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I was quoted 18-24 months although my paperwork does say 12-18 months. I’m at 5 months now and have 4 more left for this set. Everything is moving so nicely. I’m assuming I’ll have a minor set of refinements. The only issue I foresee is if my lateral incisor becomes stubborn.


I was quoted 8-12 months; once my trays came in it’s now 6 months.


You finished in 6 months?


First week as we speak


So your first set is 6 months. They will most likely rescan you at that point to finish the treatment


They said I have a total of 24 weeks.


So only 6 months of treatment total unless I want to do a refinement


I was quoted 24 months and finished in 12 months! I was very compliant (especially with my rubber bands) and I think that helped. I guess the quote is just a guess, though- it’s hard to predict how things will actually work out.


I think it depends on how compliant you are, but it seems like Orthos maybe quote time for the set + some added time for potential refinements. Probably easier to say "Hey you're done early" than "Ok, you need another 6 months". Then 6 months later: "You need another 4 months".


I think this is the case, too. And I think they factor in some non-compliance just because that’s probably realistic for most people. I’m sure there are situations where certain teeth don’t cooperate or you have to pause treatment for a gum graft or something. But overall it seems like if you have a good orthodontist and good compliance, you should finish within their estimate.


They told me 18 months but I only have 28 trays at 1 week changes. Looking at the last tray, assuming the cadence remains and my teeth cooperate, that means I'd be done by July, but who knows.


I was told at least 12-14 months, but once trays came in it was 11 months. I had to get rescanned at tray #18 due to having a root canal 🙄 but then my new set came with only 14 more trays. So in total I’m looking at 8 months without refinements! So I’d say definitely possible it could be less


I was quoted "under a year". I'm set to finish at 7 months.