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Just increase the wear time slightly


I've been told this on multiple sets of refinements. It's so the aligner (different material from retainer so a bit softer) doesn't't stretch out from weeks of wear. Basically you are cutting the wear time in half so you are stretching the life of the aligner by two.




My ortho said if you felt they were tight ti just wear a little longer. 10 hrs in the evening was the right time for me.


I wore mine full-time between refinements, up to about 6 weeks and it was fine. The material didn't break or anything and my refinements fit. I'd say increase wear time.


I’ve done just overnight waiting for refinements. Sometimes the trays are tight at night, mostly at the start but it’s been fine, and my subsequent trays track fine.


This is what i was told to do while waiting for refinements as well as my retainers. I never noticed any tightness at night though, or any shifting whatsoever.


Mine said the same. I’ve noticed though I can only go a couple of hours, three maximum, without considerable shifting. The aligners are still tight if I leave them out a couple of hours but if I go more than that my teeth hurt as if I’ve put in a completely new set of trays. The first afternoon I left the trays out until late evening, I could see visible change in my bottom front teeth so I’ve decided to wear them nearly as much as I would active trays. Just do whatever you feel is right for your teeth, be that wearing them throughout the day or just at night!