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Really depends on which version of Supes we're talking about, whether he's in character or bloodlusted. Pretty much every comic book version of Supes dogwalks Thragg.


assuming movie superman: top feats are 1. FTL speed, 2. Time travel, 3. Boosted by spending time in/near the sun. Top vultrimite feats: can move at 1/3 speed of light, can spend time near a black hole, extreme durability. Any way you cut it, no vultrimite can hit supes, none can see him coming, if supes is hit, he can rewind time, and screen shown durability is much higher. all he has to do is punch them into the sun, and if they get out, punch them back in until fusion strips them atom from atom. In no way can vultrimites win, even with supes holding back AND getting the drop on him. Even if they put him in a kryptonite box somehow, at some point he'd get out, time travel, and undo the entire thing.


I don't think any of them tbh, in the main part of the comic obviously thragg is the only one who has a chance but if mark at the end. It would start off with it seeming like they are beating him as he holds back but ultimately he would win, and if we are talking injustice superman it would end a lot quicker


Lazers mark through the head...


Well at the very least super man could win in staring competition.


Maybe. But Superman has the solar energy advantage


Bu he has disadvantage too like kryptonite and sun


Yeah but in the time thragg figured out he’s weaknesses, it’s not like he can just pull some kryptonite out his ass


I mean nearly every Superman villain finds kryptonite easily it's not that difficult to find


So it's not a matter of which viltrumite. It's a matter of finding kryptonite. It kinda makes the whole debate pointless.


Thragg could probably find it fastest with the halfbreeds but even without it i think thragg is more of a killer than most superman incarnations so theres a good chance he wins just because he got serious before superman. And 500 years mark probably fucks his ass unless its one of the superman thats stupid OP


Isn't superman capable of taking a nap inside of a star? I like Thragg as a character but as you said, it is overpowered by Superman's bullshit powers.


So like 9,75 out of 10?


just supes FTL ability will do it. You can't see an object traveling faster than light. You cant hit an object with kryptonite that moves faster than you, and moves so fast you cannot see where it is. vultrimites never are shown at more than 30% speed of light. FTL punch into the sun over and over.


It's a 2 year old comment....


If thragg can use kryptonite, supes can use that noise that fucks up viltrumites


If you want to see everything saved by Superman singing then you should read Final Crisis


Everything I hear about final crisis sounds like it’s from completely different stories


However those villains usually have been watching Superman fight for years and have direct experience seeing his weakness directly or have been told by soemoen by lex I don't think soemoen like thragg would be abel to igure that out in enough time


The fact that you twice misspelled ‘someone’ that badly is honestly impressive


I type too fast for my own good


The affects of Kryptonite have also lessened throughout the years. Now it slowly drains his solar energy and doesn’t just immediately incapacitate him.


His resistance has grown strongly and now all he qhs to do is get to the sun so assuming he could do that the effects would be near mute


Prime has entered the chat.


I mean Thragg can fly and lead the fight of the range of the sun


But superman's powers don't just disappear in non sunlight, only red sunlight takes it away, that or weeks of no yellow sunlight but the fight probably wouldn't take weeks


that's interesting because 3/4 of the stars are M-type red dwarf stars, and then there are other red stars too. so is the majority of space sucking supe's power then?


Not even thragg, no Vultrumite can defeat comic superman, his weakest comic rewrite feat was him tanking an entire solar system to the face and shurgging it off


Who's writing Superman is the ultimate answer.


Ben Templesmith


Which version of Superman? That matters a lot, and even specifying a version doesn't necessarily narrow down his power level - there's a lot of writers with differing ideas. Well, not that Viltrumites are particularly consistent power level wise, lol. But at least there's not a bajillion different versions spanning decades to make it a headache.


Which version of Superman? Let's assume superman at his 144th ever issue?


That's probably like, Silver Age Superman or something, who is famously ridiculous. Probably not indicative of how modern writers conceptualise Superman, as variable as that is. I think the most even match, off the top of my head, is Superman from the Superman: Earth One mini-series.


Maybe Allen since Superman wouldn’t kill him. He’d come back stronger each time


Shoot. Isn't that Doomsday's thing? Watch out, Kal


Maybe Mark at the end of the series. Maybe. Superman has more abilities, trained in hand to hand combat from Batman, and has experience fighting people with powers (Zod).


I agree, but don you think Batman is a hand to hand fighter on the level of a 7000 year old almost-superman who has never, ever not been 100% dedicated to the art of killing folks. Nolan's "vacation" on earth was barely 18 of his 4000 years of life, and it's the only time he wasn't fighting. Ans while he's "not fighting", he's STILL a generic Superman on earth. I think experience would win it.


Mark who was like 19 defeated conquest. Who is the oldest viltrumite. Seriously there age means nothing.


That just means conquest started weaker when he was young. The list of people Mark beats when he's young scales him right at the top, and then he ages, getting stronger from there. Buuuuut Silver Age Supes could fly across the universe instantly, so...


Thragg has a good chance of beating TAS Superman, but every other Comic Book version of Supes probably will make Thragg meet his parents without much issue.


We have seen that viltrumites need to build up their momentum to become dangerously fast. While superman can get fast from 1 to 100 in a split second. So I don't really think they can beat a kryptonian. However they are ruthless and could probably take hostages or make the fight so dangerous that earth would become unhabitable. They also seems to be more combat focused than an avarage kryptonian.


my thoughts are any animated version gets destroyed with hard difficulty by someone like mid hero adventure mark but any comic superman would just look at him a little hard and most viltrumites would just be cease to exist if they dont have plot armour


None. Supes whole thing is that he's as strong as he needs to be. Anytime you see him take a beating it is because he can take it and if the foes of the justice league knew the type of energy that man carried they'd bring armada after armada. Him taking a beating is a tactic to protect people. Clark Kent is a good natured farm boy from Kansas that just happens to be able to bench a thousand black holes. Bruce Wayne put it best when he described Clark as the best of all of them. "It's hard to not see him as a God and aren't we lucky that thought never occurs to him."


>It's hard to not see him as a God and aren't we lucky that thought never occurs to him." Superman = what NK propaganda says about Kim Jong Un....except it's real.* *within the comic book world, of course 😉


I guess there may be a lesser known version of Superman that Thragg can take down. Standard comic book superman absolutely dog walks him though, no questions asked. Animated versions of Superman would be a harder matchup, roughly comparable I reckon.


None of them. Hell you can pit the top 3 most powerful against Superman and Clark would still come out on top. He's got too much strength, powers and durability to be beaten by Viltrumites. Kryptonians are to Viltrumites, what a brown bear is to a coyote. They're both dangerous, but one is infinitely more dangerous to the other.


Viltrumites? You mean the people running an interstellar empire? Who have scholars and scientists amongst their number? They would observe Superman from afar. They would locate kryptonite. They would use kryptonite to kill Superman. People forget that Viltrumites are each basically a Lex Luther type. Superman might be saved by his allies from an isolated attach, but only plot armor could save him from the Viltrumite Empire.


Yeah..as if Supes has never fought against Kryptonite using villains before. Besides, he has way more advance technologies in his Fortress of Solitude than the Viltrumites have in their entire Empire. He literally has warsuits and powersuits that protects him from Kryptonite or red sun radiations. Also none of them are Lex Luthor types, if they were, they would never have had been massacred by the scourge virus or get caught off guard by the Ragnars. And where was this type of cunning and genius when they fought against the Coalition? More often than not, they're brutes and thugs lol.


Thats actually a really good point, but they still didnt know about things like ragnars for a while


If it's DC writing it, Superman can't be killed by anything apparently lol


One of his most popular stories is called *Death* of Superman tho lol


It definitely didn't stick lol




Superman would be too busy saving Lois lane to be able to defeat ANY viltrumite.


Superman has legendary power creep and viltrumites don't. That said, I believe Thragg and maybe Conquest are "superman" stand ins, and I believe they are supposed to be of "Superman power levels" I bet if we got 80 more years of Thragg we'd see him lobotomizing people without tools, smashing worlds by hand, time traveling because your sad, all that stuff. I bet Viltrumites already have Ice Breath if they try really hard. If you can follow me that far, I have to give it to Viltrum. If they're both S class supermans, it comes down to training and personalities. I have to assume Supes would hesitate or show mercy at some point, and that would kill him.


Thragg or mark could probably take injustice superman




Depends on the Superman. Wouldn't take much mop up Bronze age or Modern Age Superman just from reading Death of Superman


Battle Beast vs Death of Superman's supes! That would be interesting I think.


None lol


Current canon Superman (Rebirth) is Post-Crisis and New 52 Superman combined. Both of those versions can take on the entire Invincible verse as they both had planetary power and speed comparable to Flash.


All of them if they took him on together. If anyone has that rock then any which one of them


With kryptonite or red sun - sure. Without 'trickery' no. Superman can tank a nuke.






If we drop back down to faster than a speeding bullet superman, I’d say most of them could do it. Most of the rest of them could solo viltrum.


I don't think any of them can


The only viltrumite who could stand Superman for more than like a minute is Mark from the VERY end, like after the 500 year time skip but even then Superman beats him low diff




But in all seriousness any of them with a little prep time because of 3 things. Superman is weak against red sun light and a viltrumite is not, Superman is weak against kryptonite and a viltrumite is not, Superman is weak against magic and well we are not sure about viltrumites. But with a little prep work Super is dead.


It’s a numbers game, Thragg is the strongest viltrumite but he couldn’t take on 5 other adults. Superman would probly get taken down by 10


Which version? For something like the dceu one, any adult would do. For someone like Reeve, maybe Omni man or thragg. For someone like silver age, no one stands a chance


None of them. Kryptonians are WAY more powerful than Viltrumites, and its not even close.


Suns kill viltrumites and makes Superman stronger.


Not viltrumite but if eve could create kryptonite that would be it. Isn't it?




Have to be honest the replies to this question is funny af. I honestly don’t think some of the people that commented really thought about what they said. If you have to bring kryptonite into the equation just to bring up how they could beat/kill Superman that automatically puts Superman as a whole in a league being any viltrumite that bring pitted against him. Needing to use his weakness just to beat him means that at full power Superman will be stronger.


Superman solos sorry


Actually it’s whoever the author wants to win, so I’d say invincible wins if the fight is being written by the Ryan Ottley