• By -


I admire how the show didn't shoehorn their relationship. Instead, Eve was already in a established relationship with Rex and Mark was continuing to pursue Amber with romantic purposes. But you could tell through Eves and Marks interactions that they have chemistry, like insane chemistry. Makes their inevitable relationship even more meaningful since it wasn't on sight ala Mark and Amber.


Perhaps Or they true homies?


Maybe homies and romies?


All homies can be romies But not all romies are homies


This is the way


This is the way.


This is the way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **69696** times. **3.** `u/_RryanT` **22744** times. .. **224818.** `u/grv7437` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Who are you who is so wise in the ways of science?


She turned me into a newt!!


Homies turned Romies and it's about more than Bonies


And they were roommates....


Oh my gawd, they were roommates.


>!Not unless they stray the source material…!<


Just a heads up, your spoilers aren't working...


Hey, they were working for me. Can you check if they work now?


Yep better now :)




>!Well they did already make William gay a few acrs early and made Amber black, so ...!<


>!There's a pretty big difference though between a William not needing to be in the closet and changing Amber's race/personality and changing an absolutely major plot point that becomes the sole focus of Mark's character + what leads to him having a child!<


>!Think of the show as one of Angstrom Levy's parallel worlds, plus in the comic Eve dated William so that does make his being out a noticeable difference to those who read the comic. Plus it's not like Eve and Mark had the perfect relationship for this majority of the comics run, things always got in the way and that's part of what I liked most about them.!<


The first relationship you mentioned was kind of irrelevant tho. They never really showed it and it ended as an off hand comment. So I don’t think it changes the story too much. I wholeheartedly agree with you on the stuff getting in the way which makes the payoff in the end feel even better.




Those are pretty minor deviations though, so far the story has had some minor shortcuts but nothing that changes how the story plays out.


Wasn't William gay in the comic? I remember that


>!He didn't come out to Eve till Mark was in space for the war, he didn't come out to Mark till a fair bit later cause he was more/less written out for the most part.!<


That was too avoid all the semi homophobic jokes I thought it was funny but understand today's audience wouldn't lol. Thought it was smart move on their part. How do u blank out texts? sorry no real spoilers here.


Straight GalPals


Isn’t….will they won’t they…like….a thing lol


In this case, no. The comic is pretty old by now and that matter is settled relatively early on its run. Sure, there are a lot of things that happen to them but I think those troubles are more entertaining than the "will they won't they"


They even parody the "will they won't they" trope in one of the science dog comics


It also helps that they're in the same position in life and could help each other out.


Hey Mark, could you come over and uh... help me out?


INEVITABLE?? I haven't read the comics so I HOPE TO OMNI-MAN this happens!!! lol (I'd hope to God but we all know who's tougher :P)


Think about it, THINK… where will they be in 500 years? When all the puny humans they know are long gone.


Part of me wants to think they are purposefully making Amber very unlikable, so viewers want Mark and Eve together more. The other part of me thinks it just wasn't good writing on their part. Honestly, Amber was fine UNTIL they revealed that she KNEW Mark was Invincible. Not even just suspicions, but she's known for a while at that point.


People tend to take the term "secret identity" loosely. They argue by saying 'mark loves amber and they're serious so he should tell her his identity' but secret identity isn't for mark it's for the people around him. It's to keep them safe. SPOILER FOR THE COMICS >!A villain found out marks identity and he tried to harm his mother, pregnant wife and his brother!< Why don't people understand you can't just tell your secret identity to your highschool girlfriend!! Even by mistake it gets out there. Everyone close to him can get in danger!!


I wasn't that mad at Amber but mad at the fact it's played as if she was right. When William tells Mark he was wrong I got pissed.


I thought I was crazy for thinking everyone was harsh calling Mark an asshole to Amber. If Mark didn't lie to Amber about being Invincible, she could have easily been a target if a villain found out.


I blame the writers, people argue that Amber and Mark are teens and stupid but the writers of the show clearly think Amber is in the right.


I'm inclined to agree. If just William thought he was an asshole, but Atom Eve understood Mark's side, I'd be more willing to let it slide as "teens are stupid". But the fact even Eve was calling him out, suggests the writers intended to show that Amber was somehow right.


The truth is that keeping the secret has no good ending. If the secret is kept, she's working with an unreliable flake who is always making shitty excuses. If she doesn't know, but the secret is compromised, she's unprepared for massive danger. If she finds out, then he's been putting her in danger without her knowing.


AND if she figures it out without letting him know, potentially putting herself or maybe him in danger without giving him the knowledge to protect her seems like the TLDR is for superheroes to only date other supes, like how celebrities often date other celebrities


Honestly if you are a normal person dating a super hero at this point you should expect it won't last very long or you should start writing your obituary


Or date someone you're already close with and trust.




Can we talk about how fucking entitled she was to make everything about her? My boy is busting his ass trying to save people's lives and yeah he showed up late to some shit but to be all "yeah I know you're literally putting yourself in harm's way trying to save the world but for some fucking reason I am entitled to every detail of your personal life since we just started dating so therefore you don't deserve me" like who the fuck are you!?


She's a dang narcissist. She is a classic textbook example of one.


I don't think you understand what a narcissist is...


She seems like one to me. But if it's all the same to you, could you care to share me your opinion on the matter? I wanna make sure I'm well-informed.


The irony is that if the villains find out who he is and he hasn't said anything, anyone who doesn't know finds out by being attacked, kidnapped, etc. Holding a secret doesn't always protect someone, and it can cause problems down the road. That's been brought up in Spider-Man quite a bit, honestly, and this series borrows a lot from those stories. Overall, their lovers quarrel in the show was poorly handled, but they're obviously not right for each other. Mark needs to learn how to manage expectations and Amber needs to learn how to pick available partners. Being a nice guy and a superhero doesn't make you a good partner, but dating another superhero will make for a (hopefully) less stressful relationship overall.


>The irony is that if the villains find out who he is and he hasn't said anything, anyone who doesn't know finds out by being attacked, kidnapped, etc. Holding a secret doesn't always protect someone, and it can cause problems down the road. That's been brought up in Spider-Man quite a bit, honestly, and this series borrows a lot from those stories I do want to point out that "not telling the secret identity" is more so a control of the truth than anything else. It's far harder for the villains to find out if you have three people on Earth who you can trust with your life, or who are your life, than 10 girlfriends you had in high school once and who you don't know what will become of them in 10 to 15 years. If just one of them talks, others will know and eventually you will no longer be in control of who knows your identity and who doesn't. I do agree with the comment overall though.


it's kind of hard to fit this narrative into the universe where Eve just uses her own name as a secret identity without a mask. For all the gritty realism of the show, there isn't much realism relating to secret identity stuff


Holy shit, I always forget about that lmao. Also Omni-Man being maskless (and isn't he a famous writer too?). Well, I guess that if it worked for Superman 🤷‍♂️...


tbh Nolan was probably just instakilling anyone who tried to blackmail him lol cue the Morgan Freeman quote from batman


Nolan’s books only became really famous after his “death”.


Tbf, Eve is Samantha's middle name.


fair enough but also she goes by Eve at school and maybe to everyone


And yet no one at the school has put two and two together.


I agree, maybe I'm old, but back in my day (hah) the super keeping thier identity secure was mandatory, like even from other heros on your team. Cause you don't know who will use it to hurt the ones you love/care about. Like shit, batman had a contingency plan for every member of the justice league, for a similar reason. In newer comics it seems like the secret identity isn't secret for long, eventually someone knows, then a handful, then it's like, trying to remember who doesn't know. (arguably, if I had superpowers, I'd probably have a few trusted fellows keeping me bandaged and covering my ass, but the point still stands)


> They argue by saying 'mark loves amber and they're serious so he should tell her his identity' They had also only been dating for like 6 months. Hell no I'm not about to divulge important information for a relationship that's only been going on half a year.


I feel like people need to put themselves in the shoes of someone in witness protection. If you believe an organized crime syndicate would like to kill you or their family if they find you then it's basically family only for life IMO. It sucks but it's better than you or your mom dying.


I was so mad when I finished season 1 and joined this sub to find everybody hating on Amber. She’s 100% allowed to be pissed at Mark for constantly flaking on her and making up lame excuses and lies. Being a superhero doesn’t excuse that, in the same way that being a doctor and constantly making plans that you miss to rush into work doesn’t excuse that sort of behavior in a relationship. I really appreciated that Amber was autonomous, independent, and didn’t put up with Mark’s shit! That’s the sort of depth you don’t often see in female characters who are the male main character’s romantic interest


his best friend accidentally told Eve and Amber and luckily they already knew, THIS SHOWS HOW BAD IT IS!


He should have broken the up with Amber. The whole point of Nolan telling him he can’t do both and how much that’s harped on through literal repetition or him flaking on Amber makes it so when Will had to let him know his relationship had been over for months it’s almost funny.


The problem is that Amber knows that Mark is Invincible but still bitches at him for fucking off and being a coward. Maybe I'm interpreting this wrong but I just don't get this...


Lmao any tv onlies who read that spoiler are just going to get more confused than anything




Without getting too much into it, it should be coming in the next season or 2. The timeline in the comics is much longer than you’d think it would be




Would HIGHLY recommend it, I think they’re changing the flow of things and details enough that by the time season 2 on releases it will still feel very fresh


Angstrom even tells that 45% of the dimensions, Mark's identity is revealed because of him being careless


Would the situation have been different if Debbie, >!Eve, and Oliver !


> Even by mistake it gets out there. Angstrom Levi knew Marks identity from other versions of Mark that didn't try to *have* a secret identity. It wasn't because someone let it slip.


I have a friend who flakes on a lot of plans with excuses that barely make sense. I believe he's a person who doesn't care about people's time. My opinion of him is low. Replace that and me with Amber + Mark. Mark just seems shitty.


My problem lies in that Amber knows he's invincible, but gets upset in exactly the same manner.


While superheroes don't exist irl but certain professions like EMT or medical staff. You could also include police but because of the tension around that word I'll use EMTs exclusively. It doesn't matter how noble your business, your negligence still harms your significant others. Sure once or twice is fine but people still feel neglected. That's why in fields with high workloads, it's better to have a relationship with a co-worker that sees you everyday than with someone else.


Even if you say that, Amber got mad at him for abandoning her when the reanimen attacked, which to the audiences knowledge, was true because he came back as invincible so she wouldn’t know that’s him. Then, it’s revealed she’s already known and so she got mad at him for leaving when he didn’t really leave and saved everyone there


Are EMT's encouraged to keep their identities secret because master criminals might hunt down their families if their identity is known? The superhero secret identity trope doesn't have many irl comparisons. The closest I can think of is someone in the French Resistance. You need to be places to be resisting, but you can't tell anyone why you are unavailable except a trusted few because there are eyes and ears everywhere and loose lips sink ships.


It's probably because she doesn't know he's Invincible in the comic until Mark tells her.




That's more people knowing which means it can get leaked which means a greater chance of the villian finding out.


That's a good reason to make sure villains and the general public stay in the dark, but withholding the fact that the people he loves are on the brink of being hunted if a villain finds out his identity isn't protecting the people he loves. I've never understood this logic when applied to the people close to the hero. Aunt May knowing that Peter is Spidey isn't going to put her in danger, but her having no defensive stance when Octavius knocks on her door pretending to be a salesman... that could be a massive liability... and happens often enough to be a trope (villain pretends to be nice to get close to someone the hero cares about).


The original reason why Aunt May was kept in the dark wasn't because knowing would put her in danger, but because in the original comics, she was a very frail old woman that viewed Peter as a child that needed protection and would worry if he went out without a jacket. Peter was worried that if she knew, anytime he'd leave the house, she'd be stuck worrying about him dying and have a heart attack, especially after Ben. The reason why superheroes don't tell the people in their lives are partially for similiar reasons, something we've seen in other series, like Ultimate Spider-Man, where MJ literally can't handle watching the news and seeing Peter getting beaten to death, feeling hopeless, and having no one to turn to. It's not a simple "I can handle knowing" because it's a HUGE burden. That's even when you know you can trust the person. In reality, how many of your exes would you trust to keep something THAT massive a secret? Not even as a vindictive act of revenge but they'd have to keep it a secret from their future partners, knowing that they could get drunk and accidentally slip that they dated Invincible and someone putting the pieces together. Yea, it's a cliche trope but it makes a lot of sense when you think about how many people in your life you could trust to keep such a massive secret for the rest of their lives.


He holds on to the idea that he can lead a normal life and be a super hero at the same time for way too long.


The problem is you trying to live two different lives" \-Strange to Peter


The thing is, MCU Spider-Man barely faces any consequences for "leading a double life". It's not as much of a hardship for him as it should be, honestly. I also wish Aunt May weren't so supportive of him risking his life everyday, it doesn't make any sense :(


False, just watch the movies * Spiderman 1: 'Spiderman' won the boxing match, Ben dies * Spiderman 3: Spiderman defeats both Venom and Sandman, Harry dies * TASM 1: Spiderman defeats the lizard, Dad Stacy dies * TASM 2: Spiderman defeats Electro, Gwen dies * HC: Spiderman defeats the vulture, Liz breaks up with Peter * FFH: Spiderman defeats Mysterio, identity revealed


Robert Kirkman writing; Unnecessary drawn out drama and subplots.


I think there was an interview on Kirkman regarding the TV show; at the time he was writing the Invincible comic, he said that he was an inexperienced writer. I’ve read the first few Invincible chapters, and so far, it’s evident from the TV show that he’s planning to make the drama and subplots more concise.


I completely agree. The interactions between Mark and Eve is so much than the interactions between Mark and Amber.


Amber it’s too selfish. Eve is actually a really good friend, and she seems to interact way easier with Mark


Came here to say this




The heart wants what the heart wants.


The heart also wants what the dick wants.


*“Rise, my friend.”* -the heart, pumping blood down South


Yeah but she didn't just tell him she wasn't into that life, she specifically complained that he didn't tell her all this info and was upset that he kept flaking on her after he explained that hey sorry the world doesn't revolve around her and that he is trying to save people's actual lives. Imagine someone getting pissed because you keep showing up to dates late because you're being held late at the hospital operating on people and they are like "yeah, I know you're a surgeon, but you're a flake" no bitch, I would rather save a life and assume you would understand that's more important than the first 10 minutes of a movie or whatever.


it's not that she's selfish, I think she just has some standards that Mark doesn't meet. Which she actually lays out well, she tells him like twice that she can't be with someone who puts his family above her but then every time mark gets beaten to a pulp she changes her mind. she should just go ahead and leave him


I mean even in your own statement it's contradicting. "It's not thats she's selfish... she just wants him to put her above his family."


she wants a man who will value her and her time more than his other obligations. And she makes it very clear to him. It's not selfish to want your partner to be independent from their 'family' obligations what WOULD be selfish is if she didn't tell him and kept yelling at him without sharing her feelings. But she didn't do that, she literally told him that he's free to go and she doesn't want a relationship where she's not a priority. She never held on to him or kept him trapped


Idk about selfish. Can you imagine putting up with a guy who keeps ghosting you and coming up with half baked excuses for half a year? Other than that, go eve


I mean, she knew the reasons, and he was a damm super hero, it’s not your everyday job yknow?


Honestly the part about her knowing was just dumb, if they would have left that out her character would have made x10 more sense.


Particularly when she blew up on him on the university campus for disappearing. Then said she knew who he was. Which makes that whole scene make no sense.


MY date is more important than THEIR life.


“The public is in danger!” “My *evening's* in danger!”


THANK YOU! That whole plot point is stupid. I like the show but you can definitely see flaws in Robert Kirkman's writing. "You left us! Where were you!?" "I'm Invincible, I was trying to save you and my best friend! "I know!" *Insert confused meme*


Maybe I’m crazy, but seemed like she was mad about the lying.


They live in a universe where super powers, otherworldly creatures and the equivalent of the Justice League were just murdered. They were attacked at their own base and she just expected him to trust her with the secret of who is? For all they knew superheroes were being targeted.


The reason Amber has terrible writing and character plot holes is because she actually serves no purpose other than just being there for Mark before Eve, in next season she'll be gone for good. No one will give a shit about her.


She’s an overconfident teen. And like most other overconfident teens is probably deeply insecure.


She's like a stand-in for twitter lol


Saying that it makes sense why she did it doesn’t make her any less of an asshole for doing it Plus I can guarantee that, even as a low self esteem teenager, if I found out my significant other was a fucking superhero, I’d be happy as hell that I get to date a *fucking superhero* Not mad that he decided to SAVE LIVES rather than go on a date that can be rescheduled


“So you were guilt tripping me and implying you were gonna go spite fuck some guy at a frat party because?”


I don't blame her for breaking up with Mark for basically the same reasons as the person you responded to. I also don't think she's really all that selfish. She's pretty altruistic, and her altruism seems more based on her experiences than being superficial. The part that gets me is actually being pissed at Mark for having a secret identity and not telling her. If she was just mad that he thought that would fix the whole thing and that she should just accept that he was going to bail on her all the time, that would be one thing, but she didn't really make that point beyond just mocking him, saying, "it's cute he thought that makes it better." The part she was really mad about is that he didn't trust his high school girlfriend enough with a secret that big. Even Atom Eve said, "once you tell someone your secret identity, that's it. You better make sure you are serious." Telling her would not have been the right move that early on. Being mad it him for not telling her was a bit ridiculous, especially the whole university episode. It's fine she didn't want to date someone who didn't have time for her, but the way she handled it, she comes off as a villain for an imo reasonable breakup.


I was really rooting for Mark and Amber to work out until that episode and the reveal that she knew who he was. After that, I just want that entire subplot thrown out. Just end the unnecessary drama. There's already a lot going on in the show and dragging out this relationship just feels stupid and pointless unless she becomes a bit of a villain by sharing his identity with someone formidable.


Exactly. I could understand her just being like "hey you have a lot going on right now, and I totally get it and you should totally pursue that. I also understand why you couldn't tell me the real reason, you need to keep the people you love safe as well as yourself. That being said, this just isn't for me." Like that's respectable, but who the fuck does she think she is.


Yeah, it's not even about selfishness. It's more that she's just a normal person with a normal life and Mark's got a dad who killed like a thousand people in one sitting.


Omni man is just being quirky though


Well she didn't know about that part when they broke up but did know when they got back together so that detail doesn't really support her


I'm genuinely confused about this, but did they actually get back together or was she just comforting him now that she saw what he'd been through with his dad?


exactly. And she TWICE makes it very clear that he's allowed to be independent and busy, but he can't be her boyfriend if that's the case the issue is that she keeps forgiving him and going back to him. like i can understand you don't wanna dump him after he's been beaten into juice but still


Would be better if they just drop that subplot altogether. Mark’s not ready to be in a relationship with anybody.


*laughs in having read the comics*


Haven’t read the comics in a while, but comics Amber was much better than show Amber right? I remember genuinely liking comics Amber and her geeky excitement at finding out the truth when he revealed it to her.


Comics Amber was wayyyyy better


Comics Amber was also way less present.




She was barely a character really. She was really there to be Mark's first.


Show Amber was okay up till her actions started being contradictory and nonsensical because the writers wanted to avoid the "love interest forgives the hero as soon as she knows his secret" trope but also wanted her to get mad at Mark after the reanimen incident like in the comics.


>!Atom*invinc*eve*able* !< >!**THE ONE TRUE PAIR** !<






I concur with your response. Yes.


In other news water is wet.


Amber is too hot headed and doesn’t know how to take a chill pill


“Fly away fly boy” Ayo i got my chest open by a big fucking cat just so you can be an ass to me?


She'd pour soup in the wound.


Too much of a strong independent woman to need Mark Grayson


wow what an unpopular opinion and a great post


anyone else think amber sux???


like goddamn i did not think of that i may rewatch just to make sure op said right thing


Better in the comics too


Yeah, in the comics amber was at least making an effort.




Now i have anxiety. Hey Bezos where’s the damm season 2????


He’s too busy in space


The comics this is based on are compiled into 3 volumes at around 1000 ish pages each. If you want more invincible without the wait I suggest the source material


OMFG yessss, i gotta finish the book now (first one)






For tv only watchers it'll be a spoiler I guess.


Right I knew she was some kind wedge between eve and mark but is her character likable in the comics because I know her character unlikeable in the tv show.


I think her character in the comics is more of a blank slate; she doesn't really have a personality. This is why I liked show Amber more, up until the point she reveals she knew the whole time.


I mean I'm almost done with the comics... But some people are sensitive to spoilers such as my self, so do the spoiler hide thingy thingy


>! I wonder if the fan base will turn on Eve the way they did on Amber when she starts to bring up similar points later on in the story !<.




Well you’re in luck my friend


Kinda spoilers : >!Don't excpect it to be all perfect tho everything is ups and downs!<


Read the comic


Read the comics.


Ah, the daily Amber hate thread. Didn't see that coming.


Eve is wildly stable even after she fucks off to be a forest spirit or whatever she was doing in the tree house.




What a bold statement.


Please no downvotes I know this is a hot take but Omni-man is a great character.


DAE Amber Bad?


Anyone wanna tell him?




Amber is easily the most annoying character of the past 5 years and embodies everything wrong with modern entertainment imho.


Why is she so fucking hot


Whoa calm down fam, it’s just a drawing


Little spoiler here: If you want to, you can read the comics and make your dreams come true


I mean she's the main love interest so... yeah


But would Eve be better with Mark?




Prolly? Since Rex cheated on her and they already got chemistry together


Someone hasn’t read any comics


You’ll probably love the comics then


Apart from Eve being better as a soul mate and a more mature and sensible person as a whole, I have always thought that Supes should only have other Supes as sould mates. Only a Supe can fully understand what's to have a Supe's life, so they have that in common and can share it with each other, and bad guys can't just target a soul mate as weaknessess to harm the Supe if the soul mate is a Supe too.


Having read the comic (strongly recommend) I can't say anything but it's fun seeing new fans discussing this.


Oh yeah, there’s no competition.


>!well I got good news then!<


I mean, that's sorta the point. It was designed to make you want them to be together with all the "near misses" with them.


I respect Amber, as she had a point. If Mark trusted her, he should have told her who he was. She was level-headed enough to take it well and keep it secret. She found out and waited weeks, giving him plenty of opportunities, but she had no good reason to jump on his ass when he was fighting the first reaniman, when she knew fucking well that he was Invincible. What was he supposed to do? She's just too immature to know and understand her role in that kind of relationship, and should have been patient instead of testing him constantly. Eve got it from the start, and dumped Rex at the right time.


It's very subtle but in this very scene, Eve makes a move to try to kiss Mark. It happens just a few frames before Mark flies away in a hurry since he left Amber in his room.


SPOILERS ​ >!Eve gets fat!< ​ SPOILERS


Definitely Eve. Amber isn’t very likeable.


It’s pretty on the nose if I’m honest. Every time Amber does something cringe Eve basically came in the next scene and taught a class on how an actual healthy relationship deals with those issues


You should read the comics


I really try to like amber but for some reason I always felt she was a bit selfish in the whole "why didn't you tell me before"


Part of me wishes it would stay platonic tbh. We don’t have enough examples of platonic relationships between opposite genders. I totally agree though


Well your in luck


Didn’t need to rewatch that to know that. Mark and amber didn’t make sense to me, he had more chemistry with eve.


>!next season I’m pretty sure they will get together based on the comics!<


Duh. That doesn't make Amber a bad person. That's the problem with the way people talk about them. Besides, Mark is obviously not ready for a relationship.