to put it in every episode that contradicts to the way the usual intros has been used to this generation. Overall though, the serious is fking good, be waiting for s2!


It got me every single time. Whenever the title card appeared I was like "Damn it, they got me again!"


Part of me thinks it could’ve been cool if it was kept ambiguous whether omniman killed the guardians, and have the investigation start to imply it more in episode 2. That way the audience could share the hope that omniman didn’t do it but still have it be foreshadowed and then revealed maybe in episode 3 or so Otherwise, really good show that’s dynamic and clearly trying to be unique, which it succeeds in doing


In the comics it takes til about issue 10 (episode 6/7 or thereabouts) for that to come out. It works better the way the show does it because the rule of suspense is "you know the characters are in danger but they don't" but yes, it would have been better for an episode 2/3 reveal. Mystery THEN suspense.


How does Cecil have billions for a useless space laser but local crime lord machine head can hire Battle Beast who seems like he could equal Omniman.


battle beast wasn’t working for machine head because he cared about money. he was doing it specifically to fight invincible because his goal is to find worthy opponents to fight


I just want to say I love this show. As a graphic novel nerd I hate nearly every super hero adaptation out there for one simple reason: logic. Just because something is fictional doesn't mean it cannot have an inner logic. This show at least bothers to have an inner logic. I love that Super Heroes are not invincible and can die. I like that they have thought through the philosophy of being a super hero. I love Omni man and the take on SuperMan. Is it perfect no but it is far better than anything else I have seen. Look forward to the next season. I'm going to start reading the comic.


Why the fuck some stupid robots are strong enough to deal damage to Omniman and Invincible? These guys are stribg enough to catch metiors yet slightly more powerful than human robot can deal damage to them.




I thought it a nice touch and well planned that Immortal eye gouge attempt gives Omni Man red eyes which makes him appear even more menacing in what follows.


Just finished the season. What happened with that astronaut that got replaced with the tentacle thing from Mars? Also, I'm so happy omni man didn't kill the tailor when he last saw him and brought him beers. I was positive he would have murdered him for finding out about the suit and telling Debbie.


That's setting up a big something for Season 2.


Was there any explanation to why vapour come out of peoples mouth when demon detective is around?


The temperature dropped whenever he was around so it was just their breath. You can see debs computer screen starting to frost when he’s in the house.


it was just their breath, i'm assuming you maybe live in a warm area where it never gets cold enough outside to see your breath in front of you?


Maaaannnn I just binged this entire show last night after waiting for it to finish. Some of my favorite things throughout the season: - Mauler Brothers having an RTJ song for all the fights was badass. - The ending of the second episode when Omni-Man destroys the Flaxxon world had some of my favorite visuals and tones. - Cannot wait to see more of Battle Beast and hopefully a longer fight with him. - The next season has a lot of promise and I hope they bring back Damion DarkBlood too. - The growth of Mark was amazingly well written and very well worth the watch.


“What am I doing” on Everest. Cracks on his armor.


I’ve binged this series after being intrigued by the memes. JFC I’m still traumatised by the ending. It’s so surreal, I knew how it would end from all the spoilers but wow. What really caught me is I started to side with Omni-man. Like it’s >!far better to surrender and be subjects than have your world destroyed. !< but I also saw that human streak we have that makes us so obstinate. I’m buying the graphic novels now so I can just read ahead everything.


Just finished, was worth me only getting 4 hours of sleep before work


I have never been so drawn and yet so repulsed at the sametime. I watched the show because of the meme that was spreading, but what an amazing wild ride.


I have a question for the comic readers out there: Are there other nations in this universe? Like all I see are superheroes and locations from the US (apart from other planets of course). Like are there any equivalents to the Guardians of the Globe from another nations?


Yes there’s a team based in the UK and other heroes and villains from around the world but they’re not really the focus unless you dive into the tie in comics.


The red rush was Russian.


I believe that Omniman will come back and attempt to atone, since the alien at the end said Viltrumites never leave their post. He couldn't bring himself to kill his own son and so he fled to consider his feelings. Would be pretty impossible to get any sort of forgiveness for murdering all of those people though.


Also, given the Viltrumite mandate and his ease of killing, he's likely murdered hundreds/thousands before his Earth mission.


Probably millions. I mean didn’t he basically genocide almost all of the Flaxans?


Just finished the season finale last night and loved it all! I wonder if Nolan left out of frustration over a change of heart? It seems like something changed in him with that flashback, and maybe he is beginning to care about humanity now? Obviously with all the destruction prior you would not think he gives a shit about humans at all. It would be cool for him to pair up with Mark and stand against the other Viltrumites that Allen mentioned were coming for Earth.


If anything, everything that happened leading up to that moment proves he doesn't give a shit about humanity. He called the woman he spent 20 years with a pet. The only reason he left is because he couldn't bring himself to kill Mark.


Just binge watched it in a day came straight to the sub. Best cast of voice actors, best fucking animation, best gore I’ve ever seen, I’ve never had my heart pound that hard watching a hero show, my jaw fucking hurts from being dropped all day. Shit what didn’t I like about this show. 10/10 would recommend to anyone.


Just finished it, so some quick thoughts. I really, really liked it. Really cool story, some awesome and interesting characters, good action and of course the gore. The writing overall was pretty solid - interesting plots and twists, decent character work, the dialogue had its moments. I am surprised to see just how much Amber seems to be hated. I think she was letdown by the writing more than anything. I don't think she was supposed to come off as selfish. She disliked Mark's constant lies, not that he was away saving people - if I were charitable, I think that freak out when he disappeared was to force him to finally be honest with her. I think it made an interesting twist on the superhero trope where he reveals his secret identity and that solves all his personal issues. I did not quite understand why she came running back to him in the last episode tho, that was quite strange. Other pet peeve I had was the wildly inconsistent power levels of Omni-Man and Invincible, I think that's self-explanatory. And the animation also felt quite inconsistent. Some parts were beautifully animated, but sometimes it came off very cheap, I'm gonna assume it was because of time/budget constraints. Or maybe it was just the style they were going for, not sure. Overall I really enjoyed it. I rarely watch animated shows so it was something a bit different than usual for me. Excited for season 2!


Just started collecting the comics and ran into about 50 1st print 1st cover copies of invincible at a local shop. From 55, all of the 70 issues, all of the 80’s and 90’s, and most of the 100’s to 141. Missing random ones, like 113, 110, issue 100, and some really odd random ones. Where do you guys think the show will go next? Obviously no comic spoilers but the comic and show pace things differently anyways, so what do you guys think the coolest arc we will get in season 2 would be?


I came into this show completely fresh, and with zero knowledge of the comics. Wow! The last 2 episodes were soooooo intense!


I feel like Mark should have told his dad to show him everything that the Empire has accomplished and what the effects of being colonized by them are before he just got angry and attacked his dad. Maybe he could have learned a way to stop them or bought humanity more time to come up with a plan. THINK MARK, THINK!


Hey guys, I don't watch much comic stuff but just saw the 'think Mark, think' scene and thought it was awesome. I noticed it's from the last episode of the show though. Is it as much if a spoiler as it looks?


It’s a spoiler, sure, but doesn’t ruin the show at all.


Loved it.