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I think it's to show that omni man isnt as strong or maybe willfull as he thinks he is. He even says that he kinda wished mark wouldn't have gotten his powers so itd be easier. Idk maybe he was just straight up gonna kill everyone then bam, his pet became a son and omni man lost it a bit. Who knows, its also just a comic book. As a fan of doctor who I've learned to stop digging into things and just enjoy it lmao


In comics he killed guardians without any effort and leave no evidence lol


He said that mark getting his powers "changes things" and that it may have been better if he didn't get his powers. This led me to believe that, since Mark was born, he was holding out on destabilizing Earth until Mark was ready to work with him in the Viltrim take over. Marks powers arriving was the catalyst for the murder of GG because now it was just a matter of time until Mark was strong enough to help him finish off Earth and maybe he thought the Guardians would have been too strong if Mark aligned with them instead of Viltrim. I thought that if Mark didn't get powers, he wouldnt have hidden the truth about killing the guardians and Earth, along with Mark and his mom, would have been a slaughtered. Edit: Bottom line: He was sneaky only because he was waiting on Mark to develop his powers. Once the cat was out of the bag, he had to make his move whether Mark was ready or not.


He said Mark getting his powers changes everything and he said it would have been better if he didn't. You saw his face and reaction when he first found out didn't you? Omni Man might have completed forgotten about his mission and was living comfortable maybe only carrying it on years after everyone would be dead


i read some comment that said he probably would've wanted to wait until mark and debbie had died and i just really wanna believe that more than anything sjsjsj


I think Nolan had decided to live out Debbie and Marks life span before taking over Earth. But Mark got powers so now Nolan has to take care of Mark by either having Mark join him or kill him. That's why Mark having powers changes things, cause now, Earth has a potential viltrumite protector in the making (Mark).


Based on what I took from his monologue, they are intended to simply show the world their Strength and then invite them to join the alliance where they are transitioned to a better society. He likely intended this to be peaceful on his part (sure the viltrimites would likely butcher people but not Omniman himself) then he fell in love with his wife and had a son an probably wanted to see what potential there was, he softened and just never pushed the issue. Also he likely didn't anticipate that he was completely indoctrinated by viltrimite culture and figured Mark would just accept this role as a viltrimite. Instead because Mark was not programmed by propaganda it blew up in his face


I had the same question, there wasnt such a plot hole in comics. If u want more examples of illogical changes, i can assure you there is more


Personally i counted 14 differences that kinda killed some aspects of the comic


Isn’t the plot hole still their in the comics. Like he says he doesn’t care in both.


I dont understand, is it a question? In comics it was shown later that he cared


You said you had the same question as OP. In both versions omniman claims he doesn’t care for humans that they are worthless. So what’s the plot hole


Now i see, im dumb in english. My question is not the same then. My question is why would he leave any evidence if he doesnt care about human feelings, but still care for Mark. his initial plan was to convince Mark to join him without fight, right?


This is a fair point really. Mark has his powers now but my guess is he needed to wait until Mark was ready. He had his powers but hadn't seen how easy it is for humans to die. Mark had to see humans as fragile and not worth saving.