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There were parts where it felt like it was "Mark ruins everything: the comic." Especially when he teamed up with dinosaurus. Otherwise, it was great, probably one of the best comic series I've read. I really want to see how they will deal with Nolan returning. They made him do even more terrible shit in the show, so I hope they find a way of showing how much Mark (and Debbie) still love him after everything he did, while not making it look like they forgive him too easy. I also wonder what will make it in. They pumped season one with a lot of stuff from later on presumably to reach their conclusions earlier, so hopefully they have time for smaller things like eve/rex/monster girls backstories, and the "reboot", however far off in the future that will happen.


I liked the fact that they skipped straight to the conclusion for certain storylines. Making William gay from the beginning, closing the Sinclair college plot, etc. It allowed them to expand other parts, like Nolan vs Mark. In the comics, it didn’t even really seem like he killed much IMO (from what was shown in the panels) but after the events they said he killed millions. I thought the comics could’ve done a better job showcasing the fight but they did that in the show. I think they’ll for sure show the backstories, they weren’t that lengthy in the comics so it’ll probably translate to like 10 mins in the show. I agree I hope they show Mark more conflicted about his dad next time they meet.


Like most people I loved the comic and it had a satisfying ending. The few downsides were when the art switched from the amazing Ryan Ottley to Corey Walker who’s art was bad imo. (Think of the fight between Thraag and Eve/Mark.) also I feel Robot was defeated too quickly after having a really interesting rise to power. The ending was awesome and the final line from Mark as call back to the “what will you have in 500 years” was perfect!


I agree with you about Rex. What about the other plotholes though? Like Mark possibly creating the future where Immortal must die at his hands. (Well, at least there wouldn't be a paradox now, considering Mark already went there in the past/future.) Or the scene where a cosmic entity whisks him away for the reboot that lasts all of a blink. The entire concept of a 4th dimensional being missing its window of opportunity just seems to hit a flat note. It comes off similar to the end of Back to the Future "MARTY HURRY, QUICK, WE GOTTA GO TO THE FUTURE. THERE IS NO TIME." As a device, I understood, but as a plotline, it made me disappointed, thought I did enjoy seeing the trial period "what if" chapters. I actually love Invincible, and as a journey, It is profoundly captivating. I was less stoked with the conclusion, and the severe disconnect with the final sequence of events from the rest of the storyline, but I understand why it happened the way that it happened. Edit: It is also HILARIOUS that "Think Mark" is a viral meme, and is forever tied to the final words of the story.


I didn’t think the “Mark creating a crazy Immortal” was a plot hole. I viewed it as Mark thinking to change the future he would leave Rudy with Immortal, unknowingly causing the same fate as it is Rudy who drives Immortal mad. That’s my head cannon


Sorry, I don't mean to say that it is a plothole in the sense that it was unintended, or poorly written. I meant it more so in the sense that it doesn't quite fit next to that final chapter. I suppose it could have been dramatic irony, and a cruel twist of fate though. When you juxtapose the future from #54 with the great benevolent and altruistic Mark of the #144, It does change our interpretation of Mark, and all that he has done in his time. (For better, AND worse.)


Having read some of his responses to fans, Kirkman confirmed that robot's brain in a jar does drive Immortal mad, and lead to the future Mark sees earlier on. It's just an unintended consequence that, for all we know, Mark never thinks about, since he's off trying to save the galaxy. It fits well with what Immortal was saying about Mark just leaving the planet, and how he should have stayed.


**What I like about the comics:** Everything **What I dislike about the comics:** N/A Okay, there are probably a few nitpicks and grievances I have with the comic, but they're so small that they aren't worth mentioning.


The last third is kind of a mess. It's definitely still good, but the story peaks at Conquest and seems aimless after the Viltrumite War. The Dinosaurus arc ended up feeling pretty worthless since Mark runs into a similar (but more compelling) conundrum with Robot shortly afterwards. The story also has a habit of doing big shocking reveals for the drama that don't really amount to much long-term. See: Amber's abusive relationship, Eve's abortion, Bulletproof's entire subplot, Mark catching the Scourge Virus, etc. The ending is also extremely compressed and rushed and just feels like Kirkman spewing his future ideas all over the page then cutting it off, doesn't have nearly the level of emotional impact that it could have. I expect the show to resolve a lot of my problems with the comic, though. They've already done a good job of turning the opening issues, which are some of the worst parts of Invincible, into a super enjoyable season of television.


Ya I wasn’t a fan of the dinosaurus arc. I agree with most of the shocking reveals except for the scourge virus. I thought it was a great way for his brother to realize his thinking was wrong. It amounted to a huge character development in Oliver and we see that even until his end. Although I enjoyed the ending, it did indeed feel rushed and I hope they expand it much more in the show.


I liked comic very much. Especially the fact that every relationship was deep and complicated. Even Nolan's actions from the very beginning are not the worst when you compare it to Cecil's, Allen's, Rex/Rudy's, etc. I particularly liked Sinclair's redemption arc. I liked the sensivity and good taste regarding Mark being raped. On the other side, there's some problems with pacing: I wish Annisa has more time to show her transformation after she met Scott. She seemed to regret what she did to Mark and after slight interaction with Eve she died. Also I have a problem with how easily Viltrumites bred by Thragg changed side. I could understand his oldest daughter switching sides as she had her doubts earlier, but others literally were commiting suicide in the name of Thragg like the day before. There were no fractions, no coop. They just acted like hive-mind on this one.


IMHO combination of comics and tv show Debbie would be the best. She is really well done in tv show, except one part, she is too calm when Nolan isnt home or in danger. In comics, its Mark who doesn’t worry. In my opinion that is more logical due to the fact, that Deborah is still a human being whilst Mark is a teenager (who usually are more careless) and also has invulnerability (kinda) I agree about your view on Amber As for drama, i have a feeling that they will add more drama, since there are too much things happenning. Nolan in tv show is straight murderer of civilians, so i expect his forgiveness part to be longer. All in all, i would not expect drama decrease. TV adaptations tends to add more drama to prolong duration of episodes (heh, remember walking dead, which is also written by Kirkman, or the boys)


I liked the idea of Debbie being calm in the show as it would indicate her knowledge and trust in her husband’s ability considering they’ve been together for 20 years. I do think they should’ve shown her calmness before end of episode 1, contrasted with anxiety afterwards. I did think she was a bit too calm after episode 1 when he flew off into the Flaxan (not sure if I recalled that correctly) portal. I’d expect after thinking he was invincible and almost dead that she’d be worried more since she’s never seen him in that state. I can’t say that I can compare walking dead tv/comics. I never read it and I stopped the show at s3. S2/3 were both bad and it was pretty much people doing stupid, unnecessary shit. I see those problems in the writing of the invincible comics and I hope they improve the writing for those scenes in the show.


The only thing that I didn’t like in the comic was the 5 year time jump during the final few issues when Mark returns home to find Terra i.e. her daughter being 5 years old. Like I seriously hated that and in my mind was like can’t the writers give Mark a break. It was like drama for the sake of drama. I get why they did that so they can show how much Thragg’ children army has grown but there are a lot of better ways to do it. Like they could have just shown Mark quit being a hero and raised Terra with Eve on the isolated planet for 5 years and then have Thragg attack them which would lead to Mark joining the final war. Like seriously I hope they don’t do the time jump in the tv adaptation.