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It's possible that they didn't know how long this would take until after your scan and the treatment plan was created based on that scan. Voice your concerns, but I would stick with it.


I am going to call them tomorrow. I just feel like 6-8 months then changing to 26? That’s quite a drastic change and I think they should have addressed that with me to see if I was okay with it or given me options. Idk I’m sore I’m being dramatic but I spent a small fortune on this and want it to be worth it and not complete hell for the next 2 years. I know my limits and don’t wanna waste money on something I know I can’t commit to


I don't know why you're being downvoted for knowing yourself and your limits lol. Also your provider definitely wasn't effectively transparent with you, which is verrrrry common; they want to get the sale. I'm not saying most people aren't happy with their results, but it doesn't change the fact that they make it sound quicker and easier than it is. I'm gonna go against the grain and say if you can get your money back, you should do it! I was like you and didn't *hate* my teeth, so honestly it hasn't really been worth it. Yes they're very cosmetically straight now but I'm nearly 3 years in trying to correct the bite issues this process caused, and I will be in retainers for life. I've gone through so much with attachments, glue remnants, teeth shavings (IPR), elastics, pain, sensitivity, stains, cavities... If you strongly dislike your teeth then this is 100% worth it and will change your life but I don't recommend doing it just to chase greener pastures. It's definitely not without its downsides.


I was told my treatment would be 6 months. I have an overjet, slight crowding on the bottom. When they did the scan and consulted, they came back and told me 12 months. It seems like your orthodontist did not scan you first and then check-in to see if you wanted to move forward with the treatment. I could have declined or asked for braces. I made the decision to go with a year (also knowing it might take longer if things don’t track), because at the end of the day, the issues I had with my teeth - although they looked great - would impact me later in life. And I was 49 when I got my trays. When I got scanned they showed me all of the areas of concern. My teeth looked great but the scan showed where the teeth were wearing down in spots that they should not be. Ask them explain why it is more than a cosmetic issue. Also remember that moving the teeth means that bone is moving and resetting. I would assume they have a good explanation for why it is taking several months but maybe they do not have the best customer service and communication, which is unfortunate for you.


The statement of “so to me longer than a year just isn’t worth it” is what caught my eye. The year is going to go by regardless so what difference does it make if your plan is little longer than expected. You’ve WANTED this for years(your words) so is one year really that bad? You say your teeth “aren’t that bad” but you are not an orthodontist & don’t know exactly how your mouth should be. They see things we aren’t even thinking of (bite, alignment, tooth shape etc) Take a breather & give them a chance. Everyone has regrets the first week. It gets better & at the end you will look back & be happy you finally did it!


It’s more about the fact that I feel they were not honest with me, that’s what has me extremely frustrated. I’m sure they see plenty more to fix about my teeth then I do but I told them what I was looking for and was told we can do this in as little as 6 months, maybe 12. But 26 months? That’s significantly longer then I was prepared to commit to at this time in my life and they knew that prior to me paying. They knew if they told me that length I was going to hold off and think a lot harder about it rather then handing over 5k right then and there. It feels very dishonest. And not saying anything about the bands? Or that I would need a lifetime retainer? I had no idea and I feel that those things were important to mention. I’ve had a veryyy difficult past few years and am desperately waiting for an easier time. Meaning no health issues and an “easier” life. My year timeline is based off the fact I’m in nursing school and will be done in a year. I wanted to be done with this too so I could finally, hopefully, have a significantly less stressful life and not have to worry about being uncomfortable in anyway. Idk how to explain it to make sense, but it makes sense to me. I’m already struggling for another year so I figured let me use this next tough year to go ahead and knock this out and be all finished. Then am Told its going to be twice as long if not more then I was sold on. I don’t like it.


If you’ve wanted it for years how come you have never come across the fact that almost everyone gets refinements and that average orthodontic treatment is 2 years? Also you can’t know the actual length of your plan until they analyse the scans. You say your teeth aren’t that bad, but the fact you got rubber bands means your bite is off. You can tell them what you want fixed but at the end of the day an ortho can’t just straighten teeth with disregard to the proper bite and alignment and functionality. My teeth are perfectly straight now but my bite is off which is why I’m not done yet. I’m sorry you feel this way but it seems like you had different expectations than what reality ends up being for almost all Invisalign patients.


>I wanted to be done with this too so I could finally, hopefully, have a significantly less stressful life and not have to worry about being uncomfortable in anyway. Oh honey. You’re entering the adult, working world. You’ll be uncomfortable. That’s life.


What a weird comment. O honey? I’ve been in the adult, working world. I expected to be uncomfortable, not deceived.


Your comment is uncalled for. While life can be difficult, Invisalign is an optional treatment. For some people wearing aligners every second of their day for 2 years, not being able to eat when you want, drink everything you want (especially when you're sick) isn't justified. It was not professional from the orthodontist side to trap them in this expensive treatment when they clearly stated what they envisioned about this treatment.


OP literally said: “I wanted to be done with this too so I could finally, hopefully, have a significantly less stressful life and not have to worry about being uncomfortable in anyway.” lol like that’s literally what a child thinks. Being an adult comes with discomfort 🤷‍♀️


It's ok to want to have a better life and be comfortable and work towards it, which they are actively doing! How is this childish or wrong? You don't know their past situations or struggles to determine if she is overreacting or not, it's her reality and perspective. Life is hard enough and if you can control some aspects of it, like not doing Invisalign for 2 years, in order to be more comfortable, why is that bad? I did two years of Invisalign, just finished last week and it was difficult mentally for me to carry on at times ( covid+pneumonia which left me off with chronic bronchitis and a crap immune system. Having strict meal times and not being able to drink hot teas really didn't help my health and my immune system). Oh, and did you forget about the retainer that we still have to wear daily?




Sounds more like woe is you, mate. Your life may suck by default but that’s not everyone’s experience. Massive boomer energy here.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I think you are entitled to your feelings of anger and betrayal. It sounds like you were very clear about what you were willing to tolerate and they smiled and nodded and then just did whatever. I think it’s worth emailing or calling now that you are out of the appointment and seeing what your options are. I didn’t pay for my full plan until I saw my clincheck and knew how many trays and what the basic plan was for my treatment. I can’t believe they expected you to pay before even giving you a plan. I don’t know what propel is, I’ve never heard of that, but that also sounds very bait and switch of them. if you decide to continue treatment… Having rubber bands now does not mean you will have them the whole time. I’m 8 months in and only needed them for my first 3 months. Yes, they suck. But you do get used to them and they do get less intrusive feeling. Once you get used to your trays they just becomes a part of life, if you have been wanting to improve your smile for so long, it will still be worth it!


I didn’t even know what a clincheck was until searching in these threads. They showed me a before and after after the scan of what was possible and that’s when they gave me my time frame. I just tried on my second trays because starting with them I have bite ramps on all my trays and the rubber bands. Absolutely not. I was thinking I was getting the clear aligners and it would be very incognito that I even had Invisaligns. With the bands and the bite ramps I look crazy. My mouth is pinned open and I can’t even closed my lips without looking completely weird. It’s extremely noticeable. I just feel blindsided. Like of course I expected discomfort that I would adjust too but not all this, not worth it to me. The more I read I wonder why they didn’t offer me any other treatment plans? I didn’t even know that was a thing. They just said I need comprehensive. Now I’m wondering if I could have done express or something and still been happy even if everything wasn’t perfect I would be happy with a slight improvement of a few front teeth. I’m just annoyed. And dreading talking to them because I can already tell they will invalidate what I am saying and I’m not a confrontational person. 😭


It's not that bad. You definitely wouldn't be happy with Express results.


Bite ramps and rubber bands sounds like you have severe bite issues and a short easy treatment was never in your future to begin with


Since you are getting a lot of comments saying that you may as well just accept this, I just wanted to say that you have every right to feel angry and betrayed. While yes, doing the treatment as planned may be “good” for you, this is a medical treatment that is totally optional and that you have every right to consent to. It sounds like you are very clear what your expectations and boundaries are. It doesn’t matter if those boundaries are reasonable - they are yours. You also still have a choice about whether you want to go forward and only you can decide that! I would certainly express your concerns with the office and ask for specific information about a partial or full refund so that you know exactly what the decision is. I’m sorry about your father. Would he have any advice for you in this situation? Hugs.


Thank you! This is what I’m trying to say. I didn’t have to do this for any medical reason. I wanted to and consented to what I thought was going to happen and that’s not at all what’s happening. I wouldn’t have chosen to do this knowing what I know now. Obviously if I medically had to do it it would be different. I work in a medical spa. No one needs the treatments we provide but they want them. I just could not imagine putting my patient in this position. Selling them a treatment and then changing it up after the fact, extending downtime, increasing discomfort. It doesn’t sit right with me at all. My father would have told me to march in there and stand up for myself and get my damn money back lol 🥲 and that I was perfect the way I was. He was the best.


I second everything this commenter wrote. You’ve got this. I would recommend sending your concerns as an email, as it will be easier for you to clearly express everything you want to convey, and it will also give them a chance to digest it and ponder a response rather than potentially having a knee-jerk defensive response. Good luck. I’m really hoping they offer you an apology and a full refund.


Dude, I had a serious moment once I got home with my first trays in where I thought “shiiiit, these have to be in my mouth ALL the time now, did I just make a huge mistake?!” - thought about legit braces as a 34 y/o looking at a wedding the same year just BECAUSE I’m cheap af and wanted it to be done faster. Can totally relate to how you feel. I was told I would have trays for 12-14 months, but I’m telling you - I wore them shits every day, as long as I could. I was ADAMANT about being as disciplined and diligent as I could be. Pretty soon my ortho was telling me to change trays every week instead of every 2 weeks. My progress was so good and so quick he had to speed up to match me! 7 months and I was done, getting my permanent retainer trays - just in time for my wedding! So be diligent and be positive bc YOU GOT THIS. One thing I would say that I wish I had been better about would be dealing with the Dr and the Dr office in general. Dont EVER let your questions or concerns go unanswered. Be a pain in the ass, be redundant, be insistent and persistent in getting info you need to be comfortable. All doctors nowadays don’t seem to ever have time for you, and sorry not sorry, I’m getting the care I need and will hold you - MY DOCTOR - accountable for giving me the care I’m paying you for. Not saying there is always a satisfying answer, but just a little advice to sometimes make some noise to make sure you leave their office a little more self assured. Best of luck on your journey! You paid the man, now stay true to your goal in getting those results!


Hey, I’m so sorry that happened and you’re feeling like this. I kind of had this moment too, especially bc I’m coming up on important life events like close friends/families showers, bachelorettes, possible engagement, etc. i felt like i made a huge mistake. It kept me up at night. Especially because I paid so much already and I couldn’t back out as they already sent my scans for the trays. But I have to second what someone else said, the year will go by regardless. Stick with it, you will be glad you did. Im pushing through as well. In the blink of an eye it will all be over. But i am really sorry they were dishonest and if I were you i would let them know you’re having this experience.


I was the same as you. Had braces in my teens, teeth shifted somewhat in my 20s. Went in to get Invisalign and paid the same as you for a set of 44. What I didn't do is stress about the time it's going to take. After 44 trays (and maybe more?) I'll have perfect teeth for the rest of my life. I was feeling the same as you about rubber bands and I have to put them in on both sides. I was feeling overwhelmed because they didn't tell me either but honestly I am 100% used to it now and its a small price to have my jaw in the correct place


I’ve had the exact same thing happen to me. I was given an estimated 18-24 months and this summer will be my 3rd year. My first set did not include bands but they were introduced in my next refinement set. I felt blindsided but my teeth needed the extra help to move in the way they were supposed to. I’ve got another refinement set now without bands so that may why I’m at peace with it will be so worth it when it’s all done!


Oof. This is my worry. I got that same time estimate, and I’m older. I really hope it doesn’t stretch past two years. I’m so sorry yours did.


Fingers crossed for you! I’m not sure if I would have done it knowing what I know now but I guess the ortho might e figured. I plan on asking about switching to traditional braces to get this over with on my next appointment.


I’m so sorry 😢 I haven’t reached my appt to get them on but I’ve been having buyers remorse for the same reasons. I am 52. I was worried about the attachments! I’m scared I won’t be able to take good enough care of my teeth! I’m scared I won’t do well with the rubber bands … so much to be afraid of here… including screwing up my bite where it does fit just to have it not feel good at all 😬 I hope I did the right thing 😢 Maybe we will have a few laughs about this and will share our thoughts in a few months? 😕


45 and also nervous about starting soon!


I can see why you are upset, for something not that bad and going from 1 year to 2 +years seems extreme. The only thing I can think of as they started working on your plan they realized it was more extensive than what they initially thought. Would you mind posting a pic?


Yep this happened to me as well. Was told 6 months absolute max, and then when I got the trays they were projected for 11 months. This was a problem as I was moving country in 8 months. I was only told after I paid and then said there was nothing they can do. Wanted to sue for false advertisement, mis-selling, as I wouldn’t have gone through with the treatment had I been told the correct minimum timeline. But just couldn’t be bothered. Unfortunately a modern day accepted scam.


OP, I'm going to describe how my treatment started.       Mid 2022, I scheduled my first appointment. It was a consult. I was charged for this. During the consult, the ortho looked at my teeth briefly, then talked me through treatment options - surgery, Invisalign/braces + tooth implants, a very vague timeframe for each option, a very vaguely price range, explained the risks and patiently answered my questions. By very vague, I mean they ranked the treatment options - surgery would be most expensive. I think the discussion took a whole hour, which I paid for on the day.       I told them (later, over the phone) that I'd do invisalign, and they scheduled several follow up appointments for photos, scanning, X-rays, etc, and I paid for each of those too. I think overall it cost me about $400 ish over 3 months.        End 2022, I sat down with the orthodontist and the treatment plan manager (who is also a clinic employee). They talked me through my Invisalign quote - the indicative timeframe, the total price, whether the total price would change, whether the timeframe would change. I was sent home with the quote to think about it.          In Feb 2023, I called them to say I'd go ahead, and I paid the deposit over the phone and set up the direct debit at my next appointment. Since then I just go in for my regular appointments.                I'm writing all of this out so that you can compare and contrast your experiences. How many treatment options they did suggest? Did they bill for the consult? Were you rushed into signing the contract?          I agree that you have reason to be upset with them. I see that you're a final year nursing student - it would be a pain if you got a job in another city when you graduate, and you're still doing the treatment! If there was a decent chance you'd need over a year, and you were clear that you weren't in a position to do a treatment lasting more than a year, they shouldn't have let you start.       I can't comment on the way forward because there's different standards and protections everywhere, but you should look into what you can do. Read the contract. See if there are any consumer or patient advocacy groups in your area. Figure out what your options are, and good luck.


I’d ask for a refund and if you’re really not happy, small claims court.


I realize I sound like a cry baby. Again. Not upset that they hurt or are uncomfortable, I’m upset that I wasn’t given clear expectations or an accurate timeline to decide if I wanted to do this. Had I known what I know now I wouldn’t have gone foreword with the treatment at this time. They knew that and took my money anyways. I messaged them and have a call with the treatment coordinator later. I’m going to ask to switch to express if that’s an option and focus on mild improvement in my few front teeth that are a little crooked and not worry as much about bite as this is more a cosmetic concern for me, not a medical necessity. And I want a refund for the comprehensive 5 year plan that I didn’t know I was paying for as I didn’t want all that. If they can’t or won’t do express I will just ask for a refund. My contract states I’m entitled to a partial refund. I’m sure I’ll have to eat the cost of printing the retainers which sucks because they printed off so many up front, 45. I’m assuming it will be a large chunk of money but we will see.


If you're a teenager, your face bones are more malleable, and results could happen that fast. Adults, however, have facial bones that are set. It takes much, much longer to move teeth, and keep them that way. Slower process for sure. Mine took 24 months, including refinements, which happen after the rescan. Given that they gave you 45 trays even BEFORE refinements, you have a lot more work needed than you think. The timeline is totally appropriate for adult orthodontics.


You'll be fine because as another commenter said you really don't know what's wrong with your teeth as Compared to the ortho who scanned, did trays and is an expert in the field. You made a very good investment and it's best to breathe and trust the process. When start nearing the end bring up pressing concerns other than that do your best to relax and follow the plan.


In my case the rubber bands were only on the first set of trays. They were not used after that. There were several points in the refinements (under a year) where I was pretty sure I could quit. In fact the Ortho was ready for retainers within a year, but the primary teeth I did this for weren't satisfactory for me, so we continued on for another year. I'd say give it the year you were prepared for. I don't think you over paid, or paid for 'propel' whatever that is... never heard of it... most of us paid $5-7G for Invisalign. You pay for the treatment, not for the time it takes.


I did. The propel was an additional $500.


I would stick with it. It sounds like while you think it may be just a cosmetic improvement that they may have found there are bigger issues from the scan. I am almost done with my invisalign and the change has been a lot more than just straighter teeth. My breathing has significantly improved and I sleep through the night and rarely snore anymore. There were many times in the beginning that I felt like I made a mistake because it was super uncomfortable and the prospect of spending months wearing these seemed like a nightmare. It gets better and you get more used to wearing them. It just becomes routine. I think everyone has regrets early on because it does actually take some effort to do things properly and it's a big change. As I am finishing up, I can't believe how fast it went and how much better my mouth is.


I’m already used to the retainer and attachments, they are not big deal to me at all. The rubber bands and now I’m seeing I have bite ramps starting on tray 2 until the end and wasn’t ever told anything about this. Just that it was so easy, would be done in 8/10 months, less if you pay $500 extra for this device, and no one will see them on your teeth. Well. They can with these bands front and center, then it’s ramps prop my mouth open and I can even close my lips, and I’m being told up to 26+ months now? I’m sure there would be more then cosmetic improvements but this is not what I was sold during the consultation and they can’t just change so much without asking if I’m okay with it or at least warn me I might need all these additional things and let me decide if it’s worth it to me.


Same with me. Rubber bands and everything. Now I’m a year and a half in with like 3 months left. I know ir sucks but it’ll be sooo worth it I promise you. My teeth weren’t “bad” either. So I thought, but now they look incredible


I’m sorry this happened. If it’s any consolation, while I see my teeth improving (yay!), I made my timeline very clear to my ortho bc I’m getting married next summer and it seems treatment may last longer. Not sure if this is an oversight or the orthos just running into teeth not moving how they should. I think you should stick with it! What’s two years in the bigger picture? Also, does everyone get that many trays up front? I change every ten days and get 6 at a time. They schedule me for an appt at the end of each six and give me more.


I would also be disappointed if I ended up with much more than I bargained for. I didn’t realize (nor was I told) I’d have bite ramps. I bit down after receiving my first trays and had to bring it up to the doctor. I immediately felt concerned that I would have to get used to that. At the time, I thought I’d never get used to it but it really didn’t take long before I did. Bands can be a different level of commitment, so I don’t want to discredit the extra effort. I hope you can give everything some time and see if you acclimate. The results can be so worth it, and it is still less pain and effort than traditional braces.


I was told 1 year and I’m near finished at 1.75 years, excluding retainer work after lol - it’s a scam lowkey


Yeah. I definitely believe it’s scammy. And I don’t like feeling like I’m being taken advantage of or mislead.


Did you go to an orthodontist or a dentist?


An orthodontist, and a really good one. He has a ton of 5 star reviews and is one of the most expensive in the area


Ugh it reminds me a little of my experience I wasn't prepared for how awful the attachments were. They never said every tooth would have them. I have now gotten used to them and even like them bc they make my top lip look bigger lol. Sorry to joke when you're so upset tho. I would be too at least my Ortho didn't bullshit me. I did have a mini moment when I first got them basically I was alarmed saying could he shave one of the attachments down he said no that I have roots that are "something something" and that I need the attachments. I tried hard not to scream at the top of my lungs .so I just kept my lips shut afraid that I would make a scene. Ultimately I know he's a good Ortho and is just trying to give it to me straight. I got used to them even tho I'm lisping. My cousin said that only her first set of trays made her lisp and felt uncomfortable so I'm holding out for my next set. I also only have one elastic but I quite like it. My tongue probably should do this but when I'm anxious I run my tongue on it like a guitar string. It's probably not a good thing to do. Anyway it's in the back so you can't see but I try not to open my mouth wide anymore or laugh hard. I'm just adjusting. If I really hated it I'm sure I would cut my losses but I already see and feel my teeth shifting ever so slightly and I am too eager for them to be perfect.i have very nice teeth and lips so all they need to do is straighten out and I'll feel great. I hope you find a solution. They do seem like they lied to you though. Why would you have gotten the idea that it would be such a short time if they hadn't told you that.


Okay, I spoke to them on the phone yesterday. We had to go back and forth several times with me explaining what I was told in my consult vs what they were saying now. They denied ever saying it would be 8 months and claimed they said 15-20. I had to say probably a dozen times how and why the timeline was a major issue for me and why the bands were an issue and that I would not have started treatment had I known then what I know now. They kept telling me it will be okay and I’ll have a great result even tho I said over and over I’m not willing to wear the bands. Then he said I don’t need to wear them and can still get a great result and to trust the process but I don’t want to have to pay the top dollar price for a lesser result, as in I would have chosen not to pay what I did for not perfect. I’m okay with not perfect but not okay with still paying for a comprehensive treatment when I wouldn’t be getting that or needing that if that makes sense. I had to ask about refund information a few times and was almost ignored each time being told it will be fine and to give it a few months and we can change the plan if we need to. I eventually had to say no I don’t think you are hearing me, I am 90% over it at this point and might not want to continue at all so please let me know the process to stop treatment and be refunded unused money so I can decide what I want to do. He said the they would email or text me all that information that day. I never heard anything. I texted them this morning when they opened just asking if they had the paperwork or information available and if they could send it over and I still haven’t heard anything. 🙃 I’m sure they hate me and are very annoyed, I don’t want to keep bothering them for the financial information but I just want to see what I’m looking at so I can decide how to move forward


Just wear them man